Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [video]

And he left the stage with an insult to them. And they wonder why their tent gets smaller and smaller.

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference The Daily Caller

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [VIDEO]

People are wising up to this clown.

You're a fool. He got booed for saying nice things about jews. The Arabs in crowd suck, not Cruz.

Actually, the booing started with 'some of you are so filled with hate'. And the 'nice things' he said about jews was 'If you don't stand with Israel, I won't stand with you'. And then flounced off the stage.

I strongly suspect Cruz wanted to antagonize the crowd. Which is why he lead by insulting them.
How was this hating free speech? It seems you still have a tainted definition of what "free" speech means.

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference The Daily Caller

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [VIDEO]

People are wising up to this clown.

You're a fool. He got booed for saying nice things about jews. The Arabs in crowd suck, not Cruz.

Actually, the booing started with 'some of you are so filled with hate'. And the 'nice things' he said about jews was 'If you don't stand with Israel, I won't stand with you'. And then flounced off the stage.

I strongly suspect Cruz wanted to antagonize the crowd. Which is why he lead by insulting them.

Did you watch the video in the OP or something else in your head?
Because they were heckling him long before the hate comment.

So Synthia hates free speech, hates Israel, and supports rude behavior in public. What a shock.

Yeah, I like Cruz even better. That's called standing up for principle. Something Democrats know absolutely nothing about.
Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference The Daily Caller

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [VIDEO]

People are wising up to this clown.

You're a fool. He got booed for saying nice things about jews. The Arabs in crowd suck, not Cruz.

Sen. Ted Cruz was booed offstage at a conference for Middle Eastern Christians Wednesday night after saying that “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

Now, does anyone believe that Christians have no greater ally than Israel? It's laughable.

Yes, because the muslim or shall I expand this now to read ARAB POND SCUM who brought America this day 13 years ago, deserves our respect and our friendship.... YOU sir are one fucked up liberal scumbag!
All? Really!
You win the award for Scum bag!

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference The Daily Caller

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [VIDEO]

People are wising up to this clown.

You're a fool. He got booed for saying nice things about jews. The Arabs in crowd suck, not Cruz.

Sen. Ted Cruz was booed offstage at a conference for Middle Eastern Christians Wednesday night after saying that “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

Now, does anyone believe that Christians have no greater ally than Israel? It's laughable.

Yes, because the muslim or shall I expand this now to read ARAB POND SCUM who brought America this day 13 years ago, deserves our respect and our friendship.... YOU sir are one fucked up liberal scumbag!
Well, folks, just elect Cruz in the 2016 GOP Presidential Primary - and we'll see what happens.
All? Really!
You win the award for Scum bag!

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference The Daily Caller

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [VIDEO]

People are wising up to this clown.

You're a fool. He got booed for saying nice things about jews. The Arabs in crowd suck, not Cruz.

Sen. Ted Cruz was booed offstage at a conference for Middle Eastern Christians Wednesday night after saying that “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

Now, does anyone believe that Christians have no greater ally than Israel? It's laughable.

Yes, because the muslim or shall I expand this now to read ARAB POND SCUM who brought America this day 13 years ago, deserves our respect and our friendship.... YOU sir are one fucked up liberal scumbag!

Did I say ALL? Please show me where I said that! And boy, if the Christian arabs don't understand being killed by muslim arabs, but still hate Jews more, fuck them, and you!
You need to be a bit more selective.

"Yes, because the muslim or shall I expand this now to read ARAB POND SCUM who brought America this day 13 years ago, deserves our respect and our friendship.... YOU sir are one fucked up liberal scumbag![/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

All? Really!
You win the award for Scum bag!

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference The Daily Caller

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [VIDEO]

People are wising up to this clown.

You're a fool. He got booed for saying nice things about jews. The Arabs in crowd suck, not Cruz.

Sen. Ted Cruz was booed offstage at a conference for Middle Eastern Christians Wednesday night after saying that “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

Now, does anyone believe that Christians have no greater ally than Israel? It's laughable.

Yes, because the muslim or shall I expand this now to read ARAB POND SCUM who brought America this day 13 years ago, deserves our respect and our friendship.... YOU sir are one fucked up liberal scumbag!

Did I say ALL? Please show me where I said that! And boy, if the Christian arabs don't understand being killed by muslim arabs, but still hate Jews more, fuck them, and you!
Hence you prove the point that you are the true ignorant one.

You need to be a bit more selective.

No, after seeing the way Cruz was heckled by ARAB POND SCUM, and since it was at a supposed arab Christian meeting, I have expanded my thoughts on arabs!

Perhaps YOU should watch the whole video, that the cocksucker OP tried to edit for his subversive agenda!

After watching it I still hold to my opinion.

Hence you prove the point that you are the true ignorant one.

You need to be a bit more selective.

No, after seeing the way Cruz was heckled by ARAB POND SCUM, and since it was at a supposed arab Christian meeting, I have expanded my thoughts on arabs!

Perhaps YOU should watch the whole video, that the cocksucker OP tried to edit for his subversive agenda!

After watching it I still hold to my opinion.

Hence you prove the point that you are the true ignorant one.

You need to be a bit more selective.

No, after seeing the way Cruz was heckled by ARAB POND SCUM, and since it was at a supposed arab Christian meeting, I have expanded my thoughts on arabs!

Perhaps YOU should watch the whole video, that the cocksucker OP tried to edit for his subversive agenda!

AS YOU have a right to...I just hope others view it and perhaps express their opinion of what happened, and what SOME arab Christians think about the Jews compared to arab muslims that behead them, and their children!
Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference The Daily Caller

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [VIDEO]

People are wising up to this clown.

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference The Daily Caller

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference [VIDEO]

People are wising up to this clown.

Reminds me of the Bush tactic I hated so much. "Either you are with us, or you are with the enemy!"

I was interested in learning about him until he was the leading force shutting down the Government. Less Government doesn't = No Government. But the Right Wing has a lot of soul searching to do, and we deserve better thinkers.

As a Christian, I can't even begin to describe how much hate, violence and killing has been done because of misinterpretations of my bible and others. But we all think we are the only ones correct, even though all religions have the very same core principle. Treat others like you want to be treated.....

Yes. 17% OF THE GOV'T WAS CLOSED DOWN, and on every Sat. and Sunday over 90% of the gov't is closed.... my, what a jolt!

Your ignorance of the difference is epic. The failure is on you. Thanks :)

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