Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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Unwelcome development coming at a time the RNC is gathered for the Convention:
Kyle Rittenhouse (circled) can be seen wearing a white hat in the front row of a Trump rally in Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 30.

Hah!!!!, That's it... He's guilty as sin. He supports Trump... Don't bother soaking the rope to lynch him, use it just as it is....
Will BLM now storm the Police Dept. to drag him out and lynch him?
Surely this teenager deserves a medal, not being charged with murder. From all appearances Kyle was doing what the Mayor of Kenosha refused to do. He was protecting his neighbors and town from Antifa and BLM terrorist thugs.
He's not guilty because he supports Trump. He's guilty because he murdered two people.
He's guilty of not shoot more FASCISTocrats trying to attack him. Never leave 1 standing. Shoot all Left Wing Socialists in their black Mussolini shirts.
I refuse to comment on yet another viral video with someone shooting someone. The only thing I will say is you have to be a special kind of stupid to chase and attack a guy with an AR-15 when you are unarmed.

A skate board is not unarmed. The other guy had a handgun.

THese people didn't expect anyone to fight back. They are bullies and thugs, not warriors.
And the first guy he shot and killed had a lethal bag of garbage.
Unwelcome development coming at a time the RNC is gathered for the Convention:
Kyle Rittenhouse (circled) can be seen wearing a white hat in the front row of a Trump rally in Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 30.

Nice! Hopefully he can get pardoned. Why he was charged in the first place is beyond me. We need A LOT more people like Kyle if we are going to combat democrat rioting and violence.
It's a state case. Trump can't pardon him.
shooting people chasing you and attacking you, doesn't require a pardom. Just a reward.
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw that someone got shot in the head, which I think initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.
Where does the US constitution of the Second Amendment have an age limit?

The state of Wisconsin has that law.
He wasn’t arrested for carrying a gun at the age of 17 he was charged with murder..

That doesn't refute what I said.
Second amendment has no age limit.. If you don’t like the laws are constitution or Bill of Rights move to another country right now on the way out sign a letter Renouncing your citizenship.. take care

Wisconsin does have an age limit.

Go take it up with them.
Ok troll

I didn't make the laws. I'm just telling you what the law is.

If you have an issue with it, go lecture them on the 2nd amendment.
He was charged with murder dude I don’t care what you think about his age go away

You replied to me about the age limit.

I'm just explaining it to you.
I find it interesting that the folks on the right want to draw a line in the sand and say, "no" you can't have kids vote at 16, and then want to look the other way when the law clearly, and specifically tells us this child was breaking the law to be in possession of this gun, when the law in Wisconsin clearly states, 18 is the LAW!

You folks need to play by the rules, or you are hypocrites.

All of YOU!
So Tamir Rice gets shot and killed over a toy gun even though he harmed no one but this guy gets to murder people, march down the road with his gun and gets to go home?

If people had rioted over Tamir Rice you'd probably see like 95% support

There were protests. No, there was not 95% support. There was even less of a reason for Elijah McClain to have been killed. Where is the support?
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw that someone got shot in the head, which I think initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.
Where does the US constitution of the Second Amendment have an age limit?

The state of Wisconsin has that law.
He wasn’t arrested for carrying a gun at the age of 17 he was charged with murder..

That doesn't refute what I said.
Second amendment has no age limit.. If you don’t like the laws are constitution or Bill of Rights move to another country right now on the way out sign a letter Renouncing your citizenship.. take care

Wisconsin does have an age limit.

Go take it up with them.
Ok troll

I didn't make the laws. I'm just telling you what the law is.

If you have an issue with it, go lecture them on the 2nd amendment.
He was charged with murder dude I don’t care what you think about his age go away

You replied to me about the age limit.

I'm just explaining it to you.
So when mobs are burning down your house and your getting beaten to death and he walks by with his rifle remember don’t ask him to use it to help you lol he’s 17 lol
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw a video that someone got shot in the head, which I believe initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.

Sure you do. He defended himself against a lefty mob. The lefties will want his head, and the right, will stand there and stupidly hope the system works.

I saw him defend himself against some of them.

I'm not clear on what happened leading up to that, as I just explained.

My prediction, they imagined that he somehow provoked them, and they turned on him like the pack of feral animals they are.

He was there, because he thought that they were people, and thus safe to be around.

I know what your prediction is.

I would hope so. I just told it to you. What part of how that worked, are you not understanding?

I want you to know it. That is why I told you it. Are you feeling ok?

Any who, ,my prediction stands.

I am willing to speculate more, based on the insufficient information we have so far, if you want?

There's nothing unclear about your position.

You want to gloat that you think future data will prove me wrong? Or do you agree with me, but are unable to admit it?
I saw a video of a guy being chased and falling, he had an AR 15 (I think), or whatever you call it. He shot one person when on the ground, someone tried to take his weapon, he shot in the air when he got up. He had apparently killed at least one person and one had been shot when attacking him (not sure if he died or not).

The question has been about self defense. The people chasing him apparently did so because he shot someone who was breaking into a car and, he was apparently a citizen militia defending a gas station from attacks.

That's what I can glean from this story from quick reading online, anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.

What is startling to me though, is that this guy is 17. Can he own a guy like that and carry it at that age? If you ask me, no way someone that age should be in that position to begin with. Even a 19 year old hardly has his head working properly, nor even fully formed (I learned that from Hannity of all places). Having a juvenile run around with that weapon is asinine.
There was a time when a boy of 11 was expected to be proficient enough to hunt the family dinner.

This young man was doing the job the police refused to do. He is to be commended.

Many 17 yr. olds also fought in WWII.

My dad applied to the military at age 15, back when nobody care or asked questions.

"ok fill out these forms and get move over there for your physical".

Maybe you were ready to handle this situation at 17, I know I wasn't. I also don't think those of this age should be behind a wheel, especially on the high way during rush hour, but what do I know

At least, if you join the military, they train the hell out of you,
I refuse to comment on yet another viral video with someone shooting someone. The only thing I will say is you have to be a special kind of stupid to chase and attack a guy with an AR-15 when you are unarmed.

A skate board is not unarmed. The other guy had a handgun.

THese people didn't expect anyone to fight back. They are bullies and thugs, not warriors.
And the first guy he shot and killed had a lethal bag of garbage.
I thought that was still being investigated? Where did you get your info on that?
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw that someone got shot in the head, which I think initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.
Where does the US constitution of the Second Amendment have an age limit?

The state of Wisconsin has that law.
He wasn’t arrested for carrying a gun at the age of 17 he was charged with murder..

That doesn't refute what I said.
Second amendment has no age limit.. If you don’t like the laws are constitution or Bill of Rights move to another country right now on the way out sign a letter Renouncing your citizenship.. take care
And yet, despite you being a Russian troll with limited knowledge of U.S. law, there are federal and state regulations on firearms.
I find it interesting that the folks on the right want to draw a line in the sand and say, "no" you can't have kids vote at 16, and then want to look the other way when the law clearly, and specifically tells us this child was breaking the law to be in possession of this gun, when the law in Wisconsin clearly states, 18 is the LAW!

You folks need to play by the rules, or you are hypocrites.

All of YOU!
What does the second amendment say?
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw that someone got shot in the head, which I think initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.
Where does the US constitution of the Second Amendment have an age limit?

The state of Wisconsin has that law.
He wasn’t arrested for carrying a gun at the age of 17 he was charged with murder..

That doesn't refute what I said.
Second amendment has no age limit.. If you don’t like the laws are constitution or Bill of Rights move to another country right now on the way out sign a letter Renouncing your citizenship.. take care

Wisconsin does have an age limit.

Go take it up with them.
Ok troll

I didn't make the laws. I'm just telling you what the law is.

If you have an issue with it, go lecture them on the 2nd amendment.
He was charged with murder dude I don’t care what you think about his age go away

You replied to me about the age limit.

I'm just explaining it to you.
So when mobs are burning down your house and your getting beaten to death and he walks by with his rifle remember don’t ask him to use it to help you lol he’s 17 lol
That wasn’t happening.
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw that someone got shot in the head, which I think initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.
Where does the US constitution of the Second Amendment have an age limit?

The state of Wisconsin has that law.
He wasn’t arrested for carrying a gun at the age of 17 he was charged with murder..

That doesn't refute what I said.
Second amendment has no age limit.. If you don’t like the laws are constitution or Bill of Rights move to another country right now on the way out sign a letter Renouncing your citizenship.. take care

Wisconsin does have an age limit.

Go take it up with them.
Ok troll

I didn't make the laws. I'm just telling you what the law is.

If you have an issue with it, go lecture them on the 2nd amendment.
He was charged with murder dude I don’t care what you think about his age go away

You replied to me about the age limit.

I'm just explaining it to you.
So when mobs are burning down your house and your getting beaten to death and he walks by with his rifle remember don’t ask him to use it to help you lol he’s 17 lol

That doesn't refute what I said either.

Once again, I'm just explaining that he's not allowed to be in possession of a firearm according to Wisconsin's gun laws.
Is there a point to this thread............other than the OP to demonstrate he is a TDS afflicted moron?

Are politicians now responsible for the actions of anyone who shows up at one of their rallies for eternity?

Stupid thread.
So Tamir Rice gets shot and killed over a toy gun even though he harmed no one but this guy gets to murder people, march down the road with his gun and gets to go home?

If people had rioted over Tamir Rice you'd probably see like 95% support

There were protests. No, there was not 95% support. There was even less of a reason for Elijah McClain to have been killed. Where is the support?

McClain resisted arrest

And wasn't in middle school
I find it interesting that the folks on the right want to draw a line in the sand and say, "no" you can't have kids vote at 16, and then want to look the other way when the law clearly, and specifically tells us this child was breaking the law to be in possession of this gun, when the law in Wisconsin clearly states, 18 is the LAW!

You folks need to play by the rules, or you are hypocrites.

All of YOU!

Nope. Judgement and nuance are real things. Dismissing a minor gun charge, when a young man is being attacked by a violent mob, is what a sane and healthy society would do.
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw that someone got shot in the head, which I think initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.
Where does the US constitution of the Second Amendment have an age limit?

The state of Wisconsin has that law.
He wasn’t arrested for carrying a gun at the age of 17 he was charged with murder..

That doesn't refute what I said.
Second amendment has no age limit.. If you don’t like the laws are constitution or Bill of Rights move to another country right now on the way out sign a letter Renouncing your citizenship.. take care

Wisconsin does have an age limit.

Go take it up with them.
Ok troll

I didn't make the laws. I'm just telling you what the law is.

If you have an issue with it, go lecture them on the 2nd amendment.
He was charged with murder dude I don’t care what you think about his age go away

You replied to me about the age limit.

I'm just explaining it to you.
So when mobs are burning down your house and your getting beaten to death and he walks by with his rifle remember don’t ask him to use it to help you lol he’s 17 lol
Man, you are so dumb.

He shouldn't have even been there. His home was 20-30 minutes away. He should have been watching T.V. or playing a video game like a normal teenager.

I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw a video that someone got shot in the head, which I believe initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.

Sure you do. He defended himself against a lefty mob. The lefties will want his head, and the right, will stand there and stupidly hope the system works.

I saw him defend himself against some of them.

I'm not clear on what happened leading up to that, as I just explained.

My prediction, they imagined that he somehow provoked them, and they turned on him like the pack of feral animals they are.

He was there, because he thought that they were people, and thus safe to be around.

I know what your prediction is.

I would hope so. I just told it to you. What part of how that worked, are you not understanding?

I want you to know it. That is why I told you it. Are you feeling ok?

Any who, ,my prediction stands.

I am willing to speculate more, based on the insufficient information we have so far, if you want?

There's nothing unclear about your position.

You want to gloat that you think future data will prove me wrong? Or do you agree with me, but are unable to admit it?


I clearly laid out what I thought.
Is there a point to this thread............other than the OP to demonstrate he is a TDS afflicted moron?

Are politicians now responsible for the actions of anyone who shows up at one of their rallies for eternity?

Stupid thread.

He was vetted by the campiagn look at that spot he got

Obviously trump campaign approved

I have no source for this I'm just saying it cuz that's what Trump would do

Hahahah gottem
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