Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'


Again Reader, do you SEE how easy this is?

The Key to defeating Leftists in debate:

1- Find the Leftists.

2- Get them to speak...
Don't forget that whole 'sending the negro back to his native land' bit you love so much. That's part of your platform, too :lol:

Why should I not forget your deceitful projection? Particularly, given that it is so pitifully forgettable.

I don't see how a verbatim quote from you can be seen as anything but accurate, but oookay..

The list of things you've demonstrated that you don't see, is beyond the means of this thread to adequately cover...

I've made up my mind about you. Others can decide for themselves :beer:

Is there some relevance about the addled interpretation of evil with regard to the foregone conclusion of how its mind is made, that you'd like to share?

It might help the others understand just how pitiful ya actually are,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya: "Deflect, deflect, deflect.."
You can give it a rest.

Just know that when you go on your quest to invade the north, beat your women, and return 'the negro' back to his native land, I won't be there supporting you. I doubt anybody here will be
Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Didn't you know, Satistikhengst ?

To be an American you have to hold opinions similar to this:

I am for the South invading the North... and returning the nation to its constitutional moorings, returning the negro to his native land and beatin' the man out of their women... after a proper lashin' of course.


And it was posted by an jerk who can't even find his own keys but believes the US military would join a few hundred nutters with popguns and take over the country.

Where_r_my_Keys consistently posts anti-American rhetoric like that.
Don't forget that whole 'sending the negro back to his native land' bit you love so much. That's part of your platform, too :lol:

Why should I not forget your deceitful projection? Particularly, given that it is so pitifully forgettable.

I don't see how a verbatim quote from you can be seen as anything but accurate, but oookay..

The list of things you've demonstrated that you don't see, is beyond the means of this thread to adequately cover...

I've made up my mind about you. Others can decide for themselves :beer:

Is there some relevance about the addled interpretation of evil with regard to the foregone conclusion of how its mind is made, that you'd like to share?

It might help the others understand just how pitiful ya actually are,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya: "Deflect, deflect, deflect.."
You can give it a rest.

Just know that when you go on your quest to invade the north, beat your women, and return 'the negro' back to his native land, I won't be there supporting you. I doubt anybody here will be

He also posts a lot about how his is so much smaller than a Black man's and how somebody took his job away from him.

The USA is the Black's "native land". If the racists don't like it, they can leave. They sure as hell don't add anything of value to this country.

I'm remembering the laughable "American Spring" fiasco and wondering if any of these twerps said how they would go about taking over the country?

Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Didn't you know, Satistikhengst ?

To be an American you have to hold opinions similar to this:

I am for the South invading the North... and returning the nation to its constitutional moorings, returning the negro to his native land and beatin' the man out of their women... after a proper lashin' of course.


And it was posted by an jerk who can't even find his own keys but believes the US military would join a few hundred nutters with popguns and take over the country.

Where_r_my_Keys consistently posts anti-American rhetoric like that.

In my experience, people who accuse others of not being 'American' because their views differ from their own tend to be the least comprehending of what true American values are.

Where_r_my_Keys is a perfect example of this trend.
Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It is fun to watch you show your ass, but also it should be noted that you are an absolute nobody, an anonymous presence on an internet forum and your opinion of anything about me is therefore completely unimportant.

What IS important is that, instead of debating actual data or information, all you do is regurgitate worn-out RWNJ talking points, and then when that also fails you, you attack the person instead, exactly in character for butthurt RWNJs.
Don't forget that whole 'sending the negro back to his native land' bit you love so much. That's part of your platform, too :lol:

Why should I not forget your deceitful projection? Particularly, given that it is so pitifully forgettable.

I don't see how a verbatim quote from you can be seen as anything but accurate, but oookay..

The list of things you've demonstrated that you don't see, is beyond the means of this thread to adequately cover...

I've made up my mind about you. Others can decide for themselves :beer:

Is there some relevance about the addled interpretation of evil with regard to the foregone conclusion of how its mind is made, that you'd like to share?

It might help the others understand just how pitiful ya actually are,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya: "Deflect, deflect, deflect.."
You can give it a rest.

Just know that when you go on your quest to invade the north, beat your women, and return 'the negro' back to his native land, I won't be there supporting you. I doubt anybody here will be

He also posts a lot about how his is so much smaller than a Black man's and how somebody took his job away from him.

The USA is the Black's "native land". If the racists don't like it, they can leave. They sure as hell don't add anything of value to this country.

I'm remembering the laughable "American Spring" fiasco and wondering if any of these twerps said how they would go about taking over the country?


He is a rather sad little creature, what?
Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It is fun to watch you show your ass, but also it should be noted that you are an absolute nobody, an anonymous presence on an internet forum and your opinion of anything about me is therefore completely unimportant.

What IS important is that, instead of debating actual data or information, all you do is regurgitate worn-out RWNJ talking points, and then when that also fails you, you attack the person instead, exactly in character for butthurt RWNJs.

I don't think I've ever witnessed a larger display of projection anywhere Brown Shirt Boy.
Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It is fun to watch you show your ass, but also it should be noted that you are an absolute nobody, an anonymous presence on an internet forum and your opinion of anything about me is therefore completely unimportant.

What IS important is that, instead of debating actual data or information, all you do is regurgitate worn-out RWNJ talking points, and then when that also fails you, you attack the person instead, exactly in character for butthurt RWNJs.

I don't think I've ever witnessed a larger display of projection anywhere Brown Shirt Boy.

And you are exactly as key is: you never debate actual material, but rather, you vomit up the usual RWNJ talking points and then when you are shown your ass, you get personal, which is exactly the kind of behavior we expect from butthurt RWNJs.
So the liberal answer to all those quotes is that ONE of them was slightly mistranslated.

How about all the others?

You know, guys (liberals), the problem is that even when confronted with plain evidence that the 2nd Amendment was intended as a check against egregious usurpation/tyranny, you just can't bring yourselves to admit your error, probably because you simply don't believe in America as it was founded and intended to be.
Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It is fun to watch you show your ass, but also it should be noted that you are an absolute nobody, an anonymous presence on an internet forum and your opinion of anything about me is therefore completely unimportant.

What IS important is that, instead of debating actual data or information, all you do is regurgitate worn-out RWNJ talking points, and then when that also fails you, you attack the person instead, exactly in character for butthurt RWNJs.

I don't think I've ever witnessed a larger display of projection anywhere Brown Shirt Boy.

And you are exactly as key is: you never debate actual material, but rather, you vomit up the usual RWNJ talking points and then when you are shown your ass, you get personal, which is exactly the kind of behavior we expect from butthurt RWNJs.

Too funny, son....YOU are an anonymous internet Brown Shirt and a legend in your own mind.

Tell me why anyone would care what you think?

As to content,when you post something worth debating" I will....but frankly that hasn't happened yet...
Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It is fun to watch you show your ass, but also it should be noted that you are an absolute nobody, an anonymous presence on an internet forum and your opinion of anything about me is therefore completely unimportant.

Yep... That's true.

But come on scamp... it's you who I feel the most for. I mean there you are, a legend in your own mind, who is OWNED... lock, stock and barrel... by an absolute NOBODY... an anonymous presence on an internet forum... who's opinions about you are logically valid and intellectually sound and as a result, irrefutable. Which is, of course, demonstrated by your consistent inability to refute those opinions, on any level, at any time, in any internet forum.

LOL! Now be honest... how cool is THAT?
Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It is fun to watch you show your ass, but also it should be noted that you are an absolute nobody, an anonymous presence on an internet forum and your opinion of anything about me is therefore completely unimportant.

What IS important is that, instead of debating actual data or information, all you do is regurgitate worn-out RWNJ talking points, and then when that also fails you, you attack the person instead, exactly in character for butthurt RWNJs.

I don't think I've ever witnessed a larger display of projection anywhere Brown Shirt Boy.

And you are exactly as key is: you never debate actual material, but rather, you vomit up the usual RWNJ talking points and then when you are shown your ass, you get personal, which is exactly the kind of behavior we expect from butthurt RWNJs.

Too funny, son....YOU are an anonymous internet Brown Shirt and a legend in your own mind.

Tell me why anyone would care what you think?

As to content,when you post something worth debating" I will....but frankly that hasn't happened yet...

And with this kind of commentary, calling a Jew a "Brown Shirt", you just proved the point. Too easy.

Feel free to troll as much as you think you can get away with it, everyone here knows that you are trolling.
Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It is fun to watch you show your ass, but also it should be noted that you are an absolute nobody, an anonymous presence on an internet forum and your opinion of anything about me is therefore completely unimportant.

What IS important is that, instead of debating actual data or information, all you do is regurgitate worn-out RWNJ talking points, and then when that also fails you, you attack the person instead, exactly in character for butthurt RWNJs.

I don't think I've ever witnessed a larger display of projection anywhere Brown Shirt Boy.

And you are exactly as key is: you never debate actual material, but rather, you vomit up the usual RWNJ talking points and then when you are shown your ass, you get personal, which is exactly the kind of behavior we expect from butthurt RWNJs.

As to the OP, get back to me when you've Federalist 46.
So the liberal answer to all those quotes is that ONE of them was slightly mistranslated.

How about all the others?

You know, guys (liberals), the problem is that even when confronted with plain evidence that the 2nd Amendment was intended as a check against egregious usurpation/tyranny, you just can't bring yourselves to admit your error, probably because you simply don't believe in America as it was founded and intended to be.

I'm a progressive, and I have no problem with the fact that the 2nd Amendment can be interpreted to mean what you, the other right wingers here, and Ted Cruz says it means. It makes total sense, considering at the time the founders wrote this, they themselves had JUST been in a situation where they had to take up arms against an oppressive government. It makes sense. I also have absolutely nothing against the right to own guns, and own a few guns myself. My leftist dad, my rightwing uncle, and I went shooting last weekend. Had a blast.

(However, I do think all this rage filled "yeah! Let's take on the gub'mint! yeeeehaw" nonsense I've been reading is a little much and makes me wonder if the founders could see it now, would they have written the 2nd amendment with that specific language :laugh:)

Point is, there's no need to paint with a broad brush. Liberals aren't all here to 'take yer guns' and such.
He's absolutely correct. Why do you disagree? There is a reason why Ferguson was a protest that was able to last for several days with only a few clashes with police that involved tear gas and some minor assaults as opposed to resembling the massacre at Tiananmen Square.

Let me get this straight!

You are claiming that the only reason why the cops never gun down innocent protesters is because they are afraid that the protesters might shoot back?


No, I didn't say it was the only reason. You did.

But, I assure you, it's one hell of a deterrent, which is why you don't see the kind of abuses in this country that you see in places in like North Korea, Cuba, China, etc where only the government has access to that kind of force.

You're leaving out one very important part of this.

The bundy people with guns had women and children with them. In fact they used those women as human shields.

The government didn't want a bunch of dead women and children.

That's the main reason why the bundy people got away with that they did.
He's absolutely correct. Why do you disagree? There is a reason why Ferguson was a protest that was able to last for several days with only a few clashes with police that involved tear gas and some minor assaults as opposed to resembling the massacre at Tiananmen Square.

Let me get this straight!

You are claiming that the only reason why the cops never gun down innocent protesters is because they are afraid that the protesters might shoot back?


No, I didn't say it was the only reason. You did.

But, I assure you, it's one hell of a deterrent, which is why you don't see the kind of abuses in this country that you see in places in like North Korea, Cuba, China, etc where only the government has access to that kind of force.

You're leaving out one very important part of this.

The bundy people with guns had women and children with them. In fact they used those women as human shields.

The government didn't want a bunch of dead women and children.

That's the main reason why the bundy people got away with that they did.

Yes, it was an incredibly act of cowardice, very reminiscent of Hamas, on the part of the Bundy-Idiots.
So the liberal answer to all those quotes is that ONE of them was slightly mistranslated.

How about all the others?

You know, guys (liberals), the problem is that even when confronted with plain evidence that the 2nd Amendment was intended as a check against egregious usurpation/tyranny, you just can't bring yourselves to admit your error, probably because you simply don't believe in America as it was founded and intended to be.

I'm a progressive, and I have no problem with the fact that the 2nd Amendment can be interpreted to mean what you, the other right wingers here, and Ted Cruz says it means. It makes total sense, considering at the time the founders wrote this, they themselves had JUST been in a situation where they had to take up arms against an oppressive government. It makes sense. I also have absolutely nothing against the right to own guns, and own a few guns myself. My leftist dad, my rightwing uncle, and I went shooting last weekend. Had a blast.

(However, I do think all this rage filled "yeah! Let's take on the gub'mint! yeeeehaw" nonsense I've been reading is a little much and makes me wonder if the founders could see it now, would they have written the 2nd amendment with that specific language :laugh:)

Point is, there's no need to paint with a broad brush. Liberals aren't all here to 'take yer guns' and such.

The suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion was a good argument that the founders did not take insurrection lightly.
Didn't you know, Satistikhengst ?

To be an American you have to ...

Recognize, respect, defend, and adhere to the principles that define America.

The core principle of American democracy is that you should have the right to do anything you please as long as you are not harming anyone else,

and it's the responsibility of the government to prove that you are.
He's absolutely correct. Why do you disagree? There is a reason why Ferguson was a protest that was able to last for several days with only a few clashes with police that involved tear gas and some minor assaults as opposed to resembling the massacre at Tiananmen Square.

Let me get this straight!

You are claiming that the only reason why the cops never gun down innocent protesters is because they are afraid that the protesters might shoot back?


No, I didn't say it was the only reason. You did.

But, I assure you, it's one hell of a deterrent, which is why you don't see the kind of abuses in this country that you see in places in like North Korea, Cuba, China, etc where only the government has access to that kind of force.

You're leaving out one very important part of this.

The bundy people with guns had women and children with them. In fact they used those women as human shields.

The government didn't want a bunch of dead women and children.

That's the main reason why the bundy people got away with that they did.

Yes, it was an incredibly act of cowardice, very reminiscent of Hamas, on the part of the Bundy-Idiots.

Wasn't he that moocher that refused to pay taxes on his land or something, and lead an armed protest with his pals? I'll have to look him up..

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