Ted Cruz/Scott Walker.Could This Be The Conservative "Dream Ticket"

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.
I sorta like Cruz and Walker, but I don't see either as a "big tent" republican.
The GOP has to get more inclusive to stand a chance
Cruz wont last long in congress. He will no longer be a rep before you know it. I'm a conservative.
And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.

Its not brought up because he hasn't show any particular indication that he's a viable candidate. Plus, he's made some pretty grotesque political blunders.

Here's the thing I don't understand about the 'true conservative' folks. You can't get a plurality of your most receptive demo to support folks like Cruz. What makes you think that the rest of the electorate, which is far less receptive is somehow going to be more willing to vote for Cruz than his fellow conservatives?

It simply makes no sense.
I sorta like Cruz and Walker, but I don't see either as a "big tent" republican.
The GOP has to get more inclusive to stand a chance

I agree. I think the 'RINO' purge, where anyone who didn't tow a very narrow interpretation of conservativism was a foolish mistake. The GOP does best when it casts plenty of shade. And its had a very 'my way or the highway' attitude since about 2010. Reagan would have been run out on a rail by the standards of 'true conservatism' today with the GOP's tea party wing.
I sorta like Cruz and Walker, but I don't see either as a "big tent" republican.
The GOP has to get more inclusive to stand a chance
Just give it some time, he has a lot of support, and we really need an hispanic on the ticket to give the GOP a better chance of winning, I also like Suzana Martinez.
I sorta like Cruz and Walker, but I don't see either as a "big tent" republican.
The GOP has to get more inclusive to stand a chance

I agree. I think the 'RINO' purge, where anyone who didn't tow a very narrow interpretation of conservativism was a foolish mistake. The GOP does best when it casts plenty of shade. And its had a very 'my way or the highway' attitude since about 2010. Reagan would have been run out on a rail by the standards of 'true conservatism' today with the GOP's tea party wing.
Can't get any more inclusive than that.

Jeb has made comments about compromise but his name is poison and he's too common core for my tastes
I sorta like Cruz and Walker, but I don't see either as a "big tent" republican.
The GOP has to get more inclusive to stand a chance
Just give it some time, he has a lot of support, and we really need an hispanic on the ticket to give the GOP a better chance of winning, I also like Suzana Martinez.

Hahhaahaha.....Cruz is the "Uncle Tom" of Hispanics. Thanks for the laugh.
I sorta like Cruz and Walker, but I don't see either as a "big tent" republican.
The GOP has to get more inclusive to stand a chance
Just give it some time, he has a lot of support, and we really need an hispanic on the ticket to give the GOP a better chance of winning, I also like Suzana Martinez.

I think if you're going to put up a hispanic, you'd do far better with Rubio. Cruz may be hispanic by birth, but he shows very little connection to the community and is one of the most publically anti-immigration reform politician in the GOP.

Rubio has strong ties. I think hispanics can more easily identify with him. And Rubio has gone out of is way to try and craft comprimise legislation on immigration reform. Often in opposition to much of the rest of the GOP.

The GOP establishment is poison to a candidate with the latino community. Cruz exemplifies it. Rubio, not so much.
And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.

It's my dream ticket.
I sorta like Cruz and Walker, but I don't see either as a "big tent" republican.
The GOP has to get more inclusive to stand a chance

I agree. I think the 'RINO' purge, where anyone who didn't tow a very narrow interpretation of conservativism was a foolish mistake. The GOP does best when it casts plenty of shade. And its had a very 'my way or the highway' attitude since about 2010. Reagan would have been run out on a rail by the standards of 'true conservatism' today with the GOP's tea party wing.
Can't get any more inclusive than that.

Jeb has made comments about compromise but his name is poison and he's too common core for my tastes

Carson is uttery untested and has zero political experience. Hell, he has virtually no leadership experience in any capacity. He's a much better spokesman and perhaps even ambassador to minority communities than he is a candidate. As presidential politics is the hardest of hard ball. You want a man who has at least held a catcher's mitt.

Rubio......I'd say its too early. You don't want to Paul Ryan him and have him peak before he's really gotten a chance to get his feet beneath him. Given a good 5 to 8 more years, I'd say you have excellent candidate potential. But he just hasn't done enough. Nor does he have the personal charisma to pull off a 'Hope and Change' campaign.

Rubio would be, at best, a decent VP choice. As he's likely to bring in more hispanic votes than the GOP would get without him. And the VP slot doesn't actually do much. So it would be an excellent opportunity for him to establish his base and gain name recognition.
And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.

It's my dream ticket.

Yeah, but I doubt you'd get much support in the GOP. Cruz burned *lots* of bridges with his shut down stunt the year before last. He essentially bullied it through congress, publically embarassed the GOP and demonstrated profoundly poor planning skills. If you're going to shove your plan down the party's throat, sideways, you damn well better win.

And Cruz lost so utterly, that the GOP's numbers hit their lowest recorded levels for any major party....ever.

He'd get very little establishment support. He's not a particularly skilled speaker or debator. Nor are his policies well defined or particularly well crafted. He's an ideologue. A man who acts in accordance with his conscience. And the downside of such is that they tend to use the same playbook regardless of the situation. That lack of flexibility makes him a poor candidate. And I think most GOP folks would recognize that.

And if he can't get the support of the GOP, its increasingly unlikely that he'd do any better with folks who have even less in common with him politically. Nor would he garner much of the latino vote. He'd probably even lose the right wing conspiracy fringe, being a natural born Canadian. There's just no angle that I can see where Cruz would be a good choice.
Well it will be interesting if all three Hispanic conservatives enter the race. But I still see either Cruz or Walker always within the top 4 or 5 right thru the primaries.
Back a while ago there was that freshman senator with the funny name who wasnt born here. No one thought he'd be mainstream enough but one good speech and suddenly everyone thought he was presidential material. What was his name, Barry something?
Ted Cruz/Scott Walker.Could This Be The Conservative "Dream Ticket" : Nope

Walker, maybe. The man is a political brawler. And better yet, a winner. He won two pretty public, pretty nasty fights....first for the public unions and second the recall effort. But he's stiff. Wncharismatic. Watch the guy give a speech sometimes....he seems genuinely awkward. He doesn't think quick on his feet and my gut tells me that he'll be tricked into more than a few Romneyisms. I don't think he's suitable material for a presidential candidate.

Though I think he could absolutely kick ass at a cabinet level position. The man can get shit done.

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