Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama

How in hell can you live in Maryland and be that stupid? What are you one of those Rising Sun/Northeast, self-identified Rednecks?

The fact that I live in St. Mary'a Co Md, a bastion of conservatism in a a left wing nut sucking liberal state IS the reason I think like this. Good thing I own a place in Virginia, may be time to give my renters notice and retire down there.

western MD and northern MD also " conservative" areas.

Unfortunately the high population areas of Balto and PG county have the votes to ruin it for everyone else.

Yup, much like Virginia and Northern Virginia
Ted Nugent, the liberal's worst nightmare, a white male redneck with a voice in the public. I mean they idolize Chris Matthews, Rachael Madcow, Kieth Oberalmann, Sean Penn, et al, but a Conservative White Redneck that has a public forum? Their worst nightmare.

Nugent is a joke to the great majority of citizens of America, I think. The issue is that the "revolutionaries" among the radicals do not realize truly how disconnected they are with the rest of mainstream America, jtpr312.
Ted Nugent, the liberal's worst nightmare, a white male redneck with a voice in the public. I mean they idolize Chris Matthews, Rachael Madcow, Kieth Oberalmann, Sean Penn, et al, but a Conservative White Redneck that has a public forum? Their worst nightmare.

Nugent is a joke to the great majority of citizens of America, I think. The issue is that the "revolutionaries" among the radicals do not realize truly how disconnected they are with the rest of mainstream America, jtpr312.

If mainstream America is anything like mainstream media, screw what they think, want or believe. Less than 10% of the American population actively supported the first Revolution, so who knows, I think more than 10% of current Americans are actually Patriots that recognize the wrong direction the left is taking this nation in and will, if the right leaders step forward, fight to change that direction, and as we know from experiance, the American left, unlike their Soviet cousins, lack the balls or the guts to actually fight, bleed and die for what they believe in.
What "direction" are you talking about? The reactionaries make up maybe 2% of America, are out of step with the mainstream, and the military and LEO will treat any conspiracy or violence as law enforcement issues not military threats. Folks who break the law will simply disappear into the prison system.
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If you go against the majority of this country and kill your fellow Americans because you dont agree with the current scotus' interpitation of the constitution then you are a traitor
What "direction" are you talking about? The reactionaries make up maybe 2% of America, are out of step with the mainstream, and the military and LEO will treat any conspiracy or violence as law enforcement issues not military threats. Folks who break the lie will simply disappear into the prison system.

There is no "direction" being talked about. The people talking about revolution have no direction, what they seek is direction. They want to be told what to do. JTPR made that clear in another post where he said he was a corporal, not a general. He is waiting for someone to tell him what to do. He's waiting for the general. The thing is, of course, that generals tend to be intelligent. A general is going to realize that if someone like JTPR can write the things he does so openly with no fear of anything happening to him, no one pounding on his door at 3 am, no needles under the fingernails, is not one in which the general population is about to rise up to toss off their chains. That general is going to understand that anything he might do, in terms of what JTPR is talking about, is only going to end up with himself either dead or in prison.

I will say this though. The people who are talking revolution in order to protect liberty... they don't mean your liberty. They mean the liberty for them to do what they want, not for you to do what you want. If their revolution ever comes, that is when you will see the PEOPLE'S COURTS arise. That's when the visits at 3 am and the needles under the fingernails will start.
This kind of stuff just stuns me. This is just like "they're afraid of Palin".

Do you really believe this?

Can you really not see the damage that people like this are doing to the GOP, and to conservatism in general? Has the world that the hard Right has created for itself that impenetrable to light, self-awareness, observation, perspective, reason?

God damn, we're going to end up with one party rule, with the GOP relegated to second-class status, with lunacy like this. Scares the crap out of me.


Exactly. The republicans dug a deep hole when they brought the lunatic fringe on board. They're afraid of the billionaires that own them and speak through the far right, so they'll never fight back.

It's like watching a train wreck in superslow motion.

I don't see how this gets fixed, I really don't.

The movement has been hijacked by these people, and they're not going anywhere, at least as long as Levin & Savage & Limbaugh & Hannity are around to egg them on.

They're pure zealots now, it's like trying to reason with a wild-eyed kid on the street in the Middle East. It's pointless, they aren't listening, they're completely immersed in this stuff.

One party rule is not a good freakin' idea, and that's where we're headed.


We aren't going to have a one party rule. In fact, what may come out of this is MORE parties which wouldn't be a bad thing. But even if that doesn't happen, the pendulum will swing back. Democrats will do something stupid and piss people off and the moderate voices of the GOP will step forward.

It's not like it hasn't happened before.
Exactly. The republicans dug a deep hole when they brought the lunatic fringe on board. They're afraid of the billionaires that own them and speak through the far right, so they'll never fight back.

It's like watching a train wreck in superslow motion.

I don't see how this gets fixed, I really don't.

The movement has been hijacked by these people, and they're not going anywhere, at least as long as Levin & Savage & Limbaugh & Hannity are around to egg them on.

They're pure zealots now, it's like trying to reason with a wild-eyed kid on the street in the Middle East. It's pointless, they aren't listening, they're completely immersed in this stuff.

One party rule is not a good freakin' idea, and that's where we're headed.


We aren't going to have a one party rule. In fact, what may come out of this is MORE parties which wouldn't be a bad thing. But even if that doesn't happen, the pendulum will swing back. Democrats will do something stupid and piss people off and the moderate voices of the GOP will step forward.

It's not like it hasn't happened before.

I don't think so. We don't have a parlimentary form of government. I think what we have is what we will continue to have. The Republican party is going to come back. Hopefully, it will come back stronger than it was.
Ted Nugent, the liberal's worst nightmare, a white male redneck with a voice in the public. I mean they idolize Chris Matthews, Rachael Madcow, Kieth Oberalmann, Sean Penn, et al, but a Conservative White Redneck that has a public forum? Their worst nightmare.

Just because we point out what an idiot someone is, does not mean that they are our worst nightmare. For example, you are not our worst nightmare.
Ted Nugent, the liberal's worst nightmare, a white male redneck with a voice in the public. I mean they idolize Chris Matthews, Rachael Madcow, Kieth Oberalmann, Sean Penn, et al, but a Conservative White Redneck that has a public forum? Their worst nightmare.

Just because we point out what an idiot someone is, does not mean that they are our worst nightmare. For example, you are not our worst nightmare.

Actually, I think Nugent epitomizes what our nation is all about. He can stand up and say what he likes and others can either agree with him or call him an idiot, or, more often than not, not care one way or the other what he says. That is not a nightmare, it is pure bliss.
What "direction" are you talking about? The reactionaries make up maybe 2% of America, are out of step with the mainstream, and the military and LEO will treat any conspiracy or violence as law enforcement issues not military threats. Folks who break the lie will simply disappear into the prison system.

There is no "direction" being talked about. The people talking about revolution have no direction, what they seek is direction. They want to be told what to do. JTPR made that clear in another post where he said he was a corporal, not a general. He is waiting for someone to tell him what to do. He's waiting for the general. The thing is, of course, that generals tend to be intelligent. A general is going to realize that if someone like JTPR can write the things he does so openly with no fear of anything happening to him, no one pounding on his door at 3 am, no needles under the fingernails, is not one in which the general population is about to rise up to toss off their chains. That general is going to understand that anything he might do, in terms of what JTPR is talking about, is only going to end up with himself either dead or in prison. Evidently you're as ignorant of history as you are of current events. Not surprising though as the job of the liberal public school system has been to turn out ignorant leftist thinking lemmings like you for decades and from the type of posts I see from the left wing-nut morons on this board they have been quite successful. You people lack any knowledge og ACTUAL American or world History and you have been trained to slurp up the kool aid passed out by Pravda West in regards to current events. Bet you dumbasses still think polls actaully mean something huh? Here's something else you numbnuts ought to consider. For many men and woman, ALL THROUGHOUT human history, being killed or imprisoned has been preferable to allowing your children to be enslaved without a fight. Do the words American Revolution, The Warsaw Ghetto, The French Resistance, The Czechoslovakian Invasion, The War Between the States, The Arab Spring, The Mujahideen or Tiananmen sq mean nothing to you morons?

I will say this though. The people who are talking revolution in order to protect liberty... they don't mean your liberty. They mean the liberty for them to do what they want, not for you to do what you want. If their revolution ever comes, that is when you will see the PEOPLE'S COURTS arise. That's when the visits at 3 am and the needles under the fingernails will start. You'll make the arrest lists son, don't worry. If it ever comes to pass what Pol Pot did to the "intellectuals" will seem like a Church Social compared to what happens to the traitorous scumbags of the American, left wing, National Socialist Democratic Party. About the only thing in this post even remotely based on any facts.
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Ted Nugent, the liberal's worst nightmare, a white male redneck with a voice in the public. I mean they idolize Chris Matthews, Rachael Madcow, Kieth Oberalmann, Sean Penn, et al, but a Conservative White Redneck that has a public forum? Their worst nightmare.

Just because we point out what an idiot someone is, does not mean that they are our worst nightmare. For example, you are not our worst nightmare.

No, your worst nightmare is what you see looking back at you when you shave in the morning. A gutless, brainless zombie so filled with kool aid you're unable to think for yourself and instead must depend on idiots like Chris Matthews and Rachael Madcow to tell you what to think.
What "direction" are you talking about? The reactionaries make up maybe 2% of America, are out of step with the mainstream, and the military and LEO will treat any conspiracy or violence as law enforcement issues not military threats. Folks who break the lie will simply disappear into the prison system.

There is no "direction" being talked about. The people talking about revolution have no direction, what they seek is direction. They want to be told what to do. JTPR made that clear in another post where he said he was a corporal, not a general. He is waiting for someone to tell him what to do. He's waiting for the general. The thing is, of course, that generals tend to be intelligent. A general is going to realize that if someone like JTPR can write the things he does so openly with no fear of anything happening to him, no one pounding on his door at 3 am, no needles under the fingernails, is not one in which the general population is about to rise up to toss off their chains. That general is going to understand that anything he might do, in terms of what JTPR is talking about, is only going to end up with himself either dead or in prison. Evidently you're as ignorant of history as you are of current events. Not surprising though as the job of the liberal public school system has been to turn out ignorant leftist thinking lemmings like you for decades and from the type of posts I see from the left wing-nut morons on this board they have been quite successful. You people lack any knowledge og ACTUAL American or world History and you have been trained to slurp up the kool aid passed out by Pravda West in regards to current events. Bet you dumbasses still think polls actaully mean something huh? Here's something else you numbnuts ought to consider. For many men and woman, ALL THROUGHOUT human history, being killed or imprisoned has been preferable to allowing your children to be enslaved without a fight. Do the words American Revolution, The Warsaw Ghetto, The French Resistance, The Czechoslovakian Invasion, The War Between the States, The Arab Spring, The Mujahideen or Tiananmen sq mean nothing to you morons?

I will say this though. The people who are talking revolution in order to protect liberty... they don't mean your liberty. They mean the liberty for them to do what they want, not for you to do what you want. If their revolution ever comes, that is when you will see the PEOPLE'S COURTS arise. That's when the visits at 3 am and the needles under the fingernails will start. You'll make the arrest lists son, don't worry. If it ever comes to pass what Pol Pot did to the "intellectuals" will seem like a Church Social compared to what happens to the traitorous scumbags of the American left wing, National Socialist Democratic Party. About the only thing in this post even remotely based on any facts.

And thus we have a clear idea of what "liberty" means to some people. For those of you on the fence, read this well.
I will say this though. The people who are talking revolution in order to protect liberty... they don't mean your liberty. They mean the liberty for them to do what they want, not for you to do what you want. If their revolution ever comes, that is when you will see the PEOPLE'S COURTS arise. That's when the visits at 3 am and the needles under the fingernails will start. You'll make the arrest lists son, don't worry. If it ever comes to pass what Pol Pot did to the "intellectuals" will seem like a Church Social compared to what happens to the traitorous scumbags of the American, left wing, National Socialist Democratic Party. About the only thing in this post even remotely based on any facts.

That red part is the most fucked up.
"I'm part of a very great experiment in self-government where we the people determine our own pursuit of happiness and our own individual freedom and liberty, not to be confused with the Barack Obama gang who believes in we the sheeple and actually is attempting to re-implement the tyranny of King George that we escaped from in 1776,"

Actually, Rocker Ted, it is the tyranny of Parliament that we escaped in 1776. It was Parliament that imposed taxes on the colonists. While King George III exercised a little more power than the monarch today does, it paled in comparison to the absolute British monarchs of old. Many would argue Queen Anne was the last British monarch to exercise any substantial authority, being the last to withhold the royal assent to a bill passed by the other two houses of Parliament.

In his interview, Nugent went on to accuse Obama of having communist ties, suggesting that gun-owning Americans needed to do something to "fix" the fact that he was president.

"The president of the United States goes to the Vietnam Memorial Wall and pretends to honor 58,000 American heroes who died fighting communism and then he hires, appoints and associates with communists," Nugent said. "He pretends to pay honor to men who died fighting communism, and then he hangs out with, hires and appoints communists. He is an evil, dangerous man who hates America and hates freedom. And we need to fix this as soon as possible."

Rocker Ted Nugent is a poser pussy - he lacks the spine and the balls to put action behind his words.
So to his dismay the Secret Service probably doesn't give a shit about him.
There is no "direction" being talked about. The people talking about revolution have no direction, what they seek is direction. They want to be told what to do. JTPR made that clear in another post where he said he was a corporal, not a general. He is waiting for someone to tell him what to do. He's waiting for the general. The thing is, of course, that generals tend to be intelligent. A general is going to realize that if someone like JTPR can write the things he does so openly with no fear of anything happening to him, no one pounding on his door at 3 am, no needles under the fingernails, is not one in which the general population is about to rise up to toss off their chains. That general is going to understand that anything he might do, in terms of what JTPR is talking about, is only going to end up with himself either dead or in prison. Evidently you're as ignorant of history as you are of current events. Not surprising though as the job of the liberal public school system has been to turn out ignorant leftist thinking lemmings like you for decades and from the type of posts I see from the left wing-nut morons on this board they have been quite successful. You people lack any knowledge og ACTUAL American or world History and you have been trained to slurp up the kool aid passed out by Pravda West in regards to current events. Bet you dumbasses still think polls actaully mean something huh? Here's something else you numbnuts ought to consider. For many men and woman, ALL THROUGHOUT human history, being killed or imprisoned has been preferable to allowing your children to be enslaved without a fight. Do the words American Revolution, The Warsaw Ghetto, The French Resistance, The Czechoslovakian Invasion, The War Between the States, The Arab Spring, The Mujahideen or Tiananmen sq mean nothing to you morons?

I will say this though. The people who are talking revolution in order to protect liberty... they don't mean your liberty. They mean the liberty for them to do what they want, not for you to do what you want. If their revolution ever comes, that is when you will see the PEOPLE'S COURTS arise. That's when the visits at 3 am and the needles under the fingernails will start. You'll make the arrest lists son, don't worry. If it ever comes to pass what Pol Pot did to the "intellectuals" will seem like a Church Social compared to what happens to the traitorous scumbags of the American left wing, National Socialist Democratic Party. About the only thing in this post even remotely based on any facts.

And thus we have a clear idea of what "liberty" means to some people. For those of you on the fence, read this well.

nah, jtpr, you will not have the liberty you want at the expense of others. You are isolated and non-mainstream. And you will not take like the Nazis did.
Ted Nugent, the liberal's worst nightmare, a white male redneck with a voice in the public. I mean they idolize Chris Matthews, Rachael Madcow, Kieth Oberalmann, Sean Penn, et al, but a Conservative White Redneck that has a public forum? Their worst nightmare.

Just because we point out what an idiot someone is, does not mean that they are our worst nightmare. For example, you are not our worst nightmare.

No, your worst nightmare is what you see looking back at you when you shave in the morning. A gutless, brainless zombie so filled with kool aid you're unable to think for yourself and instead must depend on idiots like Chris Matthews and Rachael Madcow to tell you what to think.

I do not live in the United States or watch television, so thank you for proving my point about what an idiot you are. By the way, you should get some new cliches, guess you will have to watch FOX a bit more.

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