Ted Cruz Is The Man!

I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


pssssst, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor is it a republic.

But it is Korean. And ISIS is Muslim. What an arrogance for the president to tell people what they believe. This is why Hobby Lobby won its case.

Then don't piss and moan when Christians blow up abortion clinics.
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:

Obama: If you like your Islam, you can keep your Islam.

First there was this:
'Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it''
Lie of the Year If you like your health care plan you can keep it PolitiFact

With the new one...I'm thinkin' he's got this year in a lock!

Did you lose your healthcare plan?
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Me too. It'll be a real education for the American people. The leftist democratic candidate will try to paint him as an idiot, and then Cruz will wipe the floor with the real idiot in a nationally televised debate.

Cruz is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated legal scholar, graduating magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate. He was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard, a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the winner of the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship, a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, and clerked at both the Appeals level and at the Supreme Court level for the Chief Justice. He's successfully argued before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General of Texas and has handily embarrassed several Democrats in debate in the Senate chamber.
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I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


Yeah, possibly the dumbest thing ever spoken.

I dunno.....he makes some really dumb statements....'you didn't build that!'

You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said.

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event in Roanoke Virginia The White House

He said exactly that:
"You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

What has happened to you that you don't believe your own ears?
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


pssssst, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor is it a republic.

Pssst......the ISIS is Islamic to the core.

Which is how you people justify scapegoating all Muslims?

Ironic, given the subject of this thread.

Show where I said "all Muslims," you lying sack of sewage.
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Me too. It'll be a real education for the American people. The leftist democratic candidate will try to paint him as an idiot, and then Cruz will wipe the floor with real idiot in a nationally televised debate.

Cruz is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated legal scholar, graduating magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate. He was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard, a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the winner of the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship, a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, and clerked at both the Appeals level and at the Supreme Court level for the Chief Justice. He's successfully argued before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General of Texas and has handily embarrassed several Democrats in debate in the Senate chamber.

Apparently, he has changed course, because he is BFFs with a cadre of folks he wouldn’t have touched with a 20-foot pole at Harvard. I don’t know if you have ever met a really smart person who is hanging out with people he considers idiots, but in my experience it’s because he can play them like fiddles. See: Jim Jones, Charlie Manson, David Koresh. Cruz is the puppeteer behind this “David Fincher directs the Muppets” show, and in my opinion, the most dangerous man in America.

Cruz’s army includes Steve King, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Mike Lee and every other wide-eyed idiot you hear stammering away on Fox News. They receive funding from Peter Thiel, the Koch Brothers and every other millionaire who would rather spend billions on making sure their taxes don’t rise than supporting programs that feed poor people. They poll-test talking points and then repeat them over and over again when speaking to reporters with absolutely no interest in having a conversation or addressing the actual issue presented by the questioner. These are politicians who actually believe that Obama is an Islamist Kenyan hellbent on destroying the United States. They think he’s an immigrant who wants to tear down American values brick by brick with the sickle and hammer of communism.

Opinion Ted Cruz is the Most Dangerous Man in America RYOT News
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


pssssst, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor is it a republic.

Pssst......the ISIS is Islamic to the core.

Which is how you people justify scapegoating all Muslims?

Ironic, given the subject of this thread.

Show where I said "all Muslims," you lying sack of sewage.

Do you want to go on record that those who blame Islam for Islamist extremists are full of shit?
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


pssssst, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor is it a republic.

Pssst......the ISIS is Islamic to the core.

Which is how you people justify scapegoating all Muslims?

Ironic, given the subject of this thread.

Show where I said "all Muslims," you lying sack of sewage.

This from the poster who repeatedly says that the use of vulgarity is proof you've lost the argument...

I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


Yeah, possibly the dumbest thing ever spoken.

I dunno.....he makes some really dumb statements....'you didn't build that!'

You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said.

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event in Roanoke Virginia The White House

He said exactly that:
"You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

What has happened to you that you don't believe your own ears?

" Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."
Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm, Dare to make it known!
From From the hymn “Hold the Fort!” First Congregational Church of Chicago, Illinois.

Breaking the mold of what we have come to expect from professional politicians, and I mean that in the pejorative, Senator Cruz stood up for his, and my, beliefs.

Doing so doesn't bode well for his future as a member of our "deliberative" bodies.

Courage such as he has shown in both in short supply, and sorely missed.

His latest foray into that lonely realm:

1." Congratulations are in order to Senator Ted Cruz who, when he found himself facing an audience that was hostile to Israel, turned around and walked out.

2. ...speaking at a sold-out dinner gala for Middle East Christians...when he asserted, “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

3. ... “tonight, we are all united in defense of Christians. Tonight, we are all united in defense of Jews. Tonight, we are all united in defense of people of good faith, who are standing together against those who would persecute and murder those who dare disagree with their religious teachings.”

4. .... speaking extemporaneously, not from a teleprompter or notes, and went on to assert that “religious bigotry is a cancer with many manifiestations. ISIS, al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Hamas, state sponsors like Syria and Iran, are all engaged in a vicious genocidal campaign to destroy religious minorities in the Middle East.

5. ..... we are told not to loop these groups together, that we have to understand their so called nuances and differences. But we shouldn’t try to parse different manifestations of evil that are on a murderous rampage through the region. Hate is hate, and murder is murder.”

6. ... when Senator Cruz said “Christians have no greater ally than Israel” that at least some members of the audience began to boo him and yell “stop it.”

7. “”Cruz had already had enough.” He declared: “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Good night, and God bless.”

8. ... in a show of character that is rare among politicians, Mr. Cruz just turned around and walked out. It was a marvelous moment and, we’d like to think, a glimpse of how Mr. Cruz might perform as president in the world organizations — the United Nations and others — in which hostility to Jews and Israel is heard all the time."
Senator Cruz Walks Out - The New York Sun

9. In a lighter vein, this vein:

A woman comes home and finds her husband in bed with another woman? The man looks up and says “No, I’m not cheating!” and follows that up with his favorite Groucho Marx line: “Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

10. And, in a related....but very different joke:

Obama Islamic State 8216 is not Islamic 8217

"...we are told not to loop these groups together, that we have to understand their so called nuances and differences."

He probably thought he was at that love-fest all the GOP candidates performed at before the 2012 elections where they had a contest to see who could stick their nose the farthest up the Israeli contingent's ass. Too bad it backfired.
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


pssssst, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor is it a republic.

Pssst......the ISIS is Islamic to the core.

Which is how you people justify scapegoating all Muslims?

Ironic, given the subject of this thread.

Show where I said "all Muslims," you lying sack of sewage.

Do you want to go on record that those who blame Islam for Islamist extremists are full of shit?

Show where I said "all Muslims," you lying sack of sewage.
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


pssssst, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor is it a republic.

Pssst......the ISIS is Islamic to the core.

Which is how you people justify scapegoating all Muslims?

Ironic, given the subject of this thread.

Show where I said "all Muslims," you lying sack of sewage.

This from the poster who repeatedly says that the use of vulgarity is proof you've lost the argument...


Show where I said "all Muslims," you lying sack of sewage.
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


Yeah, possibly the dumbest thing ever spoken.

I dunno.....he makes some really dumb statements....'you didn't build that!'

You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said.

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event in Roanoke Virginia The White House

He said exactly that:
"You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

What has happened to you that you don't believe your own ears?

" Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

I don't need your spin.

He said exactly what I said he did.


Admit it....then apologize for this: "You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said."
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Me too. It'll be a real education for the American people. The leftist democratic candidate will try to paint him as an idiot, and then Cruz will wipe the floor with real idiot in a nationally televised debate.

Cruz is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated legal scholar, graduating magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate. He was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard, a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the winner of the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship, a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, and clerked at both the Appeals level and at the Supreme Court level for the Chief Justice. He's successfully argued before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General of Texas and has handily embarrassed several Democrats in debate in the Senate chamber.

Apparently, he has changed course, because he is BFFs with a cadre of folks he wouldn’t have touched with a 20-foot pole at Harvard. I don’t know if you have ever met a really smart person who is hanging out with people he considers idiots, but in my experience it’s because he can play them like fiddles. See: Jim Jones, Charlie Manson, David Koresh. Cruz is the puppeteer behind this “David Fincher directs the Muppets” show, and in my opinion, the most dangerous man in America.

Cruz’s army includes Steve King, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Mike Lee and every other wide-eyed idiot you hear stammering away on Fox News. They receive funding from Peter Thiel, the Koch Brothers and every other millionaire who would rather spend billions on making sure their taxes don’t rise than supporting programs that feed poor people. They poll-test talking points and then repeat them over and over again when speaking to reporters with absolutely no interest in having a conversation or addressing the actual issue presented by the questioner. These are politicians who actually believe that Obama is an Islamist Kenyan hellbent on destroying the United States. They think he’s an immigrant who wants to tear down American values brick by brick with the sickle and hammer of communism.

Opinion Ted Cruz is the Most Dangerous Man in America RYOT News

He's always been a classical liberal. Like all leftists, you've never gotten beyond the demagoguery of confirmation bias in your reading about him and can't wrap your head around the complex exigencies of realty relative to the imperatives of liberty. Further, Cruz knows that Obama was born in Hawaii.
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


pssssst, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor is it a republic.

But it is Korean. And ISIS is Muslim. What an arrogance for the president to tell people what they believe. This is why Hobby Lobby won its case.

Then don't piss and moan when Christians blow up abortion clinics.
Because those are exaclty analagous
Show me where Republicans are blowing up anything. Seems Obama is the one blowing shit up lately.
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


Yeah, possibly the dumbest thing ever spoken.

I dunno.....he makes some really dumb statements....'you didn't build that!'

You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said.

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event in Roanoke Virginia The White House

He said exactly that:
"You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

What has happened to you that you don't believe your own ears?

" Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

I don't need your spin.

He said exactly what I said he did.


Admit it....then apologize for this: "You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said."

He said exactly what I quoted and his entire speech was linked to. Let me reiterate, you'd have to be extremely dumbed down to believe the campaign adds produced by the Republicans that insinuated the President was talking about the business you built as opposed to the infrastructure that has been built in America. Furthermore, you have to be a partisan hack to parrot that contrived, inaccurate campaign slogan.
He said exactly what I quoted and his entire speech was linked to. Let me reiterate, you'd have to be extremely dumbed down to believe the campaign adds produced by the Republicans that insinuated the President was talking about the business you built as opposed to the infrastructure that has been built in America. Furthermore, you have to be a partisan hack to parrot that contrived, inaccurate campaign slogan.
Been over this a dozen times. Posted the video of Elizabeth Warren saying it first. And the video of the idiotic Berkley professor saying it originally. We all know what it means: No one here is successful without government help Thats obvious to all but the heavy kool aid drinkers.
He said exactly what I quoted and his entire speech was linked to. Let me reiterate, you'd have to be extremely dumbed down to believe the campaign adds produced by the Republicans that insinuated the President was talking about the business you built as opposed to the infrastructure that has been built in America. Furthermore, you have to be a partisan hack to parrot that contrived, inaccurate campaign slogan.
If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen...obama

Try as you might, you cant put the genie back in the bottle.

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