Ted Cruz, potential ethics violation

Only folks like Frank and Stephanie believe in using government to break their foes.

Investigate Cruz quickly and fairly. If something emerges, hammer it. If not, let it go.
Oh you mean Charlie Rangel? Bonafide American War Hero?


I'd put him up against Rafael Cruz, Canadian son of a Castro Commie Fighter, any day of the week.

Yep, ignore is long list of ethics issues, one of which is this one....

In September 2008, Rangel's attorney, Lanny Davis, disclosed that Rangel had failed to report on his tax returns or in congressional disclosure forms $75,000 in income he had received for renting his Dominican villa. That month, Rangel paid $10,800 to cover his liability for the related back taxes.[117][118] He had owed back taxes for at least three years. The Ways and Means Committee writes the U.S. tax code, and as such his failure to pay taxes himself led to heavy criticism.[118]

You mean George W. Bush sicced the IRS on him for wanting to have a draft?


Tell us again how you hate when that happens.

Keep dodging there Shallow, its fun to watch you justify multiple ethics shennaigans because its one of YOUR guys doing it.
Democrat Senators

Robert Byrd, KKK Grand Kleagle
Teddy Kennedy, left his pregnant gf overnight in an underwater car
Richard Blumenthal, lied about his military service in Vietnam
Liz Warren, entire life after the age of 20 has been an Affirmative Action sham based on her high non-Indian cheekbones
Harry Reid, suspected drug mule and wanted for questioning with a series of prostitute murders in Las Vegas

Come on now, those are different...don't you know

Not really..

Mitt Romney had a girlfriend die in a car crash too.

Didn't you guys run him for President?

I did a thorough search, am rather surprised this hasn't been noted since the story posted on the 18th.

Read more: Ted Cruz Failed To Disclose Ties To Caribbean Holding Company | TIME.com

So after all the digging done by democratic operatives results in a paperwork error, he's cleaner then I thought he would be.

Oh, Hai there!!!


Oh. :) Silly, silly man. You think that's the only find? No. ;)

That's the FIRST find.

I doubt it. Usually they like to open up with the heavy artillery when they go on a smear campaign. If this is the big guns then, well, LOL.
Yep, ignore is long list of ethics issues, one of which is this one....

You mean George W. Bush sicced the IRS on him for wanting to have a draft?


Tell us again how you hate when that happens.

Keep dodging there Shallow, its fun to watch you justify multiple ethics shennaigans because its one of YOUR guys doing it.

Dodging what?

That's exactly what happened.

And it happened to the NAACP too.

True story. :thup:
You mean George W. Bush sicced the IRS on him for wanting to have a draft?


Tell us again how you hate when that happens.

Keep dodging there Shallow, its fun to watch you justify multiple ethics shennaigans because its one of YOUR guys doing it.

Dodging what?

That's exactly what happened.

And it happened to the NAACP too.

True story. :thup:

So Rangel paid his taxes on his dominican villa BEFORE he got caught not paying them?

Is that what you are saying?
I hope this story makes it up to the media.

Sorry, but Ted Cruz is bad for this nation, and I'm wondering why someone who hates the government so much is trying to force his will on this nation.

And worse..............why do we allow it?

Because he won an election.

And since it seems every elected official is some degree of financially dirty, I sincerely doubt that anything will come of it. Just a little brick in the Cruz wall.

I mean - seriously. Look at Mitt. Refused to divulge his taxes, had money stored offshore everythefuckwhere - nobody cared.

He released his tax returns.
What more did you want?

Now what about OBAMAS birth cirtificate , high school diploma, college transcripts, Illinois law Licence............
He has refused to release them.

yaaa liarberals..., what about your dear dictator's credentials ? why don't you demand he release his records.., is it because if he did, it would prove he is NOT a legal U.S. citizen, his grades would show he was/is a failure at everything but being a good commie.., that S.O.B. should be in Gitmo rather than the oval office. :up: ... :up:
Only folks like Frank and Stephanie believe in using government to break their foes.

Investigate Cruz quickly and fairly. If something emerges, hammer it. If not, let it go.

^ Paid OFA Shill already admitted to having Tea Party member in his town arrested and prosecuted
I did a thorough search, am rather surprised this hasn't been noted since the story posted on the 18th.

Read more: Ted Cruz Failed To Disclose Ties To Caribbean Holding Company | TIME.com

So after all the digging done by democratic operatives results in a paperwork error, he's cleaner then I thought he would be.

Oh, Hai there!!!


Oh you mean Charlie Rangel? Bonafide American War Hero?


I'd put him up against Rafael Cruz, Canadian son of a Castro Commie Fighter, any day of the week.

Then you better hold on to your wallet.
Only folks like Frank and Stephanie believe in using government to break their foes.

Investigate Cruz quickly and fairly. If something emerges, hammer it. If not, let it go.

^ Paid OFA Shill already admitted to having Tea Party member in his town arrested and prosecuted

poor jakie, it's the only way he can get any luv from the people on this board, put down others

he's pathetic
Only folks like Frank and Stephanie believe in using government to break their foes.

Investigate Cruz quickly and fairly. If something emerges, hammer it. If not, let it go.

^ Paid OFA Shill already admitted to having Tea Party member in his town arrested and prosecuted

poor jakie, it's the only way he can get any luv from the people on this board, put down others

he's pathetic

He's projects -- a lot

And I love his Bob Dole "Jake is a real Republican" schtick too
Only folks like Frank and Stephanie believe in using government to break their foes.

Investigate Cruz quickly and fairly. If something emerges, hammer it. If not, let it go.

^ Paid OFA Shill already admitted to having Tea Party member in his town arrested and prosecuted

They broke the law, and, yes, I am a shill of American values. Poor Stephanie and Frank who put down others then rear back in horror when called on it. :lol:

And address my point: investigate Cruz quickly and fairly.

Another TeaP casualty Tim Griffin, a 2010 guy in Congress from Arkansas, is not going to re-run. He is not the last, only the first of quite a number who will not run or who will be primaried out.

And you are a junior McCarthyite, a fan of the Great Inquisitor of the 1950s.
Addendum: If the OP said "Pelosi" everywhere it said "Cruz," this would be a completely different thread, tell ya what.

Its true that the rw voter just does not care how crooked their candidates are. If they did, Vitter and Coburn would not still be feeding at the public trough.

Bachmann, $arah - its not just that they're incompetent. They both are crooked and corrupt and the rw voters just don't care.

Rand Paul, Marco Rubio have both been caught in fairly big lies AND, they're incompetent but rw's would vote for them - even for president!

If any of these were Dems, they would have been drummed out of office.

Cruz is crazy and completely anti-America, anti-American. Just as West and Walsh were/are. That should be reason enough to send him packing. Now we know he's corrupt as well. That makes him the perfect teepotty candidate for prez.

Go figure.
Charlie "I Live in 4 rent stabilized apartments" Rangel, a true Progressive

I think you got that wrong.

It's Charlie "I saved my whole unit during the Korean War and got a silver star for it" Rangel.

Unlike Rafael "My dad kicked Batista's ass and put Castro in to power and all I got was to be born in Canada" Cruz.

Or Rafael "I changed my name to Ted so no one would know I am a wetback" Cruz.

Your pick.

I hope this story makes it up to the media.

Sorry, but Ted Cruz is bad for this nation, and I'm wondering why someone who hates the government so much is trying to force his will on this nation.

And worse..............why do we allow it?

Because he won an election.

And since it seems every elected official is some degree of financially dirty, I sincerely doubt that anything will come of it. Just a little brick in the Cruz wall.

I mean - seriously. Look at Mitt. Refused to divulge his taxes, had money stored offshore everythefuckwhere - nobody cared.

Compared to the fuck BO that lied about everything to get elected President. His birthplace, his religion, his homosexuality, his Chicago backed candidacy, his Arab backed college education, his affirmative push through law school by ultra elitist tenured gay professors.....you backed one of the worst humans to hold office ad still defend his scrawny fag ass.

All these Cruz allegations from the "We went through Sarah's garbage for a month and found that Palin once threw a plastic soda bottle in her regular garbage" Party

USMB Libs provide countless hours of entertainment
Compared to the fuck BO that lied about everything to get elected President. His birthplace, his religion, his homosexuality, his Chicago backed candidacy, his Arab backed college education, his affirmative push through law school by ultra elitist tenured gay professors.....you backed one of the worst humans to hold office ad still defend his scrawny fag ass.

What's funny is that the nutters repeating these lies over and over just weakens their position. They'd be better off if they would stick to facts and forget their flat earth protestations.

But hey - if they want to rant stupid craps ... It only serves to help the good guys. :)
I hope this story makes it up to the media.

Sorry, but Ted Cruz is bad for this nation, and I'm wondering why someone who hates the government so much is trying to force his will on this nation.

And worse..............why do we allow it?

Because he won an election.

And since it seems every elected official is some degree of financially dirty, I sincerely doubt that anything will come of it. Just a little brick in the Cruz wall.

I mean - seriously. Look at Mitt. Refused to divulge his taxes, had money stored offshore everythefuckwhere - nobody cared.

Nobody cared? Nobody at all? Imagine that. Someone complies with the laws and NOBODY CARES!!! We're doomed, I guess.

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