Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.
You can't tell that from the video. It's too shaky and too distant.

Fucking moron ... even the charging document that's been released describes what I just described is in the video....

The video shows that as they cross the parking lot, Rosenbaum appears to throw an object at the defendant. The object does not hit the defendant and a second video shows, based on where the object landed, that it was a plastic bag. Rosenbaum appears to be unarmed for the duration of this video. A review of the second video shows that the defendant and Rosenbaum continue to move across the parking lot and approach the front of a black car parked in the lot. A loud bang is heard on the video, then a male shouts, “Fuck you!”, then Rosenbaum appears to continue to approach the defendant and gets in near proximity to the defendant when 4 more loud bangs are heard. Rosenbaum then falls to the ground. The defendant then circles behind the black car and approaches Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum remains on the ground. McGinnis also approaches, removes his shirt, and attempts to render aid to Rosenbaum. The defendant appears to get on his cell phone and place a call. Another male approaches, and the defendant turns and begins to run away from the scene. As the defendant is running away, he can be heard saying on the phone, “I just killed somebody.”

There is something seriously wrong with your deformed brain that you deny what you see with your own eyes.
You can't see from the video that Kyle shot Rosenbaum. The police description doesn't say that because they couldn't tell either. It says four shots rang out, and then Rosenbaum then falls to the ground. It doesn't say Kyle shot Rosenbaum four times.

Once again, you lie.
Fucking moron, the teen murderer confessed on the spot...

"I just killed somebody." ~ Kyle Rittenhouse
Killing is one thing. Murder is another.
Shooting someone 4 times, including a shot in the back, is murder, not self defense, fucking moron.
got a link to that court conviction???
Don't need one. Again, what part of "opinion" is beyond your first grade reading level?
so youre revising your claim from what youve been saying all day,,
I changed nothing. I am not responsible for your reading comprehension problems.
Cops often fire more than a dozen rounds into a perp. Multiple shots is proof of nothing.
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.

Yeah...no. If the kid had wanted to commit murder he could have done it a lot easier than he did..........with a lot more pre-meditation. In all three shots, he was the one who was attacked, unprovoked by the joe biden voters.

Yea, but getting away with murder.

If he just walked in there and started shooting people, it would be a clear felony.

Nothing he did was murder....he was the one attacked by all three of the people he shot.....they approached and attacked him, even by the eyewitness account of the first shooting...and from the video of the mob chasing him....as he tried to escape.....

That's the point. He's going to get away with it.

That little recipe is how to kill people without getting convicted for it.
Ummm….. you're not supposed to be convicted for it if you're actions are justified.

Again, wtf is wrong with you?

I'm aware of how the system works.
Doesn't seem like it.

I'm not particularly interested in your evaluation. Thanks though.
Truth hurts, don't it?

It's absolutely adorable if you think your opinion of me is hurtful.

Nope, I don't think anyone thinks you got enough brains to be bothered about being wrong.

Nobody asked you what you think about what anybody else thinks.

Thanks anyway.
Ha ha! WOW! I gave Progressive Hunter a general example of several things liberals and leftists do to gain the upper hand in semantics. You DID pull him away from what he was responding to because dont want to be straight about it, and then you called me fucking stupid (name calling). So now you meet not one but TWO of the criteria. Thanks! Damn, youre gullible....
No, I am not gullible, you are simply stupid. Now you let me, a very staunch conservative see that as well are everybody else.

I pointedly asked him a question, which was the premise in which he replied, hardly pulling him away from what he responded to. I directly asked a question, which was the premise he responded to, and you call that, "pulling him away"?

But hey, you want to be right even when wrong and you certainly think you can outsmart people with what you call, semantics.

Most posts were relevant to the OP, the only thing pulling me away from the OP is responding to your nonsense as well the other idiot.

Thank you for pulling me away from the OP to discuss your shortcomings, you should make a thread of it.

Yeah, ok... If you say so, you Looney Tune. I won't sit here and argue with your insanity...jumping over and around other people's points, and proving that you're full of anger and animosity as well. :dunno:
my god youre a pathetic skank,,,
how can I explain my comment when you removed what I was commenting to???
You could go to the original post? In which you replied to. Or you could of asked the specific question that I asked instead of acting indignant, as if I slighted you?
how about you go back to the original and hit reply and ask me that way,,, then I can respond in kind with what I was replying to,,,
Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.
You can't tell that from the video. It's too shaky and too distant.

Fucking moron ... even the charging document that's been released describes what I just described is in the video....

The video shows that as they cross the parking lot, Rosenbaum appears to throw an object at the defendant. The object does not hit the defendant and a second video shows, based on where the object landed, that it was a plastic bag. Rosenbaum appears to be unarmed for the duration of this video. A review of the second video shows that the defendant and Rosenbaum continue to move across the parking lot and approach the front of a black car parked in the lot. A loud bang is heard on the video, then a male shouts, “Fuck you!”, then Rosenbaum appears to continue to approach the defendant and gets in near proximity to the defendant when 4 more loud bangs are heard. Rosenbaum then falls to the ground. The defendant then circles behind the black car and approaches Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum remains on the ground. McGinnis also approaches, removes his shirt, and attempts to render aid to Rosenbaum. The defendant appears to get on his cell phone and place a call. Another male approaches, and the defendant turns and begins to run away from the scene. As the defendant is running away, he can be heard saying on the phone, “I just killed somebody.”

There is something seriously wrong with your deformed brain that you deny what you see with your own eyes.
You can't see from the video that Kyle shot Rosenbaum. The police description doesn't say that because they couldn't tell either. It says four shots rang out, and then Rosenbaum then falls to the ground. It doesn't say Kyle shot Rosenbaum four times.

Once again, you lie.
Fucking moron, the teen murderer confessed on the spot...

"I just killed somebody." ~ Kyle Rittenhouse
Killing is one thing. Murder is another.
Shooting someone 4 times, including a shot in the back, is murder, not self defense, fucking moron.

Shit stain....it is sounding more and more like someone else shot the guy in the back......you moron.......
It is obvious Kyle Rittenhouse did not shoot Joseph Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum was shot by a guy with a pistol. There are more videos they exonerate him on shooting Joseph Rosenbaum. This video will probably disappear just like the other ones that exonerate Kyle as it doesn't fit the narrative that many in media want to portray.

Anti fa fascist criminal friendly fires another anti fa fascist criminal? Now that is just funny.........
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.
That's called "provocation with intent", and it's illegal.

Make sure you tell George Zimmerman.
How dare he call the cops on a druggy thief and a guy with a history of attacking other people. It is all zimmermans fault for daring to care about his community and try to stop the violent criminals which trayvon absolutely was.

PUll your head out of the sand and get a clue...buy a vowel if you have to.

Martin wasn’t doing anything wrong.

Call the cops and leave it alone. Let them handle it. We don't need pretend cops instigating problems that leave other people dead.

Bull chit--------------he was casing the neighborhood peeking into homes and their fenced areas to break in at a later date. He was snagged with stolen jewelry and a burglary kit.......criminals casing homes to rob do look suspicious. And fyi, he had no money and no job and his dad was a dead beat so he had no other means but to rob to get his drug money. Wanna play some more? Want talk about where he got the guns he was pictured with or the drugs he was also pictured with?
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.
That's called "provocation with intent", and it's illegal.

Make sure you tell George Zimmerman.
How dare he call the cops on a druggy thief and a guy with a history of attacking other people. It is all zimmermans fault for daring to care about his community and try to stop the violent criminals which trayvon absolutely was.

PUll your head out of the sand and get a clue...buy a vowel if you have to.

Martin wasn’t doing anything wrong.
he was beating a guys head into the concrete,,,

Zimmerman started an unnecessary altercation. Then he got his butt kicked. Then he killed him.
martin attacked him,,,
That is what the evidence clearly showed and why the girlfriend hid from the cops fearing that she would be charged with the felony of attacking zimmerman and charged with Trayvons death as she took part in the original crime resulting in Trayvons death.
if it even goes to trial,,,and if its the case he didnt kill the first guy likes being presented it wont,,

I would guess that it goes to trial and that he only gets hit with the misdemeanor for being a minor with a gun, resulting in 9 months in prison.

That's my prediction. Book it. I could be wrong obviously. Especially as more evidence rolls in.
it will be a small fine at best,,,cpl hundred bucks,,

If that happens, I'll join the rioters. You demented assholes need to be put down.
Can you add me to your will first?
Because I think a lot more rioters are going to get killed.

People are sick of this shit.

Yeah, I know what you .... oh wait - fuck you. die.
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.
That's called "provocation with intent", and it's illegal.

Make sure you tell George Zimmerman.
How dare he call the cops on a druggy thief and a guy with a history of attacking other people. It is all zimmermans fault for daring to care about his community and try to stop the violent criminals which trayvon absolutely was.

PUll your head out of the sand and get a clue...buy a vowel if you have to.

Martin wasn’t doing anything wrong.

Call the cops and leave it alone. Let them handle it. We don't need pretend cops instigating problems that leave other people dead.

Bull chit--------------he was casing the neighborhood peeking into homes and their fenced areas to break in at a later date. He was snagged with stolen jewelry and a burglary kit.......criminals casing homes to rob do look suspicious. And fyi, he had no money and no job and his dad was a dead beat so he had no other means but to rob to get his drug money. Wanna play some more? Want talk about where he got the guns he was pictured with or the drugs he was also pictured with?


You have no proof that he was casing the neighborhood.
I disagree. I believe there's enough evidence to convict him. At least for the first killing. You are legally allowed to use lethal force to prevent an imminent attack you reasonably believe will result in death or great bodily harm.

He did that with the first shot he took, which took Rosenbaum down. Rosenbaum was no longer a threat at that point. The next 3 shots were intended to kill him. Including a shot to the back.

I can see how that will be used in the trial. Personally, I don't think it will work.

We'll see though.
It's what saved Zimmerman. He shot once and stopped the attack and didn't shoot again. This guy stopped the attack with his first shot and kept on shooting.
Geebus-----the gun is a semi automatic and like with cops who empty their weapons----adrenaline takes over and they are also trained to shoot and keep shooting. It doesn't matter if it was one or four shots-----rapid fire and fear and adrenaline take over and the human brain does not process stopping just hit the trigger. Your argument is mute and meaningless thusly.
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.
That's called "provocation with intent", and it's illegal.

Make sure you tell George Zimmerman.
How dare he call the cops on a druggy thief and a guy with a history of attacking other people. It is all zimmermans fault for daring to care about his community and try to stop the violent criminals which trayvon absolutely was.

PUll your head out of the sand and get a clue...buy a vowel if you have to.

Martin wasn’t doing anything wrong.

Call the cops and leave it alone. Let them handle it. We don't need pretend cops instigating problems that leave other people dead.

Bull chit--------------he was casing the neighborhood peeking into homes and their fenced areas to break in at a later date. He was snagged with stolen jewelry and a burglary kit.......criminals casing homes to rob do look suspicious. And fyi, he had no money and no job and his dad was a dead beat so he had no other means but to rob to get his drug money. Wanna play some more? Want talk about where he got the guns he was pictured with or the drugs he was also pictured with?


You have no proof that he was casing the neighborhood.
Yes we do---------he was a criminal and his suspicious behavior of peeking into peoples homes and yards out in the rain is what caught zimmerman (who is part black btw) attention. Again, casing is very noticeable and suspicious. Trayvon was a violent druggy stealing criminal---as such he was suspicious and got snagged.
if it even goes to trial,,,and if its the case he didnt kill the first guy likes being presented it wont,,

I would guess that it goes to trial and that he only gets hit with the misdemeanor for being a minor with a gun, resulting in 9 months in prison.

That's my prediction. Book it. I could be wrong obviously. Especially as more evidence rolls in.
it will be a small fine at best,,,cpl hundred bucks,,

If that happens, I'll join the rioters. You demented assholes need to be put down.
Can you add me to your will first?
Because I think a lot more rioters are going to get killed.

People are sick of this shit.
Save the cities, the businesses, the cops, the jobs, the homes, the elderly and more ----shoot rioters.
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.
That's called "provocation with intent", and it's illegal.

Make sure you tell George Zimmerman.
How dare he call the cops on a druggy thief and a guy with a history of attacking other people. It is all zimmermans fault for daring to care about his community and try to stop the violent criminals which trayvon absolutely was.

PUll your head out of the sand and get a clue...buy a vowel if you have to.

Martin wasn’t doing anything wrong.

Call the cops and leave it alone. Let them handle it. We don't need pretend cops instigating problems that leave other people dead.

Bull chit--------------he was casing the neighborhood peeking into homes and their fenced areas to break in at a later date. He was snagged with stolen jewelry and a burglary kit.......criminals casing homes to rob do look suspicious. And fyi, he had no money and no job and his dad was a dead beat so he had no other means but to rob to get his drug money. Wanna play some more? Want talk about where he got the guns he was pictured with or the drugs he was also pictured with?


You have no proof that he was casing the neighborhood.
Yes we do---------he was a criminal and his suspicious behavior of peeking into peoples homes and yards out in the rain is what caught zimmerman (who is part black btw) attention. Again, casing is very noticeable and suspicious. Trayvon was a violent druggy stealing criminal---as such he was suspicious and got snagged.

You keep saying that yet you still don't have proof of it.

Wanna say it some more? That's cool. It still won't be proof.
if it even goes to trial,,,and if its the case he didnt kill the first guy likes being presented it wont,,

I would guess that it goes to trial and that he only gets hit with the misdemeanor for being a minor with a gun, resulting in 9 months in prison.

That's my prediction. Book it. I could be wrong obviously. Especially as more evidence rolls in.
it will be a small fine at best,,,cpl hundred bucks,,

If that happens, I'll join the rioters. You demented assholes need to be put down.
Can you add me to your will first?
Because I think a lot more rioters are going to get killed.

People are sick of this shit.

Yeah, I know what you .... oh wait - fuck you. die.
Been there, done that....

Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.

Yeah...no. If the kid had wanted to commit murder he could have done it a lot easier than he did..........with a lot more pre-meditation. In all three shots, he was the one who was attacked, unprovoked by the joe biden voters.

Yea, but getting away with murder.

If he just walked in there and started shooting people, it would be a clear felony.

Nothing he did was murder....he was the one attacked by all three of the people he shot.....they approached and attacked him, even by the eyewitness account of the first shooting...and from the video of the mob chasing him....as he tried to escape.....

That's the point. He's going to get away with it.

That little recipe is how to kill people without getting convicted for it.
Ummm….. you're not supposed to be convicted for it if you're actions are justified.

Again, wtf is wrong with you?

I'm aware of how the system works.
Doesn't seem like it.

I'm not particularly interested in your evaluation. Thanks though.
Truth hurts, don't it?

It's absolutely adorable if you think your opinion of me is hurtful.

Nope, I don't think anyone thinks you got enough brains to be bothered about being wrong.

Nobody asked you what you think about what anybody else thinks.

Thanks anyway.
I want to hear what he/she thinks--------you on the other hand, lordy I am not even sure that you think anything through to a logical conclusion.
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.
That's called "provocation with intent", and it's illegal.

Make sure you tell George Zimmerman.
How dare he call the cops on a druggy thief and a guy with a history of attacking other people. It is all zimmermans fault for daring to care about his community and try to stop the violent criminals which trayvon absolutely was.

PUll your head out of the sand and get a clue...buy a vowel if you have to.

Martin wasn’t doing anything wrong.

Call the cops and leave it alone. Let them handle it. We don't need pretend cops instigating problems that leave other people dead.

Bull chit--------------he was casing the neighborhood peeking into homes and their fenced areas to break in at a later date. He was snagged with stolen jewelry and a burglary kit.......criminals casing homes to rob do look suspicious. And fyi, he had no money and no job and his dad was a dead beat so he had no other means but to rob to get his drug money. Wanna play some more? Want talk about where he got the guns he was pictured with or the drugs he was also pictured with?
Why are we even talking about this old bullshit?

It's just a distraction.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
A 17-year-old can’t legally own a firearm in Wisconsin except for hunting purposes and with the permission of a legal guardian and the gun he has was using was one a friend of his in Wisconsin gave him...there's that.
The statute says a "shotgun" or a long gun. It says nothing about "for hunting purposes."
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.

Yeah...no. If the kid had wanted to commit murder he could have done it a lot easier than he did..........with a lot more pre-meditation. In all three shots, he was the one who was attacked, unprovoked by the joe biden voters.

Yea, but getting away with murder.

If he just walked in there and started shooting people, it would be a clear felony.

Nothing he did was murder....he was the one attacked by all three of the people he shot.....they approached and attacked him, even by the eyewitness account of the first shooting...and from the video of the mob chasing him....as he tried to escape.....

That's the point. He's going to get away with it.

That little recipe is how to kill people without getting convicted for it.
Ummm….. you're not supposed to be convicted for it if you're actions are justified.

Again, wtf is wrong with you?

I'm aware of how the system works.
Doesn't seem like it.

I'm not particularly interested in your evaluation. Thanks though.
Truth hurts, don't it?

It's absolutely adorable if you think your opinion of me is hurtful.

Nope, I don't think anyone thinks you got enough brains to be bothered about being wrong.

Nobody asked you what you think about what anybody else thinks.

Thanks anyway.
I want to hear what he/she thinks--------you on the other hand, lordy I am not even sure that you think anything through to a logical conclusion.

That's neat. I don't think very highly of your thinking skills either.
Yeah, ok... If you say so, you Looney Tune. I won't sit here and argue with your insanity...jumping over and around other people's points, and proving that you're full of anger and animosity as well. :dunno:
Jumping over peoples points? He said nothing was true in my post and I simply asked how did the teen get into a middle of a right with an assault rife.

I get that you are very much upset that I bested you while you were busy stuffing your feet in your mouth, but as I stated, you are a hypocrite. Not once have you addressed the content of my comment that you and progressive seem so concerned about. Neither of you are willing to quote nor address my comment. You just troll and flame, accusing me of having the feeling your are experiencing. Anger and animosity, simply because I asked how did the teenager find himself in the middle of a riot with an assault rifle?

I am surprised you are able to respond at all given the level of intelligence or your comments.
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