Ted Nugent Brags About Killing Hundreds Of Pigs From A Helicopter

Hoq boring: another bacon eating liar.

Just as the other liars couldn't point to even one post that said chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent shouldn't kill pigs, you cannot point out one post where anyone has said they want to grab your guns.
Every time you post this bullshit I'll do like wise.
LiveLeak.com - Democrat Pedophiles and Sex Offenders Outnumber Repubs, many Dems re-elected.

Typical lying coward rw.

(Actually, you're one of the worst liars on this board. I was warned about you long ago and its turned out to be true. You lie. Always. And, I think you should go right on lying because its all you've got. And, you're not very bright, to boot! LOL)

What I wrote is not bullshit. I never said the pigs should not be killed and you can't find even one post where I said it.

Its your fellow chicken shit rw's who lied and now every one of them has turned tail and run away. Just like chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent. And, just like you.

If you can't take the heat from the frying pan you're really going to hate it when I throw your ass in the fire.
child rapist pedophile?

did I read that right?

whoa geeze.

that's a biggie.

you guys really don't want to go down this path....

look at this

. Just like chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent

you cannot say that against another.

This is wrong.
As pig populations take their destructive warpath into suburban areas and wreak havoc to the tune of $1.5 billion annually in the U.S., Pig Man and Ted team up on this excellent adventure to help local landowners end the feral reign of terror. They also plan to donate a full supply of all-organic meat to local homeless shelters.

Ted Nugent Hog Hunting with Pig Man on the Sportsman Channel

1.5 billion nationally.

They will eat your cat. They will eat your chihuahua. They are omniverous.


File:Scavenger feast - Yala December 2010 (2).jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Texas dont have those kind of pigs running wild. Wild swine of the European verity is a high dollar hunt on a ranch with high fence over bait.

These big talking Texasss all-hat-no cows idiots, like chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent can brag about eating bacon they bought at the Piggly Wiggly but they need canned hunts. Just like chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent, they wouldn't face the real thing out in the bush.

Child rapist? Are you insane?

Back down Luddly for true? Back down man?

Look what you are calling another man. This is so wrong. Come on. He's never done this. Look you can hate him for his politics you don't do this.

You don't do this to another man. This is beyond wrong. Child rapist is so out of line. Just stop.
What the hell has gone wrong with you left wingers? How nuts are you now?

You are accusing Nugent of now being a child rapist?
Yo, rw lying idiots. I DARE you to find even one post that says feral pigs should not shot. Just one. Go ahead, we'll wait.

I also don't remember where anyone said that the chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent in the shitty pants should be shooting feral pigs. What some said was that the chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent in the shitty pants is nothing but a coward, too afraid to face these animals in the bush. I wrote that the chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile in the shitty pants Nugent wasn't actually killing all that many. Instead, he was wounding them and leaving them to die slowly.

As for President Obama ... he's not a draft dodger. This is way over your heads but he is too young to have ever been eligible for the draft. Idiots.

An aside: has anyone else had trouble with page 22 of this mess about chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent loading? It will not load for me. Skips right over it.

oh Geezus.....your not going to start crying again are you?......you are worse than Boehner.....:(
I think in some places wild hogs are a big,big probalem and need very much to be thinned out....When we lived in Oklahoma the bottoms looked like they had been plowed there was so many wild hogs..I was not even allowed to wander anywhere because of them....They are hard on other kinds of wildlife, as well as any farm crops....And hogs multiple very, very,'very', fast.
My Mothers boyfriend had a trap for them and it was often full the next morning, but that method don't work on to many.....Probaley shooting them from helicopters is the best way if the meat is recovered for someonme to use.

They are a big problem, nobody questions that. The thing is, that's not what this thread is about, even if several attempts have been made to take it there. The thread is about the egoomaniacal Ted Nugent and his latest attention-whoring, which by his own account wasn't done for the purpose of thinning the herd but for "Bill Maher" and just being an in general political gadfly.... or to put it another way, to be Ted Nugent.

Some try to divert to wild hog damage, hunting in general, one guy even tried to bring in PETA. These are all diversionary tactics to get the spotlight off the embarrassing subject. The actual topic is in the first three words of the title. That ain't going away.

(edit: another tactic will be nervous laughter, which I predict you'll see in the next post)

,,,,, which is not to say that some gob-smackingly good barbecue recipe tips haven't been offered in the course of tangents.

I am reminded by the loyal opposition that I've neglected to mention yet another method of "debating" the topic, that being:

Hi, you have received -1754 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Here\'s three word [sic] for ya - Go Fuck yourself


Stating what the topic is will not be tolerated.
WoooOOOoooOOOooooo :eek:

only crybabies whine about being neg repped........
I swear, if there’s a more precise example of narcissism than Ted Nugent, I’ve no idea who it could be. He knows, of course, he won’t have to say or do anything during the SOTU speech in order to have an impact. Just the video image of the Nuge sitting in his seat, attempting to stay calm (after all, he’s looking at his sworn enemy and he’s naked without his arsenal within easy reach) as the President makes his case for the middle class, for economic reform, immigration reform….and for sensible gun control. “Nobody’s coming after your guns,” something like that. Cut to Nugent for his instant reaction. Either way, he wins—in his own mind, at least.

His presence in the political debate is symbolic more than anything else, as he’ll never have anything close to, say, voting power, but as an agent of chaos he’s very effective, just not in the way he imagines. As Creamer says, Dems are the real winners here. Every time one of these characters stands up to spout some more of this Rightist drivel, the “brand” of the Repubs diminishes that much more. Again, I’m telling you this is not necessarily a good thing. There must be opposing views.
The Narcissism of Ted Nugent
Is Nugent afraid to hunt pigs on the ground?

Ted chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent likes the safety of canned hunts. Shooting from the air guarantees a lot of wounded animals but not many clean kills - perfect for chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent.

these two almost seem like Hawkeye and Chingachgook.....conversing.......
They are a big problem, nobody questions that. The thing is, that's not what this thread is about, even if several attempts have been made to take it there. The thread is about the egoomaniacal Ted Nugent and his latest attention-whoring, which by his own account wasn't done for the purpose of thinning the herd but for "Bill Maher" and just being an in general political gadfly.... or to put it another way, to be Ted Nugent.

Some try to divert to wild hog damage, hunting in general, one guy even tried to bring in PETA. These are all diversionary tactics to get the spotlight off the embarrassing subject. The actual topic is in the first three words of the title. That ain't going away.

(edit: another tactic will be nervous laughter, which I predict you'll see in the next post)

,,,,, which is not to say that some gob-smackingly good barbecue recipe tips haven't been offered in the course of tangents.

I am reminded by the loyal opposition that I've neglected to mention yet another method of "debating" the topic, that being:

Hi, you have received -1754 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Here\'s three word [sic] for ya - Go Fuck yourself


Stating what the topic is will not be tolerated.
WoooOOOoooOOOooooo :eek:

only crybabies whine about being neg repped........

Umm... that's not "whining" Harry. That's sarcasm. Sorry I had to spell it out but most people get it.

Wankier102 did me a favor, providing yet another example of the kind of desperation the illiterate will pull when they're too stupid to make an argument. So I mocked him with his own words.

"Whining" is more like what you just posted.
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Hoq boring: another bacon eating liar.

Just as the other liars couldn't point to even one post that said chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent shouldn't kill pigs, you cannot point out one post where anyone has said they want to grab your guns.
Every time you post this bullshit I'll do like wise.
LiveLeak.com - Democrat Pedophiles and Sex Offenders Outnumber Repubs, many Dems re-elected.

Typical lying coward rw.

(Actually, you're one of the worst liars on this board. I was warned about you long ago and its turned out to be true. You lie. Always. And, I think you should go right on lying because its all you've got. And, you're not very bright, to boot! LOL)

What I wrote is not bullshit. I never said the pigs should not be killed and you can't find even one post where I said it.

Its your fellow chicken shit rw's who lied and now every one of them has turned tail and run away. Just like chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent. And, just like you.

we were warned about you too Dudley about a month after you joined.......we were told you were a sniveling whining pussy......they were right on the money with you.....
child rapist pedophile?

did I read that right?

whoa geeze.

that's a biggie.

you guys really don't want to go down this path....

look at this

. Just like chicken shit, serial child rapist/pedophile Nugent

you cannot say that against another.

This is wrong.

Correction.....you cant say that to Dudley,or he will tell......but he can say that about others..... because he thinks his shit dont stink.....
I am reminded by the loyal opposition that I've neglected to mention yet another method of "debating" the topic, that being:

Hi, you have received -1754 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Here\'s three word [sic] for ya - Go Fuck yourself


Stating what the topic is will not be tolerated.
WoooOOOoooOOOooooo :eek:

only crybabies whine about being neg repped........

Umm... that's not "whining" Harry. That's sarcasm.
Sorry I had to spell it out but most people get it.

sorry around here its called crying......if the usual crowd of posters were here you would have been negged about 7 more times just for posting that......
only crybabies whine about being neg repped........

Umm... that's not "whining" Harry. That's sarcasm.
Sorry I had to spell it out but most people get it.

sorry around here its called crying......if the usual crowd of posters were here you would have been negged about 7 more times just for posting that......

Look, I really don't give a shlying fit about your neuroses or sophomoric idle threats. Once again, Wankier102 did me a favor, giving me material to demonstrate the desperation of those who can't come up with enough brain cells to make an argument. So I put his own words up to mock him -- which he fully deserves, since what he negged was simply pointing out what the thread is.

You did me a favor too by bumping it, which just repeats the mocking. Thanks for that, but the only "whining" going on is from you.

But I've taken up enough of your time, I know you have 562 more posts to put up in an endless diarrhea of obfuscation to take the spotlight off Ted Nugent. Clever ploy btw, I'm sure nobody sees the intent. :clap2:
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What the hell has gone wrong with you left wingers? How nuts are you now?

You are accusing Nugent of now being a child rapist?

He has admitted that he liked them young. He has also been asked not the speak on behalf of hunting and outdoor groups.

We went through all this before. Several pages back, I posted video proof and so did someone else. tinydancer went all to pieces and threatened to call "Ted" and to "take me out".

Now its as though she never read it. Draw whatever conclusion from that.

True sportspersons don't have anything to do with Ted the poacher and child rapist/serial pedophile, shitty britches Nugent. He's scum.
Attention-seeking has-been Ted Nugent is at it again. He claimed at this past weekend’s NRA convention that if Barack Obama is elected, Nugent will either be in jail or dead. Neither of which would bother me. That this hypocritical draft-dodging, child predator father of eight kids with six different women is a “conservative hero” is sheer idiocy and shows that we have as many–or more–morons and double-standardites on the right as there are on the left. And if you like Ted Nugent, you are one, too.
-- Debbie Schlussel
Ok I can't take it anymore.

We got three in here. North Carolina vs South C's versus Texas on sauce.

Fuck Washington.

Rock it and give er up gentleman.......
What the hell has gone wrong with you left wingers? How nuts are you now?

You are accusing Nugent of now being a child rapist?

He has admitted that he liked them young. He has also been asked not the speak on behalf of hunting and outdoor groups.

We went through all this before. Several pages back, I posted video proof and so did someone else. tinydancer went all to pieces and threatened to call "Ted" and to "take me out".

Now its as though she never read it. Draw whatever conclusion from that.

True sportspersons don't have anything to do with Ted the poacher and child rapist/serial pedophile, shitty britches Nugent. He's scum.

You are calling him a child rapist and a poacher? Are you certain you want to call him rapist?

Please tell me you do what you understand?

Charge him now or shut up. If you beleive he is this child rapist you claim that he is:lay a charge or shut up.

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