Ted Cruz: Capt. Kirk was a conservative, Picard was a lefty...another reason to like Cruz....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....one of the reasons I like Capt. Kirk as a character...and obviously Ted Cruz knows what he is talking about....

Blog Ted Cruz Kirk is a conservative Picard is a liberal

Kirk is working class; Picard is an aristocrat. Kirk is a passionate fighter for justice; Picard is a cerebral philosopher. The original ‘‘Star Trek’’ pressed for racial equality, which was one of its best characteristics, but it did so without sermonizing.

He's right.


o Stole cloaking device technology from the Romulans (The Enterprise Incident)

o Destroyed a Romulan attacking ship to show the Romulans that the Federation wasn't weak (Balance of Terror)

o Destroyed a communist-inspired computer that controlled everyone's behavior (Return of the Archons)

o Allowed his naive liberal girlfriend to die so she could not persuade America to disarm (City on the Edge of Forever)

o Fought tribal Arab-like extremists with killer Frisbees (Friday's Child)

o Fought space Nazis (Patterns of Force)

o Fought Romans in gladiator arenas (Bread and Circuses)

o Overturned a society ruled by ignorant women who steal men's brains to control their government (Spock's Brain)

o Joined forces with a reincarnated Abraham Lincoln to fight Klingons


o Informed the Romulans that the Federation was secretly making cloaking devices (The Pegasus)

o Went to the Boko Haram planet where he permitted black fanatics to abduct Lt. Yar (Code of Honor)

o Lectured someone revived from the 20th century that money is of no further importance (The Neutral Zone)

o Returned a human boy who was abused to his adopted alien family because in the alien culture, it is okay to beat up young boys (Suddenly Human)

o Arrested a scientist whose crime was to kill a mass murdering monster (Silicon Avatar)

o Approved of Riker's romance with an androgynous creature (The Outcast)

o Refused to destroy the entire Borg threat because there would be one innocent casualty (I Borg)

After reading Picard's resume...he should have been Tried for Treason and executed several times over......
I don't like much the new crew except for the robot, who actually has more personality than the rest of the crew combined.
McCoy could always be counted to pick fights with Spock because he was enraged that Spock never showed emotion.
Uhura was a token minority and a token female, but her sexy looks and long legs made her a valued member of the crew.

In the movie, Uhura got to do a fan dance, which was pretty sad and pathetic, watching an elderly woman doing a fan dance.
If some alien creature could be even slightly characterized as female, Kirk would fuck it.
Uhura was a token minority and a token female, but her sexy looks and long legs made her a valued member of the crew.

In the movie, Uhura got to do a fan dance, which was pretty sad and pathetic, watching an elderly woman doing a fan dance.

That is hollywood for you......the only place in the world that can preach women's rights...and then tell women if they want a job they will have to get naked and simulate sex acts....and not get sued into oblivion........
Uhura wanted to quit because her role was so limited, but Martin Luther King told her to stay, based on the notion that a token black was better than no black at all.

Oh wait, another Uhura contribution: the first interracial kiss on national TV.
Uhura was a token minority and a token female, but her sexy looks and long legs made her a valued member of the crew.

In the movie, Uhura got to do a fan dance, which was pretty sad and pathetic, watching an elderly woman doing a fan dance.

That is hollywood for you......the only place in the world that can preach women's rights...and then tell women if they want a job they will have to get naked and simulate sex acts....and not get sued into oblivion........
Kirk would run around shirtless and stuffed his crotch...
Were Janewaway,Sisko, and Archer liberal or conservative?

No. They were simply irrelevant. :biggrin:

Who the heck is Sisco by the way. Is he from Deep Space 8? I never watched that. Speaking of 8 ... 7 of 9 was my favorite anyways.
Seriously, Kirk knew how to have a good time. Picard was a snooty prig.

Who would you rather serve with?
Kirk cared noting for Starfleet regulations, the Prime Directive was a joke to him, he went ahead and did what he wanted, and damn the consequences.

If the natives were worshipping a computer disguised as a god, he would show up the computer as the fraud it was.

If the locals acted like Chicago gangsters, he would unify the gangs under one big boss, who would owe the Federation a piece of the action.

If the locals were Nazis, he would overthrow their leader and prevent a genocide.

If the locals had a fake war with another planet, he would make it a real war and then force them to make peace.

Kirk was never punished for any of these violations.
Were Janewaway,Sisko, and Archer liberal or conservative?

No. They were simply irrelevant. :biggrin:

Who the heck is Sisco by the way. Is he from Deep Space 8? I never watched that. Speaking of 8 ... 7 of 9 was my favorite anyways.
Like I would take someone who has a character from Doctor Who as their SN serious about Star Trek. lol.
In Doctor Who, almost all aliens are evil, but the Doctor never lost even when his only weapon was a sonic screwdriver and an endless ability to spout off complete bullshit.
"Ted Cruz: Capt. Kirk was a conservative, Picard was a lefty...another reason to like Cruz...."

One of many, many reasons why Cruz is an idiot, along with the OP.
Yes....one of the reasons I like Capt. Kirk as a character...and obviously Ted Cruz knows what he is talking about....

Blog Ted Cruz Kirk is a conservative Picard is a liberal

Kirk is working class; Picard is an aristocrat. Kirk is a passionate fighter for justice; Picard is a cerebral philosopher. The original ‘‘Star Trek’’ pressed for racial equality, which was one of its best characteristics, but it did so without sermonizing.

He's right.


o Stole cloaking device technology from the Romulans (The Enterprise Incident)

o Destroyed a Romulan attacking ship to show the Romulans that the Federation wasn't weak (Balance of Terror)

o Destroyed a communist-inspired computer that controlled everyone's behavior (Return of the Archons)

o Allowed his naive liberal girlfriend to die so she could not persuade America to disarm (City on the Edge of Forever)

o Fought tribal Arab-like extremists with killer Frisbees (Friday's Child)

o Fought space Nazis (Patterns of Force)

o Fought Romans in gladiator arenas (Bread and Circuses)

o Overturned a society ruled by ignorant women who steal men's brains to control their government (Spock's Brain)

o Joined forces with a reincarnated Abraham Lincoln to fight Klingons


o Informed the Romulans that the Federation was secretly making cloaking devices (The Pegasus)

o Went to the Boko Haram planet where he permitted black fanatics to abduct Lt. Yar (Code of Honor)

o Lectured someone revived from the 20th century that money is of no further importance (The Neutral Zone)

o Returned a human boy who was abused to his adopted alien family because in the alien culture, it is okay to beat up young boys (Suddenly Human)

o Arrested a scientist whose crime was to kill a mass murdering monster (Silicon Avatar)

o Approved of Riker's romance with an androgynous creature (The Outcast)

o Refused to destroy the entire Borg threat because there would be one innocent casualty (I Borg)

After reading Picard's resume...he should have been Tried for Treason and executed several times over......
are you serious?.....
I don't like much the new crew except for the robot, who actually has more personality than the rest of the crew combined.
Data was an android....learn the difference between an Android and a robot....




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