Ted Cruz for President


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Now is his chance. Donald Trump ran on building a border wall. That was the will of the people. However, the signing of the recent omnibus bill prohibits that wall, a bill that Trump just signed.

Ted was right about not endorsing Trump at the GOP convention, and now he has been vindicated.

Instead of ly'in Ted, we really have ly'in Donald.

I know, I know, let it go. Cruz lost the election. To be honest, I don't really give a damn about Ted Cruz, I just want someone to build the damn wall and he is the last one who might, and yes, I said MIHGHT, do it.

To be honest, I really hate all of these guys they all lie to much. But hey, I'll give them at least one shot at it.

Call me crazy, but Ted Cruz SHOULD challenge Trump, or perhaps Pence after the Dims sweep into power, for the GOP nomination in 2020
If the Democrats "sweep into power", lying politicians will be the least of our worries.

It will start the clock.
This is a sad and misguided OP. You forget that Trump refused to give anything on DACA without getting funding for his wall, which is why DACA was not included in the bill. Trump is using DACA to try to get funding for the wall.

I regard Cruz as a lying demagogue. During the campaign, he grossly lied about Trump's views and previous political activity. Cruz's stunt at the GOP convention was disgraceful. That said, I give Cruz credit for praising Trump's cabinet picks, for praising Trump's tax cuts, for praising Trump's deregulation efforts, etc.
If the Democrats "sweep into power", lying politicians will be the least of our worries.

It will start the clock.

Trump started the clock with the signing of the omnibus bill.

Imagine, a GOP Congress and President and they just singed away their lives to the Dims.

At least Cruz voted against it.

Cruz should not only distance himself from Trump, he should distance himself from the GOP like Trump did when he ran.
This is a sad and misguided OP. You forget that Trump refused to give anything on DACA without getting funding for his wall, which is why DACA was not included in the bill. Trump is using DACA to try to get funding for the wall.

I regard Cruz as a lying demagogue. He grossly lied about Trump's views and previous political activity. Cruz's stunt at the GOP convention was disgraceful. That said, I give Cruz credit for praising Trump's cabinet picks, for praising Trump's tax cuts, for praising Trump's deregulation efforts, etc.

They all lie, but at least Cruz did not accuse Trump's father of assassinating JFK.

As for lying, everyone expects in now in politics. However, just be careful what you lie about. Remember Bush Sr., "Read my lips, no new taxes"? That sunk him as will the Trump lie about the wall.

As for DACA, that is not the issue. The reason Trump won was the wall. If the wall does not get built then the whole DACA issue will eventually be settled by the Dims anyway.

To be honest a wall is not really needed, that is the crazy part. Eisenhower showed us with "Operation Wetback" that all that needs to be done is for the government to want to enforce immigration laws. They then self deported on their own as they could not find work. Unfortunately, we don't have such a government today and we never will again. That is why a wall is needed. It is needed to discourage immigration even though the next Dim in office will invite them in with their policies.
This is a sad and misguided OP. You forget that Trump refused to give anything on DACA without getting funding for his wall, which is why DACA was not included in the bill. Trump is using DACA to try to get funding for the wall.

I regard Cruz as a lying demagogue. He grossly lied about Trump's views and previous political activity. Cruz's stunt at the GOP convention was disgraceful. That said, I give Cruz credit for praising Trump's cabinet picks, for praising Trump's tax cuts, for praising Trump's deregulation efforts, etc.

They all lie, but at least Cruz did not accuse Trump's father of assassinating JFK.

As for DACA, that is not the issue. The reason Trump won was the wall. If the wall does not get built then the whole DACA issue will eventually be settled by the Dims anyway.

To be honest a wall is not really needed, that is the crazy part. Eisenhower showed us with "Operation Wetback" that all that needs to be done is for the government to want to enforce immigration laws. They then self deported on their own as they could not find work. Unfortunately, we don't have such a government today. That is why a wall is needed. It is needed to discourage immigration even though the next Dim in office will invite them in with their policies.

Oh, please. Trump was joking about Cruz's father. Cruz's lies about Trump's record and political activity were way, way beyond the pale of normal political exaggeration. And Cruz's choice of election-disaster-waiting-to-happen Carly Fiorina as his VP mate showed terrible judgment--the Dems would have shredded her to pieces based on her record at HP.

And Trump is still trying to get the wall. And while he's trying to get the wall, he's having ICE increase deportations. He also won funding for new fencing in the omnibus bill, as well as funding for more detention beds, more border patrol agents, more border surveillance aircraft, etc., etc. DACA was not included in the omnibus bill because Trump insisted on wall funding as his price for a DACA deal.
If the Democrats "sweep into power", lying politicians will be the least of our worries.

It will start the clock.

Trump started the clock with the signing of the omnibus bill.


Imagine, a GOP Congress and President and they just singed away their lives to the Dims.

Between the NeverTrumpers and the Republicans who are actually Democrats, that is one screwed up party.

Republicans with brains would have abolished the filibuster rules immediately and ramrodded all repair legislation through in the first year, and then got to work.

Remember Trent Lott's power-sharing deal with Tom Daschle? Same attitude.

Senate Power-Sharing Deal Approved
This is a sad and misguided OP. You forget that Trump refused to give anything on DACA without getting funding for his wall, which is why DACA was not included in the bill. Trump is using DACA to try to get funding for the wall.

I regard Cruz as a lying demagogue. He grossly lied about Trump's views and previous political activity. Cruz's stunt at the GOP convention was disgraceful. That said, I give Cruz credit for praising Trump's cabinet picks, for praising Trump's tax cuts, for praising Trump's deregulation efforts, etc.

They all lie, but at least Cruz did not accuse Trump's father of assassinating JFK.

As for DACA, that is not the issue. The reason Trump won was the wall. If the wall does not get built then the whole DACA issue will eventually be settled by the Dims anyway.

To be honest a wall is not really needed, that is the crazy part. Eisenhower showed us with "Operation Wetback" that all that needs to be done is for the government to want to enforce immigration laws. They then self deported on their own as they could not find work. Unfortunately, we don't have such a government today. That is why a wall is needed. It is needed to discourage immigration even though the next Dim in office will invite them in with their policies.

Oh, please. Trump was joking about Cruz's father. Cruz's lies about Trump's record and political activity were way, way beyond the pale of normal political exaggeration.

And Trump is still trying to get the wall. And while he's trying to get the wall, he's having ICE increase deportations. He also won funding for new fencing in the omnibus bill, as well as funding for more detention beds, more border patrol agents, more border surveillance aircraft, etc., etc. DACA was not included in the omnibus bill because Trump insisted on wall funding as his price for a DACA deal.

Yay, more fencing!

It gives me goose bumps when I think about it.

Well the clock is ticking. He has a few more years and then his Presidency will be defined by whether he owns up to his promise.
Call me crazy, but Ted Cruz SHOULD challenge Trump, or perhaps Pence after the Dims sweep into power, for the GOP nomination in 2020

I think we can call you crazy.

Here's the thing, NO PARTY has ever thrown out an incumbent president for the nomination and then went on to win the general.

When Harry Truman and LBJ were challenged in the primaries and withdrew, they lost to the other party.

Even a vigorous primary challenge is enough to end a presidency. Look at George H. Bush and Jimmy Carter. If you guys aren't sure about the guy you foisted on us, why should the rest of us be.

In Trump's case, since he ALREADY didn't win the popular vote, admitting you made a mistake nominating him in the first place is pretty much conceding the field in 2020.
This is a sad and misguided OP. You forget that Trump refused to give anything on DACA without getting funding for his wall, which is why DACA was not included in the bill. Trump is using DACA to try to get funding for the wall.

I regard Cruz as a lying demagogue. He grossly lied about Trump's views and previous political activity. Cruz's stunt at the GOP convention was disgraceful. That said, I give Cruz credit for praising Trump's cabinet picks, for praising Trump's tax cuts, for praising Trump's deregulation efforts, etc.

They all lie, but at least Cruz did not accuse Trump's father of assassinating JFK.

As for DACA, that is not the issue. The reason Trump won was the wall. If the wall does not get built then the whole DACA issue will eventually be settled by the Dims anyway.

To be honest a wall is not really needed, that is the crazy part. Eisenhower showed us with "Operation Wetback" that all that needs to be done is for the government to want to enforce immigration laws. They then self deported on their own as they could not find work. Unfortunately, we don't have such a government today. That is why a wall is needed. It is needed to discourage immigration even though the next Dim in office will invite them in with their policies.

Oh, please. Trump was joking about Cruz's father. Cruz's lies about Trump's record and political activity were way, way beyond the pale of normal political exaggeration.

And Trump is still trying to get the wall. And while he's trying to get the wall, he's having ICE increase deportations. He also won funding for new fencing in the omnibus bill, as well as funding for more detention beds, more border patrol agents, more border surveillance aircraft, etc., etc. DACA was not included in the omnibus bill because Trump insisted on wall funding as his price for a DACA deal.

Yay, more fencing!

It gives me goose bumps when I think about it.

Well the clock is ticking. He has a few more years and then his Presidency will be defined by whether he owns up to his promise.

His presidency is already defined. He is a vastly disliked fool, and he has degraded the office of the president.

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