Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights


Rocker Ted Nugent apparently still has the keys to an op-ed column over at the Washington Times, which has given him a forum to opine on how to deal with the deficit as lawmakers work to reach an agreement to avert the fiscal cliff.

According to Nugent, the debt and spending problem is so dire that the only way to even begin to address it is to simply engage in the ritual "slaughter" of entitlement programs altogether.

"The three sacred entitlement cows in the room that no politician wants to poke are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid," Nugent wrote. "A blinding statement of the obvious is that we are never going to get our financial house in order until these sacred entitlement cows are not only poked, but slaughtered."

Nugent argued that instead of raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans, as many Democrats including President Barack Obama have supported, Congress should hike taxes on everybody -- particularly the poorest 50 percent of Americans, whom Nugent accuses of mooching an "insane free ride."

The next step, wrote Nugent, was to suspend "the right to vote of any American who is on welfare."
More: Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Revoke Voting Rights For Welfare Recipients

Without regard to the content of Nugent's Op-Ed column, I sure wish I (and everyone else) could have seen Nugent's written column before someone at the paper fixed all the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure mistakes.
“My name is Ted Nugent and because of Pam Anderson… and because of Paul McCartney, all the members of PETA, whenever I hear the word animal or rights in the same paragraph, I’m killing an extra hundred of something this year.

“I have unlimited deer tags in Michigan and Texas… I’m not just killing them, I’m f**king slaughtering them and I’m going to gut them and skin them, quarter them and butcher them and feed them to the soup kitchens and homeless shelters of America… That’s my goal in life.”

More: Ted Nugent vows to kill more animals to annoy Pam Anderson | Celebrity Buzz | a Chron.com blog
It's hilarious how the nutty liberals are painting Ted as a crazy white boy........if he were black, on welfare, and using drugs they'd call him a righteous dude! He offended the liberal's delicate sensibilities, and they go buck wild on his ass!! lol...... Asshole liberals are ALWAYS hypocritical!

Our side doesn't have the nug. You do. Fuck him and fuck you.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=jwlnmrgscYI]The Day Ted Nugent Killed All The Animals_0001.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=K3hNMi26M-8]FU*K Ted NUGENT - YouTube[/ame]
By Kelly Burgess

Legendary rock star and hunting advocate Ted Nugent was fined $1,750 in Yuba County Superior Court Friday after pleading no contest to charges of baiting deer and not having a properly signed hunting tag stemming from a 2009 incident in California.

Further investigation into the incident revealed that the area had been baited with "C'mere Deer." Using any sort of wildlife attractant is illegal in California.

Nugent was originally facing an additional charge for killing an immature buck but this was dropped during negotiations between his attorney and the Yuba County District Attorney's Office, Foy said.

Nugent and two co-defendants -- Mitchell Moore and Ross Patterson, who also pleaded no contest -- did not appear in court. Patterson was fined $1,225 for taking an animal with bait, while Moore was fined $700 for possessing an animal illegally.

Rock star Ted Nugent pleads no contest to California deer baiting charge - latimes.com
My gawd, Palin, Nugent, Fox news, Rush, etc..

what doesn't the left obsess over?

It's not obsession. Its boredom between elections and fruit that's way to fucking easy to leave on the vine.

What the Republican Party needs is a mirror... it's starting to get embarrassing for the rest of us.
It's hilarious how the nutty liberals are painting Ted as a crazy white boy........if he were black, on welfare, and using drugs they'd call him a righteous dude! He offended the liberal's delicate sensibilities, and they go buck wild on his ass!! lol...... Asshole liberals are ALWAYS hypocritical!

How about us sociopathic liberals who simply find The Nuge, and his politics, pathetic?

How funny is that?
Why did Ted Nugent spin his illegal Alaska hunt?

By Craig Medred

Oh boy, now Ted Nugent is making himself out to be either a coward or a liar. There aren't any other choices after what he said in an interview with Handgunsmag.com the other day.

By now, most everyone knows the backstory on why the rocker turned talker is in the news, but for those who don't, here's a quick summary: While in Southeast Alaska in 2009, Nugent violated a somewhat bizarre bear-hunting law designed to end the loss of wounded bears. The Southeast outing was filmed for a television hunting show. Someone watched the videotape, realized Nugent had committed a crime by letting a bear escape after being hit with an arrow and then killing another bear. The incident was reported to authorities. It became a federal case, which Nugent made go away in a plea deal with the U.S. Attorney, under which he agreed to pay a $10,000 fine, put an advertisement on his television show saying hunters should obey the law, and agree not to hunt or fish in Alaska for a year.

And here is how Nugent spun all that to Handguns:

More: Ted Nugent spin: The aging rocker is off his rocker when recalling illegal Alaska hunt fiasco | Alaska Dispatch
My gawd, Palin, Nugent, Fox news, Rush, etc..

what doesn't the left obsess over?

It's not obsession. Its boredom between elections and fruit that's way to fucking easy to leave on the vine.

What the Republican Party needs is a mirror... it's starting to get embarrassing for the rest of us.

I find it funny when they parade people like Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy, and Ted Nugent around like they are heroes and not expect guffaws from anyone.
My gawd, Palin, Nugent, Fox news, Rush, etc..

what doesn't the left obsess over?

It's not obsession. Its boredom between elections and fruit that's way to fucking easy to leave on the vine.

What the Republican Party needs is a mirror... it's starting to get embarrassing for the rest of us.

I find it funny when they parade people like Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy, and Ted Nugent around like they are heroes and not expect guffaws from anyone.

Great American heroes, why they're better than G.I. Joe.
G.I. Joe...


That's a handle I considered... That's funny!
It's not obsession. Its boredom between elections and fruit that's way to fucking easy to leave on the vine.

What the Republican Party needs is a mirror... it's starting to get embarrassing for the rest of us.

I find it funny when they parade people like Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy, and Ted Nugent around like they are heroes and not expect guffaws from anyone.

Great American heroes, why they're better than G.I. Joe.

Knowing is half the battle.


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