ted cruz burned by the fires he stoked, birther style.

Irony is delicious.
It's not ironic it's typical, to whit: a bunch of dumbasses on the right come up with the "birther" nonsense about Obama so the left (in typical left wing fashion) sees stupid on the right and decides it's a good idea to try to one up them in the "which end of the political spectrum is more inane" contest.

Congratulations lefties, you win. :eusa_clap:

er... cruz really wasn't born here.

the president was. and last i checked it was trump who started this issue. (although to be fair, it should have been raised a long time ago).

try again.

Who are you trying to kid? By all appearances (i.e. the content of your posts) you're a typical Democrat Drone that doesn't give a damn about the law or the U.S. Constitution unless it can be used to further your party's political objectives. Trump wasn't the one who brought up this "issue" it was left leaning members of the media that did (the Huffington Post 2 years ago), Trump just recently started talking about it because Cruz is beating him in Iowa Polls (and yeah he's just as much of dweeb for bringing it up as you Democrat Party lemmings).

The fact of the matter is that Ted Cruz (just like Barack Obama) were U.S. Citizens from the second they were born which makes them both natural born citizens, as in NOT naturalized.

Now feel free to continue your race to the pinnacle of partisan hypocrisy and banality; it's what you're good at, right?

try that again without the rightwingnut spew.

and funny how the birfers never cared that the president's mother was born here and was a citizen. although he was born HERE so it was never an issue

so let's talk about the pinnacle of partisan BS coming from the right.
what was the rule whereby the mother had to have lived in the country for five adult years or something ? it was one of the many qualifiers to pop up when the issue was first hot, with stanley ann and obama.
Irony is delicious.
It's not ironic it's typical, to whit: a bunch of dumbasses on the right come up with the "birther" nonsense about Obama so the left (in typical left wing fashion) sees stupid on the right and decides it's a good idea to try to one up them in the "which end of the political spectrum is more inane" contest.

Congratulations lefties, you win. :eusa_clap:

er... cruz really wasn't born here.

the president was. and last i checked it was trump who started this issue. (although to be fair, it should have been raised a long time ago).

try again.

Who are you trying to kid? By all appearances (i.e. the content of your posts) you're a typical Democrat Drone that doesn't give a damn about the law or the U.S. Constitution unless it can be used to further your party's political objectives. Trump wasn't the one who brought up this "issue" it was left leaning members of the media that did (the Huffington Post 2 years ago), Trump just recently started talking about it because Cruz is beating him in Iowa Polls (and yeah he's just as much of dweeb for bringing it up as you Democrat Party lemmings).

The fact of the matter is that Ted Cruz (just like Barack Obama) were U.S. Citizens from the second they were born which makes them both natural born citizens, as in NOT naturalized.

Now feel free to continue your race to the pinnacle of partisan hypocrisy and banality; it's what you're good at, right?

try that again without the rightwingnut spew.

*** YAWN *** here's an idea; maybe you can convince your partisan masters to lend you you're brain back for a couple of minutes so you can post something worth reading for a change.


my guess is that if you think it's worth reading it's rightwingnut lunacy.

so you should probably scroll on by my posts since you clearly aren't capable of addressing actual points.
Irony is delicious.
It's not ironic it's typical, to whit: a bunch of dumbasses on the right come up with the "birther" nonsense about Obama so the left (in typical left wing fashion) sees stupid on the right and decides it's a good idea to try to one up them in the "which end of the political spectrum is more inane" contest.

Congratulations lefties, you win. :eusa_clap:

er... cruz really wasn't born here.

the president was. and last i checked it was trump who started this issue. (although to be fair, it should have been raised a long time ago).

try again.

Who are you trying to kid? By all appearances (i.e. the content of your posts) you're a typical Democrat Drone that doesn't give a damn about the law or the U.S. Constitution unless it can be used to further your party's political objectives. Trump wasn't the one who brought up this "issue" it was left leaning members of the media that did (the Huffington Post 2 years ago), Trump just recently started talking about it because Cruz is beating him in Iowa Polls (and yeah he's just as much of dweeb for bringing it up as you Democrat Party lemmings).

The fact of the matter is that Ted Cruz (just like Barack Obama) were U.S. Citizens from the second they were born which makes them both natural born citizens, as in NOT naturalized.

Now feel free to continue your race to the pinnacle of partisan hypocrisy and banality; it's what you're good at, right?

try that again without the rightwingnut spew.

and funny how the birfers never cared that the president's mother was born here and was a citizen. although he was born HERE so it was never an issue

so let's talk about the pinnacle of partisan BS coming from the right.
what was the rule whereby the mother had to have lived in the country for five adult years or something ? it was one of the many qualifiers to pop up when the issue was first hot, with stanley ann and obama.

that's if you weren't born here, iirc.
er... cruz really wasn't born here.

the president was. and last i checked it was trump who started this issue. (although to be fair, it should have been raised a long time ago).

try again.

Who are you trying to kid? By all appearances (i.e. the content of your posts) you're a typical Democrat Drone that doesn't give a damn about the law or the U.S. Constitution unless it can be used to further your party's political objectives. Trump wasn't the one who brought up this "issue" it was left leaning members of the media that did (the Huffington Post 2 years ago), Trump just recently started talking about it because Cruz is beating him in Iowa Polls (and yeah he's just as much of dweeb for bringing it up as you Democrat Party lemmings).

The fact of the matter is that Ted Cruz (just like Barack Obama) were U.S. Citizens from the second they were born which makes them both natural born citizens, as in NOT naturalized.

Now feel free to continue your race to the pinnacle of partisan hypocrisy and banality; it's what you're good at, right?

try that again without the rightwingnut spew.

*** YAWN *** here's an idea; maybe you can convince your partisan masters to lend you you're brain back for a couple of minutes so you can post something worth reading for a change.

frank ?, is that you ?

haha. frank and i get along. we disagree on everything but we amuse each other

this yutz isn't frank.
not that frank, i talking about the obot from fogbow.
It's not ironic it's typical, to whit: a bunch of dumbasses on the right come up with the "birther" nonsense about Obama so the left (in typical left wing fashion) sees stupid on the right and decides it's a good idea to try to one up them in the "which end of the political spectrum is more inane" contest.

Congratulations lefties, you win. :eusa_clap:

er... cruz really wasn't born here.

the president was. and last i checked it was trump who started this issue. (although to be fair, it should have been raised a long time ago).

try again.

Who are you trying to kid? By all appearances (i.e. the content of your posts) you're a typical Democrat Drone that doesn't give a damn about the law or the U.S. Constitution unless it can be used to further your party's political objectives. Trump wasn't the one who brought up this "issue" it was left leaning members of the media that did (the Huffington Post 2 years ago), Trump just recently started talking about it because Cruz is beating him in Iowa Polls (and yeah he's just as much of dweeb for bringing it up as you Democrat Party lemmings).

The fact of the matter is that Ted Cruz (just like Barack Obama) were U.S. Citizens from the second they were born which makes them both natural born citizens, as in NOT naturalized.

Now feel free to continue your race to the pinnacle of partisan hypocrisy and banality; it's what you're good at, right?

try that again without the rightwingnut spew.

and funny how the birfers never cared that the president's mother was born here and was a citizen. although he was born HERE so it was never an issue

so let's talk about the pinnacle of partisan BS coming from the right.
what was the rule whereby the mother had to have lived in the country for five adult years or something ? it was one of the many qualifiers to pop up when the issue was first hot, with stanley ann and obama.

that's if you weren't born here, iirc.
that's the big mystery.
Ted Cruz gets burned by the birther fires he stoked

built a fire under his own ass, heh, politicians do that. there would be enough time for the supremes to define natural born, they are a cycle late and an election short.

rubio's parents weren't citizens at the time of his birth, but we have the same birthday, so that makes him eligible.

When you dance with the devil, the choreography can get awkward.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) last week made his latest appeal to the U.S. nativist fringe by naming Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as a national co-chairman of his presidential campaign. King, called a “courageous conservative” and “incredible leader” by Cruz, is the anti-immigrant hard-liner who spoke of Mexican immigrants having “calves the size of cantaloupes” and who was a prominent birther.

LOL!! Your OP is a non-starter. He has put his Mom's birth certificate out there. He is a citizen.

HE has to be a natural born citizen. Not his MOTHER.


His Mom being a citizen is what qualifies him as being a citizen. Your stupidity is showing again.
Ted Cruz gets burned by the birther fires he stoked

built a fire under his own ass, heh, politicians do that. there would be enough time for the supremes to define natural born, they are a cycle late and an election short.

rubio's parents weren't citizens at the time of his birth, but we have the same birthday, so that makes him eligible.

When you dance with the devil, the choreography can get awkward.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) last week made his latest appeal to the U.S. nativist fringe by naming Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as a national co-chairman of his presidential campaign. King, called a “courageous conservative” and “incredible leader” by Cruz, is the anti-immigrant hard-liner who spoke of Mexican immigrants having “calves the size of cantaloupes” and who was a prominent birther.

rubio was born here. it doesn't matter where his parents were born. therefore he is a natural born citizen.

president obama was born here and therefore it doesn't matter where his father was born. he is a natural born citizen.

mccain was born in panama, but on a military base during his father's military service. that is considered american territory and he is a natural born citizen of the united states.

cruz was born in canada. pointing out that he may not be qualified to be president regardless of his mother's citizenship is not being a birfer.

it is addressing the law and the requirements of the constitution. personally, i don't think he's a natural born citizen, but that is clearly going to be left to the SCOTUS
i'm afraid our scotus is a generation behind, which is fine, i don't like it when any branch moves too fast. i know you will take exception to that, you know how much i love the court.

while your here, who would you like to see as replacements for the aged ones?

i know. and i think the court should be ahead of the country morally. like it was with Brown and Loving. sometimes people have to be pushed to honor the rights of others. that's what they're supposed to be there for -- to protect the unpopular. no one needs them to protect what's popular. that's protected automatically.
er... cruz really wasn't born here.

the president was. and last i checked it was trump who started this issue. (although to be fair, it should have been raised a long time ago).

try again.

Who are you trying to kid? By all appearances (i.e. the content of your posts) you're a typical Democrat Drone that doesn't give a damn about the law or the U.S. Constitution unless it can be used to further your party's political objectives. Trump wasn't the one who brought up this "issue" it was left leaning members of the media that did (the Huffington Post 2 years ago), Trump just recently started talking about it because Cruz is beating him in Iowa Polls (and yeah he's just as much of dweeb for bringing it up as you Democrat Party lemmings).

The fact of the matter is that Ted Cruz (just like Barack Obama) were U.S. Citizens from the second they were born which makes them both natural born citizens, as in NOT naturalized.

Now feel free to continue your race to the pinnacle of partisan hypocrisy and banality; it's what you're good at, right?

try that again without the rightwingnut spew.

and funny how the birfers never cared that the president's mother was born here and was a citizen. although he was born HERE so it was never an issue

so let's talk about the pinnacle of partisan BS coming from the right.
what was the rule whereby the mother had to have lived in the country for five adult years or something ? it was one of the many qualifiers to pop up when the issue was first hot, with stanley ann and obama.

that's if you weren't born here, iirc.
that's the big mystery.

well. other than conspiracy theorists, we know this president was born here.

as for rubio, everyone knows he was.

as for cruz, everyone knows he wasn't.

what the upshot of that will be is up to the court. so we'll see what they say.

(for the record, i'm still trying to figure out what's "partisan" in my saying that as the rightwingnut above implied).
Who are you trying to kid? By all appearances (i.e. the content of your posts) you're a typical Democrat Drone that doesn't give a damn about the law or the U.S. Constitution unless it can be used to further your party's political objectives. Trump wasn't the one who brought up this "issue" it was left leaning members of the media that did (the Huffington Post 2 years ago), Trump just recently started talking about it because Cruz is beating him in Iowa Polls (and yeah he's just as much of dweeb for bringing it up as you Democrat Party lemmings).

The fact of the matter is that Ted Cruz (just like Barack Obama) were U.S. Citizens from the second they were born which makes them both natural born citizens, as in NOT naturalized.

Now feel free to continue your race to the pinnacle of partisan hypocrisy and banality; it's what you're good at, right?

try that again without the rightwingnut spew.

*** YAWN *** here's an idea; maybe you can convince your partisan masters to lend you you're brain back for a couple of minutes so you can post something worth reading for a change.

frank ?, is that you ?

haha. frank and i get along. we disagree on everything but we amuse each other

this yutz isn't frank.
not that frank, i talking about the obot from fogbow.
the only person i've seen misspell "to wit".
Last edited:
Ted Cruz gets burned by the birther fires he stoked

built a fire under his own ass, heh, politicians do that. there would be enough time for the supremes to define natural born, they are a cycle late and an election short.

rubio's parents weren't citizens at the time of his birth, but we have the same birthday, so that makes him eligible.

When you dance with the devil, the choreography can get awkward.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) last week made his latest appeal to the U.S. nativist fringe by naming Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as a national co-chairman of his presidential campaign. King, called a “courageous conservative” and “incredible leader” by Cruz, is the anti-immigrant hard-liner who spoke of Mexican immigrants having “calves the size of cantaloupes” and who was a prominent birther.

rubio was born here. it doesn't matter where his parents were born. therefore he is a natural born citizen.

president obama was born here and therefore it doesn't matter where his father was born. he is a natural born citizen.

mccain was born in panama, but on a military base during his father's military service. that is considered american territory and he is a natural born citizen of the united states.

cruz was born in canada. pointing out that he may not be qualified to be president regardless of his mother's citizenship is not being a birfer.

it is addressing the law and the requirements of the constitution. personally, i don't think he's a natural born citizen, but that is clearly going to be left to the SCOTUS
i'm afraid our scotus is a generation behind, which is fine, i don't like it when any branch moves too fast. i know you will take exception to that, you know how much i love the court.

while your here, who would you like to see as replacements for the aged ones?

i know. and i think the court should be ahead of the country morally. like it was with Brown and Loving. sometimes people have to be pushed to honor the rights of others. that's what they're supposed to be there for -- to protect the unpopular. no one needs them to protect what's popular. that's protected automatically.
well said, the court has to be the final bastion of decision as it pertains to the law/constitution. it's a pretty amasing system. i love it.
so you should probably scroll on by my posts since you clearly aren't capable of addressing actual points.
No reason for you to get upset, I'll be happy to address your "actual points" as soon as you make one that falls in the vicinity of being objective, in the meantime it's entertaining making fun of your hyper-partisan delusions. :)

"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." -- Carl Sagan
Ted Cruz gets burned by the birther fires he stoked

built a fire under his own ass, heh, politicians do that. there would be enough time for the supremes to define natural born, they are a cycle late and an election short.

rubio's parents weren't citizens at the time of his birth, but we have the same birthday, so that makes him eligible.

When you dance with the devil, the choreography can get awkward.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) last week made his latest appeal to the U.S. nativist fringe by naming Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as a national co-chairman of his presidential campaign. King, called a “courageous conservative” and “incredible leader” by Cruz, is the anti-immigrant hard-liner who spoke of Mexican immigrants having “calves the size of cantaloupes” and who was a prominent birther.

Yes its a bitch when you keep a vicious pitbull as a pet and it winds up mauling YOU.

Cruz is a fake human, like many conservatives. They think the grand lie they paint fools everyone when it only fools those in their inner bubble.
Ted Cruz gets burned by the birther fires he stoked

built a fire under his own ass, heh, politicians do that. there would be enough time for the supremes to define natural born, they are a cycle late and an election short.

rubio's parents weren't citizens at the time of his birth, but we have the same birthday, so that makes him eligible.

When you dance with the devil, the choreography can get awkward.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) last week made his latest appeal to the U.S. nativist fringe by naming Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as a national co-chairman of his presidential campaign. King, called a “courageous conservative” and “incredible leader” by Cruz, is the anti-immigrant hard-liner who spoke of Mexican immigrants having “calves the size of cantaloupes” and who was a prominent birther.

Yes its a bitch when you keep a vicious pitbull as a pet and it winds up mauling YOU.

Cruz is a fake human, like many conservatives. They think the grand lie they paint fools everyone when it only fools those in their inner bubble.
hey trotsky, where you been ?, you missed my global warming thread.
Cruz is a fake human, like many conservatives.

A+ for originality; Cruz isn't disqualified from the Presidency because he was born in Canada, he's disqualified because he's an android. Be sure and send that one to the Donald, I'm betting he'll run with it at his next rally in Iowa.
Trump is trying hard to figure it out before the socialists start to use it. Trump is looking hard at Marco and Ted as veep.

it's not settled law, we even have multiple definitions in this very thread. i stand with my argument, that the key to it all is the grandfather clause, why they thought it necessary. they did.
Clarence Thomas even said the court is evading the topic. with obama came the birth certificate media taboo.
Cruz is a fake human, like many conservatives.

A+ for originality; Cruz isn't disqualified from the Presidency because he was born in Canada, he's disqualified because he's an android. Be sure and send that one to the Donald, I'm betting he'll run with it at his next rally in Iowa.

Ted may be a spy from Cuba, I don't know. Maybe he is a spy.

Ted Cruz gets burned by the birther fires he stoked

built a fire under his own ass, heh, politicians do that. there would be enough time for the supremes to define natural born, they are a cycle late and an election short.

rubio's parents weren't citizens at the time of his birth, but we have the same birthday, so that makes him eligible.

When you dance with the devil, the choreography can get awkward.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) last week made his latest appeal to the U.S. nativist fringe by naming Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as a national co-chairman of his presidential campaign. King, called a “courageous conservative” and “incredible leader” by Cruz, is the anti-immigrant hard-liner who spoke of Mexican immigrants having “calves the size of cantaloupes” and who was a prominent birther.

Yes its a bitch when you keep a vicious pitbull as a pet and it winds up mauling YOU.

Cruz is a fake human, like many conservatives. They think the grand lie they paint fools everyone when it only fools those in their inner bubble.
are you in touch with your inner bubble ? i haven't seen mine in years.
Ted Cruz gets burned by the birther fires he stoked

built a fire under his own ass, heh, politicians do that. there would be enough time for the supremes to define natural born, they are a cycle late and an election short.

rubio's parents weren't citizens at the time of his birth, but we have the same birthday, so that makes him eligible.

When you dance with the devil, the choreography can get awkward.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) last week made his latest appeal to the U.S. nativist fringe by naming Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as a national co-chairman of his presidential campaign. King, called a “courageous conservative” and “incredible leader” by Cruz, is the anti-immigrant hard-liner who spoke of Mexican immigrants having “calves the size of cantaloupes” and who was a prominent birther.

LOL!! Your OP is a non-starter. He has put his Mom's birth certificate out there. He is a citizen.

HE has to be a natural born citizen. Not his MOTHER.


That is totally stupid. Any child born in another country to an American citizen is considered an American citizen because of the citizenship of one or more of his/her parents. Were that not the case, the children of military personnel living off base, the children of American workers working in other countries, the children of government employees serving in other countries, etc., who are born in those countries where their parents are living and working would not be considered American citizens either.

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