Ted Cruz Is The Man!

I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


Yeah, possibly the dumbest thing ever spoken.

I dunno.....he makes some really dumb statements....'you didn't build that!'

You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said.

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event in Roanoke Virginia The White House

He said exactly that:
"You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

What has happened to you that you don't believe your own ears?

" Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

I don't need your spin.

He said exactly what I said he did.


Admit it....then apologize for this: "You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said."

He said exactly what I quoted and his entire speech was linked to. Let me reiterate, you'd have to be extremely dumbed down to believe the campaign adds produced by the Republicans that insinuated the President was talking about the business you built as opposed to the infrastructure that has been built in America. Furthermore, you have to be a partisan hack to parrot that contrived, inaccurate campaign slogan.

He said exactly that:
"You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

You can't bring yourself to admit the truth....you must be a 'reliable Democrat voter.'
How Ted Cruz Helped The Rehnquist Supreme Court Tear Down Church-State Separation
How Ted Cruz Helped The Rehnquist Supreme Court Tear Down Church-State Separation Alternet

Interesting that you bring that up.

There is no such thing as "church-state separation."

See if you can find it in any of our memorializing documents.


It was injected by KKKer Hugo Black....FDR's first Supreme Court nominee.

"During the course of American judicial history, particularly with the landmark decision of Everson v. Board of Education, Jefferson was subtly and erroneously attributed with the remark ‘high and impregnable’ wall. The force behind the misguided interpretation comes from the anti-Catholic former Ku Klux Klan member, Justice Hugo Black: The ‘high and impregnable’ wall central to the past 50 years of church-state jurisprudence is not Jefferson’s wall; rather, it is the wall that Justice Hugo Black built in 1947 in Everson v. Board of Education. "
Freedom of Religion Writing About Anything I Want To

And, Hugo Black's anti-Catholic bias, which showed up in his actions on the Supreme Court:

"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."
Egnorance Hugo Black and the real history of the wall of separation between church and state
He said exactly what I quoted and his entire speech was linked to. Let me reiterate, you'd have to be extremely dumbed down to believe the campaign adds produced by the Republicans that insinuated the President was talking about the business you built as opposed to the infrastructure that has been built in America. Furthermore, you have to be a partisan hack to parrot that contrived, inaccurate campaign slogan.
Been over this a dozen times. Posted the video of Elizabeth Warren saying it first. And the video of the idiotic Berkley professor saying it originally. We all know what it means: No one here is successful without government help Thats obvious to all but the heavy kool aid drinkers.

Have you been successful without government help? Do you successfully avoid all government infrastructure when you travel? Is the government not defending you?
I think Ted Cruz epitomizes the current GOP philosophy. I hope he becomes their candidate in 2016.

Then, there's this:


Yeah, possibly the dumbest thing ever spoken.

I dunno.....he makes some really dumb statements....'you didn't build that!'

You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said.

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event in Roanoke Virginia The White House

He said exactly that:
"You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

What has happened to you that you don't believe your own ears?

" Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

I don't need your spin.

He said exactly what I said he did.


Admit it....then apologize for this: "You really have to be dumbed-down to believe he said what the Romney campaign said."

He said exactly what I quoted and his entire speech was linked to. Let me reiterate, you'd have to be extremely dumbed down to believe the campaign adds produced by the Republicans that insinuated the President was talking about the business you built as opposed to the infrastructure that has been built in America. Furthermore, you have to be a partisan hack to parrot that contrived, inaccurate campaign slogan.

He said exactly that:
"You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

You can't bring yourself to admit the truth....you must be a 'reliable Democrat voter.'

The truth is "Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive." No single person or business was responsible for that. "when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."
Indeed Israel is a one of a kind ally. What kind of ally spies on you,attacks a OBVIOUS US military ship,the conspires with the US president to cover it up? Oh and there is BIG difference between Jewish people and the state of Israel. They don't go hand in hand as Jews are everywhere.

Israel isn't an ally, they're a dependent. Israel takes aid from us, uses it for its own security, but when do you ever see Israel fighting to aid us?

Why isn't Israel launching airstrikes against ISIS?
Israel's security is our security. They are on the front lines in the fight against the spread of radial islamo fascists. What the hell is wrong with you liberal hacks? you blame Israel firsters are a joke:cuckoo:
Indeed Israel is a one of a kind ally. What kind of ally spies on you,attacks a OBVIOUS US military ship,the conspires with the US president to cover it up? Oh and there is BIG difference between Jewish people and the state of Israel. They don't go hand in hand as Jews are everywhere.

Israel isn't an ally, they're a dependent. Israel takes aid from us, uses it for its own security, but when do you ever see Israel fighting to aid us?

Why isn't Israel launching airstrikes against ISIS?

They don't need to as long as they have us fighting for them by proxy. No more american blood for israel. Let them sink or swim on their own.
To jews, white christians are "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas" that are beneath them...because they are "gods chosen people" ....and all THAT BS....:rolleyes:

and muzzies hate us because we are "infidels".
Fine..let them sort it out among themselves with no interference from us. Last one standing "wins".
Jewish Groups Rush to Defend Senator Ted Cruz After Shout-Down at Dinner


Major American Jewish groups rushed to defend Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Thursday after he was booed off stage at a gala dinner on Wednesday night for voicing solidarity with Israel and Jews.

Leaders also criticized attendees at the event, a Washington, D.C. fundraiser for a suspected Iran aligned group called In Defense of Christians, for heckling Cruz, a darling of the evangelical Christian community.

The charity says it aims to draw attention to the plight of persecuted Christians in the Middle East.

Speaking on stage, Cruz said Israel and the Jewish people face the same threat from radical Islam as Christians in the Middle East, adding that Christians “have no greater ally than Israel.”

Audience members then booed and shouted protests, leading the senator to walk off stage and leave the event.

“Those who hate Israel hate America, and those who hate Jews hate Christians, and if this room will not recognize that, then my heart weeps that the men and women here will not stand in solidarity with Jews and Christians alike who are persecuted by radicals who seek to murder them,” he said. “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you.”

Major Jewish human rights group the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) said it was “appalled” by the incident.

In a statement, SWC Dean and Founder Rabbi Marvin Hier, and Associate Dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper said, ”While we will continue to speak out against those who suffer ethnic cleansing and violence because of their religious faiths, we will never make common cause with bigots who do not show basic respect for the Jewish people and the State of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, the only nation in that region where religious rights of all are guaranteed, and the only Middle East society where the population of Christians is rising.”

The SWC also praised Senator Cruz for voicing support for Israel at the event, saying it “applauds Senator Cruz for his integrity and courage in telling 17 Christian Patriarchs and their supporters the truth.”

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said it was disappointed that the focus of the conference shifted from the persecution of Christians to attacking Israel.

“We express deep appreciation to Senator Cruz for his brave and unflinching defense of Israel and the Jewish people,

Jewish Groups Rush to Defend Senator Ted Cruz After Shout-Down at Dinner Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com
I don't know if they invited Senator Cruz in order to blindside him with boos but I have never seen a politician handle it better. "If you do not support Israel I do not support you". When is the last time you ever saw a politician make a statement like that?
I like the sound of President Cruz:clap:

You think the attacks on Palin was bad just wait for Cruz for President...
Oh god this thread is sickening. I think I'm going to vomit. Only the ultimate grand-standing, lying piece of shit tea bagger like Ted Cruz would appeal to the hard right. It absolutely blows my mind you people actually still like this guy. I just don't understand it.

Go ahead and like Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. I really wouldn't judge you for it. Liking Ted or Sarah Palin just boggles the mind.
I like the sound of President Cruz:clap:

You think the attacks on Palin was bad just wait for Cruz for President...

Ted Cruz for president sounds good, but could he survive the onslaught of the liberal media? that's a tuffy
I like the sound of President Cruz:clap:

You think the attacks on Palin was bad just wait for Cruz for President...

Ted Cruz for president sounds good, but could he survive the onslaught of the liberal media? that's a tuffy

He handled this crap from these people fairly well. SO maybe he's the man we've been looking for. and then Palin as his VP would send them all into an insane asylum. which I don't have a problem with. lol
He said exactly what I quoted and his entire speech was linked to. Let me reiterate, you'd have to be extremely dumbed down to believe the campaign adds produced by the Republicans that insinuated the President was talking about the business you built as opposed to the infrastructure that has been built in America. Furthermore, you have to be a partisan hack to parrot that contrived, inaccurate campaign slogan.
Been over this a dozen times. Posted the video of Elizabeth Warren saying it first. And the video of the idiotic Berkley professor saying it originally. We all know what it means: No one here is successful without government help Thats obvious to all but the heavy kool aid drinkers.

Have you been successful without government help? Do you successfully avoid all government infrastructure when you travel? Is the government not defending you?
You've had more government help than most folks here. How successful has that made you?
Oh god this thread is sickening. I think I'm going to vomit. Only the ultimate grand-standing, lying piece of shit tea bagger like Ted Cruz would appeal to the hard right. It absolutely blows my mind you people actually still like this guy. I just don't understand it.

Go ahead and like Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. I really wouldn't judge you for it. Liking Ted or Sarah Palin just boggles the mind.
Cant stand someone literally standing up for principle, eh Billy? That's what separates Republicans from Democrats.
Oh god this thread is sickening. I think I'm going to vomit. Only the ultimate grand-standing, lying piece of shit tea bagger like Ted Cruz would appeal to the hard right. It absolutely blows my mind you people actually still like this guy. I just don't understand it.

Go ahead and like Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. I really wouldn't judge you for it. Liking Ted or Sarah Palin just boggles the mind.

go change your diaper and then was your ugly mouth out with lye soap

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