What a very few African Americans would like to see happen...

Boy, that was quick!

We've gone from blacks being reasonable and logical to blacks being more lazy than whites because of their breeding. In less than one page!
And the social biological answer for WHY those "lazy negroes' lies in breeding.
Oh, this just gets better and better! :lol:
Well evidently you've never heard of sociobiology.
Here read up on it and get back to me. Sociobiology - Wikipedia
By the way in case you are just too lazy... some background to blow your biased uninformed assumptions!
Sociobiology is a field of scientific study that is based on the hypothesis that social behavior has resulted from evolution and attempts to examine and explain social behavior within that context. It is a branch of biology that deals with social behavior, and also draws from ethology, anthropology, evolution, zoology, archaeology, population genetics, and other disciplines. Within the study of human societies, sociobiology is closely allied to Darwinian anthropology, human behavioral ecology and evolutionary psychology.

Sociobiology investigates social behaviors, such as mating patterns, territorial fights, pack hunting, and the hive society of social insects. It argues that just as selection pressure led to animals evolving useful ways of interacting with the natural environment, it led to the genetic evolution of advantageous social behavior.

While the term "sociobiology" can be traced to the 1940s, the concept did not gain major recognition until the publication of E. O. Wilson's book Sociobiology: The New Synthesis in 1975.[Wilson is (2014) the Pellegrino University Research Professor, Emeritus in Entomology for the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University, a lecturer at Duke University,[6] and a Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He is a Humanist Laureate of the International Academy of Humanism.[7][8] He is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction (for On Human Nature in 1979, and The Ants in 1991) and a New York Times bestseller for The Social Conquest of Earth,[9] Letters to a Young Scientist,[9] and The Meaning of Human Existence.]

The new field quickly became the subject of controversy. Critics, led by Richard Lewontin and Stephen Jay Gould, argued that genes play a role in human behavior, and that traits such as aggressiveness can be explained by social environment rather than biology. Sociobiologists responded by pointing to the complex relationship between nature and nurture.
Boy, that was quick!

We've gone from blacks being reasonable and logical to blacks being more lazy than whites because of their breeding. In less than one page!
No I've provided the premise that being "politically correct" as I was trying to be is once again an illustration of how dumb it is to think you have to
appeal to all parties.
And the process of doing so was because YOU raised the specter of blacks being inferior as you raised the QUESTION "vast majority" was a questionable
assumption! Why are you racist? You don't give the black community enough smarts to understand the implications of "reparations"?
YOU raised the issue when you questioned MY statement "a very few". Once again that makes YOU believe that the majority of blacks are not able to
comprehend the implications of "reparations". You didn't give them the benefit of doubt FIRST! I did. And so when you questioned my "politically correct"
assumption... I correctly validated your statement that the "vast majority of African Americans" do believe they are owed trillions.
But you made the racist observation first... you as a racist immediately jumped to the correct I might add conclusion I was wrong in giving the benefit of doubt!
Boy, that was quick!

We've gone from blacks being reasonable and logical to blacks being more lazy than whites because of their breeding. In less than one page!
No I've provided the premise that being "politically correct" as I was trying to be is once again an illustration of how dumb it is to think you have to
appeal to all parties.
No, what happened here is you tried to dress your deep-seated racism in your Sunday best and ended up naked in traffic in the middle of the day.
And the social biological answer for WHY those "lazy negroes' lies in breeding.
Oh, this just gets better and better! :lol:
Well evidently you've never heard of sociobiology.
Here read up on it and get back to me. Sociobiology - Wikipedia
By the way in case you are just too lazy... some background to blow your biased uninformed assumptions!
Sociobiology is a field of scientific study that is based on the hypothesis that social behavior has resulted from evolution and attempts to examine and explain social behavior within that context. It is a branch of biology that deals with social behavior, and also draws from ethology, anthropology, evolution, zoology, archaeology, population genetics, and other disciplines. Within the study of human societies, sociobiology is closely allied to Darwinian anthropology, human behavioral ecology and evolutionary psychology.

Sociobiology investigates social behaviors, such as mating patterns, territorial fights, pack hunting, and the hive society of social insects. It argues that just as selection pressure led to animals evolving useful ways of interacting with the natural environment, it led to the genetic evolution of advantageous social behavior.

While the term "sociobiology" can be traced to the 1940s, the concept did not gain major recognition until the publication of E. O. Wilson's book Sociobiology: The New Synthesis in 1975.[Wilson is (2014) the Pellegrino University Research Professor, Emeritus in Entomology for the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University, a lecturer at Duke University,[6] and a Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He is a Humanist Laureate of the International Academy of Humanism.[7][8] He is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction (for On Human Nature in 1979, and The Ants in 1991) and a New York Times bestseller for The Social Conquest of Earth,[9] Letters to a Young Scientist,[9] and The Meaning of Human Existence.]

The new field quickly became the subject of controversy. Critics, led by Richard Lewontin and Stephen Jay Gould, argued that genes play a role in human behavior, and that traits such as aggressiveness can be explained by social environment rather than biology. Sociobiologists responded by pointing to the complex relationship between nature and nurture.

What a twisted defense of your own bigotry
I will be happy to pay reparations to anyone I may have enslaved.

I nearly agree, but the correct method would be for all slaves to sue all slave owners in civil court. Those slaves and slaves owners speak up and be counted.

Nothing like liberals looking for FREE deeper pockets on the tax payer's dime just cuz:
Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.

I have no clue why the hell you are bringing this up.

There has been no serious discussion of reparations for years- and aren't happening now.

Just appears you are trying to stir up shit.
Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.

I have no clue why the hell you are bringing this up.

There has been no serious discussion of reparations for years- and aren't happening now.

Just appears you are trying to stir up shit.

All you have to do is a little research as I've done!
AMAZON!! ABC News...Congress preparing a bill.... want more??

Amazon is developing a drama series from Will Packer and Aaron McGruder that will deal with a post-slavery reparations America, Variety has confirmed.

The alt-history series will explore a world in which newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama as reparations for slavery. The new nation, known as New Colonia, has a tumultuous relationship with the United States government.

Packer and McGruder will executive produce the series. Packer is a prolific producer, having recently worked on films such as “Girls Trip,” “Straight Outta Compton,” and “Ride Along” to name just a few. McGruder is best known for creating the comic strip and accompanying cartoon series “The Boondocks,” as well as the series “Black Jesus.”
Amazon Developing Slavery Reparations Series ‘Black America’ From Will Packer, Aaron McGruder

20/20: Americans Debate Reparations for Slavery
There's no disputing that Americans of African descent suffered centuries of enslavement. What's far less certain, however, is what kind of debt is owed to the descendants of those slaves.

Students on several college campuses are up in arms over an ad placed in campus newspapers this week by conservative activist David Horowitz. The ad denounces the suggestion that the United States should compensate its African-American citizens for the injustices suffered by slaves.

The protests — and Horowitz's ad — are just the latest signs of the simmering national debate over slave reparations.

Crusade in the Courts

A group of influential lawyers and scholars called the Reparations Coordinating Committee has focused on the institutions it says have profited from slavery. Led by civil-rights activist Randall Robinson, it plans to bring massive lawsuits against the government and major corporations.
20/20: Americans Debate Reparations for Slavery

H.R.40 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act
Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 1.31.04 PM.png
Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.

I have no clue why the hell you are bringing this up.

There has been no serious discussion of reparations for years- and aren't happening now.

Just appears you are trying to stir up shit.

H.R.40 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans ActView attachment 147053

A motion introduced in January- and referred to committe- in January- with no action since.

Like I said there has been no serious discussion of reparations for years.

Just appears you are trying to stir shit up.
Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.

I have no clue why the hell you are bringing this up.

There has been no serious discussion of reparations for years- and aren't happening now.

Just appears you are trying to stir up shit.

All you have to do is a little research as I've done!
AMAZON!! ABC News...Congress preparing a bill.... want more??

Amazon is developing a drama series from Will Packer and Aaron McGruder that will deal with a post-slavery reparations America, Variety has confirmed.

The alt-history series will explore a world in which newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama as reparations for slavery. The new nation, known as New Colonia, has a tumultuous relationship with the United States government.

Packer and McGruder will executive produce the series. Packer is a prolific producer, having recently worked on films such as “Girls Trip,” “Straight Outta Compton,” and “Ride Along” to name just a few. McGruder is best known for creating the comic strip and accompanying cartoon series “The Boondocks,” as well as the series “Black Jesus.”
Amazon Developing Slavery Reparations Series ‘Black America’ From Will Packer, Aaron McGruder

The alt-history series will explore a world in which newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama as reparations for slavery.

So you think that a series talking about 'reparations' - i.e. giving freed slaves their own states in 1865- is a current 'serious' discussion of reparations?

Did you think that the Man in the High Castle is a serious discussion about having Nazi's take over the U.S. Government?
Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.

I have no clue why the hell you are bringing this up.

There has been no serious discussion of reparations for years- and aren't happening now.

Just appears you are trying to stir up shit.

All you have to do is a little research as I've done!
AMAZON!! ABC News...Congress preparing a bill.... want more??

Amazon is developing a drama series from Will Packer and Aaron McGruder that will deal with a post-slavery reparations America, Variety has confirmed.

The alt-history series will explore a world in which newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama as reparations for slavery. The new nation, known as New Colonia, has a tumultuous relationship with the United States government.

Packer and McGruder will executive produce the series. Packer is a prolific producer, having recently worked on films such as “Girls Trip,” “Straight Outta Compton,” and “Ride Along” to name just a few. McGruder is best known for creating the comic strip and accompanying cartoon series “The Boondocks,” as well as the series “Black Jesus.”
Amazon Developing Slavery Reparations Series ‘Black America’ From Will Packer, Aaron McGruder

20/20: Americans Debate Reparations for Slavery
There's no disputing that Americans of African descent suffered centuries of enslavement. What's far less certain, however, is what kind of debt is owed to the descendants of those slaves.
20/20: Americans Debate Reparations for Slavery
  • By ABC News
March 23
So- a 20/20 article- from 6 months ago?

Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.

I have no clue why the hell you are bringing this up.

There has been no serious discussion of reparations for years- and aren't happening now.

Just appears you are trying to stir up shit.

All you have to do is a little research as I've done!
AMAZON!! ABC News...Congress preparing a bill.... want more??

Amazon is developing a drama series from Will Packer and Aaron McGruder that will deal with a post-slavery reparations America, Variety has confirmed.

The alt-history series will explore a world in which newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama as reparations for slavery. The new nation, known as New Colonia, has a tumultuous relationship with the United States government.

Packer and McGruder will executive produce the series. Packer is a prolific producer, having recently worked on films such as “Girls Trip,” “Straight Outta Compton,” and “Ride Along” to name just a few. McGruder is best known for creating the comic strip and accompanying cartoon series “The Boondocks,” as well as the series “Black Jesus.”
Amazon Developing Slavery Reparations Series ‘Black America’ From Will Packer, Aaron McGruder

20/20: Americans Debate Reparations for Slavery
There's no disputing that Americans of African descent suffered centuries of enslavement. What's far less certain, however, is what kind of debt is owed to the descendants of those slaves.
20/20: Americans Debate Reparations for Slavery
  • By ABC News
March 23
So- a 20/20 article- from 6 months ago?


Amazon is developing a drama series from Will Packer and Aaron McGruder that will deal with a post-slavery reparations America, Variety has confirmed.

The alt-history series will explore a world in which newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama as reparations for slavery. The new nation, known as New Colonia, has a tumultuous relationship with the United States government.

Packer and McGruder will executive produce the series. Packer is a prolific producer, having recently worked on films such as “Girls Trip,” “Straight Outta Compton,” and “Ride Along” to name just a few. McGruder is best known for creating the comic strip and accompanying cartoon series “The Boondocks,” as well as the series “Black Jesus.”
Amazon Developing Slavery Reparations Series ‘Black America’ From Will Packer, Aaron McGruder

Congressional bill...
Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 1.31.04 PM.png

Then I just did some more "Reparations 2017"

The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) is the premiere mass-based coalition of organizations and individuals organized for the sole purpose of obtaining reparations for African descendants in the United States.
NOTE the date 8/30/17 THAT RECENT ENOUGH for you???
Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 2.39.54 PM.png
Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.

I have no clue why the hell you are bringing this up.

There has been no serious discussion of reparations for years- and aren't happening now.

Just appears you are trying to stir up shit.

H.R.40 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans ActView attachment 147053

A motion introduced in January- and referred to committe- in January- with no action since.

Like I said there has been no serious discussion of reparations for years.

Just appears you are trying to stir shit up.
Too many days had passed around here without someone slapping the darkies around.
Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.

I have no clue why the hell you are bringing this up.

There has been no serious discussion of reparations for years- and aren't happening now.

Just appears you are trying to stir up shit.

All you have to do is a little research as I've done!
AMAZON!! ABC News...Congress preparing a bill.... want more??

Amazon is developing a drama series from Will Packer and Aaron McGruder that will deal with a post-slavery reparations America, Variety has confirmed.

The alt-history series will explore a world in which newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama as reparations for slavery. The new nation, known as New Colonia, has a tumultuous relationship with the United States government.

Packer and McGruder will executive produce the series. Packer is a prolific producer, having recently worked on films such as “Girls Trip,” “Straight Outta Compton,” and “Ride Along” to name just a few. McGruder is best known for creating the comic strip and accompanying cartoon series “The Boondocks,” as well as the series “Black Jesus.”
Amazon Developing Slavery Reparations Series ‘Black America’ From Will Packer, Aaron McGruder

20/20: Americans Debate Reparations for Slavery
There's no disputing that Americans of African descent suffered centuries of enslavement. What's far less certain, however, is what kind of debt is owed to the descendants of those slaves.
20/20: Americans Debate Reparations for Slavery
  • By ABC News
March 23
So- a 20/20 article- from 6 months ago?


Amazon is developing a drama series from Will Packer and Aaron McGruder that will deal with a post-slavery reparations America, Variety has confirmed.H]

Amazon also developed a drama series regarding an alternate history of a post-Nazi America- that doesn't mean that there was a substantial move to invite Nazi Germans to take over the United States.

The Man in the High Castle (TV series) - Wikipedia
Then I just did some more "Reparations 2017"

The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) is the premiere mass-based coalition of organizations and individuals organized for the sole purpose of obtaining reparations for African descendants in the United States.
NOTE the date 8/30/17 THAT RECENT ENOUGH for you???
View attachment 147065

Wow- "N'Cobra' an organization few have ever heard of- established 30 years ago- had a conference that apparently about a dozen people attended.

Yep- still seems to be just you trying to stir shit up.
Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.
Slavery Saved Them From Savagery

We should demand reparations from Africa for selling us defective merchandise. The trillions of dollars lost in welfare, crime costs, and poor job performance will provide a good basis for a class-action lawsuit.
But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts!
You know what a vast majority of blacks think and feel, eh?

How do you know this?

I didn't know! I was just trying to be "politically Correct"... NOT to offend the majority of blacks on this forum.
I was assuming they are intelligent, rational human beings FIRST! I was trying to be "politically correct"! WRONG!

I WAS WRONG about the "vast Majority"!
I should have done my research FIRST.

I apologize for that erroneous politically correct assumption!

FACT:YouGov | Overwhelming opposition to reparations for slavery and Jim Crow
View attachment 147024
The Top Pushing the Bottom and Itself Against the Middle

That race-traitor 6% of Whites has the overwhelming majority of the power. The oligarchy must collapse before anything gets done.
Reparations are already paid in the form of The War on Poverty in which we have spent $22 Trillion on already.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Good point! The only issue is more whites receive welfare then Blacks. Now as a percentage of their demographic YES blacks received more then whites.

And your point is, that Poor White People don't need help?

So you want Welfare for the Poor of which a disproportionate percentage goes to minorities, and on top of that, you also want reparations when we have already spent 22 Trillion Dollars helping "disadvantaged people"

Not only that, all the laws that have been written and money spent implementing them, like Affirmative Action, The Rooney Rule, Title IX. That also is a form of Reparations.

No you grossly misread my "point" which is the REALTY is more dollars go to Whites as there are MORE POOR whites than blacks.
BUT as a % of the black population it is a HIGHER percentage meaning as a group they are more prone to sitting back and waiting for the welfare check.
Damn those lazy negroes!

And once again you jump to conclusions.
And the social biological answer for WHY those "lazy negroes' lies in breeding.
Back when slave owners were breeding slaves what kind of slave would YOU want? A strong but ignorant slave. Why would you want a smart weak slave?
So from that perspective the African American genetically was breed for with body muscle priority and brain muscle less so.
Ding Dong, School Is Out

Where on the Bell Curve does someone gong who thinks that someone has to be either strong and dumb or weak and smart?
Good point! The only issue is more whites receive welfare then Blacks. Now as a percentage of their demographic YES blacks received more then whites.

And your point is, that Poor White People don't need help?

So you want Welfare for the Poor of which a disproportionate percentage goes to minorities, and on top of that, you also want reparations when we have already spent 22 Trillion Dollars helping "disadvantaged people"

Not only that, all the laws that have been written and money spent implementing them, like Affirmative Action, The Rooney Rule, Title IX. That also is a form of Reparations.

No you grossly misread my "point" which is the REALTY is more dollars go to Whites as there are MORE POOR whites than blacks.
BUT as a % of the black population it is a HIGHER percentage meaning as a group they are more prone to sitting back and waiting for the welfare check.
Damn those lazy negroes!

And once again you jump to conclusions.
And the social biological answer for WHY those "lazy negroes' lies in breeding.
Back when slave owners were breeding slaves what kind of slave would YOU want? A strong but ignorant slave. Why would you want a smart weak slave?
So from that perspective the African American genetically was breed for with body muscle priority and brain muscle less so.
Ding Dong, School Is Out

Where on the Bell Curve does someone gong who thinks that someone has to be either strong and dumb or weak and smart?

I can't believe in two posts you presented TWO different points of view!
first: "That race-traitor 6% of Whites has the overwhelming majority of the power. The oligarchy must collapse before anything gets done.
Then you utter: Where on the Bell Curve does someone gong who thinks that someone has to be either strong and dumb or weak and smart?

Wow... you have in two diametrically opposed statements ILLUSTRATED the absolute lack of reality!

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