Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders debate taxes tomorrow night


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
At a Town Hall tomorrow night at 7 eastern time on CNN.

Can’t wait.
Oh my, Bernie is going to get burned. Of course, this all depends on ones discourse. Economically at least, Cruz is in the right place on this issue (in my opinion).
At a Town Hall tomorrow night at 7 eastern time on CNN.

Can’t wait.
Maybe Cruz will explain why we need a jobs bill that bows down to corporate interests and the oligarchy elite to "create jobs" when we are already at the lowest unemployment in 20 years with 9 million open jobs. Or maybe you or some other brilliant economist here can explain it.

The right likes to claim they understand economics and the left doesn't. Yet they think a tax cut for big business and/Or filthy rich necessarily leads to jobs created at an acceptable rate in a 1to1 fashion. Well guesssss what, noobs. It doesn't. The only thing that assuredly increases economic activity and hiring is increased demand.

And on top of this they must be thinking unemployment can hit 0 with this type of plan. Instead there are diminishing returns approaching 0 and we are sacrifing WAY too much to try to get there. Sacrificing public health, economic stability, upward mobility.

Keep in mind that not much has changed as far as legislation or broad policy goes since Trump has taken office. So what explains the good appearance of the economy? Perception and anticipation. Obama's economy was capable of the same thing. And it directly lead to where we are now. People, organizations, investors, companies, were CHOOSING to play it safe. Now they have all of Trumps fake promises of getting everything they ever dreamed of and are creaming their pants. They will be sorely disappointed...and I'm sure the average American citizen will receive a net loss anyway.
I may actually turn on a TV for this one. I seldom watch TV. I was watching the Bali volcano a little bit a while ago.
how do you debate with someone that has no grasp of money?

bern is an utter buffoon, he doesn't understand economics or taxes or anything to do with money.

keep an eye on what gets voted on while we all laugh at how ignorant bern is.
I'm afraid I'll disagree with both of them. More so with Bernie, but with Ted as well.

“Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects.”

Murray N. Rothbard
I'm afraid I'll disagree with both of them. More so with Bernie, but with Ted as well.

“Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects.”

Murray N. Rothbard
So false. The only way tax would fundamentally be theft is if you were floating by yourself out in international waters with no ties to a nation and a taxman came and extorted money. That's it. But it's a very clever piece of propaganda you have there.

Your type must not understand the costs of a functioning and safe society and how it must be distributed to citizens. Uncountable dollars and man hours have gone into building this nation. Every technology. Every process improvement. Every nicety. Your ability to walk down the street with a 99.9999% chance of not getting knifed. To deny it all is unpatriotic. You spit on the graves of those that came before us all the way back to the founding fathers.

To put it another way, this system is a replacement of private contracting. If we didn't have government expenditure for reasonable public goods, you'd be paying bills to the military, the police, the firestation, the Fed, the school, the road builder, all of the capital costs of the utilities and major scientific breakthroughs from the pentagon, other govt research funding, and anything else maintaining the rule of law and order in our society. This is just a slice. Use your imagination.

But hey, if you don't want your precious coin thieved, we can always dump you out in international waters and see how you do with the pirates and sharks and what not.
I'm afraid I'll disagree with both of them. More so with Bernie, but with Ted as well.

“Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects.”

Murray N. Rothbard
So false. The only way tax would fundamentally be theft is if you were floating by yourself out in international waters with no ties to a nation and a taxman came and extorted money. That's it. But it's a very clever piece of propaganda you have there.

Your type must not understand the costs of a functioning and safe society and how it must be distributed to citizens. Uncountable dollars and man hours have gone into building this nation. Every technology. Every process improvement. Every nicety. Your ability to walk down the street with a 99.9999% chance of not getting knifed. To deny it all is unpatriotic. You spit on the graves of those that came before us all the way back to the founding fathers.

To put it another way, this system is a replacement of private contracting. If we didn't have government expenditure for reasonable public goods, you'd be paying bills to the military, the police, the firestation, the Fed, the school, the road builder, all of the capital costs of the utilities and major scientific breakthroughs from the pentagon, other govt research funding, and anything else maintaining the rule of law and order in our society. This is just a slice. Use your imagination.

But hey, if you don't want your precious coin thieved, we can always dump you out in international waters and see how you do with the pirates and sharks and what not.

We managed a functioning, safe, and free society just fine without an income tax for a longer period of time than we've had an income tax.

And yes, it's theft, pure and simple. Rothbard isn't the only one to note this fact:

I'd be fine with VOLUNTARY private contracting. No armed government agents to enforce compliance required.

If your ideas for society absolutely 100% requires involuntary enforcement by armed government agents against citizens that have done nothing to infringe on the rights of another, think of another plan.
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I'm afraid I'll disagree with both of them. More so with Bernie, but with Ted as well.

“Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects.”

Murray N. Rothbard
So false. The only way tax would fundamentally be theft is if you were floating by yourself out in international waters with no ties to a nation and a taxman came and extorted money. That's it. But it's a very clever piece of propaganda you have there.

Your type must not understand the costs of a functioning and safe society and how it must be distributed to citizens. Uncountable dollars and man hours have gone into building this nation. Every technology. Every process improvement. Every nicety. Your ability to walk down the street with a 99.9999% chance of not getting knifed. To deny it all is unpatriotic. You spit on the graves of those that came before us all the way back to the founding fathers.

To put it another way, this system is a replacement of private contracting. If we didn't have government expenditure for reasonable public goods, you'd be paying bills to the military, the police, the firestation, the Fed, the school, the road builder, all of the capital costs of the utilities and major scientific breakthroughs from the pentagon, other govt research funding, and anything else maintaining the rule of law and order in our society. This is just a slice. Use your imagination.

But hey, if you don't want your precious coin thieved, we can always dump you out in international waters and see how you do with the pirates and sharks and what not.

We managed a functioning, safe, and free society just fine without an income tax for a longer period of time than we've had an income tax.

And yes, it's theft, pure and simple. Rothbard isn't the only one to note this fact:

I'd be fine with VOLUNTARY private contracting. No armed government agents to enforce compliance required.

If your ideas for society absolutely 100% requires involuntary enforcement by armed government agents against citizens that have done nothing to infringe on the rights of another, think of another plan.

It’s not theft if the taxes are used to benefit the people. A 1st world country cannot sustain itself without taxes in 2017. I live in Qatar and while there are no income or sales taxes, they are going to be introducing taxes within the next few years because it cannot sustain itself with no taxes.

America was able to sustain itself without taxes up to a certain point. There are 300,000,000 people in this country. You really think we can make due without taxes? What about the roads, schools, medical and a whole bunch of other things.

Our taxes aren’t even the high. They are very low compared to other nations.

Taxes help build a better society.
Is Bernie still going to point to Venezuela as a real Progressive paradise with a wonderful tax system and true progressive economy?
It’s not theft if the taxes are used to benefit the people.

I stopped right there. No need to read further. By your logic, it's okay if I rob the local bank and give the money to poor people. After all, it's to their benefit.

Fuck your immorality. I will not support it.

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