Ted Nugent Brags About Killing Hundreds Of Pigs From A Helicopter

You keep calling Ted a pedophile.

I'm not going to allow this. I've been a thwackmaster with my husband for years.

Screw you. You are not going to do this. You cannot and you wont do this shit.
That is just sick. Yep...he sounds like a pedophile. They like them young enough to not have any hair, nor are formed quite yet.

Courtney is very fucked up.

But if you want to continue this shit trust me I'll take you out.

I've had it.

Trust me. Because I am.

Look don't push me. I will go to Ted. I've had it with you people.

Are you for real????

Yeah I've been a thwackmaster since the early 90s
That is just sick. Yep...he sounds like a pedophile. They like them young enough to not have any hair, nor are formed quite yet.

Courtney is very fucked up.

But if you want to continue this shit trust me I'll take you out.

I've had it.

Trust me. Because I am.

Look don't push me. I will go to Ted. I've had it with you people.

Are you for real????

No. She's a Winn doe. :rofl: Dey a little different out dere.
(Winn doe, get it? I kill me.)

Long as she doesn't roll out the country music I'm OK :eek:
That is just sick. Yep...he sounds like a pedophile. They like them young enough to not have any hair, nor are formed quite yet.

Courtney is very fucked up.

But if you want to continue this shit trust me I'll take you out.

I've had it.

Trust me. Because I am.

Look don't push me. I will go to Ted. I've had it with you people.

Are you for real????

Yeah............... Sandman catahoulas, I'm real.
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Now the little buggers from Hannityland will try to bust you.

Leon Russell - Delta Lady lyrics

All you can do is hope and pray. I hate them.
I googled catahoula dog. I love dogs. My fav critter other than elephants. Dogs are awesome. I have never heard of this breed though. Probably because I am not a hunter or a farmer, etc. But they are beautiful animals. Those blue eyes...wow.
Leon Russell - Delta Lady lyrics
I googled catahoula dog. I love dogs. My fav critter other than elephants. Dogs are awesome. I have never heard of this breed though. Probably because I am not a hunter or a farmer, etc. But they are beautiful animals. Those blue eyes...wow.

Jim Dandy my sire was a double blue glass. You've never seen eyes like his. Double blue. Damn he was pretty.DELTA LADY LYRICS - JOE COCKER
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What is a thwackmaster?

Oh my gosh your really don't understand.

I am female.

I hunt.

I'm an archer. Thats why I gave out my draw weight.

Well, I certainly hope you still don't think I am a dumb bitch, lol, just because I don't understand certain lifestyles. I don't know anything about gators either. I am a california gal born and bred. I also do not hunt. Used to (rabbits) until I heard one scream because I missed a kill shot. Then I put the weapon down and never picked one back up. Back then, I did it to feed the dogs. I have always had a pack of dogs. Feeding them was my duty. Wild rabbit stew was great for them...and for me and the hubby from time to time. But then....it screamed in pain the one time I missed. And it kept screaming. It freaked me out. I put it out of its misery and that was that.

So no. I do not understand wild hogs except in the rudimentary sense...or rather, I didn't until this thread. And I learned about catahoulas. I used to do archery when in high school and was pretty good at it, but that was over 45 years ago...and I aimed at a target on a bale of hay.

I do not kill animals. I won't even kill a snail. Only thing I will squish is a black widow spider and maggots. Otherwise...I guess I am what you might call a tree hugger and an old hippie.
What is a thwackmaster?

Oh my gosh your really don't understand.

I am female.

I hunt.

I'm an archer. Thats why I gave out my draw weight.

Well, I certainly hope you still don't think I am a dumb bitch, lol, just because I don't understand certain lifestyles. I don't know anything about gators either. I am a california gal born and bred. I also do not hunt. Used to (rabbits) until I heard one scream because I missed a kill shot. Then I put the weapon down and never picked one back up. Back then, I did it to feed the dogs. I have always had a pack of dogs. Feeding them was my duty. Wild rabbit stew was great for them...and for me and the hubby from time to time. But then....it screamed in pain the one time I missed. And it kept screaming. It freaked me out. I put it out of its misery and that was that.

So no. I do not understand wild hogs except in the rudimentary sense...or rather, I didn't until this thread. And I learned about catahoulas. I used to do archery when in high school and was pretty good at it, but that was over 45 years ago...and I aimed at a target on a bale of hay.

I do not kill animals. I won't even kill a snail. Only thing I will squish is a black widow spider and maggots. Otherwise...I guess I am what you might call a tree hugger and an old hippie.

T'is ok....

Wait till you live with a biology graduate from University freak from Toronto and he tells you what you do when you eat a tomato.

Aye carumba.

I screamed so big. I swear I ran around the living room 5 freaking times.
Frightening thought.
Oh my God.

While I have great sympathy for the kids, it pisses me off that people would send their kids to a camp run by a known pedophile.

But then, I feel the same way about Catholics sending their kids to be alter boys to Cath-Camp with kindly Father Ralphie.

What do they think is gonna happen to their children?

what doesn't piss you off? And where is your camp you run for kids?
With a machine gun? What a fatass old coward. :cuckoo:
He's a sportsman, doncha know. He said it in an interview in The Sportsman's Guide magazine.

Is it a sport if the other team doesn't know how to score?


It makes you cry. And you hold steady. And you wished you to had to. And you sob. You really do.

Your heart breaks so. You have no idea. When you hold them. Your heart is broken
Pointing out blatant irony does not make me cry. It makes me slap my forehead in incredulity.
Oh my God.

While I have great sympathy for the kids, it pisses me off that people would send their kids to a camp run by a known pedophile.

But then, I feel the same way about Catholics sending their kids to be alter boys to Cath-Camp with kindly Father Ralphie.

What do they think is gonna happen to their children?

what doesn't piss you off? And where is your camp you run for kids?

Children should be culled and the remainder raised as proper Nazis, according to progressives.

Parents, artists and scientists should never be allowed access to them. They are just cannon fodder and fodder for hollywood sexualization. They have no other value in the progressive world.
Google "ted nugent and Courtney Love oral sex". She said she was 12 at the time - making Nugent around 28 at the time.
You believe that, but do you believe Larry Sinclair when he says he had gay sex with Obama?

Larry Sinclair had a long rap sheet and FAILED two polygraph tests and couldn't identify the supposed limo driver. I suspect Courtney Love could pass polygraph tests. BTW, what the hell does Larry Sinclair have to do with this thread?

Was there ever even a shred of evidence of the utterly nonsensical Sinclair story?

This is yet another example of rw's wanting control over what consenting adults may or may not do while they turn their backs on children.
Yep. Where there's smoke...there's fire...

A very basic fact is that if you want to find pedophiles, go where you can find children.

Luddly not joking.

My husband and I have been thwackmasters for two decades. If you people don't stop calling Ted a pedophile I will ask him to join our little club.

No shit.

I think ted would love this. You stop calling him a pedophile or I'm on it tomorrow.

Not kidding.


Go for it, knock yourself out, whatever, etc and then some. LOL
You believe that, but do you believe Larry Sinclair when he says he had gay sex with Obama?

Larry Sinclair had a long rap sheet and FAILED two polygraph tests and couldn't identify the supposed limo driver. I suspect Courtney Love could pass polygraph tests. BTW, what the hell does Larry Sinclair have to do with this thread?
The same thing Courtney Love has to do with it. Someone making a claim they can't prove. It also illustrates your double standard.

So you don't believe Nugent? He said he had oral sex with a 12yo. That's rape. Period.

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