Ted Cruz suggests Texas could secede and "take NASA and the military" if Dems "destroy the country"

B y the end of this year Biden will be farting all the time.
To distract from his continual declining approval.
He will always have select Leftist goons who were allowed to keep
their jobs at the Salvation Army around to make it seem like Biden is the Man.
True Man of the people.Biden walks like he's gotta take a dump awfully bad.
He kinda walks gingerly as if he might break somethin' any minute.
Not his brain.That's had 40 + years as a career Pol to take the abuse.
And keep on ticking " Like an old worn Timex watch.
Please take your word salad to a neighborhood picnic :)
Good. May we build a wall around it as well?..or look into giving it back to Mexico?

I'll support secession. Where do I donate to the cause? :)
Totally agree, could you imagine the flood of immigrants into this country if
Texas was to secede? Sorry, you have to have proof you voted Democrat, if not, turn around and enjoy your new shithole of a country!
B y the end of this year Biden will be farting all the time.
To distract from his continual declining approval.
He will always have select Leftist goons who were allowed to keep
their jobs at the Salvation Army around to make it seem like Biden is the Man.
True Man of the people.Biden walks like he's gotta take a dump awfully bad.
He kinda walks gingerly as if he might break somethin' any minute.
Not his brain.That's had 40 + years as a career Pol to take the abuse.
And keep on ticking " Like an old worn Timex watch.
Take your meds and go to bed.
Well today I bet some moderate dems are asking Biden to reach out to Trump's team for an answer to the economic disaster Joe has caused...

No, because they are cleaning up the mess trump left. You guys are delusional and really believe trump created a great economy.
None to nowhere ... eh Bub?
Let me take a stab here.You still rely on yer trusty 12 " B&W little TV
set and use rabbit ears.
If yer a good little boy you may be allowed to come upstairs from
yer basement converted bedroom to watch a a larger TV play reruns
of stuff like Sesame Street and maybe a few 50's Movies
like - Bucket of Blood - { 1959 } a Roger Corman beatnik flick.
Where living conditions are kinda scamp.Helter Skelter.None too goot.
Apparently none of that is true. Now lay off the meth.
No, because they are cleaning up the mess trump left. You guys are delusional and really believe trump created a great economy.
What mess?...tell us what the mess was?...too low of gas prices?...just what did Trump do that you people on the left hate so damn much?...look where we are now....for what?....
Sorry Ted, that ain't the way it works. If Texas secedes, we take NASA and the military. ALL of it including the Coast Guard. Next hurricane or freeze - No FEMA so you're on your own buddy. And you'll be out of a job after Texas has no more representation in Congress. Maybe you can organize a citizen army and capture Cancun? :)

Sen. Ted Cruz has called on his home state to secede from the U.S. if Democrats "fundamentally destroy the country," adding that Texas should "take" NASA, the military and the country's oil supply along with it.​
"If they pack the Supreme Court, if they make D.C. a state, if they federalize elections and massively expand voter fraud, there may come a point where it's hopeless," Cruz said during a speaking event at Texas A&M last month.​
"We're not there yet, and if there comes a point where it's hopeless, then I think we take NASA, we take the military, we take the oil," the Republican added.​

We can rebuild the NASA components which are in Texas in Florida a whole lot easier than they can rebuild the NASA components which are in Florida in Texas...
Which is the way it should be.Or name for me one big city that hasn't been
ruined by Liberals { or today's leftists } who are under the thumb of the Democrats.
Philly is probably the best example.Not Chicago because it's been corrupt\
since even before the classic 1906 novel - The Jungle - by Upton Sinclair.
Funny how the far right makes as if cities are collapsing....and yet they are still doing just fine....despite deplorable wishful thinking.
How would you know?
Because I can read. Anyhoo, moving on.

You guys are just going to have to learn to live with it. The world and country, changing. I suspect about 100% of you, give or take 0%, have completely hallucinated a nonexistent threat to your life and lifestyle. Any one of ya would bitch all day about how the country is being ruined, then brag all night about how successful you are. Get this nonsense out of here. Grow up.
Why in God's name would we try to stop you? You pussies would come begging to join the union again after you find out that you don't get to keep any of the military and Mexico invades. In fact, first hurricane or freeze over, you'd be on bended knee! :lol:

If you dont have issues with MASSIVE increases in Federal power and cost and reckless as shit spending, you're just not thinking straight..

IT AINT JUST TED CRUZ.. The numbers of folks who REJECT THE ENTIRE D.C. SWAMP cross party lines.. Maybe you're not from around here or something, but it's NO SECRET that half of West Coast Dems and half of independents and about 30% of Repubs out THERE -- would more than ponder secession..

Seems like your power worshipping of out of control BIG MUSCULAR govt is the minority fringe here..


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