Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama

There are laws against threatening to murder the president. If I remember correctly from the last time Ted opened his mouth, these laws can land you in jail.
I hope he enjoys the secret service breathing down his neck 24/7!
There are laws against threatening to murder the president. If I remember correctly from the last time Ted opened his mouth, these laws can land you in jail.

Does the thing he said that this thread is about qualify, though? Seems to come close, but not quite there IMO.

Now tell me Ted isn't stoned out of his mind!

He supposedly doesn't smoke drink or do drugs of any kind. He's just naturally an obvnoxious wingnut asshole.

That could very well be true for the 64 year old Ted, but I don't think so back then. I haven't had much exposer to him until hearing about him so much lately and I'm three years younger than he is. I do recall some of his music many years ago and his hunting expeditions lately. Today, he just seems like a crazy man.
Just for the record, Ted Nugent is a gun salesman by profession. He is sponsored on his website by gun manufacturers, as well as on his tv show.

Of course he has an interest in gun 'rights'. That's how he makes money.
Lol, I was a damn fine Corporal but a General I'm not. Plenty will fight bud, they always have when pushed far enough.

Awsome Ted will be your general. Hasn't he offered to lead the Charge of the Stupid Brigade? What? You won't follow Awsome Ted? Why not? Surely a Great American, an Awsome Patriot like ol' Ted should be worthy of following, right? I mean...after all...you've been defending him for the last umpteen posts, right?

I really love this: "When pushed far enough." LOL Every puzzy I've ever known has threatened to fight when "pushed far enough." But, that never seems to happen. Their line in the sand seems to shift backwards in relation to the threat. "Yeah, well...I dare you cross THIS line. Then, THIS line." LOL

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkzWyOaS8kU]Cross This Line - YouTube[/ame]

Two things. 1. Ted Nugent is a singer, not a general. 2. The only pussy here is the one you see in the mirror when you shave every morning. Run along now slick, it's obvious you have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation, typical of a left wing scrote.

So I may get all this straight. Outside of Ted general rhetoric from Obama's first elections. Ted opposes Obama in every way no matter what he does. So last year he escalated his rhetoric to a more inflammatory level. In the process is made predictions, and statements that can be in-screwed by most listeners for and against that some action or a revolt should happen or will happen. I understand he wants to lead an armed revolt. But to me I'm not following anybody that stated that he will be dead or in jail by April.

I say good luck to Ted and his revolt, because he only shown me he can make some incomes off the rhetoric. Good old Ted's revolt will not come, as I'm disappointed with his predictions so for. About the only entertain I'm gonna get out of all this is maybe he will flush out some of the extreme members, and I like to see what they can do. So it's a few lightly armed men in an urban environment to lose in the end. Or some ranch holdout as some teenage video game players can practice flying drones around 24/7 and take you out.

Gotta love these assault rifles, pretty useless. And don't get me wrong, I'm not for the ban on owning assault rifles. I'm satisfied y'all don't have the bigger stuff. So at this point my assessment of Blowiating Ted and ilk , it may come to CNN's live thousands of rounds going off everyone's getting killed. American's are winners and your following Ted. This oldguy right, . My prediction is after april Ted will be sadly here, and no revolt has come. And I think you'll be looking around for new leader, also as for choosing this one, your next will go nowhere. Enjoy
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By Nick Wing

Rocker-turned-gun rights provocateur ...

Does Ted Nugent have a publicist that runs around trying to make sure the media always refers to him as "rocker" Ted Nugent? I swear every time I see his name in print the word "rocker" appears.

At any rate, rocker Ted Nugent promised us he'd either be dead or in jail by April of this year. Wanna take bets on which it is? He could go for the double whamy and get himself on death row.

Naah, I doubt he'll do anything too crazy...He'll just laugh it off and say that's just part of the show...

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He shouldn't go @ making Hannity-esque statements that he, like hannity, doesn't follow-through on.
Just for the record, Ted Nugent is a gun salesman by profession. He is sponsored on his website by gun manufacturers, as well as on his tv show.

Of course he has an interest in gun 'rights'. That's how he makes money.

Ah, in other words, Ted is fanning the flames of fear in order to further his own financial interests.
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