Ted Cruz: Capt. Kirk was a conservative, Picard was a lefty...another reason to like Cruz....

In Doctor Who, almost all aliens are evil, but the Doctor never lost even when his only weapon was a sonic screwdriver and an endless ability to spout off complete bullshit.

No. Most aliens are not evil in Who. Many are willing to kill humans to survive just like we would kill animals to survive.

Screwdriver is not a weapon and the 1st 2 Doctors never had one.

Of course the plots are mostly BS. The Daleks would have killed the Doctor off early on. But on TV shows the good guy always wins.
in the novels the ist and second doctors had a crude version of one.....and the sonic screwdriver can most certainly be used as a weapon against non living things and has been used for just that....
I only watched it for the tits and ass...
The more I hear ted Cruz talk the more I like him.

Yes, someone calling out all the corrupted, lying, backstabbing of the people they supposedly Represent. McConnell has been a real snake. I'm sorry to see the people put him back in office
like all politicians cruz does a lot of talking and promising....if he gets in lets see how his views will "change" and how those things he talked about just cant seem to get done....
The more I hear ted Cruz talk the more I like him.

Yes, someone calling out all the corrupted, lying, backstabbing of the people they supposedly Represent. McConnell has been a real snake. I'm sorry to see the people put him back in office
like all politicians cruz does a lot of talking and promising....if he gets in lets see how his views will "change" and how those things he talked about just cant seem to get done....
Yeah, preseason political campaigns offer the stars, but after the election all you get is Lucky Charms...
Kirk cared noting for Starfleet regulations, the Prime Directive was a joke to him, he went ahead and did what he wanted, and damn the consequences.

If the natives were worshipping a computer disguised as a god, he would show up the computer as the fraud it was.

If the locals acted like Chicago gangsters, he would unify the gangs under one big boss, who would owe the Federation a piece of the action.

If the locals were Nazis, he would overthrow their leader and prevent a genocide.

If the locals had a fake war with another planet, he would make it a real war and then force them to make peace.

Kirk was never punished for any of these violations.
if the prime directive was such a joke to him,why did he adhere to its directive and even quote it?....and picard was admonished more than once by command for doing what he wanted too....
The Prime Directive was included in the Star Trek universe as a plot device. It's like the McGuffin of the Star Trek world.

One does not care much about disobeying the Prime Directive, only that it exists so Kirk can disregard it. It makes his actions more dramatic because he is flaunting the law and getting away with it..
Star Trek was one of the most political shows of all time. Roddenberry creates a world where all liberal ideas work exactly as planned, religion has disappeared (except for aliens who worship computers), and there is peace and plenty on Earth.
I don't like much the new crew except for the robot, who actually has more personality than the rest of the crew combined.
Data was an android....learn the difference between an Android and a robot....



Why do you give a damn?
if you are going to talk about something.....at least get the shit right....it makes you seem a little more intelligent....
Fucking A, I don't give a damn about robot or android. I used the word "robot" deliberately as a joke.
The more I hear ted Cruz talk the more I like him.

Yes, someone calling out all the corrupted, lying, backstabbing of the people they supposedly Represent. McConnell has been a real snake. I'm sorry to see the people put him back in office
like all politicians cruz does a lot of talking and promising....if he gets in lets see how his views will "change" and how those things he talked about just cant seem to get done....
Yeah, preseason political campaigns offer the stars, but after the election all you get is Lucky Charms...
without the marshmallows....
The more I hear ted Cruz talk the more I like him.

Yes, someone calling out all the corrupted, lying, backstabbing of the people they supposedly Represent. McConnell has been a real snake. I'm sorry to see the people put him back in office
like all politicians cruz does a lot of talking and promising....if he gets in lets see how his views will "change" and how those things he talked about just cant seem to get done....
Yeah, preseason political campaigns offer the stars, but after the election all you get is Lucky Charms...
without the marshmallows....
I watched it on PBS in the 1970's with the marshmallows...
Star Trek was one of the most political shows of all time. Roddenberry creates a world where all liberal ideas work exactly as planned, religion has disappeared (except for aliens who worship computers), and there is peace and plenty on Earth.
It worked better that whey...
William Shatner's opinion about Captain Kirk is not relevant. My guess is that in the Star Trek universe, there are no political parties, or elections, or any of the other trappings of a democratic form of government. The Federation Council decides on all important matters, and it appears that the counselors are appointed, not elected.
I don't like much the new crew except for the robot, who actually has more personality than the rest of the crew combined.
Data was an android....learn the difference between an Android and a robot....



Why do you give a damn?
if you are going to talk about something.....at least get the shit right....it makes you seem a little more intelligent....
Fucking A, I don't give a damn about robot or android. I used the word "robot" deliberately as a joke.
sure you did.....if i would not have set you straight you would be saying robot for the rest of your life....your welcome
The more I hear ted Cruz talk the more I like him.

Yes, someone calling out all the corrupted, lying, backstabbing of the people they supposedly Represent. McConnell has been a real snake. I'm sorry to see the people put him back in office
like all politicians cruz does a lot of talking and promising....if he gets in lets see how his views will "change" and how those things he talked about just cant seem to get done....
Yeah, preseason political campaigns offer the stars, but after the election all you get is Lucky Charms...
without the marshmallows....
The best episode of Star Trek is the one where Kirk meets an ultra-liberal woman in 1930's Earth, falls in love, and allows her to be run over by a truck to preserve the time line.

Harlan Ellison wrote that script, not the usual gang of losers who wrote the overwhelming number of bad episodes.
Yes....one of the reasons I like Capt. Kirk as a character...and obviously Ted Cruz knows what he is talking about....

Blog Ted Cruz Kirk is a conservative Picard is a liberal

Kirk is working class; Picard is an aristocrat. Kirk is a passionate fighter for justice; Picard is a cerebral philosopher. The original ‘‘Star Trek’’ pressed for racial equality, which was one of its best characteristics, but it did so without sermonizing.

He's right.


o Stole cloaking device technology from the Romulans (The Enterprise Incident)

o Destroyed a Romulan attacking ship to show the Romulans that the Federation wasn't weak (Balance of Terror)

o Destroyed a communist-inspired computer that controlled everyone's behavior (Return of the Archons)

o Allowed his naive liberal girlfriend to die so she could not persuade America to disarm (City on the Edge of Forever)

o Fought tribal Arab-like extremists with killer Frisbees (Friday's Child)

o Fought space Nazis (Patterns of Force)

o Fought Romans in gladiator arenas (Bread and Circuses)

o Overturned a society ruled by ignorant women who steal men's brains to control their government (Spock's Brain)

o Joined forces with a reincarnated Abraham Lincoln to fight Klingons


o Informed the Romulans that the Federation was secretly making cloaking devices (The Pegasus)

o Went to the Boko Haram planet where he permitted black fanatics to abduct Lt. Yar (Code of Honor)

o Lectured someone revived from the 20th century that money is of no further importance (The Neutral Zone)

o Returned a human boy who was abused to his adopted alien family because in the alien culture, it is okay to beat up young boys (Suddenly Human)

o Arrested a scientist whose crime was to kill a mass murdering monster (Silicon Avatar)

o Approved of Riker's romance with an androgynous creature (The Outcast)

o Refused to destroy the entire Borg threat because there would be one innocent casualty (I Borg)

After reading Picard's resume...he should have been Tried for Treason and executed several times over......

I'd love to Cruz as the next AG, he could be the man to clean up that hell hole.
Yes....one of the reasons I like Capt. Kirk as a character...and obviously Ted Cruz knows what he is talking about....

Blog Ted Cruz Kirk is a conservative Picard is a liberal

Kirk is working class; Picard is an aristocrat. Kirk is a passionate fighter for justice; Picard is a cerebral philosopher. The original ‘‘Star Trek’’ pressed for racial equality, which was one of its best characteristics, but it did so without sermonizing.

He's right.


o Stole cloaking device technology from the Romulans (The Enterprise Incident)

o Destroyed a Romulan attacking ship to show the Romulans that the Federation wasn't weak (Balance of Terror)

o Destroyed a communist-inspired computer that controlled everyone's behavior (Return of the Archons)

o Allowed his naive liberal girlfriend to die so she could not persuade America to disarm (City on the Edge of Forever)

o Fought tribal Arab-like extremists with killer Frisbees (Friday's Child)

o Fought space Nazis (Patterns of Force)

o Fought Romans in gladiator arenas (Bread and Circuses)

o Overturned a society ruled by ignorant women who steal men's brains to control their government (Spock's Brain)

o Joined forces with a reincarnated Abraham Lincoln to fight Klingons


o Informed the Romulans that the Federation was secretly making cloaking devices (The Pegasus)

o Went to the Boko Haram planet where he permitted black fanatics to abduct Lt. Yar (Code of Honor)

o Lectured someone revived from the 20th century that money is of no further importance (The Neutral Zone)

o Returned a human boy who was abused to his adopted alien family because in the alien culture, it is okay to beat up young boys (Suddenly Human)

o Arrested a scientist whose crime was to kill a mass murdering monster (Silicon Avatar)

o Approved of Riker's romance with an androgynous creature (The Outcast)

o Refused to destroy the entire Borg threat because there would be one innocent casualty (I Borg)

After reading Picard's resume...he should have been Tried for Treason and executed several times over......
Lol......the analysis is true. Kirk prevails.
The best episode of Star Trek is the one where Kirk meets an ultra-liberal woman in 1930's Earth, falls in love, and allows her to be run over by a truck to preserve the time line.

Harlan Ellison wrote that script, not the usual gang of losers who wrote the overwhelming number of bad episodes.
'The City On The Edge Of Forever' starring Joan Collins as Edith Keeler.
Uhura was a token minority and a token female, but her sexy looks and long legs made her a valued member of the crew.

In the movie, Uhura got to do a fan dance, which was pretty sad and pathetic, watching an elderly woman doing a fan dance.
Talk about long legs, what about Yeoman Rand?

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