Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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You're not a lawyer. Stop trying to act like one.

There IS a slam-dunk case...but it's for the defense. The charging documents alone might get the case dismissed by a judge. (Unlike you, the one who said that actually IS a lawyer, licensed in Wisconsin.)

Actually, the guy is kind of posturing.

You have the little shit shooting people in a crowd. It's a slam dunk case.

New job- Aryan Nation Prison Bitch.
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

Could be, and they may hang him on that since they are likely going to fail on the murder charges.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was in violation of that law. Not much wiggle room there. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

They're going to try to get him on the pre-meditated thing, which I believe is likely true, but will be extremely difficult for the prosecutors to actually prove. Personally, I don't see the murder charges sticking.

I don't see how they get Pre-meditated since in each case he was the one being attacked by the mob.....the reporter was an eye witness to the first provocation, and we have video of the mob attacking him while he was on the ground.

Well he went out of his way to defend a car dealership that he had no connection with. And it can at least be debated how much of a threat the first guy was. Initial claims were that he threw a Molotov cocktail, but I don't think that was the case.

I would argue that he was looking for a fight. He wanted an excuse to use deadly force in self-defense. Kind of like the Florida shooter at the convenient store.

But, even though I believe that may very well be true, I don't think it can be proven. So I think they'll try that, but I don't expect it to stick.

You think he was the one looking for a fight? Not the guy who kept coming at him on multiple videos, the guy who kept aggressing towards armed people? And then chased him?
You think the kid was the one who was there looking to start trouble?

Seriously...… wtf is wrong with you?

It's not an either/or.

The ones who got shot were definitely looking for a fight. No question about that.

I've done security work for a large part of my life, nearly all of it if you count the military...… is a bouncer in a nighclub "looking for a fight"? Yes.
Is he ready willing and able to deal with one? Yes.
Is he there to "instigate" one? No.

There is a fundamental difference here between the rioters who showed up intending to do damage and cause carnage, and the folks who showed up ready and willing to prevent them from doing so.

Does the bouncer of the night club travel across state lines to defend a club he has no connection with just for fun?

How does that distinction make a difference?

He shows up heavily armed in a different state to defend a car lot he has no connection to. Looks like an excuse to me. That's my opinion.

You're entitled to your opinion, no matter how wrong-headed it is.

Carry on, and please avoid jury duty...… don't need you sending some innocent to gaol.

Your entitled to your opinions as well.

I was on a jury not long ago, just some minor case. If I were on this jury, I don't think there would be enough evidence to convict him on murder, so I wouldn't. What I think and what I can prove are different, at least for now unless more evidence rolls in.

I expect him just to get 9 months misdemeanor charge.

I disagree. I believe there's enough evidence to convict him. At least for the first killing. You are legally allowed to use lethal force to prevent an imminent attack you reasonably believe will result in death or great bodily harm.

He did that with the first shot he took, which took Rosenbaum down. Rosenbaum was no longer a threat at that point. The next 3 shots were intended to kill him. Including a shot to the back.

its turning out he didnt kill the first guy,,,still waiting for the investigation,,arent you??

Oh, let's see your evidence he didn't kill the first guy...

He says he did and he was right there.

watch the video posted earlier,,and kyle thought he did but he might be wrong,,,

I'm not hunting for videos. If you can't post it, I'll just assume you're full of shit again.

I knew you were full of shit. Thanks for confirming it.

You didn't post any evidence the teen murderer didn't kill Rosenbaum -- you posted evidence someone else fired first. That's been known since the NYTimes discovered it. But that guy didn't shoot Rosenbaum, he fired one shot into the air. You can even see his arm is up above his head.

Then about 2-3 seconds later, the teen murderer shoots Rosenbaum 4 times. Then calls a friend to tell him he killed somebody.

The pedo was shot 4 times 3 from the front and one from the back----kyle was never in back of the pedo....ergo the medical examiner has some questions and is awaiting ballistic test results.
You're not a lawyer. Stop trying to act like one.

There IS a slam-dunk case...but it's for the defense. The charging documents alone might get the case dismissed by a judge. (Unlike you, the one who said that actually IS a lawyer, licensed in Wisconsin.)

Actually, the guy is kind of posturing.

You have the little shit shooting people in a crowd. It's a slam dunk case.

New job- Aryan Nation Prison Bitch.
Clueless---or a troll. Either way stop spinning nonsense
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.
Well I've seen that scenario play out several times in spite of the fact that the self-defense laws in most states specifically state that you can't do that, you can't be the initiator of the confrontation that ends in your shooting and killing someone.

Kyle was not the instigator of anything. Hell, the kid was there cleaning up filthy Left Wing hate graffiti and helping to put out a fire started by the Communists. He was attacked by the Communists because he helped to put out the fire.

The fact that he was there was not instigation.

The fact that he was armed was not instigation. If that is the case everybody legally carrying a weapon could never plea self defense, which is not the case.

The instigation was the Commie thugs running the kid down with the intent of during him harm.

His defense team will make sure the jury understands that.

Shame on the DA bitch for charging him.
You're not a lawyer. Stop trying to act like one.

There IS a slam-dunk case...but it's for the defense. The charging documents alone might get the case dismissed by a judge. (Unlike you, the one who said that actually IS a lawyer, licensed in Wisconsin.)

Actually, the guy is kind of posturing.

You have the little shit shooting people in a crowd. It's a slam dunk case.

New job- Aryan Nation Prison Bitch.

You are confused Moon Bat. The little shits were the Left Wing Communists that attacked him.

Two of them are in Commie Hell now and one of them will never be able to jerk off to gay porn anymore.

Kyle's defense team will get him off. The charges are bogus. We all know that. Then you stupid immoral confused Moon Bats will cry and whine just like you did when that George Zimmeran was found innocent.
LOL....Weak tactic my left wing friend....Trying to catagorize the case as open and shut before any investigation, let alone a trial is the folly of a loser.

There's no need for an investigation.... we have the little shit on tape shooting people.

What I saw on the videos, was self defense. But, I note your willingness to do away with equal protection under the law.
You're not a lawyer. Stop trying to act like one.

There IS a slam-dunk case...but it's for the defense. The charging documents alone might get the case dismissed by a judge. (Unlike you, the one who said that actually IS a lawyer, licensed in Wisconsin.)

Actually, the guy is kind of posturing.

You have the little shit shooting people in a crowd. It's a slam dunk case.

New job- Aryan Nation Prison Bitch.

You are confused Moon Bat. The little shits were the Left Wing Communists that attacked him.

Two of them are in Commie Hell now and one of them will never be able to jerk off to gay porn anymore.

Kyle's defense team will get him off. The charges are bogus. We all know that. Then you stupid immoral confused Moon Bats will cry and whine just like you did when that George Zimmeran was found innocent.

Unless the dems in the courts manage to railroad the kid.
You're not a lawyer. Stop trying to act like one.

There IS a slam-dunk case...but it's for the defense. The charging documents alone might get the case dismissed by a judge. (Unlike you, the one who said that actually IS a lawyer, licensed in Wisconsin.)

Actually, the guy is kind of posturing.

You have the little shit shooting people in a crowd. It's a slam dunk case.

New job- Aryan Nation Prison Bitch.

You are confused Moon Bat. The little shits were the Left Wing Communists that attacked him.

Two of them are in Commie Hell now and one of them will never be able to jerk off to gay porn anymore.

Kyle's defense team will get him off. The charges are bogus. We all know that. Then you stupid immoral confused Moon Bats will cry and whine just like you did when that George Zimmeran was found innocent.

Unless the dems in the courts manage to railroad the kid.

Did hear about the filthy ass Democrat Governor of Maryland that fired a state employee because the employee posted something saying he supported Kyle? Democrat asshole!
Have fun gloating in your fantasy world!
Is that not, what you just did? What is wrong, you do not have the intellect to address the comments. You are simply here to be a troll and flame everything.

That is okay, you are not alone, there are many idiots such as yourself that do nothing more than express their lack of thinking. Hell, the teen in the OP thought much like you do and now he faces murder charges. I doubt you could ever reach that level of danger to yourself or others. Mostly I say that because if you left your house you would most likely trip and fall down the step out the door and crack your head open. Yes, you exhibit that level of intelligence. Good luck walking!
Unless the dems in the courts manage to railroad the kid.
Well, certainly it was not right to attack him. But it was even more wrong to leave home with your favorite assault rifle and put oneself in the middle of a riot. The only logical outcome of that is the outcome we see.

The dems wont have to railroad the kid. They will have to simply state what I just did while holding up his weapon.
death by ar.jpg
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.
Well I've seen that scenario play out several times in spite of the fact that the self-defense laws in most states specifically state that you can't do that, you can't be the initiator of the confrontation that ends in your shooting and killing someone.

Kyle was not the instigator of anything. Hell, the kid was there cleaning up filthy Left Wing hate graffiti and helping to put out a fire started by the Communists. He was attacked by the Communists because he helped to put out the fire.

The fact that he was there was not instigation.

The fact that he was armed was not instigation. If that is the case everybody legally carrying a weapon could never plea self defense, which is not the case.

The instigation was the Commie thugs running the kid down with the intent of during him harm.

His defense team will make sure the jury understands that.

Shame on the DA bitch for charging him.
It was instigation only to TDS morons who believe they have the right to assault anyone they disagree with.
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

Could be, and they may hang him on that since they are likely going to fail on the murder charges.

Seems pretty clear to me that he was in violation of that law. Not much wiggle room there. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

They're going to try to get him on the pre-meditated thing, which I believe is likely true, but will be extremely difficult for the prosecutors to actually prove. Personally, I don't see the murder charges sticking.

I don't see how they get Pre-meditated since in each case he was the one being attacked by the mob.....the reporter was an eye witness to the first provocation, and we have video of the mob attacking him while he was on the ground.

Well he went out of his way to defend a car dealership that he had no connection with. And it can at least be debated how much of a threat the first guy was. Initial claims were that he threw a Molotov cocktail, but I don't think that was the case.

I would argue that he was looking for a fight. He wanted an excuse to use deadly force in self-defense. Kind of like the Florida shooter at the convenient store.

But, even though I believe that may very well be true, I don't think it can be proven. So I think they'll try that, but I don't expect it to stick.

You think he was the one looking for a fight? Not the guy who kept coming at him on multiple videos, the guy who kept aggressing towards armed people? And then chased him?
You think the kid was the one who was there looking to start trouble?

Seriously...… wtf is wrong with you?

It's not an either/or.

The ones who got shot were definitely looking for a fight. No question about that.

I've done security work for a large part of my life, nearly all of it if you count the military...… is a bouncer in a nighclub "looking for a fight"? Yes.
Is he ready willing and able to deal with one? Yes.
Is he there to "instigate" one? No.

There is a fundamental difference here between the rioters who showed up intending to do damage and cause carnage, and the folks who showed up ready and willing to prevent them from doing so.

Does the bouncer of the night club travel across state lines to defend a club he has no connection with just for fun?

How does that distinction make a difference?

He shows up heavily armed in a different state to defend a car lot he has no connection to. Looks like an excuse to me. That's my opinion.

You're entitled to your opinion, no matter how wrong-headed it is.

Carry on, and please avoid jury duty...… don't need you sending some innocent to gaol.

Your entitled to your opinions as well.

I was on a jury not long ago, just some minor case. If I were on this jury, I don't think there would be enough evidence to convict him on murder, so I wouldn't. What I think and what I can prove are different, at least for now unless more evidence rolls in.

I expect him just to get 9 months misdemeanor charge.

I disagree. I believe there's enough evidence to convict him. At least for the first killing. You are legally allowed to use lethal force to prevent an imminent attack you reasonably believe will result in death or great bodily harm.

He did that with the first shot he took, which took Rosenbaum down. Rosenbaum was no longer a threat at that point. The next 3 shots were intended to kill him. Including a shot to the back.

its turning out he didnt kill the first guy,,,still waiting for the investigation,,arent you??

Oh, let's see your evidence he didn't kill the first guy...

He says he did and he was right there.

watch the video posted earlier,,and kyle thought he did but he might be wrong,,,

I'm not hunting for videos. If you can't post it, I'll just assume you're full of shit again.

I knew you were full of shit. Thanks for confirming it.

You didn't post any evidence the teen murderer didn't kill Rosenbaum -- you posted evidence someone else fired first. That's been known since the NYTimes discovered it. But that guy didn't shoot Rosenbaum, he fired one shot into the air. You can even see his arm is up above his head.

Then about 2-3 seconds later, the teen murderer shoots Rosenbaum 4 times. Then calls a friend to tell him he killed somebody.

Oh brother---medical examiner is reporting 4 bullet wounds--3 from the front one to the back-Kyle was never behind Rosenbaum so the me is awaiting ballistic reports. You know what AWAITING means right? Are you capable of grasping shooting someone shooting someone in the back from the front side is almost impossible to do?

I think we are going find that he was shot by either gray hoodie wearer seen with hand gun that day or by the one armed armed bandit now handcuffed in the hospital.
Speaking of which, I think there's a playbook forming on how to murder.

1. Instigate someone.
2. Wait for them to attack you.
3. Shoot them.
That's called "provocation with intent", and it's illegal.

Make sure you tell George Zimmerman.
How dare he call the cops on a druggy thief and a guy with a history of attacking other people. It is all zimmermans fault for daring to care about his community and try to stop the violent criminals which trayvon absolutely was.

PUll your head out of the sand and get a clue...buy a vowel if you have to.

Martin wasn’t doing anything wrong.

Call the cops and leave it alone. Let them handle it. We don't need pretend cops instigating problems that leave other people dead.

Bull chit--------------he was casing the neighborhood peeking into homes and their fenced areas to break in at a later date. He was snagged with stolen jewelry and a burglary kit.......criminals casing homes to rob do look suspicious. And fyi, he had no money and no job and his dad was a dead beat so he had no other means but to rob to get his drug money. Wanna play some more? Want talk about where he got the guns he was pictured with or the drugs he was also pictured with?


You have no proof that he was casing the neighborhood.
Yes we do---------he was a criminal and his suspicious behavior of peeking into peoples homes and yards out in the rain is what caught zimmerman (who is part black btw) attention. Again, casing is very noticeable and suspicious. Trayvon was a violent druggy stealing criminal---as such he was suspicious and got snagged.

You keep saying that yet you still don't have proof of it.

Wanna say it some more? That's cool. It still won't be proof.
What do you think druggy thief Trayvon was doing in the rain that day? Zimmerman saw the thief peeking into peoples homes and enclosed areas as per his phone call to the police dispatch before trayvon got himself killed.
You're not a lawyer. Stop trying to act like one.

There IS a slam-dunk case...but it's for the defense. The charging documents alone might get the case dismissed by a judge. (Unlike you, the one who said that actually IS a lawyer, licensed in Wisconsin.)
You have the little shit shooting people in a crowd.

That is a lie....

It's a slam dunk case..

Also a lie.
On the night he died, this idiot was casing homes in Zimmermans community.

That was a whole lot of bullshit.

Start with this part. You can either prove that or you can't. In this case, you can't.
No idiot...those were the facts of the case based on the evidence and court findings----------(well except for the g/f and fake g/f---that is based on new lawsuit just filed.)
Have fun gloating in your fantasy world!
Is that not, what you just did? What is wrong, you do not have the intellect to address the comments. You are simply here to be a troll and flame everything.

That is okay, you are not alone, there are many idiots such as yourself that do nothing more than express their lack of thinking. Hell, the teen in the OP thought much like you do and now he faces murder charges. I doubt you could ever reach that level of danger to yourself or others. Mostly I say that because if you left your house you would most likely trip and fall down the step out the door and crack your head open. Yes, you exhibit that level of intelligence. Good luck walking!
Gee wowee willickers...
I guess if we were in grade school I might actually worry about a childish rant like that.
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