Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama

Just for the record, Ted Nugent is a gun salesman by profession. He is sponsored on his website by gun manufacturers, as well as on his tv show.

Of course he has an interest in gun 'rights'. That's how he makes money.

Ah, in other words, Ted is fanning the flames of fear in order to further his own financial interests.


If the conservatives on this site had any integrity they would automatically dismiss anything he says as illegitimate and not credible

based on his bias, not to mention his financial motives,

exactly in the same way they attempt to automatically discredit anything that is sourced to mediamatters or huffington post.
Just for the record, Ted Nugent is a gun salesman by profession. He is sponsored on his website by gun manufacturers, as well as on his tv show.

Of course he has an interest in gun 'rights'. That's how he makes money.

Ah, in other words, Ted is fanning the flames of fear in order to further his own financial interests.


If the conservatives on this site had any integrity they would automatically dismiss anything he says as illegitimate and not credible

based on his bias, not to mention his financial motives,

exactly in the same way they attempt to automatically discredit anything that is sourced to mediamatters or huffington post.

Half the fun (IF fun is the right word) is checking to see if there's any public position a conservative can take or behavior (not including behavior in their personal lives) a conservative can engage in that will result in conservatives distancing themselves from him or her.

I mean, it's pretty shocking when a nut case like Nugent can make some not-so-veiled threats against the president, and conservatives defend him or at least dismiss his statements as being much ado about nothing.
Conservatives do not defend Nugent, only reactionaries and radicals who use conservatism as cover.
Just for the record, Ted Nugent is a gun salesman by profession. He is sponsored on his website by gun manufacturers, as well as on his tv show.

Of course he has an interest in gun 'rights'. That's how he makes money.

Ah, in other words, Ted is fanning the flames of fear in order to further his own financial interests.

Oh. My. God.

Fanning the flames.

The fuck you say.
Just for the record, Ted Nugent is a gun salesman by profession. He is sponsored on his website by gun manufacturers, as well as on his tv show.

Of course he has an interest in gun 'rights'. That's how he makes money.

Ah, in other words, Ted is fanning the flames of fear in order to further his own financial interests.

Oh. My. God.

Fanning the flames.

The fuck you say.

Yeah, fanning the flames. Or would you prefer stoking the fires as a descriptive phrase? This tactic seems to be the fallback m.o. of the right. Take FULL advantage of the gullibility of the trusting ignorance of your followers who can almost certainly be counted on to overreact to the rhetoric like kids in junior high and high school who are not yet emotionally mature overreact to made up rumors when someone tells them something that's either an exaggeration or completely untrue. I thought I left that all behind when adulthood arrived. I was wrong. Because god only knows that I see it and hear it all the time since the rise of talk radio and so-called "alternate media" arrived on the scene. And to date, I have yet to witness a time when people don't fall for it. That kitten always chases after that string. ALWAYS!
Ah, in other words, Ted is fanning the flames of fear in order to further his own financial interests.

Oh. My. God.

Fanning the flames.

The fuck you say.

Yeah, fanning the flames. Or would you prefer stoking the fires as a descriptive phrase? This tactic seems to be the fallback m.o. of the right. Take FULL advantage of the gullibility of the trusting ignorance of your followers who can almost certainly be counted on to overreact to the rhetoric like kids in junior high and high school who are not yet emotionally mature overreact to made up rumors when someone tells them something that's either an exaggeration or completely untrue. I thought I left that all behind when adulthood arrived. I was wrong. Because god only knows that I see it and hear it all the time since the rise of talk radio and so-called "alternate media" arrived on the scene. And to date, I have yet to witness a time when people don't fall for it. That kitten always chases after that string. ALWAYS!

I am not certain how you see it and long to fill the sterotype in your head is the reality of it.
Oh. My. God.

Fanning the flames.

The fuck you say.

Yeah, fanning the flames. Or would you prefer stoking the fires as a descriptive phrase? This tactic seems to be the fallback m.o. of the right. Take FULL advantage of the gullibility of the trusting ignorance of your followers who can almost certainly be counted on to overreact to the rhetoric like kids in junior high and high school who are not yet emotionally mature overreact to made up rumors when someone tells them something that's either an exaggeration or completely untrue. I thought I left that all behind when adulthood arrived. I was wrong. Because god only knows that I see it and hear it all the time since the rise of talk radio and so-called "alternate media" arrived on the scene. And to date, I have yet to witness a time when people don't fall for it. That kitten always chases after that string. ALWAYS!

I am not certain how you see it and long to fill the sterotype in your head is the reality of it.

I listen to talk radio. And I MUST say that it's a window into the inner workings (and I use that term advisedly) of the minds of the people who call in to the shows to express their full agreement (and sometimes even MORE so) of the talk radio hosts who spin the conspiracy theory du jour. Occasionally, (and this is the funny/sad/enlightening part of the story), the callers are SO much further out in mental foul ball territory that the radio hosts either have to hang up on them (usually early) or they have to actually disagree with them on air which is something I think they don't really want to do because they know there's so many more like them out there who agree with the guy the host just disagreed with. But when callers start talking about armed insurrection and/or revolution, and you know the show is monitored by people who will report stuff like that to the station and/or the FCC, and your money-making gig is dependent on the public airwaves, you've got to figure that they're not going to risk that big syndication salary on some kook calling in from East Tree Stump, Texas.
But when callers start talking about armed insurrection and/or revolution, and you know the show is monitored by people who will report stuff like that to the station and/or the FCC, and your money-making gig is dependent on the public airwaves, you've got to figure that they're not going to risk that big syndication salary on some kook calling in from East Tree Stump, Texas.

You should have said someone called and talked about revolution on the AM radio.

The humanity.
Everyone that I know from East Stump Texas is a good man.

I know many, many folks from East Texas, particularly deep in the Pineywoods. Most are really great folks, even if you do have a few fool politicians from Shelby and Panola counties. The most dangerous is Congressman Louie Gohmert.
Everyone that I know from East Stump Texas is a good man.

I know many, many folks from East Texas, particularly deep in the Pineywoods. Most are really great folks, even if you do have a few fool politicians from Shelby and Panola counties. The most dangerous is Congressman Louie Gohmert.

Louie is certifiable. He may be nuttier than Bachmann.
I know Louie. His nuttiness comes from his years on the bench, his evangelicalism, and his inability to admit that he can ever be wrong. His louieness is an example of what is wrong with America.
What is right is the House Republicans dropping their stupidity over the debt ceiling, and instead saying it is not an issue if the Senate Dems will create a budget for debate or no Senator or Representative gets paid.

That is brilliant and moral. That forces the dems to take responsibility for their share of the budget.
What is right is the House Republicans dropping their stupidity over the debt ceiling, and instead saying it is not an issue if the Senate Dems will create a budget for debate or no Senator or Representative gets paid.

That is brilliant and moral. That forces the dems to take responsibility for their share of the budget.

It's also unconstitutional. The current Congress can't vote to change their pay in any way while they're in office.

Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No you can't.

There are laws, real live ones..that say you can't.

Free speech does have restrictions.

Again, yes you can. And frankly, if there are laws against it you should be opposed to them. There is no such thing as freedom if it doesn't apply to everyone.

No, you can't. try 5 seconds on google and learn where you're wrong.

Yes, you can. Take more than 5 seconds seconds and learn where you are wrong. There is a reason the secret service did not arrest Nugent. There is a reason the various people on these boards who consistantly "threaten" public officials are not in jail. There is a difference between saying "I am going to take my rifle, climb that tree and shoot the man as he walks out of the building" and saying "the bastard should be shot." Threatening is not sufficient, it has to be a true threat. It has to be direct, specific and realistic.

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