Ted Nugent Brags About Killing Hundreds Of Pigs From A Helicopter

I just called to schedule a heli-hog hunt and was told they were booked solid for the next three weeks. Guess I'll have to hunt 'em the old fashioned way, with dogs and a knife.
What the hell has gone wrong with you left wingers? How nuts are you now?

You are accusing Nugent of now being a child rapist?

He has admitted that he liked them young. He has also been asked not the speak on behalf of hunting and outdoor groups.

Has everyone gone crazy? Just plain crazy now?

Your information is wrong.

Watch the videos.

They have been posted in this thread three times or, if you prefer, Google it.
What the hell has gone wrong with you left wingers? How nuts are you now?

You are accusing Nugent of now being a child rapist?

He has admitted that he liked them young. He has also been asked not the speak on behalf of hunting and outdoor groups.

Has everyone gone crazy? Just plain crazy now?

Your information is wrong.

Not really I'm not. He had dealings of an adult nature with a girl when she was 14 or so back in his hay day. As to his hunting ethics, he stated once recently that he was a spokesman for the PBS and traditional archers nation wide. He was contacted and politely asked to stop saying that, and not say it again. A letter was penned to the members (I'm one) assuring us that he was in no way our spokesmen, and that he never would be. He is also prohibited from hunting on a ranch someplace for gut shooting a buffalo with his bow not once, but twice. So he ain't the outdoor guy that many portray him to be. Its not crazy, but true.
He has admitted that he liked them young. He has also been asked not the speak on behalf of hunting and outdoor groups.

Has everyone gone crazy? Just plain crazy now?

Your information is wrong.

Watch the videos.

They have been posted in this thread three times or, if you prefer, Google it.

You want to know why I know you are all liars over Ted? Child rapist is he?

And by the way I find it totally disgusting and vile that you would on an open board, just because you don't like a man's politics to call him a child rapist.

He has a hunting camp that you can sponsor a kid from the inner city to go to.

Child rapist? Pedophile?

You people are horrid. If the feds could bust him, they would have done it a long time ago.
Notice how the ones who are doing it, are the weakest, most miserable posters on the board.

there isnt anyone more miserable than Dudley......he must walk around with a turd in his depends....

I've been in a lot of political battles. But I never once accused a man of being a child rapist because I didn't like his political views.

How can anyone do that? This is beyond disgusting.

if Ted was as left as Dudley is and did the same thing, Dudley would be defending Ted......
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As he should. Hitting a moving target that small from a moving vehicle, especially a helicopter, is a good feat of marksmanship.

He's awesome. He's one of the best. And he never ever goes for the kill unless he knows he can take it.

ETA: for those vegans with suede coats....you never go for the kill unless you can hit the pump house.

There are two videos of him hunting buffalo. First thing you notice is how tame they are. They show no nervousness and don't attempt to run as he walks up. Matter of fact, they watch him the whole time. He then raises his bow, and whacks one to far back, and low in the gut. You even see stomach contents spill out on the ground, and not one drop of blood. The rest of the half hour video is the motor city mad man doing his spirit of the hunt wild man stupidity while the contents of the tame buffalos guts leak out on the ground. The community is polite to him, but they do in fact ask that he not speak for them or endorse them in any way.
As he should. Hitting a moving target that small from a moving vehicle, especially a helicopter, is a good feat of marksmanship.

He's awesome. He's one of the best. And he never ever goes for the kill unless he knows he can take it.

ETA: for those vegans with suede coats....you never go for the kill unless you can hit the pump house.

There are two videos of him hunting buffalo. First thing you notice is how tame they are. They show no nervousness and don't attempt to run as he walks up. Matter of fact, they watch him the whole time. He then raises his bow, and whacks one to far back, and low in the gut. You even see stomach contents spill out on the ground, and not one drop of blood. The rest of the half hour video is the motor city mad man doing his spirit of the hunt wild man stupidity while the contents of the tame buffalos guts leak out on the ground. The community is polite to him, but they do in fact ask that he not speak for them or endorse them in any way.

link to the video please.
He's awesome. He's one of the best. And he never ever goes for the kill unless he knows he can take it.

ETA: for those vegans with suede coats....you never go for the kill unless you can hit the pump house.

There are two videos of him hunting buffalo. First thing you notice is how tame they are. They show no nervousness and don't attempt to run as he walks up. Matter of fact, they watch him the whole time. He then raises his bow, and whacks one to far back, and low in the gut. You even see stomach contents spill out on the ground, and not one drop of blood. The rest of the half hour video is the motor city mad man doing his spirit of the hunt wild man stupidity while the contents of the tame buffalos guts leak out on the ground. The community is polite to him, but they do in fact ask that he not speak for them or endorse them in any way.

link to the video please.

Go to youtube and out "Ted Nugent Kills Buffalo with bow". You will see many. You can also find many vid's of Shamane shooting exotics to high up. Tame ones at that. You can also watch him on TV. Not that I would expect a fake Texan to know what he was looking at. Your blather about killing pigs with a knife pegs you as a know nothing pretty fast. Its not a major accomplishment or that hard to do. My Son did his first with a knife when he was 12.
There are two videos of him hunting buffalo. First thing you notice is how tame they are. They show no nervousness and don't attempt to run as he walks up. Matter of fact, they watch him the whole time. He then raises his bow, and whacks one to far back, and low in the gut. You even see stomach contents spill out on the ground, and not one drop of blood. The rest of the half hour video is the motor city mad man doing his spirit of the hunt wild man stupidity while the contents of the tame buffalos guts leak out on the ground. The community is polite to him, but they do in fact ask that he not speak for them or endorse them in any way.

link to the video please.

Go to youtube and out "Ted Nugent Kills Buffalo with bow". You will see many. You can also find many vid's of Shamane shooting exotics to high up. Tame ones at that. You can also watch him on TV. Not that I would expect a fake Texan to know what he was looking at. Your blather about killing pigs with a knife pegs you as a know nothing pretty fast. Its not a major accomplishment or that hard to do. My Son did his first with a knife when he was 12.

No I want to see the one you specifically described and it's not on me to find evidence that supports your claim.

You described in detail a specific video. The onus is own you to provide that video.

Oh and I never claimed that killing a hog with a knife was hard.

It's rather easy if you have good dogs.

I've only had three dogs killed in ten years, not a bad record.
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There are two videos of him hunting buffalo. First thing you notice is how tame they are. They show no nervousness and don't attempt to run as he walks up. Matter of fact, they watch him the whole time. He then raises his bow, and whacks one to far back, and low in the gut. You even see stomach contents spill out on the ground, and not one drop of blood. The rest of the half hour video is the motor city mad man doing his spirit of the hunt wild man stupidity while the contents of the tame buffalos guts leak out on the ground. The community is polite to him, but they do in fact ask that he not speak for them or endorse them in any way.

link to the video please.

Go to youtube and out "Ted Nugent Kills Buffalo with bow". You will see many. You can also find many vid's of Shamane shooting exotics to high up. Tame ones at that. You can also watch him on TV. Not that I would expect a fake Texan to know what he was looking at. Your blather about killing pigs with a knife pegs you as a know nothing pretty fast. Its not a major accomplishment or that hard to do. My Son did his first with a knife when he was 12.

I like you so I do say this with all due respect, buffalo are so docile. There is no such thing as a "tame buffalo" though.

And if you are in the right camo and you are completely descented yeah you can pretty well get up really close.

Hell's bells my husband and I were less than 20 yards away from a herd of elk the other day.

And you obviously, and with all due respect don't understand what type of pig we are talking about.
link to the video please.

Go to youtube and out "Ted Nugent Kills Buffalo with bow". You will see many. You can also find many vid's of Shamane shooting exotics to high up. Tame ones at that. You can also watch him on TV. Not that I would expect a fake Texan to know what he was looking at. Your blather about killing pigs with a knife pegs you as a know nothing pretty fast. Its not a major accomplishment or that hard to do. My Son did his first with a knife when he was 12.

No I want to see the one you specifically described and it's not on me to find evidence that supports your claim.

You described in detail a specific video. The onus is own you to provide that video.

Oh and I never claimed that killing a hog with a knife was hard.

It's rather easy if you have good dogs.

I've only had three dogs killed in ten years, not a bad record.

They don't understand what we are talking about. This is the big problem. They think we are talking "Babe" or "Charlotte's Web".
link to the video please.

Go to youtube and out "Ted Nugent Kills Buffalo with bow". You will see many. You can also find many vid's of Shamane shooting exotics to high up. Tame ones at that. You can also watch him on TV. Not that I would expect a fake Texan to know what he was looking at. Your blather about killing pigs with a knife pegs you as a know nothing pretty fast. Its not a major accomplishment or that hard to do. My Son did his first with a knife when he was 12.

No I want to see the one you specifically described and it's not on me to find evidence that supports your claim.

You described in detail a specific video. The onus is own you to provide that video.

Oh and I never claimed that killing a hog with a knife was hard.

It's rather easy if you have good dogs.

I've only had three dogs killed in ten years, not a bad record.

Buy the video then. I did not just detail "a" specific video, I implied there were many. Understanding that most in Texas hunt over corn in high fenced enclosures I can see how you would not see to big an issue with such things. As for your story about hunting pigs, you are ether not telling the truth about it or are just a dude, or your are using chiwawas to hunt them. No one who runs dogs would brag about losing doge. You are not the guy to be defending the Nuge. You obviously watch to much TV. That or you are just a dude from Cali who moved to Texas.
Go to youtube and out "Ted Nugent Kills Buffalo with bow". You will see many. You can also find many vid's of Shamane shooting exotics to high up. Tame ones at that. You can also watch him on TV. Not that I would expect a fake Texan to know what he was looking at. Your blather about killing pigs with a knife pegs you as a know nothing pretty fast. Its not a major accomplishment or that hard to do. My Son did his first with a knife when he was 12.

No I want to see the one you specifically described and it's not on me to find evidence that supports your claim.

You described in detail a specific video. The onus is own you to provide that video.

Oh and I never claimed that killing a hog with a knife was hard.

It's rather easy if you have good dogs.

I've only had three dogs killed in ten years, not a bad record.

They don't understand what we are talking about. This is the big problem. They think we are talking "Babe" or "Charlotte's Web".

I have put more carbon fiber and led through furry four footed mammals then you have the capacity to lie about from California to Tennessee and most of the states in between. You posted pics of Euro boars, eating road kill claiming they run wild all over the south. That is a glaring example of your ignorance on the pig topic. You and dude should stick to defending the Nuge from the allegations of screwing teenagers (which he admits doing).
link to the video please.

Go to youtube and out "Ted Nugent Kills Buffalo with bow". You will see many. You can also find many vid's of Shamane shooting exotics to high up. Tame ones at that. You can also watch him on TV. Not that I would expect a fake Texan to know what he was looking at. Your blather about killing pigs with a knife pegs you as a know nothing pretty fast. Its not a major accomplishment or that hard to do. My Son did his first with a knife when he was 12.

I like you so I do say this with all due respect, buffalo are so docile. There is no such thing as a "tame buffalo" though.

And if you are in the right camo and you are completely descented yeah you can pretty well get up really close.

Hell's bells my husband and I were less than 20 yards away from a herd of elk the other day.

And you obviously, and with all due respect don't understand what type of pig we are talking about.

[/QUOTE]I like you so I do say this with all due respect, buffalo are so docile. There is no such thing as a "tame buffalo" though. [/QUOTE]

If you are ever in my neck of the woods PM me, Ill set it up so you can ride one.

[/QUOTE]And if you are in the right camo and you are completely descented yeah you can pretty well get up really close. [/QUOTE]

Not so. For years, and even now I hunt in blaze engorge. That's the law in most states unless you are on private property. You play the wind to take care of your scent, and learn how to move.

[/QUOTE]Hell's bells my husband and I were less than 20 yards away from a herd of elk the other day. [/QUOTE]

My closest shot on deer was 8 yards, and my closest on a 150 pound pig was about 4 feet. Both with archery tackle, which I have hunted with since I was 11, and have used exclusively for the last ten years. 20 yards from Elks is normal, and not brag worthy in my opinion. If you go to this thread here-


You will see a herd of Elk that we (me and the photographer) plan to hunt in the 2013 season, as well as a herd of sheep that we could have touched when we happened on to. you will also find my chosen tools for making meat. I may not know it all, but I know enough. I can also say the Nuge dont speak for me. I also know there are many more who feel the same.


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No I want to see the one you specifically described and it's not on me to find evidence that supports your claim.

You described in detail a specific video. The onus is own you to provide that video.

Oh and I never claimed that killing a hog with a knife was hard.

It's rather easy if you have good dogs.

I've only had three dogs killed in ten years, not a bad record.

They don't understand what we are talking about. This is the big problem. They think we are talking "Babe" or "Charlotte's Web".

I have put more carbon fiber and led through furry four footed mammals then you have the capacity to lie about from California to Tennessee and most of the states in between. You posted pics of Euro boars, eating road kill claiming they run wild all over the south. That is a glaring example of your ignorance on the pig topic. You and dude should stick to defending the Nuge from the allegations of screwing teenagers (which he admits doing).

I was a catahoula breeder. Hello? When I retired from rock I had other lives. I got into hunting dogs. I'm registered NALC.
They don't understand what we are talking about. This is the big problem. They think we are talking "Babe" or "Charlotte's Web".

I have put more carbon fiber and led through furry four footed mammals then you have the capacity to lie about from California to Tennessee and most of the states in between. You posted pics of Euro boars, eating road kill claiming they run wild all over the south. That is a glaring example of your ignorance on the pig topic. You and dude should stick to defending the Nuge from the allegations of screwing teenagers (which he admits doing).

I was a catahoula breeder. Hello? When I retired from rock I had other lives. I got into hunting dogs. I'm registered NALC.

The pics are not in the link anymore, so I went and got a few.

If I did it right this should be old bull talking trash. He will be mine in the 2013 Elk season


Thees are his gals. They watch his back and make it hard for hunters to sneak up on old guy.


And here are some sheep. No rams, just females and kids.


As you can see by looking at the last gal, we were stone cold busted.

Forgot to point out the caller on one of the cow Elk. At any rate, I am not the issue here, the Nuge is. He is a putz, has admitted to dodging the draft (not by shitting his pants) and has admitted to enjoying sex with under age girls. That is a fact.
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