Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'

So more to the point,

let's hear from you pro-2nd amendment, anti-'tyranny' types...

...describe a scenario where you could morally justify an armed rebellion against the government of the United States.

nazi germany 1940....that's a good one........

Rwandan genocide...1990s another good one....


Russia, 1930s......

How are their Constitutions?

Your fear mongering that the US is in any way similar to Nazi Germany. Rwanda or Russia is laughable. I need my guns in case the US turns into Nazi Germany!

The REAL threat is 300 million guns killing 30,000 a year
Let me get this straight!

You are claiming that the only reason why the cops never gun down innocent protesters is because they are afraid that the protesters might shoot back?


No, I didn't say it was the only reason. You did.

But, I assure you, it's one hell of a deterrent, which is why you don't see the kind of abuses in this country that you see in places in like North Korea, Cuba, China, etc where only the government has access to that kind of force.

You're leaving out one very important part of this.

The bundy people with guns had women and children with them. In fact they used those women as human shields.

The government didn't want a bunch of dead women and children.

That's the main reason why the bundy people got away with that they did.

Yes, it was an incredibly act of cowardice, very reminiscent of Hamas, on the part of the Bundy-Idiots.

Wasn't he that moocher that refused to pay taxes on his land or something, and lead an armed protest with his pals? I'll have to look him up..

Yepp. That's him. The one who called black people "The Negro". A true Tea-Party Patriot!

Hey kid, your ego controls you ;)

I own you.....we both know your family were collaborators;)
So more to the point,

let's hear from you pro-2nd amendment, anti-'tyranny' types...

...describe a scenario where you could morally justify an armed rebellion against the government of the United States.

nazi germany 1940....that's a good one........

Rwandan genocide...1990s another good one....


Russia, 1930s......

How are their Constitutions?

Your fear mongering that the US is in any way similar to Nazi Germany. Rwanda or Russia is laughable. I need my guns in case the US turns into Nazi Germany!

The REAL threat is 300 million guns killing 30,000 a year

No, the guns are there to PREVENT the abuse of government power. You know how progressives use the power of government against people they don't like... That sort of thing.
So why was Tim McVeigh executed for asserting his right to act against what he believed was a tyrannical government?

A Jury of his Peers convicted him for not agreeing with his cause and/or method.

There's a reason the Patriots at Battle of Athens (1946) and Battle of Bundy Ranch (2014) never went to trial --- it's guaranteed that there would always exist sufficient PEERS that would vote to acquit.

Who would acquit McVeigh?

McVeigh did what you advocate. You would vote to acquit him, unless of course you've been spewing bullshit on this board for many months.

No, McVeigh was a progressive asshat who targeted children.
So more to the point,

let's hear from you pro-2nd amendment, anti-'tyranny' types...

...describe a scenario where you could morally justify an armed rebellion against the government of the United States.

nazi germany 1940....that's a good one........

Rwandan genocide...1990s another good one....


Russia, 1930s......

How are their Constitutions?

Your fear mongering that the US is in any way similar to Nazi Germany. Rwanda or Russia is laughable. I need my guns in case the US turns into Nazi Germany!

The REAL threat is 300 million guns killing 30,000 a year

No, the guns are there to PREVENT the abuse of government power. You know how progressives use the power of government against people they don't like... That sort of thing.

That is an interesting point

Thanks for posting
No, the guns are there to PREVENT the abuse of government power. You know how progressives use the power of government against people they don't like... That sort of thing.

Got any actual credible examples where that actually happened?
No, the guns are there to PREVENT the abuse of government power. You know how progressives use the power of government against people they don't like... That sort of thing.

Got any actual credible examples where that actually happened?

ABSOLUTELY! Glad you asked!

. Warrantless Wiretapping

Torture, Kidnapping and Detention

The Growing Surveillance Society

Abuse of the Patriot Act

Government Secrecy

Real ID

No Fly and Selectee Lists

Political Spying

Abuse of Material Witness Statute

Attacks on Academic Freedom

Top Ten Abuses of Power Since 9 11 American Civil Liberties Union
No, the guns are there to PREVENT the abuse of government power. You know how progressives use the power of government against people they don't like... That sort of thing.

Got any actual credible examples where that actually happened?

ABSOLUTELY! Glad you asked!

. Warrantless Wiretapping

Torture, Kidnapping and Detention

The Growing Surveillance Society

Abuse of the Patriot Act

Government Secrecy

Real ID

No Fly and Selectee Lists

Political Spying

Abuse of Material Witness Statute

Attacks on Academic Freedom

Top Ten Abuses of Power Since 9 11 American Civil Liberties Union

All of the above began under the Bush jr administration so thanks for admitting that you were wrong when you falsely blamed "progressives" and also wrong about "guns preventing the abuse of power" in those instances. As I recall it was the gun fetishists who were supporting the Bush administration on every single one of those abuses.
Ted Cruz makes statements as if he's been compiling them off the backs of boxes of Conservatopian Corn Flakes.
The second amendment has never protected a single American against tyranny

Our first amendment is the one that protects us
No, the guns are there to PREVENT the abuse of government power. You know how progressives use the power of government against people they don't like... That sort of thing.

Got any actual credible examples where that actually happened?

ABSOLUTELY! Glad you asked!

. Warrantless Wiretapping

Torture, Kidnapping and Detention

The Growing Surveillance Society

Abuse of the Patriot Act

Government Secrecy

Real ID

No Fly and Selectee Lists

Political Spying

Abuse of Material Witness Statute

Attacks on Academic Freedom

Top Ten Abuses of Power Since 9 11 American Civil Liberties Union

All of the above began under the Bush jr administration so thanks for admitting that you were wrong when you falsely blamed "progressives" and also wrong about "guns preventing the abuse of power" in those instances. As I recall it was the gun fetishists who were supporting the Bush administration on every single one of those abuses.

And they have been continued under the present admin you silly person. That's how tyranny begins. Are you so ignorant of history that you don't know that laws enacted under the Weimar Republic were perverted and corrupted under the Nazi regime. Truly are you that fucking ignorant that you simply don't understand how autocracies start? Really?

Get a fucking clue dude. You're WAYYY out of your depth here.
The second amendment has never protected a single American against tyranny

Our first amendment is the one that protects us

:laugh:Yeah, only the first enjoys the TEETH of the 2nd. Funny how you always forget that. Take away the 2nd and all the rest fall too.
The second amendment has never protected a single American against tyranny

Our first amendment is the one that protects us

(smile) Fed 46?

Educate yourself, quit sucking lefty cock.

The second amendment is useless in defending our freedoms.

Time after time we have relied on our first amendment and it hasn't failed us yet
No, the guns are there to PREVENT the abuse of government power. You know how progressives use the power of government against people they don't like... That sort of thing.

Got any actual credible examples where that actually happened?

Battle of Athens, 1946, over 1000 WWII Veterans opened fire on a corrupt police department protecting the Democratic Machine's Election Fraud.

Bundy Ranch, 2014, hundreds of patriots had a stand off against the federal BLM agents protecting the son of Democratic Senator Harry Reid's robber baron land grab.
So more to the point,

let's hear from you pro-2nd amendment, anti-'tyranny' types...

...describe a scenario where you could morally justify an armed rebellion against the government of the United States.

nazi germany 1940....that's a good one........

Rwandan genocide...1990s another good one....


Russia, 1930s......

How are their Constitutions?

Your fear mongering that the US is in any way similar to Nazi Germany. Rwanda or Russia is laughable. I need my guns in case the US turns into Nazi Germany!

The REAL threat is 300 million guns killing 30,000 a year

No, the guns are there to PREVENT the abuse of government power. You know how progressives use the power of government against people they don't like... That sort of thing.

Not likely, as the military and police are heavily armed, and are supported by extensive prison and surveillance systems.

Another irony is that the public is paying for the costs of supporting such.
The second amendment has never protected a single American against tyranny

Our first amendment is the one that protects us

:laugh:Yeah, only the first enjoys the TEETH of the 2nd. Funny how you always forget that. Take away the 2nd and all the rest fall too.

As explained earlier, the purpose of the Second is to use the right to bear arms to justify the formation of regulated militias.

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