Ted Nugent Brags About Killing Hundreds Of Pigs From A Helicopter

Shooting from the air - means he didn't actually kill most of them. They were wounded and died slow cruel deaths out in the bush. Only a chicken shit coward who wants this cruelty "hunts" from the air like this.

Wish we could "harvest" Nugent.

Do your part....adopt a few dozen and let em live in your backyard.
They're great with kids!!

Yo stupid, where did I say they should not be killed? Read it again and tell me where I wrote that.

FACT: Feral pigs are a huge problem BECAUSE of assholes like Poopy Pants Nugent. Where the hell do you think these pigs came from? You don't know, do you. Look it up and you'll learn they were released by big brave hunt 'n ' grunt types like Nugent so they could shoot at them.

They DO need to be wiped out of existence because they play havoc on the ecosystem. BUT, unlike Nugent and unlike you, I believe it should be done humanely. While they're at it, they should be using the meat to feed the poor.

But no, assholes like you and your idol approve of wounded animals, dying slowly and painfully, and a real added plus is that any edible meat is rotting while people are going hungry.

BTW, another of your heroes, $$arah Palin, passed a law saying one could indulge in what she called "urban hunting". What that meant was that assholes like you and Nugent could drive CITY streets at night, using anything animal they saw for target practice. Betcha just love that, don't you.

I really wish the ignorant idiots here would THINK before they write but that will never happen.

You are a complete dumb fuck. Pretty safe bet I know more about hogs then you.
Wait it's been confirmed...
Getting wild hogs processed is a dicey proposition. They are loaded with diseases.
Fact: The feral pig problem has been around for a long time. It is just now becoming a real problem. In fact you can blame Fernando de Soto who brought pigs to Florida in 1539.
And of course the farmers and ranchers when their pigs escaped. But in your mind not a single pig ever escaped from a pen since 1539.
Stop breathing please,you're ripping the rest of us off....
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Ted is a fuck wagon, but I dont care that he machine gunned them. Shot them from a helicopter yes, but not with a machine gun. Personally, I killed the shit out of pigs when I lived in Texas. In a day I got 5 from about 4AM to midnight, all with archery tackle. Love it. I want to do it from a helicopter to.
Oh my God.

While I have great sympathy for the kids, it pisses me off that people would send their kids to a camp run by a known pedophile.

But then, I feel the same way about Catholics sending their kids to be alter boys to Cath-Camp with kindly Father Ralphie.

What do they think is gonna happen to their children?

Yep. Where there's smoke...there's fire...

A very basic fact is that if you want to find pedophiles, go where you can find children.
I will refrain from giving my opinion further about HOW nugent killed the hogs....but I would like to ask those who seem to be in the know, about nugent being a pedophile?? Did I miss a news broadcast where he was accused of such? This is the first I heard of it.
After reading more of this thread....eww. I have learned a lot about the feral hogs. Thanks to those who explained so I am now more informed.
I will refrain from giving my opinion further about HOW nugent killed the hogs....but I would like to ask those who seem to be in the know, about nugent being a pedophile?? Did I miss a news broadcast where he was accused of such? This is the first I heard of it.

Google "ted nugent pedophile"...
Ah. I see. So...he is a pedophile because while in his 30's he had sexual fun with underage girls.
What rock star hasn't??
And I can't stand the man, but some of those girls could have been 17 & 1/2 years old or 2 days shy of being 18 and he would still be considered a pedophile...right?

To me..a pedophile is someone who goes after unformed still growing hairless still going thru puberty CHILDREN.

But..that's just my opinion. What he did was wrong, but...I can't consider him a pedophile in my own mind unless some of those girls were indeed children under 15 (for example).
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Ah. I see. So...he is a pedophile because while in his 30's he had sexual fun with underage girls.
What rock star hasn't??
And I can't stand the man, but some of those girls could have been 17 & 1/2 years old or 2 days shy of being 18 and he would still be considered a pedophile...right?

To me..a pedophile is someone who goes after unformed still growing hairless still going thru puberty CHILDREN.

But..that's just my opinion. What he did was wrong, but...I can't consider him a pedophile in my own mind unless some of those girls were indeed children under 15.

Google "ted nugent and Courtney Love oral sex". She said she was 12 at the time - making Nugent around 28 at the time. She said she didn't even have breasts yet.
Ah. I see. So...he is a pedophile because while in his 30's he had sexual fun with underage girls.
What rock star hasn't??
And I can't stand the man, but some of those girls could have been 17 & 1/2 years old or 2 days shy of being 18 and he would still be considered a pedophile...right?

To me..a pedophile is someone who goes after unformed still growing hairless still going thru puberty CHILDREN.

But..that's just my opinion. What he did was wrong, but...I can't consider him a pedophile in my own mind unless some of those girls were indeed children under 15 (for example).

On the face of it, I agree with you.

But, oral rape of a 12yo?

I'd say that qualifies.

OTOH, him being the poster boy for everything disgusting from the radical right, I can see how that would be called 'boys just gotta be boys'.
Ah. I see. So...he is a pedophile because while in his 30's he had sexual fun with underage girls.
What rock star hasn't??
And I can't stand the man, but some of those girls could have been 17 & 1/2 years old or 2 days shy of being 18 and he would still be considered a pedophile...right?

To me..a pedophile is someone who goes after unformed still growing hairless still going thru puberty CHILDREN.

But..that's just my opinion. What he did was wrong, but...I can't consider him a pedophile in my own mind unless some of those girls were indeed children under 15.

Google "ted nugent and Courtney Love oral sex". She said she was 12 at the time - making Nugent around 28 at the time.
You believe that, but do you believe Larry Sinclair when he says he had gay sex with Obama?
And what's the issue? Pigs are actually a problem there.

With a machine gun? What a fatass old coward. :cuckoo:

You're absolutely right.

He should confront a maelstrom of feral hogs on the ground with a pump action shotgun.


He would be dead in two seconds.

So what's your alternative, other than hiring an organizing a local militia of 50 men with pump action shotguns and Riot shields doing a Greek Style Phalanx ---- just to achieve the SAME result?

A Plague of Pigs in Texas | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

There's a reason we have (had) this thing called FEDERALISM. Different States and different Localities have DIFFERENT problems. People in New York can't possibly know the problems in Texas, and then claim to make laws or judge their morality for their actions, no more than Texans can judge and make laws for New York. STOP YOUR ONE SIZE FITS ALL NATIONAL SOLUTIONS.
Shooting from the air - means he didn't actually kill most of them. They were wounded and died slow cruel deaths out in the bush. Only a chicken shit coward who wants this cruelty "hunts" from the air like this.

Wish we could "harvest" Nugent.

And what's the issue? Pigs are actually a problem there.

With a machine gun? What a fatass old coward. :cuckoo:

You're absolutely right.

He should confront a maelstrom of feral hogs on the ground with a pump action shotgun.


He would be dead in two seconds.

So what's your alternative, other than hiring an organizing a local militia of 50 men with pump action shotguns and Riot shields doing a Greek Style Phalanx ---- just to achieve the SAME result?

A Plague of Pigs in Texas | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

There's a reason we have (had) this thing called FEDERALISM. Different States and different Localities have DIFFERENT problems. People in New York can't possibly know the problems in Texas, and then claim to make laws or judge their morality for their actions, no more than Texans can judge and make laws for New York. STOP YOUR ONE SIZE FITS ALL NATIONAL SOLUTIONS.
Ah. I see. So...he is a pedophile because while in his 30's he had sexual fun with underage girls.
What rock star hasn't??
And I can't stand the man, but some of those girls could have been 17 & 1/2 years old or 2 days shy of being 18 and he would still be considered a pedophile...right?

To me..a pedophile is someone who goes after unformed still growing hairless still going thru puberty CHILDREN.

But..that's just my opinion. What he did was wrong, but...I can't consider him a pedophile in my own mind unless some of those girls were indeed children under 15.

Google "ted nugent and Courtney Love oral sex". She said she was 12 at the time - making Nugent around 28 at the time.
You believe that, but do you believe Larry Sinclair when he says he had gay sex with Obama?

Larry Sinclair had a long rap sheet and FAILED two polygraph tests and couldn't identify the supposed limo driver. I suspect Courtney Love could pass polygraph tests. BTW, what the hell does Larry Sinclair have to do with this thread?

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