Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama

Are you going to try to tell me all veterans are liberals?

Give me a break. All I'm doing is telling you what I hear on shows coast to coast. And not Rush or Hannity. All I have is a computer and a Grundig radio.

No television. The radio shows are red eye, or lars the Grundig picks up almost completely coast to coast. I get WLS out of Chicago clear as a bell.

And once more, I'm not spouting my opinion. Just telling you theirs.

You must be very young and stupid, didn't yo mama teach you not to believe anything you hear and only half of what you see?

So what we've learned today folks is it's okay to like dudes who get blow jobs from 12 year olds and that hunting game is somehow akin to war fighting.

Gotta love it.
Well, I never said it's OK to get blow jobs from 12 year olds. Who said that?

I also never said hunting game is akin to war fighting.

Ok. Then what DID you say? Ted does those and he's "awesome," right?
"Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama"

What is really strange is that anyone is surprised by his suggestion and do not realize that there is a substantial and growing number of people who feel more or less the same way.

Really? Then where the fuck are they? I haven't heard any live rounds going by (yes, I know what they sound like), nor have I seen or heard any reports of nutballs out in the streets taking on the US government.

Why not? All I've heard is cheap talk. If y'all have the balls to do it, get on with it or shut the hell up.
By Nick Wing

Rocker-turned-gun rights provocateur Ted Nugent is willing to say just about anything to attack President Barack Obama and his administration for what he believes is an imminent effort by the government to snatch up guns. During a recent interview, Nugent again raised the bar, invoking a Revolutionary war milestone to suggest that he and his "buddies" were prepared to fight such an effort at all costs.





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This whole thread is a typical left wing tactic. They don't have to think or argue about issues, they simply wait for Soros tax exempt propaganda network to come up with a provocative sentence and they run with it. Phony left wingers promote tolerance for every faction of society including old domestic terrorists, homeless bums and fundamentalist Islamic jihadists but they draw the line at conservative musicians.

No. We draw the line at TRAITOROUS musicians. Not to mention dirt ball, shitpants, moron, simpleton, idiot, chicken hawk, lying, child molester musicians.
You're nuttier than a fucking fruitcake. Nugent would shit himself, again, in a fair fight.

A fair fight? What are you in the 6th grade. The man's talking about fighting for his freedom and his nation not some after school fisticuffs because someone talked about his mommy. If it comes down to it, it won't be a "fair fight", it will be a bloody mess. On the good note, according to recent polls, 54% or 56% of Conservative Republicans own firearms while only 27% of democrats own them and of that 27% of democrats you can bet many of them are Blue Dog Democrats, not far left wing-nut scrotes, that would not support the liberal, leftist scumbags in this nation if a civil war ever broke out.

By the way, you keep asking "Who belongs to the Militia"?, well according to the guys who wrote the 2nd Amendment and voted on the 2nd Amendment, , according to the guy who is called one of the two Fathers of the Bill of rights, George Mason, that would be; every able bodied man.
"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials." (George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426)

May I take the liberty of offering some advice before y'all go off the deep end and do something stupid? It's a paraphrase of something Gen. W.T. Sherman said many years ago:

You people on the right don't know what you are doing.

This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about.

War is a terrible thing! You mistake, too, the people who love the Constitution. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it… Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them?

You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors.

You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with. At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, shut out from the support of sane, rational people, as you will be, your cause will begin to wane.

If you people will but stop and think, they must see in the end that you will surely fail.

The only problem with your post old guy is that it's the Conservatives in this nation, not the anti-2nd Amendment, collectivist thinking, left wing scumbags in DC or the leftwing-nut parasitic low lifes that support them that have a love for the Constitution. I have actually served in a nation torn apart by Civil War and Sectarian violence and it's the SECOND to the last thing I would want for my nation. The LAST thing I would want for my nation is to allow the American National Socialist Democratic Party to have free riegn to trample on our freedoms and to turn this once great Nation into a cesspool of oppression, collectivism and European styled socialism. As for being bound to fail, here's a bit of FYI for you bud. This nation has lost it's balls and cannot gather up the neccessary dedication to beat about 10-20,000 stone aged living rag heads in Afghanistan. Do you really think this nation has the guts to see thousands of American woman and children slaughtered by a leftist govt because that govt want to piss on the Constitutional rights of a portion of this nation? Your piece of shit president spoke at his Coronation about how he needs to work hard for the woman, the illegal aliens, the faggots, the boofers and EVERY other fringe group in this nation, leaving out the White Christian male. You think that was an accident? I doubt it, I believe now that he has fooled enough brainless scrotes to re-elect him, he has taken off the gloves and has indentified who he was talking about when he called some Americans his enemies. So I say screw you, screw obama, screw the Nationalist Socialist Democratic Party and screw al of you brain dead zombies that voted for this piece of crap. If civil war comes to this nation, it will be obama and his penchant for polarization and divisiveness that will be at fault. He has spen the past four years dividing and polarizing the people of this nation and eventaully the crows will come home to roost.
The only problem with your post old guy is that it's the Conservatives in this nation, not the anti-2nd Amendment, collectivist thinking, left wing scumbags in DC or the leftwing-nut parasitic low lifes that support them that have a love for the Constitution. I have actually served in a nation torn apart by Civil War and Sectarian violence and it's the SECOND to the last thing I would want for my nation. The LAST thing I would want for my nation is to allow the American National Socialist Democratic Party to have free riegn to trample on our freedoms and to turn this once great Nation into a cesspool of oppression, collectivism and European styled socialism. As for being bound to fail, here's a bit of FYI for you bud. This nation has lost it's balls and cannot gather up the neccessary dedication to beat about 10-20,000 stone aged living rag heads in Afghanistan. Do you really think this nation has the guts to see thousands of American woman and children slaughtered by a leftist govt because that govt want to piss on the Constitutional rights of a portion of this nation? Your piece of shit president spoke at his Coronation about how he needs to work hard for the woman, the illegal aliens, the faggots, the boofers and EVERY other fringe group in this nation, leaving out the White Christian male. You think that was an accident? I doubt it, I believe now that he has fooled enough brainless scrotes to re-elect him, he has taken off the gloves and has indentified who he was talking about when he called some Americans his enemies. So I say screw you, screw obama, screw the Nationalist Socialist Democratic Party and screw al of you brain dead zombies that voted for this piece of crap. If civil war comes to this nation, it will be obama and his penchant for polarization and divisiveness that will be at fault. He has spen the past four years dividing and polarizing the people of this nation and eventaully the crows will come home to roost.

Then haul your candy-ass out there and get started on it. We'll see who fights.
The only problem with your post old guy is that it's the Conservatives in this nation, not the anti-2nd Amendment, collectivist thinking, left wing scumbags in DC or the leftwing-nut parasitic low lifes that support them that have a love for the Constitution. I have actually served in a nation torn apart by Civil War and Sectarian violence and it's the SECOND to the last thing I would want for my nation. The LAST thing I would want for my nation is to allow the American National Socialist Democratic Party to have free riegn to trample on our freedoms and to turn this once great Nation into a cesspool of oppression, collectivism and European styled socialism. As for being bound to fail, here's a bit of FYI for you bud. This nation has lost it's balls and cannot gather up the neccessary dedication to beat about 10-20,000 stone aged living rag heads in Afghanistan. Do you really think this nation has the guts to see thousands of American woman and children slaughtered by a leftist govt because that govt want to piss on the Constitutional rights of a portion of this nation? Your piece of shit president spoke at his Coronation about how he needs to work hard for the woman, the illegal aliens, the faggots, the boofers and EVERY other fringe group in this nation, leaving out the White Christian male. You think that was an accident? I doubt it, I believe now that he has fooled enough brainless scrotes to re-elect him, he has taken off the gloves and has indentified who he was talking about when he called some Americans his enemies. So I say screw you, screw obama, screw the Nationalist Socialist Democratic Party and screw al of you brain dead zombies that voted for this piece of crap. If civil war comes to this nation, it will be obama and his penchant for polarization and divisiveness that will be at fault. He has spen the past four years dividing and polarizing the people of this nation and eventaully the crows will come home to roost.

Then haul your candy-ass out there and get started on it. We'll see who fights.

Lol, I was a damn fine Corporal but a General I'm not. Plenty will fight bud, they always have when pushed far enough.
This whole thread is a typical left wing tactic. They don't have to think or argue about issues, they simply wait for Soros tax exempt propaganda network to come up with a provocative sentence and they run with it. Phony left wingers promote tolerance for every faction of society including old domestic terrorists, homeless bums and fundamentalist Islamic jihadists but they draw the line at conservative musicians.

I don't read anything Soros has to say and wouldn't even know how to find it. I don't watch TV, even though one is usually on in the other room, in case of breaking news. I don't go to blogs to get information. Can you explain why I was about the first to jump on Ted Nugent. I didn't know the details of his past, because I'm not into entertainer's lives. I've been over the avoiding the draft thing a long time ago, but it does piss me off when they swift boat someone who was there. I don't see much sense in belittling Ted Nugent's life, but I think any American who says the things he says is a traitor to his country. You right-wingers better wise the fuck up!
I'm listening to the Great White Buffalo right now. It sounds like the Nuge is like a lot of other liberals.

The Great White Buffalo lyrics
Well, listen everybody
To what I got to say.
There's hope for tomorrow,
Ooh, we're workin' on today.
Well, it happened long ago,
In the new magic land

The Indian and the buffalo
They existed hand in hand
The Indian needed food,
He needed skins for a roof.
But he only took what they needed, baby
Millions of buffalo were the proof

But then came the white man,
With his thick and empty head.
He couldnt see past the billfold,
He wanted all the buffalo dead.
It was sad...It was sad.
This whole thread is a typical left wing tactic. They don't have to think or argue about issues, they simply wait for Soros tax exempt propaganda network to come up with a provocative sentence and they run with it. Phony left wingers promote tolerance for every faction of society including old domestic terrorists, homeless bums and fundamentalist Islamic jihadists but they draw the line at conservative musicians.

Any conservative Republican is a lefty to you, whitehall.
This whole thread is a typical left wing tactic. They don't have to think or argue about issues, they simply wait for Soros tax exempt propaganda network to come up with a provocative sentence and they run with it. Phony left wingers promote tolerance for every faction of society including old domestic terrorists, homeless bums and fundamentalist Islamic jihadists but they draw the line at conservative musicians.

they are sick, mention Nuggent and awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay they go off..
I just go home from work and they still going at it..
This whole thread is a typical left wing tactic. They don't have to think or argue about issues, they simply wait for Soros tax exempt propaganda network to come up with a provocative sentence and they run with it. Phony left wingers promote tolerance for every faction of society including old domestic terrorists, homeless bums and fundamentalist Islamic jihadists but they draw the line at conservative musicians.

they are sick, mention Nuggent and awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay they go off..
I just go home from work and they still going at it..

Just home from work? Guess all if the toilets are clean.
This whole thread is a typical left wing tactic. They don't have to think or argue about issues, they simply wait for Soros tax exempt propaganda network to come up with a provocative sentence and they run with it. Phony left wingers promote tolerance for every faction of society including old domestic terrorists, homeless bums and fundamentalist Islamic jihadists but they draw the line at conservative musicians.

they are sick, mention Nuggent and awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay they go off..
I just go home from work and they still going at it..

Just home from work? Guess all if the toilets are clean.

all the children in my school were fed breakfast and lunch..but I guess it's cute your little insults

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