Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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Ok here's my updated take on this.

1. He wasn't legally allowed to have a gun.

2. He probably shot the first guy in self-defense. I'm not sure what happened leading up to the guy throwing the molotov cocktail if that's really what it was.

3. He definitely shot the other two in self-defense.

Still pretty grey to me. Children shouldn't have guns, but he did defend himself.
There was no molotov cocktail. It was a bag of garbage. The victim can be seen shortly before, picking it up. Pay attention to the guy in the red shirt at the 0:56 mark...


You are a disingenuous piece of shit.

Burning trash? Molotov cocktail? WHO GIVES A SHIT AT THIS POINT!

As your own video clearly shows. . . from their own words. . . these are NOT peaceful protestors, but rioters and looters bent on destruction. Good lord man, did you even listen to what they were saying? Their intent was to loot and burn that gas station to the ground, they were deterred, so they switched targets to the police station. . .


Your own video clearly shows this!

There was nothing burning, ya moron.

What's that thing on fire flying through the air, then?

There's nothing on fire. The guy threw a plastic bag which was caught by the bright lights coming from the structure behind it. In another angle, the bag is visibly laying harmlessly on the ground as the guy who threw it is being murdered.

The guy who was aggressively chasing down the teenager? With apparently violent intent?

You mean that guy?


Yeah..... kid can probably still make a decent case for self defense if he gets a good lawyer.
And I don't think he'll have any trouble paying for one, I bet there are GoFundMe accounts being set up right now.

I think the bigger issue will not having his butthole gape open more than his lawyer retainer

kid dun fucked up

He's a youngster and a cop groupie; the cagekickers at the jailhouse will keep him safe.


For the rest of his life?

You sure do seem gleeful at the thought of this kid being thrown to the wolves.

What does that say about you?

I remember how I felt when people thought the abuse I suffered as a kid was funny..... you should be careful to never get near me. I'll share some of it with you if you do.

Of course I do. He murdered 2 people. It's too bad Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty.

He killed 2 people. That's not the same thing.

Nope, he murdered them.

It didn't look that way to me and I know more about this than you ever will.

So you say.
Ok here's my updated take on this.

1. He wasn't legally allowed to have a gun.

2. He probably shot the first guy in self-defense. I'm not sure what happened leading up to the guy throwing the molotov cocktail if that's really what it was.

3. He definitely shot the other two in self-defense.

Still pretty grey to me. Children shouldn't have guns, but he did defend himself.
There was no molotov cocktail. It was a bag of garbage. The victim can be seen shortly before, picking it up. Pay attention to the guy in the red shirt at the 0:56 mark...


You are a disingenuous piece of shit.

Burning trash? Molotov cocktail? WHO GIVES A SHIT AT THIS POINT!

As your own video clearly shows. . . from their own words. . . these are NOT peaceful protestors, but rioters and looters bent on destruction. Good lord man, did you even listen to what they were saying? Their intent was to loot and burn that gas station to the ground, they were deterred, so they switched targets to the police station. . .


Your own video clearly shows this!

There was nothing burning, ya moron.

What's that thing on fire flying through the air, then?

There's nothing on fire. The guy threw a plastic bag which was caught by the bright lights coming from the structure behind it. In another angle, the bag is visibly laying harmlessly on the ground as the guy who threw it is being murdered.

The guy who was aggressively chasing down the teenager? With apparently violent intent?

You mean that guy?


Yeah..... kid can probably still make a decent case for self defense if he gets a good lawyer.
And I don't think he'll have any trouble paying for one, I bet there are GoFundMe accounts being set up right now.

I think the bigger issue will not having his butthole gape open more than his lawyer retainer

kid dun fucked up

He's a youngster and a cop groupie; the cagekickers at the jailhouse will keep him safe.


For the rest of his life?

You sure do seem gleeful at the thought of this kid being thrown to the wolves.

What does that say about you?

I remember how I felt when people thought the abuse I suffered as a kid was funny..... you should be careful to never get near me. I'll share some of it with you if you do.

Of course I do. He murdered 2 people. It's too bad Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty.

He killed 2 people. That's not the same thing.

Nope, he murdered them.

It didn't look that way to me and I know more about this than you ever will.

So you say.

I do.
Ok here's my updated take on this.

1. He wasn't legally allowed to have a gun.

2. He probably shot the first guy in self-defense. I'm not sure what happened leading up to the guy throwing the molotov cocktail if that's really what it was.

3. He definitely shot the other two in self-defense.

Still pretty grey to me. Children shouldn't have guns, but he did defend himself.
There was no molotov cocktail. It was a bag of garbage. The victim can be seen shortly before, picking it up. Pay attention to the guy in the red shirt at the 0:56 mark...


You are a disingenuous piece of shit.

Burning trash? Molotov cocktail? WHO GIVES A SHIT AT THIS POINT!

As your own video clearly shows. . . from their own words. . . these are NOT peaceful protestors, but rioters and looters bent on destruction. Good lord man, did you even listen to what they were saying? Their intent was to loot and burn that gas station to the ground, they were deterred, so they switched targets to the police station. . .


Your own video clearly shows this!

There was nothing burning, ya moron.

What's that thing on fire flying through the air, then?

There's nothing on fire. The guy threw a plastic bag which was caught by the bright lights coming from the structure behind it. In another angle, the bag is visibly laying harmlessly on the ground as the guy who threw it is being murdered.

The guy who was aggressively chasing down the teenager? With apparently violent intent?

You mean that guy?


Yeah..... kid can probably still make a decent case for self defense if he gets a good lawyer.
And I don't think he'll have any trouble paying for one, I bet there are GoFundMe accounts being set up right now.

I think the bigger issue will not having his butthole gape open more than his lawyer retainer

kid dun fucked up

He's a youngster and a cop groupie; the cagekickers at the jailhouse will keep him safe.


For the rest of his life?

You sure do seem gleeful at the thought of this kid being thrown to the wolves.

What does that say about you?

I remember how I felt when people thought the abuse I suffered as a kid was funny..... you should be careful to never get near me. I'll share some of it with you if you do.

Of course I do. He murdered 2 people. It's too bad Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty.

He didn't murder-----and btw Wisconsin has Castle doctrine laws---------he was defending himself and other people because lets face it, blm is a terrorist organization with a now a long history of attacking other people.


You dumbfuck, castle doctrine means you have the right to use lethal force if someone is illegally trying to enter your property. The teen murderer wasn't even in the same state as his residence.

The person against whom the force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcibly entering the actor's dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business, the actor was present in the dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business, and the actor knew or reasonably believed that an unlawful and forcible entry was occurring.​

You're truly a fucking nut. :cuckoo:

Oh brother ...you are slow to the draw aren't you. BLM has been pulling people out of their cars (you know that whole motor vehicle thing) to rob them. My probability assumption is that likely this is what started this chase .........ergo castle doctrine. I am sorry I will try to spell it out better for the slow kids in the class room next time. I forget that the american hating foreigners and libs don't think things through. They just insult over small details----Castile or self defense or being a good samaritarian--the kid is justified and there are plenty of people who will vote to acquit.
Melenia is Midler's complete opposite. Melinia is a poised, elegant, classic beauty. Fluent in multiple languages, former model and self made businesswoman. Meanwhile Midler is a street type, loud with a burlesque style dating back to vaudeville. Busty, overweight, blustery, etc. Doing the bidding of her Hollywood managers. Basically a Hollywood whore. Which is the persona she is most comfortable with.
Ok here's my updated take on this.

1. He wasn't legally allowed to have a gun.

2. He probably shot the first guy in self-defense. I'm not sure what happened leading up to the guy throwing the molotov cocktail if that's really what it was.

3. He definitely shot the other two in self-defense.

Still pretty grey to me. Children shouldn't have guns, but he did defend himself.
There was no molotov cocktail. It was a bag of garbage. The victim can be seen shortly before, picking it up. Pay attention to the guy in the red shirt at the 0:56 mark...


You are a disingenuous piece of shit.

Burning trash? Molotov cocktail? WHO GIVES A SHIT AT THIS POINT!

As your own video clearly shows. . . from their own words. . . these are NOT peaceful protestors, but rioters and looters bent on destruction. Good lord man, did you even listen to what they were saying? Their intent was to loot and burn that gas station to the ground, they were deterred, so they switched targets to the police station. . .


Your own video clearly shows this!

There was nothing burning, ya moron.

What's that thing on fire flying through the air, then?

There's nothing on fire. The guy threw a plastic bag which was caught by the bright lights coming from the structure behind it. In another angle, the bag is visibly laying harmlessly on the ground as the guy who threw it is being murdered.

The guy who was aggressively chasing down the teenager? With apparently violent intent?

You mean that guy?


Yeah..... kid can probably still make a decent case for self defense if he gets a good lawyer.
And I don't think he'll have any trouble paying for one, I bet there are GoFundMe accounts being set up right now.

I think the bigger issue will not having his butthole gape open more than his lawyer retainer

kid dun fucked up

He's a youngster and a cop groupie; the cagekickers at the jailhouse will keep him safe.


For the rest of his life?

You sure do seem gleeful at the thought of this kid being thrown to the wolves.

What does that say about you?

I remember how I felt when people thought the abuse I suffered as a kid was funny..... you should be careful to never get near me. I'll share some of it with you if you do.

Of course I do. He murdered 2 people. It's too bad Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty.

He didn't murder-----and btw Wisconsin has Castle doctrine laws---------he was defending himself and other people because lets face it, blm is a terrorist organization with a now a long history of attacking other people.

Castle doctrine only applies to your home and other property

Castle doctrine has nothing to do with a family owned business much less a random car dealership

Unless you're in the business directly, "occupying" it

Also applies to ones' vehicle----------and i am not sure about Wisconsin but in Texas used to the castile doctrine applied to defending your neighbors and others as well.

In illinois that wouldn't fly

Wisconsin i doubt it but maybe

They vary a lot state by state
Melenia is Midler's complete opposite. Melinia is a poised, elegant, classic beauty. Fluent in multiple languages, former model and self made businesswoman. Meanwhile Midler is a street type, loud with a burlesque style dating back to vaudeville. Busty, overweight, blustery, etc. Doing the bidding of her Hollywood managers. Basically a Hollywood whore. Which is the persona she is most comfortable with.

ok simmer down she's half plastic now and she's no jane fonda

at least he learned to choose better the third time
I'm still hazy on what happened with the first shooting. That could easily change things.

I think there's a lot of grey in this incident. I can see a final ruling landing somewhere in the middle of both extremes. On one hand, he shouldn't have even been there and this is why we don't let kids play with guns. On the other hand, the second and third shootings were clearly self-defense.

And frankly, I'm not big on the protests for Jacob Blake either, at least with the evidence I've seen so far.
Nope, not self defense. He was fleeing from a felony murder. He did not have the law on his side to kill others attempting to effect a citizen's arrest.
He was running from a mob lol it’s on video, One guy was going to execute them at point-blank range if he wasn’t skilled enough to shoot his fucking arm off
He started running after shooting his first victim even though no one was chasing him.
He was chased by the shootee ,, he was cornered, he immediately called the cops and said he killed someone.. than he was chased, again by the mob
Cornered? Where? he ran between two parked cars and then around one of them after shooting his victim. How is that possible if he was cornered?
He was tired of running,, no man should run from a mob,, same guy called him a ****** earlier, why did he hide his face with his shirt?

You poor, demented Russian troll, he wasn't running from a mob. :eusa_doh:
Lol there is video of it,, they were throwing stuff at him one looked like a bottle that was on fire
Yes, there is. And it shows him being chased by 1 guy, not a mob. Like I said, you're demented. :cuckoo:
Not what I saw .. I saw man in the street
One guy was chasing him, that's it. No mob was chasing him. But then you also saw a twig on the ground and thought it was a hammer. So there's that.

Good you admitted he crashed him and he paid the price .. View attachment 380406theracist democrat kelts saying nicca .. why?
And now the teen murderer will spend the rest of his life in prison.

He killed in defense of his life. He will be exonerated if he even goes to trial. The video is very clear.
Nope. Wisconsin self defense laws don't cover folks in the commission of a crime.
It’s a mild Misdemeanor in Wisconsin law.. whoop die do lol
ok simmer down she's half plastic now and she's no jane fonda

at least he learned to choose better the third time
Jane Fonda!! :auiqs.jpg: That old hag? You gotta be kidding


Wanna bet that choker is hiding a goiter? LOL


Come on, admit it, Melania is a goddes!! LOL
ok simmer down she's half plastic now and she's no jane fonda

at least he learned to choose better the third time
Jane Fonda!! :auiqs.jpg: That old hag? You gotta be kidding

View attachment 380509
Wanna bet that choker is hiding a goiter? LOL

View attachment 380514
Come on, admit it, Melania is a goddes!! LOL

melania is 32 years younger...who is the old hag? lol

courtesy of fox news

The narrator of this video makes a strong case that the shootings were done in self defense, but he also admits that he might be mistaken.

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Here’s a graphic video of this first democrat getting what he deserves.

he died like a pig

If that guy was breaking into a car, it wasn't to steal it. It was to set it on fire. They're been going around and burning down multiple car dealerships.

They also burned down this guy's furniture store. In my opinion, the property of a small business owner who needs that business to earn a living, is more important than the life of people who try to burn that business down:

What’s in this guys hand?

I've read quite a few articles about this incident in the mainstream media, and none of them mention that the guy who got shot in the arm was holding a gun.

It's only because of regular people posting videos at YouTube and Twitter that we know that he was holding the gun.
He doesn't belong out policing anything. Doesn't he know enough to avoid trouble? If I were his father he'd have not been within 20 miles of the riot. If he did I'd take his guns and car keys away for years. He's no hero.

I'd say shame on his father and kudos to him for doing what his fathers should have been doing. Protecting your family, property and town against savage terrorist anarchists is a heroic act.
It wasn't his town though, it was twenty miles away. . .

I have heard-from several places-that he worked in Kenosha.
I don't expect anyone to defend me. I can defend myself. I just don't seek out trouble. Too smart for that.

In a civilized society the elderly are protected by those young enough and strong enough to do so. I am not young, but I am not old enough to be feeble either.

But, we are past that. The weak and the infirm, are denied society's protection, so that the cops are available to swoop in, to provide back up or retribution for the mob, if the mob's victims fight back and defend themselves.
That's one reason my uncle's father carries a Peacemaker...he says he's too old to fight. (He's 86.)
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Here’s a graphic video of this first democrat getting what he deserves.

he died like a pig

If that guy was breaking into a car, it wasn't to steal it. It was to set it on fire. They're been going around and burning down multiple car dealerships.

They also burned down this guy's furniture store. In my opinion, the property of a small business owner who needs that business to earn a living, is more important than the life of people who try to burn that business down:

More than likelyjust set in on fire but
Actually thier is multiple instances of peacful protesters stealing cars and using them as battering rams

Thiers one from NYC where they just drove one right through the giant glass windows of the dealership

This article from the mainstream media tries to portray the skateboard guy as an innocent victim who got killed while trying to stop a murderer.

That may be what really happened.

But it's also possible that skateboard guy was an arsonist who had burned down other businesses, and was trying to murder the 17-year-old.

We don't have enough facts to know either way.

But this article is totally biased in favor of skateboard guy:

Kenosha protester allegedly killed by Kyle Rittenhouse remembered as a ‘peaceful person’


August 26, 2020

One of the Kenosha protesters killed by a gun-toting vigilante was identified Wednesday as a talented skateboarder who died while trying to disarm the gunman.

Anthony Huber, 26, of Silver Lake, Wis., has been identified as one of two people allegedly killed by teen militia member Kyle Rittenhouse during violent protests in Kenosha Tuesday night, a local CBS affiliate reported.

“He is a peaceful person,” Huber’s friend told the station. “He didn’t go out looking to beat people up. He’s more of a defender. And he put his life on the line for others. That’s what he did.”

Huber’s partner, Hannah Gittings, told the outlet Huber was a skilled skater who was performing at a semi-professional level in his late teens. Gittings said a memorial skate ride is being organized at a Kenosha skate park to honor his memory.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
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