Ted Nugent Brags About Killing Hundreds Of Pigs From A Helicopter

Nugent in the past has threatened to kill President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and California Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer.

After Threatening the President's Life, Ted Nugent Rewarded with Ticket to the State of the Union | Right Wing Watch
Then why isn't he in jail?

Probably because of the shit stink. Actually, he probably cried like a baby when Secret Service questioned him and told them he was only threatening their lives for publicity and money from the radical right.

Probably because of the shit stink. Actually, he probably cried like a baby when Secret Service questioned him and told them he was only threatening their lives for publicity and money from the radical right.

where exactly does he get money from the radical right?

Ever think that maybe you shouldn't just hate someone for the sake of hating them?
Then why isn't he in jail?

Probably because of the shit stink. Actually, he probably cried like a baby when Secret Service questioned him and told them he was only threatening their lives for publicity and money from the radical right.

where exactly does he get money from the radical right?

Ever think that maybe you shouldn't just hate someone for the sake of hating them?

Are you serious? Think about it...
Who did he promise to kill? Can you post the link?

"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," Nugent said, according to a video posted on YouTube by the NRA

Nugent threatens death if Obama wins in November ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
The S.S. questioned him and concluded there was no threat.

The SS concluded Ted Nugent was a fraud and they were right.
Probably because of the shit stink. Actually, he probably cried like a baby when Secret Service questioned him and told them he was only threatening their lives for publicity and money from the radical right.

where exactly does he get money from the radical right?

Ever think that maybe you shouldn't just hate someone for the sake of hating them?

Are you serious? Think about it...

Please. Enlighten us all.
I'm up late... and have cookies and milk for everyone...

and vanilla-flavored soy milk for my lactose-intolerant friends... :)
Then why isn't he in jail?

Probably because of the shit stink. Actually, he probably cried like a baby when Secret Service questioned him and told them he was only threatening their lives for publicity and money from the radical right.

where exactly does he get money from the radical right?

Ever think that maybe you shouldn't just hate someone for the sake of hating them?

I love Ted Nugent the Artist.
Does anyone believe his bullshit that he made arrangements to have all that pork delivered to poor families? I damn sure don't.

He is pond scum.
Aw, Ted - you b-a-d boy...
Mystery As 2,200 Dead Pigs Are Fished Out Of China's Huangpu River In Shanghai
11 Mar.`13 - Chinese officials have fished 2,200 dead pigs out of Shanghai's Huangpu River, which is used as a drinking water source for many residents.
According to a statement posted on Shanghai's Agriculture Committee's website there is no evidence the pigs were dumped in the river, nor of any animal epidemics. The city's water supplies bureau had insisted the water quality has not been affected, China Daily reported.

But fears of water pollution were emerging on Monday after the number of carcasses climbed from 900 to 2,200, Reuters reports.

The Global Times quotes Xu Rong, director of Shanghai Songjiang District Environmental Protection Bureau as saying: "We have to act quickly to remove them all for fear of causing water pollution."


See also:

2,800 pigs dumped in Shanghai river raises concern
Mar 11,`13 -- A surge in the dumping of dead pigs upstream from Shanghai - with more than 2,800 carcasses floating into the financial hub through Monday - has followed a police campaign to curb the illicit trade in sick pig parts.
The effort to keep infected pork off dinner tables may be fueling new health fears, as Shanghai residents and local media fret over the possibility of contamination to the city's water supply, though authorities say no contamination has been detected. Authorities have been pulling out the swollen and rotting pigs, some with their internal organs visible, since Friday - and revolting images of the carcasses in news reports and online blogs have raised public ire against local officials. "Well, since there supposedly is no problem in drinking this water, please forward this message, if you agree, to ask Shanghai's party secretary, mayor and water authority leaders if they will be the first ones to drink this meat soup?" lawyer Gan Yuanchun said on his verified microblog.

On Monday, Shanghai officials said the number of dumped adult and piglet carcasses retrieved had reached 2,813. The city government, citing monitoring authorities, said the drinking water quality has not been affected. Shanghai's Agriculture Committee said authorities don't know what caused the pigs to die, but that they have detected a sometimes-fatal pig disease in at least one of the carcasses. The disease is associated with the porcine circovirus, which is widespread in pigs but doesn't affect humans or other livestock. Shanghai's city government said initial investigations had found the dead pigs had come from Jiaxing city in neighboring Zhejiang province. It said it had not found any major epidemic.

Huang Beibei, a lifetime resident of Shanghai, was the first to expose the problem when he took photos of the carcasses and uploaded them onto his microblog on Thursday. "This is the water we are drinking," Huang wrote. "What is the government doing to address this?" His graphic photos apparently caught the attention of local reporters, who followed up. Huang said he's most concerned about water safety. "Though the government says the water is safe, at least I do not believe it - given the number of the pigs in the river. These pigs have died from disease," Huang said. The dumping follows a clampdown on the illegal trade in contaminated pork.

In China, pigs that have died from disease should be either incinerated or buried, but some unscrupulous farmers and animal control officials have sold problematic carcasses to slaughterhouses. The pork harvested from such carcasses has ended up in markets. As a food safety problem, it has drawn attention from China's Ministry of Public Security, which has made it a priority to crack down on gangs that purchase dead diseased pigs and process them for illegal profits.

Does anyone believe his bullshit that he made arrangements to have all that pork delivered to poor families? I damn sure don't.

He is pond scum.

My guess is that 455 dead pigs rotted in the Texas sun and/or fed coyotes and buzzards.
Does anyone believe his bullshit that he made arrangements to have all that pork delivered to poor families? I damn sure don't.

He is pond scum.

There can't be anything left after a machine gun attack. Remember Sonny on the Godfather?

Ok, that was a joke but you can imagine the bloodbath..
He is so full of shit, it's pathetic.

Kill an animal to survive and feed your family. But to get in a helicopter and kill animals for the thrill of it is just sick.
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And what's the issue? Pigs are actually a problem there.

With a machine gun? What a fatass old coward. :cuckoo:

You're absolutely right.

He should confront a maelstrom of feral hogs on the ground with a pump action shotgun.


He would be dead in two seconds.

So what's your alternative, other than hiring an organizing a local militia of 50 men with pump action shotguns and Riot shields doing a Greek Style Phalanx ---- just to achieve the SAME result?


There's a reason we have (had) this thing called FEDERALISM. Different States and different Localities have DIFFERENT problems. People in New York can't possibly know the problems in Texas, and then claim to make laws or judge their morality for their actions, no more than Texans can judge and make laws for New York. STOP YOUR ONE SIZE FITS ALL NATIONAL SOLUTIONS.
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