Ted Haggard Supporting Newt Gingrich


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May 6, 2007
Ted Haggard Supporting Newt Gingrich
December 30, 2011 2:15 PM

Ted Haggard, former president of the National Association of Evangelicals, says he will support Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich in 2012.

"I am a Newt Gingrich fan partially because he models resurrection to me. He has been married three times, he has gone through his own infidelity, his own growth process, and his own repentance and renewal of faith so I trust him because of that," Haggard told FOX 411.

Haggard, former pastor of the New Life Church in Colorado, was also one of former President George W. Bush's biggest supporters during his campaign and served as Bush's spiritual adviser.

Ted Haggard Supporting Newt Gingrich - BCNN1
Well he was a big supporter of Bush and Bush won...
Mitt and the rest might as well just hang it up.

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