Ted Nugent:Native Americans 'unclean vermin, don't qualify as people'

What I don't understand is why you people give so much time and attention to the stupid shit people say.

You do realize that by giving idiots time and attention only rewards them don't you?

Nugent was invited by the GOP to sit in congress on an Obama speech.

That's AFTER threatening to kill the President.

Of course this asshole should get focus.

But that's not the focus of this particular little "outrage" now is it?

And why didn't you get "outraged" when people were calling for GW to be killed?

I did.

Were any of those folks invited to the congress to sit in on a GW Bush speech?
Nugent was invited by the GOP to sit in congress on an Obama speech.

That's AFTER threatening to kill the President.

Of course this asshole should get focus.

But that's not the focus of this particular little "outrage" now is it?

And why didn't you get "outraged" when people were calling for GW to be killed?

I did.

Were any of those folks invited to the congress to sit in on a GW Bush speech?

Don't care because those people don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Do they?
GOP sure does have their share of loonies. The clingers here must adore the Nuge.
But that's not the focus of this particular little "outrage" now is it?

And why didn't you get "outraged" when people were calling for GW to be killed?

I did.

Were any of those folks invited to the congress to sit in on a GW Bush speech?

Don't care because those people don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Do they?

Actually they do.

When you start letting this sort of poisonous rhetoric into the political process and start treating it seriously..as the GOP as done.

It hardens positions and polarizes the parties.

It makes consensus and compromise, impossible.

Nugent, flake that he is, is partially responsible for government dysfunction.
What I don't understand is why you people give so much time and attention to the stupid shit people say.

You do realize that by giving idiots time and attention only rewards them don't you?

Nugent was invited by the GOP to sit in congress on an Obama speech.

That's AFTER threatening to kill the President.

Of course this asshole should get focus.

But that's not the focus of this particular little "outrage" now is it?

And why didn't you get "outraged" when people were calling for GW to be killed?
How many of those folks were embraced by Democratic representatives? The House Republicans embraced Nugent and invited him to the SOTU. Conservative groups embrace Nugent and invite him to address their conventions (CPAC).

You guys bought him, now you own him. Enjoy the fallout as Nugent continues to show himself and his supporters for the assholes they truly are.
Until the white man came here. no indians had a written language. They are mentally inferior savages who only care about booze, drugs, and welfare. Why white people take care of them is beyond me. Let them die out.

Many things are beyond you.
At least Native Americans didn't poop themselves to get out of fighting battles :rofl:
What I don't understand is why you people give so much time and attention to the stupid shit people say.

You do realize that by giving idiots time and attention only rewards them don't you?

Nugent was invited by the GOP to sit in congress on an Obama speech.

That's AFTER threatening to kill the President.

Of course this asshole should get focus.

But that's not the focus of this particular little "outrage" now is it?

And why didn't you get "outraged" when people were calling for GW to be killed?

I did, wrong then, wrong now. Nor is Nugent representative of 99.999% of Republicans in the US.
I did.

Were any of those folks invited to the congress to sit in on a GW Bush speech?

Don't care because those people don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Do they?

Actually they do.

When you start letting this sort of poisonous rhetoric into the political process and start treating it seriously..as the GOP as done.

It hardens positions and polarizes the parties.

It makes consensus and compromise, impossible.

Nugent, flake that he is, is partially responsible for government dysfunction.

it certainly polarizes the left. Because you let it.

Here is a quote to ponder

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Eleanor Roosevelt
Don't care because those people don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Do they?

Actually they do.

When you start letting this sort of poisonous rhetoric into the political process and start treating it seriously..as the GOP as done.

It hardens positions and polarizes the parties.

It makes consensus and compromise, impossible.

Nugent, flake that he is, is partially responsible for government dysfunction.

it certainly polarizes the left. Because you let it.

Here is a quote to ponder

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Eleanor Roosevelt
"Narrow minds embrace idiot bigots such as Ted Nugent." ~ Nosmo King
Actually they do.

When you start letting this sort of poisonous rhetoric into the political process and start treating it seriously..as the GOP as done.

It hardens positions and polarizes the parties.

It makes consensus and compromise, impossible.

Nugent, flake that he is, is partially responsible for government dysfunction.

it certainly polarizes the left. Because you let it.

Here is a quote to ponder

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Eleanor Roosevelt
"Narrow minds embrace idiot bigots such as Ted Nugent." ~ Nosmo King

Seems the left wingers here are obsessed with Nugent. What does that say about their minds?
I have no idea who this guy is. From the comments in the OP, it sounds more like he is hating on what he perceives to be jealous, unsuccessful people, rather than Native Americans.

Again though, I've never heard of him. Nor do I care to.
Who cares what ANY celebrity/actor/artist/musician says? ...and for christs sake why?
This country really has become an idiocracy.

a nation of, by and for idiots
All I think about when I read about Ted Nugent is cat scratch fever, and of course firingof a round or two in traffic, come on, who hasn't ever wanted to fire a warning shot during rush hour.
Who cares what ANY celebrity/actor/artist/musician says? ...and for christs sake why?
This country really has become an idiocracy.

a nation of, by and for idiots
House Republicans. They invited him to the State of the Union.

Are they in charge of the idiocracy? It would appear to be the case.
Ted Nugent is a washed up irrelevant burn out of a rock musician. Nothing more.

You sheep need to get a fucking life.

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