Ted Cruz suggests Texas could secede and "take NASA and the military" if Dems "destroy the country"

Actually it is forbidden, because the constitution has no mechanism to allow it.
To allow secession would mean to allow taxation without representation. As federal income tax is levied against all us citizens irregardless of the state or country they earn income in. Yet Texas would be ineligible as a foreign country to send any senators or representatives to congress..
Actually the Constitution reserves all powers not specifically granted to the the federal government to the States and to the people.
People cannot be taxed by a foreign government which the current federal government would become with succession of their State.
That was very close to the same time your fellow DemoKKKrats on the court ruled that slavery was totally ok.

The Chase Court was the most corrupt in American history for the next 30+ years after Chief Justice Taney died in 1864 and the war party got to pack the Court with crooks to cover their criminal behavior, same as Democrats do today by packing the Federal benches with commies and deviants.
lol playing 'I Touched You LAst!!!' with a lot of unrelated rubbish. Secession is not an 'insurrction', nor a 'rebellion', nor a 'civil disorder', dumbass; it was accepted as perfectly legal from the ratification onward that the Union was a voluntary one.
Texas V White declared secession unconstitutional. Therefore any attempt at secession is an illegal act, in violation of the laws of the united states. Thus those violating the constitution once they take up arms, are a rebellion or insurrection.

So secession would only be legal by amending the constitution to allow it. Any other means, and the constitution authorizes congress to suppress it.
That was very close to the same time your fellow DemoKKKrats on the court ruled that slavery was totally ok.
That's because slavery was legal. The constitution ever said so. Read Dred Scott carefully. They site the constitution, the laws of the national and the laws of the states supporting their decision. It took the 13th amendment to fix the constitution and to make the US a more perfect union and outlaw slavery
And how many nukes does Texas have? You can't shoot a tactical nuke no matter how many guns you have. And if Texans try to attack the US military, their right to self defense doesn't stop with weapons in kind.

If Texans bring a gun, the Army brings a tank. If Texas brings a tank, the Army brings a drone. If Texas brings a drone, the Army brings tactical air support.
If Texas brings an army (such as their national guard) the Army will not do hand to hand, as long as they have the deterrence of overpowering tactical and strategic weapons.

So bring your guns to a nuke fight.
You make the very serious mistake of assuming that-should Civil War come to the United States-that the US military and it's assets would remain the same as it is now. That didn't happen in the past and is extremally unlikely in any future rebellion. In fact there is no reason to believe that a rebellion wouldn't be lead by the military. You are most certainly counting on chickens that haven't hatched.
Why in God's name would we try to stop you? You pussies would come begging to join the union again after you find out that you don't get to keep any of the military and Mexico invades. In fact, first hurricane or freeze over, you'd be on bended knee! :lol:
Yeah, we'll figure out a way to manage. Where are you from, Boy Toucher, OR? And your main export is meth and kiddie porn? We won't miss you.

We still can't find this delaware village on a map, but apparently it's a place where they shower with their 11-year old daughters, stutter like a fucking retard, and shit their pants in elevators.

We're a little more civilized then that. Let's go Brandon.

You make the very serious mistake of assuming that-should Civil War come to the United States-that the US military and it's assets would remain the same as it is now. That didn't happen in the past and is extremally unlikely in any future rebellion. In fact there is no reason to believe that a rebellion wouldn't be lead by the military. You are most certainly counting on chickens that haven't hatched.
I know this is seceding is an option and the nation breaks into smaller nations, the percentage of Military assets needs to be doled out. Including WMD's. The red areas would be smart to reorient nukes to blue areas when they implode economically as to keep them from going to war as they make more excuses.
Yeah, we'll figure out a way to manage. Where are you from, Boy Toucher, OR? And your main export is meth and kiddie porn? We won't miss you.

We still can't find this delaware village on a map, but apparently it's a place where they shower with their 11-year old daughters, stutter like a fucking retard, and shit their pants in elevators.

We're a little more civilized then that.

Why is your posting material always 100% debunked? Even James O'Shithead from Veritas refused to run with that BS when somebody tried to sell it to him?

Of course, that's HIS story. Probably BS from one of his own turds :)
Check history. Last time federal troops turned over forts without a fight and a great many/most became Confederate troops. And this was true throughout the South. Robert E. Lee was one of them. Soldiers as well as States have minds of their own.

You think the US would turn over Ft Hood and Ft Bliss along with all our Texas AF Bases and Navy ports without a fight?
See how Ft Sumter turned out
Actually the Constitution reserves all powers not specifically granted to the the federal government to the States and to the people.
People cannot be taxed by a foreign government which the current federal government would become with succession of their State.
Hence why a state can't secede. As the people of the state as citizens of the United States are subject to federal income tax (16th amendment) independent of where they are located, or the source of their income.

Do American Citizens Living Abroad Have to Pay Taxes? Yes, if you are an American living abroad as a US citizen, you must file a US federal tax return and pay US taxes on your worldwide income no matter where you live at that time.
You think the US would turn over Ft Hood and Ft Bliss along with all our Texas AF Bases and Navy ports without a fight?
See how Ft Sumter turned out

Nah, they wouldn't be able to put up a fight even if they wanted to. We'll just go in and take what belongs to the American taxpayers.

I would be interested in relocating Austin. Cool music scene and cool people that I'd miss.

We are talking about a state that hates government so much they barely have one.

A state that is so backward that they don't have an electrical grid that can withstand a winter storm and runs to the federal government to bail them out.

A state that is too cheap to put in a proper sewer system to handle hurricanes and still won't upgrade so they again, run to the federal government to bail them out each hurricane season.

A state that puts money before human life.

The last thing they are able to do is wage a war against the United States.

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