Ted Cruz."The First Latino President". No Wonder The Liberal Leaning Media Is In Full Panic Mode.

If you do not collect benefits they do not count you. Formula was changed before the last presidential election so Obama's unemployment numbers would drop.
You are still lying. Nothing was changed. Please link to the change you fabricated.
You miss the video? Okay here again.

NOW, this time LISTEN to the change in rules by the BLS!

This is the thing about the Right, All they need is someone to tell them a lie they want to hear and they will believe it without ever bothering to check anything, and no amount of facts will ever stop them from believing a lie that they have swallowed.

Typical reply from a WND.

You prove my point.

If you babysat for three whole hours in a month they count you as employed. Those are FACTS!
You are still lying. Nothing was changed. Please link to the change you fabricated.
You miss the video? Okay here again.

NOW, this time LISTEN to the change in rules by the BLS!

This is the thing about the Right, All they need is someone to tell them a lie they want to hear and they will believe it without ever bothering to check anything, and no amount of facts will ever stop them from believing a lie that they have swallowed.

Typical reply from a WND.

You prove my point.

If you babysat for three whole hours in a month they count you as employed. Those are FACTS!

I already posted the questions exposing that lie. They ask your job search for the last 4 weeks and your work hours for the LAST WEEK.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

The questions used in the interviews are carefully designed to obtain the most accurate picture of each person's labor force activities. Some of the major questions that determine employment status are as follows (the bolded words are emphasized when read by the interviewers).

  1. Does anyone in this household have a business or a farm?
  2. Last week, did you do any work for (either) pay (or profit)?
    If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no," the next question is:
  3. Last week, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?
    For those who reply "no" to both questions 2 and 3, the next key questions used to determine employment status are:
  4. Last week, (in addition to the business) did you have a job, either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
  5. Last week, were you on layoff from a job?
  6. What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?
You miss the video? Okay here again.

NOW, this time LISTEN to the change in rules by the BLS!

This is the thing about the Right, All they need is someone to tell them a lie they want to hear and they will believe it without ever bothering to check anything, and no amount of facts will ever stop them from believing a lie that they have swallowed.

Typical reply from a WND.

You prove my point.

If you babysat for three whole hours in a month they count you as employed. Those are FACTS!

I already posted the questions exposing that lie. They ask your job search for the last 4 weeks and your work hours for the LAST WEEK.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

The questions used in the interviews are carefully designed to obtain the most accurate picture of each person's labor force activities. Some of the major questions that determine employment status are as follows (the bolded words are emphasized when read by the interviewers).

  1. Does anyone in this household have a business or a farm?
  2. Last week, did you do any work for (either) pay (or profit)?
    If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no," the next question is:
  3. Last week, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?
    For those who reply "no" to both questions 2 and 3, the next key questions used to determine employment status are:
  4. Last week, (in addition to the business) did you have a job, either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
  5. Last week, were you on layoff from a job?
  6. What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?

You don't even understand the base number you are SUPPOSED to look at! But let's TRY again with something else. No damn wonder a democrat does NOT understand money as they are to STUPID to understand math!.
This is the thing about the Right, All they need is someone to tell them a lie they want to hear and they will believe it without ever bothering to check anything, and no amount of facts will ever stop them from believing a lie that they have swallowed.
Typical reply from a WND.
You prove my point.
If you babysat for three whole hours in a month they count you as employed. Those are FACTS!
I already posted the questions exposing that lie. They ask your job search for the last 4 weeks and your work hours for the LAST WEEK.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

The questions used in the interviews are carefully designed to obtain the most accurate picture of each person's labor force activities. Some of the major questions that determine employment status are as follows (the bolded words are emphasized when read by the interviewers).

  1. Does anyone in this household have a business or a farm?
  2. Last week, did you do any work for (either) pay (or profit)?
    If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no," the next question is:
  3. Last week, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?
    For those who reply "no" to both questions 2 and 3, the next key questions used to determine employment status are:
  4. Last week, (in addition to the business) did you have a job, either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
  5. Last week, were you on layoff from a job?
  6. What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?
You don't even understand the base number you are SUPPOSED to look at! But let's TRY again with something else. No damn wonder a democrat does NOT understand money as they are to STUPID to understand math!.

Caught him lying right out of the gate when he said 115,000 new jobs does not even keep up with population at 8.1% unemployment. It only takes 110,010 jobs to maintain our present 5.5% U-3 rate and keep up with population growth.

But you will bitterly cling to that lie too!

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Typical reply from a WND.
You prove my point.
If you babysat for three whole hours in a month they count you as employed. Those are FACTS!
I already posted the questions exposing that lie. They ask your job search for the last 4 weeks and your work hours for the LAST WEEK.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

The questions used in the interviews are carefully designed to obtain the most accurate picture of each person's labor force activities. Some of the major questions that determine employment status are as follows (the bolded words are emphasized when read by the interviewers).

  1. Does anyone in this household have a business or a farm?
  2. Last week, did you do any work for (either) pay (or profit)?
    If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no," the next question is:
  3. Last week, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?
    For those who reply "no" to both questions 2 and 3, the next key questions used to determine employment status are:
  4. Last week, (in addition to the business) did you have a job, either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
  5. Last week, were you on layoff from a job?
  6. What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?
You don't even understand the base number you are SUPPOSED to look at! But let's TRY again with something else. No damn wonder a democrat does NOT understand money as they are to STUPID to understand math!.

Caught him lying right out of the gate when he said 115,000 new jobs does not even keep up with population at 8.1% unemployment. It only takes 110,010 jobs to maintain our present 5.5% U-3 rate and keep up with population growth.

But you will bitterly cling to that lie too!

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Okay, NOW compare YOUR phony number with the number of grads per year from schools. AND remember you STILL have already unemployed.
Fast Facts
From the source.."About 7.3 million students will attend 2-year institutions and nearly 13.7 million will attend 4-year institutions. Some 18.0 million students are expected to enroll in undergraduate programs and about 3.0 million will enroll in postbaccalaureate programs" (source).

7.3 MILLION in two years okay? The report was done ONE YEAR ago which means in ONE year there will be 7.3 MILLION more people looking for work. 115 k a year in new jobs is NOT the kind of economy that can absorb that.

And YOUR numbers are BOGUS to start with. The government numbers are FIXED, they cook the books!

Last edited:
You prove my point.
If you babysat for three whole hours in a month they count you as employed. Those are FACTS!
I already posted the questions exposing that lie. They ask your job search for the last 4 weeks and your work hours for the LAST WEEK.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

The questions used in the interviews are carefully designed to obtain the most accurate picture of each person's labor force activities. Some of the major questions that determine employment status are as follows (the bolded words are emphasized when read by the interviewers).

  1. Does anyone in this household have a business or a farm?
  2. Last week, did you do any work for (either) pay (or profit)?
    If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no," the next question is:
  3. Last week, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?
    For those who reply "no" to both questions 2 and 3, the next key questions used to determine employment status are:
  4. Last week, (in addition to the business) did you have a job, either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
  5. Last week, were you on layoff from a job?
  6. What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?
You don't even understand the base number you are SUPPOSED to look at! But let's TRY again with something else. No damn wonder a democrat does NOT understand money as they are to STUPID to understand math!.

Caught him lying right out of the gate when he said 115,000 new jobs does not even keep up with population at 8.1% unemployment. It only takes 110,010 jobs to maintain our present 5.5% U-3 rate and keep up with population growth.

But you will bitterly cling to that lie too!

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Okay, NOW compare YOUR phony number with the number of grads per year from schools. AND remember you STILL have already unemployed.
Fast Facts

My number is not phony and all the stats used to calculate the number were listed. Your video was just some :asshole: pontificating.

You have graduates entering the labor market and retirees leaving the labor market. When a retiree leaves and someone takes their place, a labor market enterer gets a job without creating a "new" job. It only takes 110K new jobs to keep up with population growth at our present 5.5% UE rate. We have been creating 200+K/month and at that pace after 12 months we will be at 4.8%.
If you babysat for three whole hours in a month they count you as employed. Those are FACTS!
I already posted the questions exposing that lie. They ask your job search for the last 4 weeks and your work hours for the LAST WEEK.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

The questions used in the interviews are carefully designed to obtain the most accurate picture of each person's labor force activities. Some of the major questions that determine employment status are as follows (the bolded words are emphasized when read by the interviewers).

  1. Does anyone in this household have a business or a farm?
  2. Last week, did you do any work for (either) pay (or profit)?
    If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no," the next question is:
  3. Last week, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?
    For those who reply "no" to both questions 2 and 3, the next key questions used to determine employment status are:
  4. Last week, (in addition to the business) did you have a job, either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
  5. Last week, were you on layoff from a job?
  6. What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?
You don't even understand the base number you are SUPPOSED to look at! But let's TRY again with something else. No damn wonder a democrat does NOT understand money as they are to STUPID to understand math!.

Caught him lying right out of the gate when he said 115,000 new jobs does not even keep up with population at 8.1% unemployment. It only takes 110,010 jobs to maintain our present 5.5% U-3 rate and keep up with population growth.

But you will bitterly cling to that lie too!

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Okay, NOW compare YOUR phony number with the number of grads per year from schools. AND remember you STILL have already unemployed.
Fast Facts

My number is not phony and all the stats used to calculate the number were listed. Your video was just some :asshole: pontificating.

You have graduates entering the labor market and retirees leaving the labor market. When a retiree leaves and someone takes their place, a labor market enterer gets a job without creating a "new" job. It only takes 110K new jobs to keep up with population growth at our present 5.5% UE rate. We have been creating 200+K/month and at that pace after 12 months we will be at 4.8%.

Did you read the link idiot? How about these THREE MILLION coming THIS year? Same source..

"About 3.3 million students are expected to graduate from high school in 2014–15, including 3.0 million students from public high schools and about 0.3 million students from private high schools" (source).

How about drop outs looking for jobs?
I already posted the questions exposing that lie. They ask your job search for the last 4 weeks and your work hours for the LAST WEEK.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

The questions used in the interviews are carefully designed to obtain the most accurate picture of each person's labor force activities. Some of the major questions that determine employment status are as follows (the bolded words are emphasized when read by the interviewers).

  1. Does anyone in this household have a business or a farm?
  2. Last week, did you do any work for (either) pay (or profit)?
    If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no," the next question is:
  3. Last week, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?
    For those who reply "no" to both questions 2 and 3, the next key questions used to determine employment status are:
  4. Last week, (in addition to the business) did you have a job, either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
  5. Last week, were you on layoff from a job?
  6. What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?
You don't even understand the base number you are SUPPOSED to look at! But let's TRY again with something else. No damn wonder a democrat does NOT understand money as they are to STUPID to understand math!.

Caught him lying right out of the gate when he said 115,000 new jobs does not even keep up with population at 8.1% unemployment. It only takes 110,010 jobs to maintain our present 5.5% U-3 rate and keep up with population growth.

But you will bitterly cling to that lie too!

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Okay, NOW compare YOUR phony number with the number of grads per year from schools. AND remember you STILL have already unemployed.
Fast Facts

My number is not phony and all the stats used to calculate the number were listed. Your video was just some :asshole: pontificating.

You have graduates entering the labor market and retirees leaving the labor market. When a retiree leaves and someone takes their place, a labor market enterer gets a job without creating a "new" job. It only takes 110K new jobs to keep up with population growth at our present 5.5% UE rate. We have been creating 200+K/month and at that pace after 12 months we will be at 4.8%.

Did you read the link idiot? How about these THREE MILLION coming THIS year? Same source..

"About 3.3 million students are expected to graduate from high school in 2014–15, including 3.0 million students from public high schools and about 0.3 million students from private high schools" (source).

How about drop outs looking for jobs?

Not every school graduate wants a job. Some get married and have babies, some travel, some join the military, etc.
Your assumptions are flawed to begin with.
Last edited:
does anyone really think if Hillary wins she will be calling the shots? Its President Bill (3rd term).

How do you know whether Hillary was calling the shots when Bill was President?
You lie ALMOST as bad and certainly as often as Hillary. Does she send you your posts and comments?
Where's the lie? You posted an idiotic comment about how the government's unemployment numbers are affected by unemployment benefits. That's not a lie, you really did say that, as stupid as it was. I then gave you a link with the details of how that data is actually collected. That's not a lie, I really did try to educate you. You have since exhibited no indication that you learned a damn thing. That's not a lie, you really haven't.

So where did I lie??
Like I said they changed the formula.. See for yourself.

Wow, you parrot a lying idiot. You do realize the questions in the BLS "current population survey" were last changed in 1994. What the :asshole: in the video calls a "supplemental" survey and says was just added, was added in 1994 and called a "parallel" survey, see page 21. It is still the same today.


The video came out in 2014. Quit lying to the people.It was changed under Obama, now run along with YOUR lies.

I don't care when the lie came out, it is still a lie.

Here are the current questions in the survey asked today, they are the same as 1994:

How the Government Measures Unemployment

The questions used in the interviews are carefully designed to obtain the most accurate picture of each person's labor force activities. Some of the major questions that determine employment status are as follows (the bolded words are emphasized when read by the interviewers).

  1. Does anyone in this household have a business or a farm?
  2. Last week, did you do any work for (either) pay (or profit)?
    If the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no," the next question is:
  3. Last week, did you do any unpaid work in the family business or farm?
    For those who reply "no" to both questions 2 and 3, the next key questions used to determine employment status are:
  4. Last week, (in addition to the business) did you have a job, either full or part time? Include any job from which you were temporarily absent.
  5. Last week, were you on layoff from a job?
  6. What was the main reason you were absent from work last week?
    For those who respond "yes" to question 5 about being on layoff, the following questions are asked:
  7. Has your employer given you a date to return to work?
    If "no," the next question is:
  8. Have you been given any indication that you will be recalled to work within the next 6 months?
    If the responses to either question 7 or 8 indicate that the person expects to be recalled from layoff, he or she is counted as unemployed. For those who were reported as having no job or business from which they were absent or on layoff, the next question is:
  9. Have you been doing anything to find work during the last 4 weeks?
    For those who say "yes," the next question is:
  10. What are all of the things you have done to find work during the last 4 weeks?
    If an active method of looking for work, such as those listed at the beginning of this section, is mentioned, the following question is asked:
  11. Last week, could you have started a job if one had been offered?
    If there is no reason, except temporary illness, that the person could not take a job, he or she is considered to be not only looking but also available for work and is counted as unemployed.

DarkFury is proving the old adage that rightards are ineducable.
Government unemployment numbers are in FACT false because they only count those getting unemployment benefits.
NOT those whose benefits have run out NOR does it count first time job seekers.
That is a lie mindlessly parroted by the ignorant!
I tried to educate him but I don't think it took. :dunno:
You lie ALMOST as bad and certainly as often as Hillary. Does she send you your posts and comments?
Where's the lie? You posted an idiotic comment about how the government's unemployment numbers are affected by unemployment benefits. That's not a lie, you really did say that, as stupid as it was. I then gave you a link with the details of how that data is actually collected. That's not a lie, I really did try to educate you. You have since exhibited no indication that you learned a damn thing. That's not a lie, you really haven't.

So where did I lie??
Like I said they changed the formula.. See for yourself.

That you post a non-sequitur to my query of where you think I lied is all I need to see to know you were full of shit when you fallaciously cast that. Thanks for confirming that which I already suspected. :thup:
That is a lie mindlessly parroted by the ignorant!
I tried to educate him but I don't think it took. :dunno:
You lie ALMOST as bad and certainly as often as Hillary. Does she send you your posts and comments?
Where's the lie? You posted an idiotic comment about how the government's unemployment numbers are affected by unemployment benefits. That's not a lie, you really did say that, as stupid as it was. I then gave you a link with the details of how that data is actually collected. That's not a lie, I really did try to educate you. You have since exhibited no indication that you learned a damn thing. That's not a lie, you really haven't.

So where did I lie??
Like I said they changed the formula.. See for yourself.

That you post a non-sequitur to my query of where you think I lied is all I need to see to know you were full of shit when you fallaciously cast that. Thanks for confirming that which I already suspected. :thup:

Oh you lied, that you did. But the net is a game to you NOT a place for any degree of truth OR ethics.
YOU lied. It SHOWS. Deal with it.
:dance: Oh Oh! Democrats In Full Panic Mode. Looks like the Republicans just might win the race for the first Latino President! No wonder the pansy's on "Some Cable Networks" are already trashing Ted Cruz. So when Marco Rubio makes his announcement, is he next on the punching bag list? Marco Rubio for President? God Forbid! He's Hispanic! The left just wont settle for an Hispanic President!, well unless he is a Liberal Democrat. But unfortunately, we don't have any Latino&Liberal Senators to challenge Cruz or Rubio next year. Gosh Darn It !!!:crybaby::dunno::tongue-44:

Hes Canadian right?......amazing, especially after the birther movement, that the left media isnt railing about his Canadian birth?

to borrow a phrase from 'God save the Queen' on the Queen's enemies...."Confound their politics"

likely he is a shill pushed by Goldman-Sachs, his wife's (former?) employer.

What do these big bankers fear the most?......auditing the fed.....Rand Paul scares these crooks to death...
so Cruz will siphon votes from the true conservatives.

a recent handwriting analysis said Cruz was hiding something
"When someone makes their name entirely illegible, there is much going on behind the scenes that he doesn’t want others to know about"

Cruz is a shill

the resume of an insider...the rhetoric of an outsider

further........ a shill ineligible to be president...which he may just use to jettison himself if it looks like he might actually get too far.

I've seen left-wing media and mouth pieces defend his eligibility, and fail to mention his wife's employer...while touting his signing into Obama/Romney-care....hmmmm

WE can all look forward to the Perversion team!


I fail to see the relevance to my post. By supporting Cruz you are in fact supporting the crooked establishment of both major parties.

You sir, are a political dumbass! Apparently you haven't the IQ to realize what Cruz stands for....


Like I said

rhetoric of an outsider.......resume of an insider

his signature shows he is hiding something

I believe that something is that his role is merely to break up support in the conservative camp...a spoiler...a shill

I agree with his above statement......trouble is......I dont think he does.
I really don't believe how stupid Pawn and the other subversives are....well, yes I do!

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.

. . . “Under the new program, if you get a Social Security number and you work, you’ll be eligible to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” Mr. Koskinen said.

He said that would apply even “if you did not file” taxes, as long as the illegal immigrant could demonstrate having worked off-the-books during those years.

Non-Tax-Paying Illegal Immigrants To Get Refunds From The IRS As Americans Pay More Taxes Downtrend
I tried to educate him but I don't think it took. :dunno:
You lie ALMOST as bad and certainly as often as Hillary. Does she send you your posts and comments?
Where's the lie? You posted an idiotic comment about how the government's unemployment numbers are affected by unemployment benefits. That's not a lie, you really did say that, as stupid as it was. I then gave you a link with the details of how that data is actually collected. That's not a lie, I really did try to educate you. You have since exhibited no indication that you learned a damn thing. That's not a lie, you really haven't.

So where did I lie??
Like I said they changed the formula.. See for yourself.

That you post a non-sequitur to my query of where you think I lied is all I need to see to know you were full of shit when you fallaciously cast that. Thanks for confirming that which I already suspected. :thup:

Oh you lied, that you did. But the net is a game to you NOT a place for any degree of truth OR ethics.
YOU lied. It SHOWS. Deal with it.

Had I lied, you would have been able to show where. Instead, you punted with a non-sequitur.

Just so ya know .... saying I lied is not the same as me actually lying. Your failure to prove your assertion renders it in itself a falsehood.
I really don't believe how stupid Pawn and the other subversives are....well, yes I do!

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.

. . . “Under the new program, if you get a Social Security number and you work, you’ll be eligible to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” Mr. Koskinen said.

He said that would apply even “if you did not file” taxes, as long as the illegal immigrant could demonstrate having worked off-the-books during those years.

Non-Tax-Paying Illegal Immigrants To Get Refunds From The IRS As Americans Pay More Taxes Downtrend
No, you idiot. They don't pay taxes because they earn too little, not because they're getting paid under the table. They're still filing tax returns with the IRS to get those credits.
I really don't believe how stupid Pawn and the other subversives are....well, yes I do!

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.

. . . “Under the new program, if you get a Social Security number and you work, you’ll be eligible to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” Mr. Koskinen said.

He said that would apply even “if you did not file” taxes, as long as the illegal immigrant could demonstrate having worked off-the-books during those years.

Non-Tax-Paying Illegal Immigrants To Get Refunds From The IRS As Americans Pay More Taxes Downtrend
No, you idiot. They don't pay taxes because they earn too little, not because they're getting paid under the table. They're still filing tax returns with the IRS to get those credits.

They can make UP anything they want to, with NO PENALTY! How many PHONY TAX RETURNS are made, filed and rec. back money from each year....MILLIONS!
Just look at NON WORKERS getting back money....Fucking idiot!

Prison inmates claim $3.7 billion in phony tax refunds ...
newsnet5.com Local Breaking News Weather Sports WEWS-TV NewsChannel5 Cleveland Akron Canton Ohio/news/...inmates-claim-37-billion-in-phony-tax-refunds
Fraudulent income tax returns continue to filed by prison inmates despite the IRS being warned of an increase in phony tax returns.

Identity Thieves Steal $5.2 Billion With Phony Tax Returns ...
News Tribune/news/2012/aug/...steal-52-billion-phony-tax-return
Aug 06, 2012 · Back in January, as consumers began to file tax returns, some complained that their refunds were delayed. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) …

IRS fails to stop millions of phony tax returns, loses ...

PCWorld Business Center reported that the IRS could lose $21 billion over the next five years ... IRS fails to stop millions of phony tax returns, ...

IRS workers OK "phony" documents from illegal immigrants ...
Indianapolis News Indiana Weather Sports - 13 WTHR Indianapolis/.../irs-workers...phony-documents-from-illegal-immigrants
... the Internal Revenue Service pointed the ... as dependents on their tax returns, ... this tax loophole for illegal immigrants, the IRS blames Congress ...

You can't argue with stupid... That's you Faun!

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