Ted Cruz suggests Texas could secede and "take NASA and the military" if Dems "destroy the country"

Has Texas taken action to secede yet?
We can rebuild the NASA components which are in Texas in Florida a whole lot easier than they can rebuild the NASA components which are in Florida in Texas...
No you couldn't. Those would be some of the first things the federal government would take back. You might be lucky enough to successfully launch an Estes Model Rocket with a mouse in the capsule. :lol:
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HALF of Dems on Indies on the West Coast would more than ponder secession?
You NUTS - Perhaps you could post a poll or two. ;)
The question is simple.

What does the federal government do for you? What does the federal government do for your state?

What is the fucking purpose of a federal government?

The only thing the federal government does it all is take money and dole it out to special interests. It is fucking useless.

But I am willing to hear arguments for a while federal government is even fucking necessary.
No you couldn't. Those would be some of the first things the federal government would take back. You might be lucky enough to successfully launch an Estes Model Rocket with a mouse in the capsule. :lol:
Right, we can get into the shit talking back-and-forth like this is some sort of sports rivalry, but tell me why you think the federal government is even necessary.
Do you think you can prove the federal government is worth anything to the state of Texas?

With 130,000 Federal Employees, over 7 percent of Texans work for the Fed Government

The many projects that these bases undertake help bring jobs, investments and opportunities for healthcare, education and real estate to Texans across the state. In addition to investments brought to Texas, more retired military men and women make Texas their home after their years of service than any other state.


  • Total impact: $136.4 billion
  • GDP: $81.3 billion
  • Personnel employed: 804,000
All the governor of Texas has to do with his legislative followers is introduce Articles of Secession to the people of Texas for a vote......that would be Step 1. Why aren't they?
I would like someone to list for me everything that the federal government can do for me or my state that it can't do on its own.

In fact, the only thing the federal government ever does is hinder. It is absolutely useless to Texans. Useless. Worthless. Nothing but a drain and a hindrance.

Prove me wrong.
Sadly, you'll have to give up your Medicare and likely your Social Security checks if you choose to stay in Texas. :)
The question is simple.

What does the federal government do for you? What does the federal government do for your state?

What is the fucking purpose of a federal government?

The only thing the federal government does it all is take money and dole it out to special interests. It is fucking useless.

But I am willing to hear arguments for a while federal government is even fucking necessary.
Ever heard of the US military? How you gonna replace that .... with a bunch of rag tag militia dudes who haven't taken a bath in a week? Only the US government can get really big things done. PERIOD
All the governor of Texas has to do with his legislative followers is introduce Articles of Secession to the people of Texas for a vote......that would be Step 1. Why aren't they?

Ted Cruz wants to secede from the US and go to Cancun
I would like someone to list for me everything that the federal government can do for me or my state that it can't do on its own.

In fact, the only thing the federal government ever does is hinder. It is absolutely useless to Texans. Useless. Worthless. Nothing but a drain and a hindrance.

Prove me wrong.
Bail your sorry ass out when you lose power from 2" of snow... :badgrin:

God forbid another Harvey hits Houston (and it will) and your state turns into the baby bird in the nest squawking for Federal dollars.
No you couldn't. Those would be some of the first things the federal government would take back. You might be lucky enough to successfully launch an Estes Model Rocket with a mouse in the capsule. :lol:

Texas rebuild NASA?

What a joke.

They can't take a crow bar to their wallets to build proper electrical and sewage systems.

This is a state that believes that taxes are evil and hates the federal government.

It takes money to build NASA. Texas doesn't have that money. They would rather stuff it in the pockets of their already filthy rich and if anyone thinks that is going to stop, I have a beautiful piece of ocean waterfront property in Colorado to sell them.

The reality is that Texas isn't going anywhere. Texas is way too dependent and addicted to federal tax dollars and ted cruz is way too addicted to his free ride to ever actually leave the union.

All cruz is doing is riling up his followers and they are so simple minded they fall for cruz's garbage hook line and sinker.

Take about stupid. LOL.
No you couldn't. Those would be some of the first things the federal government would take back. You might be lucky enough to successfully launch an Estes Model Rocket with a mouse in the capsule. :lol:

I think you misunderstand. I'm in Florida, not Texas. The Federal government would be on Florida's side in this fight.

Texas would have to build this:


Oh, and a couple of these:


Florida could build just about anything NASA has in Texas...
Message to Cruz, Instead of spending the money & time we pay you beating up Big Bird, Go to your office sit down & read the bills offered, than gather some Republicans & some Democrat's sit down and work through the bill, discuss the good & bad points, see if you can find agreement that benefits AMERICANS, not just all your energy spent on your reelection & party over country.
I think you misunderstand. I'm in Florida, not Texas. The Federal government would be on Florida's side in this fight.

Texas would have to build this:


Oh, and a couple of these:


Florida could build just about anything NASA has in Texas...

They're all mothballed now, eclipsed by Space X and Blue Origin.
With 130,000 Federal Employees, over 7 percent of Texans work for the Fed Government

The many projects that these bases undertake help bring jobs, investments and opportunities for healthcare, education and real estate to Texans across the state. In addition to investments brought to Texas, more retired military men and women make Texas their home after their years of service than any other state.


  • Total impact: $136.4 billion
  • GDP: $81.3 billion
  • Personnel employed: 804,000

You are making the argument that we MUST KEEP the federal government because we need employers?


Who funds that federal government and pays those employees? What could those people do without having to fund all those useless jobs?
Ever heard of the US military? How you gonna replace that .... with a bunch of rag tag militia dudes who haven't taken a bath in a week? Only the US government can get really big things done. PERIOD
Where does the US military get its people and equipment?


The FedGov gets big things done....with OUR money.

Please. Horrible response.
Bail your sorry ass out when you lose power from 2" of snow... :badgrin:

God forbid another Harvey hits Houston (and it will) and your state turns into the baby bird in the nest squawking for Federal dollars.
Just think of what we could do if we didn't have to send all that money to DC. We wouldn't need beg DC for OUR money back.


You people are FAILING.

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