Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good'


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good'

MORGAN: You made the point to me in the break there, more American servicemen have --

TURNER: -- are dying now from suicide over there than are dying in combat.

MORGAN: That's shocking, isn't it?

TURNER: Well, what -- no, I think it's -- I think it's good, because it's so clear that we're programmed and we're born to love and help each other, not to kill each other, to destroy each other. That's an aberration. That's left over from hundreds of years ago. It's time for to us start acting enlightened.

Read more: Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good' | Fox News

No wonder he and Jane Fonda were married at one point in time. What a screwed up statement!

Video at link:

Read more: Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good' | Fox News
Our troops are doing too many combat tours. That's why the suicide rate is up.

Our troops are doing too many combat tours. That's why the suicide rate is up.



But Ted would have you believe that it is because we are programmed not to kill so one would kill themselves instead and that's a good thing? WTF?

Hummm PTSD, depression, god only knows what else. His reasoning and statement were really screwed up.
I get what he's saying.....I don't agree that suicides are good though. MOST of us ARE programmed to care, not to ignore....to love, not to hate.

Sure, there are exceptions...mostly in the Republican Party, but I digress....Just kidding guys!

No, there are exceptions....but for the most part....we believe to one extent or another that we are all brothers.
Fucked up.

C'mon....you don't understand what he's talking about? Yeah....he screwed the pooch in the way he said it, I know....but the premise in the explanation, I think is accurate.

I pity tortured souls who feel that suicide is the only way out of whatever haunts them. My mother used to say that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.....but folks who have been through heavy combat and other psychological traumas? I'm not sure it's all that temporary.
I get what he's saying.....I don't agree that suicides are good though. MOST of us ARE programmed to care, not to ignore....to love, not to hate.

Sure, there are exceptions...mostly in the Republican Party, but I digress....Just kidding guys!

No, there are exceptions....but for the most part....we believe to one extent or another that we are all brothers.

What fucking world do you live in? Mankind is not a loving race, we are societal and those that do not belong to our group are outsiders and are fair game for assault and such. The claim we all love each other is a delusion created in the 60's.
I get what he's saying.....I don't agree that suicides are good though. MOST of us ARE programmed to care, not to ignore....to love, not to hate.

Sure, there are exceptions...mostly in the Republican Party, but I digress....Just kidding guys!

No, there are exceptions....but for the most part....we believe to one extent or another that we are all brothers.

What fucking world do you live in? Mankind is not a loving race, we are societal and those that do not belong to our group are outsiders and are fair game for assault and such. The claim we all love each other is a delusion created in the 60's.

I live in God's world. Oh.....that's right....unless it comes to queers buttfucking each other, scared teens terminating a pregnancy, the evils of Islam....or any other religion than Conservative fundamentalist Christianity....or perhaps disputing science oriented people.....God really doesn't exist to some of you....

God and love and peace are just a convenient talking point when it suits people like you. Christ warned about hardened hearts....and you are the epitome of just that.
Whoa, the Steelplate getting down on the Sarg. Two different realities living in the same country. Not having the pleasure of walking in each other's shoes. Not a time for disrespect. What do you do? This is like the debate about abortion, it will never be solved. Neither will convince the other to change their stance. What do you do? Back off and choose another subject to ponder. Perhaps something may be accomplished there.
CaféAuLait;6223443 said:
Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good'

MORGAN: You made the point to me in the break there, more American servicemen have --

TURNER: -- are dying now from suicide over there than are dying in combat.

MORGAN: That's shocking, isn't it?

TURNER: Well, what -- no, I think it's -- I think it's good, because it's so clear that we're programmed and we're born to love and help each other, not to kill each other, to destroy each other. That's an aberration. That's left over from hundreds of years ago. It's time for to us start acting enlightened.

Read more: Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good' | Fox News

No wonder he and Jane Fonda were married at one point in time. What a screwed up statement!

Video at link:

Read more: Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good' | Fox News

Why do you guys have such trouble separating Emotion from Logic. Suicides are out pacing Combat Deaths because Tech has advanced so much in keeping people alive in Combat.

So yes it's a good thing.
Whoa, the Steelplate getting down on the Sarg. Two different realities living in the same country. Not having the pleasure of walking in each other's shoes. Not a time for disrespect. What do you do? This is like the debate about abortion, it will never be solved. Neither will convince the other to change their stance. What do you do? Back off and choose another subject to ponder. Perhaps something may be accomplished there.

No....Steelplate is giving back what he got. I grow weary of making a civil post to have some asshole act like a douchebag. So anymore? I make a decent, civil post and respond in kind in accordance in which I am responded to.

While I stand by what I said as a personal belief....I would never have reacted in such a manner if the response I received was one that promoted civil discourse instead of trying to shut another poster down and attempt make a fool of them.

This is pretty much my policy nowadays on here. I tried the high road around here....it doesn't work.
CaféAuLait;6223443 said:
Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good'

MORGAN: You made the point to me in the break there, more American servicemen have --

TURNER: -- are dying now from suicide over there than are dying in combat.

MORGAN: That's shocking, isn't it?

TURNER: Well, what -- no, I think it's -- I think it's good, because it's so clear that we're programmed and we're born to love and help each other, not to kill each other, to destroy each other. That's an aberration. That's left over from hundreds of years ago. It's time for to us start acting enlightened.

Read more: Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good' | Fox News

No wonder he and Jane Fonda were married at one point in time. What a screwed up statement!

Video at link:

Read more: Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good' | Fox News

Why do you guys have such trouble separating Emotion from Logic. Suicides are out pacing Combat Deaths because Tech has advanced so much in keeping people alive in Combat.

So yes it's a good thing.

Well...you also have a valid point....Technology has saved many lives that would have been possibly lost even in the first Gulf War.

But that wasn't really Ted's point. PSTD military suicide isn't a logical subject....and has nothing to do with technology. It has to do with EMOTIONS and the emotional trauma suffered when being a witness to, or the participation of the destruction of human lives.
Kudoz....I noticed you only have 8 posts.....Welcome to the USMB!

This is a rough crowd. I came here from a Steelers Message board that was pretty strictly moderated as far as rough language and name calling. It was a pretty good dose of culture shock when I came here. Piece of advice....develop thick skin and if you're a Democrat, get used to being called a Communist....if you're pro-choice, get used to be calling a baby killer by most of the extremists on the right By the same token, if you're a Republican....get used to being called a Fascist, racist and such by SOME of our extremists on the left.

If you're a centrist? ummmmm....good luck.
CaféAuLait;6223443 said:
Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good'

Read more: Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good' | Fox News

No wonder he and Jane Fonda were married at one point in time. What a screwed up statement!

Video at link:

Read more: Ted Turner: Military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is 'good' | Fox News

Why do you guys have such trouble separating Emotion from Logic. Suicides are out pacing Combat Deaths because Tech has advanced so much in keeping people alive in Combat.

So yes it's a good thing.

Well...you also have a valid point....Technology has saved many lives that would have been possibly lost even in the first Gulf War.

But that wasn't really Ted's point. PSTD military suicide isn't a logical subject....and has nothing to do with technology. It has to do with EMOTIONS and the emotional trauma suffered when being a witness to, or the participation of the destruction of human lives.

Ya cause after 5 years of total war in WW2 there were millions of suicides amongst that Generation..... Ohh wait, no there wasn't. The human beast is not loving of every other human, that is simple science and fact. The claim to the contrary is bullshit and delusional. We form groups and outsiders to our groups are viewed with paranoia distrust and violence when pushed.

We have more suicides because it is the last 40 years of dumbing down the population and teaching them they are not responsible for their actions. Suicide is a cowards way out. And by the way if one believes in God they would not commit suicide it is a mortal sin.

I know all about suicide. I want to kill myself all the time. But I was raised to believe in responsibility and I believe in God. Responsibility means I don't get to take the cowards way out because I have a wife and 2 children. I have responsibilities that will not be fulfilled if I quit this world. And again I do not wish to commit a mortal sin.

I take medication for my depression and suicidal thoughts. And no they don't solve the desire they just make it easier to fight off the desire.

There are more suicides in the Military because they are taught that asking for mental health help is a career ender. It is a weakness. The military tries to fight this group think but they pretty much never win.

If the base belief in the Military were that one seeks treatment for their illness then this would not be as big a problem as it is. The military lifestyle FROWNS on using sick bay except for the most dire of situations and it completely frowns on asking for mental health, it is seen as a sign of weakness. It is institutional and no matter how much the military spends on tv ads and flyers and doctors until the Institution changes its core beliefs this will remain a problem.

Human nature is not loving and caring EXCEPT towards members of your own group.
Why do you guys have such trouble separating Emotion from Logic. Suicides are out pacing Combat Deaths because Tech has advanced so much in keeping people alive in Combat.

So yes it's a good thing.

Well...you also have a valid point....Technology has saved many lives that would have been possibly lost even in the first Gulf War.

But that wasn't really Ted's point. PSTD military suicide isn't a logical subject....and has nothing to do with technology. It has to do with EMOTIONS and the emotional trauma suffered when being a witness to, or the participation of the destruction of human lives.

Ya cause after 5 years of total war in WW2 there were millions of suicides amongst that Generation..... Ohh wait, no there wasn't. The human beast is not loving of every other human, that is simple science and fact. The claim to the contrary is bullshit and delusional. We form groups and outsiders to our groups are viewed with paranoia distrust and violence when pushed.

We have more suicides because it is the last 40 years of dumbing down the population and teaching them they are not responsible for their actions. Suicide is a cowards way out. And by the way if one believes in God they would not commit suicide it is a mortal sin.

I know all about suicide. I want to kill myself all the time. But I was raised to believe in responsibility and I believe in God. Responsibility means I don't get to take the cowards way out because I have a wife and 2 children. I have responsibilities that will not be fulfilled if I quit this world. And again I do not wish to commit a mortal sin.

I take medication for my depression and suicidal thoughts. And no they don't solve the desire they just make it easier to fight off the desire.

There are more suicides in the Military because they are taught that asking for mental health help is a career ender. It is a weakness. The military tries to fight this group think but they pretty much never win.

If the base belief in the Military were that one seeks treatment for their illness then this would not be as big a problem as it is. The military lifestyle FROWNS on using sick bay except for the most dire of situations and it completely frowns on asking for mental health, it is seen as a sign of weakness. It is institutional and no matter how much the military spends on tv ads and flyers and doctors until the Institution changes its core beliefs this will remain a problem.

Human nature is not loving and caring EXCEPT towards members of your own group.

Dude, I feel for you. I'm sorry you're dealing with that. But I believe you're wrong....not trying to belittle you, but could it be your condition that is swaying your opinion?

EDIT: Do you have stats to back up your first sentence? I tried to do some research and couldn't find much on WWII vets when they returned home. What I'm asking is, how do you know that their suicide rates were less than today?
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