Ted Cruz CALLS FOR END to Syrian refugee resettlement to America after #Paris TERROR ATTACK

Wouldn't it be more sensible to have a policy not to allow terrorists into the country?
dr carson is on the not refugee bandwagon as well
Carson while likable is a squish Aris , just saying . The only acceptable next President from my point of view is Trump or Cruz !! ---------- just saying !!
well Ben is a squish as he will allow further immigration and give amnesty to illegal aliens in the USA Aris . He is a squish . The TRUMP is much better as he says that he will exclude and remove these Syrian muslim refugee invaders from the USA if mrobama imports them . I sure don't know whats funny about that . Heck , look at whats happening in your own 'euroland' that's full of imported enemies . See Germany , France and Sweden the land of imported muslim rapists Aris !!
well Ben is a squish as he will allow further immigration and give amnesty to illegal aliens in the USA Aris . He is a squish . The TRUMP is much better as he says that he will exclude and remove these Syrian muslim refugee invaders from the USA if mrobama imports them . I sure don't know whats funny about that . Heck , look at whats happening in your own 'euroland' that's full of imported enemies . See Germany , France and Sweden the land of imported muslim rapists Aris !!

Laughing at your language. Callling hims a squish. The imagery was funny
Heard that Hungary is taking practical steps with its fence and I hope that the rest of Europe does the same thing and also starts to use armed force to exclude the muslim invaders . European Navies should be patrolling and turning the invaders back to Libya and other places that they come from as they see the invaders floating by Aris !!

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