Ted Cruz's dad: African-Americans “need to be educated”

Most blacks can't read or count or even tell time. Yeah - i too think they need education.

I'm sure many conservatives and Tea-Party members on this board agree whole-heartedly with you ShootSpeeders. Thanks for your input.
If that segment of the black community to whom Cruz was directing his comments would listen to him or others espousing similar opinions rather than the dimocrats and/or members of the Black Grievance Industry, they'd have much brighter futures than what currently awaits them.
Blacks are the leaders of America in crime, out of wedlock births, and the suckling of the Gubmint Teet, and they vote 90% + for democrats.

Yes, they need education. Desperately.

How very white of you to educate us.Thanks um!

Evidently it's not working. Enjoy your life as the perpetual underclass and lives of crime and promiscuity.

You're nothing but a racist racist, you racist, and your racism shows how racist you are, you racist.

Blacks are the leaders of America in crime, out of wedlock births, and the suckling of the Gubmint Teet, and they vote 90% + for democrats.

Yes, they need education. Desperately.

How very white of you to educate us.Thanks um!

Evidently it's not working. Enjoy your life as the perpetual underclass and lives of crime and promiscuity.

You're a racist, you racist and your racism shows how racist you are, you racist.


I'm blessed to not be a black man. This much I know.:afro:
Blacks are the leaders of America in crime, out of wedlock births, and the suckling of the Gubmint Teet, and they vote 90% + for democrats.

Yes, they need education. Desperately.

Using statistics to justify racism.......something new and different.

Right, because facts are irrelevant.

The racism canard is the pinnacle of admitting you have no argument.
Oh no, I'm sure your quite right. You can use use actual statistics combined with half wit anecdotes to justify what ever you were already predisposed to believe.
Blacks are the leaders of America in crime, out of wedlock births, and the suckling of the Gubmint Teet, and they vote 90% + for democrats.

Yes, they need education. Desperately.

Using statistics to justify racism.......something new and different.

Right, because facts are irrelevant.

The racism canard is the pinnacle of admitting you have no argument.
Oh no, I'm sure your quite right. You can use use actual statistics combined with half wit anecdotes to justify what ever you were already predisposed to believe.

So statistics on their own mean nothing; it takes prejudice to make them real.

Your ability to be a part of this discussion just evaporated like a fart in the wind. Adios, moron.
Blacks are the leaders of America in crime, out of wedlock births, and the suckling of the Gubmint Teet, and they vote 90% + for democrats.

Yes, they need education. Desperately.

How very white of you to educate us.Thanks um!

Evidently it's not working. Enjoy your life as the perpetual underclass and lives of crime and promiscuity.

You're a racist, you racist and your racism shows how racist you are, you racist.


I'm blessed to not be a black man. This much I know.:afro:
Unfortunate that you aren't able to make better use of your blessings.
Blacks are the leaders of America in crime, out of wedlock births, and the suckling of the Gubmint Teet, and they vote 90% + for democrats.

Yes, they need education. Desperately.

How very white of you to educate us.Thanks um!

Evidently it's not working. Enjoy your life as the perpetual underclass and lives of crime and promiscuity.

Here, I'll make you feel better about yourself...

Blacks are the leaders of America in crime, out of wedlock births, and the suckling of the Gubmint Teet, and they vote 90% + for democrats.

Yes, they need education. Desperately.

Using statistics to justify racism.......something new and different.

Right, because facts are irrelevant.

The racism canard is the pinnacle of admitting you have no argument.
Oh no, I'm sure your quite right. You can use use actual statistics combined with half wit anecdotes to justify what ever you were already predisposed to believe.

So statistics on their own mean nothing; it takes prejudice to make them real.

Your ability to be a part of this discussion just evaporated like a fart in the wind. Adios, moron.
Your prejudice certainly gives context, not much meaning though.
Blacks are the leaders of America in crime, out of wedlock births, and the suckling of the Gubmint Teet, and they vote 90% + for democrats.

Yes, they need education. Desperately.

How very white of you to educate us.Thanks um!

Evidently it's not working. Enjoy your life as the perpetual underclass and lives of crime and promiscuity.

Here, I'll make you feel better about yourself...


Come on..you can do better than that..

How Racist Power"!
Gosh isn't that the exact same thing the progressives and Planned Parenthood say about blacks? That they need to be "educated" so they can continue the steady stream of money to the abortion clinics?
AHA! Looks like the tree doesn't differ much from the apple. What ignorant/racist Canadians!

Ted Cruz s dad Average black doesn t know the minimum wage is bad MSNBC

In another rant that could become a headache for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, the Republican’s father said he believes that “the average black” doesn’t realize the minimum wage is bad

Pastor Rafael Cruz, who has a history of controversial statements, also said that African-Americans “need to be educated” about Democrats, while speaking at the Western Williamson Republican Club’s August meeting on Aug. 21.

Ah, so you think African Americans should be uneducated, fuckwad?

Of course, keep them ignorant and dependent - the democrat way....
What's the drop out rate among black teens? What's the murder rate among black teens? What's the crime rate among black teens? What's the unemployment rate among black teens?

Tell me where or how his dad is wrong based on the answers to the above questions.
Gosh isn't that the exact same thing the progressives and Planned Parenthood say about blacks? That they need to be "educated" so they can continue the steady stream of money to the abortion clinics?

haha. No.


So progressives don't find this racist:

" In 2012, 15 percent of Planned Parenthood patients were African Americans —390,000 people. Between 2002 and 2012, the number of African-American patients increased by 20 percent, with a 141 percent increase in African-American male patients."

"Our goal is to improve the sexual health of young people (15-24), particularly African American and Latino youth, through engaging, culturally appropriate, online and mobile education projects."

In other words, they think Blacks (and latinos) need more education.


In the Community - Planned Parenthood Action Center
AHA! Looks like the tree doesn't differ much from the apple. What ignorant/racist Canadians!

Ted Cruz s dad Average black doesn t know the minimum wage is bad MSNBC

In another rant that could become a headache for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, the Republican’s father said he believes that “the average black” doesn’t realize the minimum wage is bad

Pastor Rafael Cruz, who has a history of controversial statements, also said that African-Americans “need to be educated” about Democrats, while speaking at the Western Williamson Republican Club’s August meeting on Aug. 21.

The Cruz family evidently has a real talent for articulating racist generalities that appeal to a wide cross section of racist dip shits.
Gosh isn't that the exact same thing the progressives and Planned Parenthood say about blacks? That they need to be "educated" so they can continue the steady stream of money to the abortion clinics?


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