Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [video]

well we're sure it gave you tingles

But why should we care?

they sound like a bunch of leftist who put Christian in their name who doesn't believe in OUR, Freedoms of speech. just like the leftist here
Here is more from Cruz. a video at the site:bow2:

Sen. Ted Cruz: “You Want a Demonstration of Presidential Hubris, Look No Further Than This Speech” (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 10:52 PM
Senator Ted Cruz went on The Kelly File tonight to weigh in on President Obama’s ISIS Address. Cruz explained that Barack Obama’s proposals are likely unconstitutional.
I think the president should come to Congress and ask for authorization. You want a demonstration of presidential hubris look no further than this speech tonight where he brazenly declares ‘I have the authority to wage war regardless of what Congress says.’ My copy of the Constitution says Congress has the authority to declare war. Now, the president has inherent authority as Commander in Chief to respond to an exigent threat. But, President Obama didn’t propose any response to an exigent threat. He proposed a multi-year military campaign. And he proposed ignoring Congress other than he would deign to accept Congressional approval if Congress gave it. Part of the reason in seeking Congressional approval is it forces the president to come before Congress and the American people and articulate a clear military objective that furthers US national security interests. The president has failed to do so and it appears he still doesn’t intend to do so.
Via The Kelly File:

all of it here:
Sen. Ted Cruz 8220 You Want a Demonstration of Presidential Hubris Look No Further Than This Speech 8221 Video The Gateway Pundit
Hard to believe but Sen. Cruz just went up a notch or two in my book for having the conviction to NOT be bullied by the same people that brought you 9/11!

As soon as I read a news report about it earlier today I knew exactly how the lefty idiots would spin it. They're often like dealing with children.
As soon as I read a news report about it earlier today I knew exactly how the lefty idiots would spin it. They're often like dealing with children.

Children,.... more like subversive under miners of our democracy!
Sounds like some people are wising up. Good for them.

yeah figures you would take their side because it's someone you don't like
where's your Christianity for Mr. Cruz? hypocrite and your care about Christianity is selective
Reminds me of the Bush tactic I hated so much. "Either you are with us, or you are with the enemy!"

You didn't even listen to your own video link. He said, "the terrorists", not "the enemy". And that statement was aimed at Pakistan's leadership who had been aiding, arming, and financing the Taliban. Bush was telling them it was decision time.

Musharraf did an immediate about face after that speech.
Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference The Daily Caller

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [VIDEO]

People are wising up to this clown.

You're a fool. He got booed for saying nice things about jews. The Arabs in crowd suck, not Cruz.

Sen. Ted Cruz was booed offstage at a conference for Middle Eastern Christians Wednesday night after saying that “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

Now, does anyone believe that Christians have no greater ally than Israel? It's laughable.
If you look at the crowd Rafael's father runs with, and their belief in Israel's connection to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and an "End Time Transfer of Wealth", Rafael's remarks about Israel begin to gel into a very creepy system of thinking.
Sounds like some people are wising up. Good for them.

These people are really mental ill
Cruz Father: Ted Cruz "Anointed" To "Bring the Spoils of War to the Priests"

Rafael Cruz Declares Son Ted Cruz 'The Anointed One :cuckoo:

Rafael Cruz Declares Son Ted Cruz The Anointed One Crooks and Liars

Rafael Cruz is a pastor with Purifying Fire Ministries founded by Suzanne Hinn, ex-wife and the wife again of Benny Hinn. The Hinns are huckster Christians, dealing in faux emotions and invented manifestations of the Holy Spirit at the most convenient and opportune fundraising moments. They are also smart enough to understand where the gravy train is, and so they've hitched their boxcar to the New Apostolic, or dominionist movement.

So has Rafael Cruz. He delivered a sermon in August, 2012 where he discusses how Christians should "take dominion over the earth." Cruz goes on to define what that means, saying "dominion is over every area -- society, education, government, economics..." That particular moment happens 1 hour and 12 minutes in, if you care to watch. It's instructive to see him deliver that line with dictatorial passion.
Sounds like some people are wising up. Good for them.

yeah figures you would take their side because it's someone you don't like
where's your Christianity for Mr. Cruz? hypocrite and your care about Christianity is selective

Since when am I selective about Christianity? I just think it's interesting that some Christians are wising up a little. They have a long way to go. I think all religions suck; however, I think Buddhism has something to offer even Atheists.
Sounds like some people are wising up. Good for them.

yeah figures you would take their side because it's someone you don't like
where's your Christianity for Mr. Cruz? hypocrite and your care about Christianity is selective

Since when am I selective about Christianity? I just think it's interesting that some Christians are wising up a little. They have a long way to go. I think all religions suck; however, I think Buddhism has something to offer even Atheists.

so because a few christians don't like jews, that means cruz is an idiot and christians are wising up? another bigot liberal.
Would you be comfortable with a President who believes he has been anointed to help the world transition through the End Times?

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