What a very few African Americans would like to see happen...

Boy, that was quick!

We've gone from blacks being reasonable and logical to blacks being more lazy than whites because of their breeding. In less than one page!

Boy, that was quick!

We've gone from blacks being reasonable and logical to blacks being more lazy than whites because of their breeding. In less than one page!
No I've provided the premise that being "politically correct" as I was trying to be is once again an illustration of how dumb it is to think you have to
appeal to all parties.
No, what happened here is you tried to dress your deep-seated racism in your Sunday best and ended up naked in traffic in the middle of the day.

Why are some people so bothered by the truth, facts and statistics when it relates to race? It is what it is bud, nobody is making this shit up...having the courage to openly discuss it does not make one a racists. Stop pretending these are facts you're unaware of...you're simply dumbing yourself down in doing so. Grab your nuts, pull your head from your ass and get over that shit.
What is this nonsense that blacks built America?? If you're talking buildings still standing from antebellum days then ok but 99% of buildings we live & work in were built within the past 100 years.

In my midwestern state all the construction crews are mostly white & Hispanic with very few if any blacks. It's been that way for DECADES so blacks didn't build anything recently but more criminal gangs & prison uniforms!! :lol:
The majority of 'african americans' believe that their ancestors had an technologically advanced civilization stolen from them and white historians covered up the truth.
The majority of 'african americans' believe that their ancestors had an technologically advanced civilization stolen from them and white historians covered up the truth.
I keep seeing posts by blacks who talk as if they invented everything in the world. Delusional. If they were so good at inventing things why weren't they smart enough to invent the one thing they really, really, needed: a fucking fly swatter.
Reparations: Forcing people who never owned slaves to pay money to people who were never themselves enslaved. Bullshit.

The real answer? Separation and Repatriation.
Reparations: Forcing people who never owned slaves to pay money to people who were never themselves enslaved. Bullshit.

The real answer? Separation and Repatriation.

Repatriation...? crazy and inhumane to suggest rounding up and sending all black people to africa . Separation? I really don't see any other way to appease the rabid left than to split the nation in half...

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