Teen Suicide Attempt at suicide Ted Cruz's House

Kids today face pressures that we never faced, but being the daughter of Ted Cruz has to be more than anyone should have to face. Police and medical personel were called to his house when she stabbed herself multiple times. Not sure if she is the same daughter who recently said she disagreed with him on virtually point, but if he is such a bad father till he drives his 14 year old daughter to do such a thing, he shouldn't have any say in how our government runs.
I disagree with Ted Cruz on every single issue under the sun I would imagine, but the blame for his daughters self harm should not be laid on him.

Despite the fact that I find Ted Cruz to be a despicable human being, I do not wish this hardship on him or his family. My thoughts are with them.
I disagree with Ted Cruz on every single issue under the sun I would imagine, but the blame for his daughters self harm should not be laid on him.

Despite the fact that I find Ted Cruz to be a despicable human being, I do not wish this hardship on him or his family. My thoughts are with them.
Good for you. He's evil, and I hope he rots in hell.
Never said anybody made me do anything. I chose to adopt right wing tactics for a while, so fuck you.
And you expect a different result?

You want THEM to back off but your actions play no role in making that happen?

You choose to be an ass, then blame others for making you make those choices.

Heh. Too funny
Good for you. He's evil, and I hope he rots in hell.
and suddenly, we put that mirror in front of you and wonder if you really like the hate you give, or if you even see it, or just so much hate you don't even recognize yourself.

are YOU really that hateful? i mean, you already said you make your own choices, so stop saying others need to back down first. by your own words in this thread, you are a pretty self absorbed hateful person.

or are you going to say someone else makes you that way? no. we do agree on one thing - it's who you choose to be.

and that isn't any other sides problem or doing.
So how do you know they don't need it? How do you know that kid on Instagram isn't going what you went through and this, is his only "fun" to make it bearable?

You're not good to someone because they need it, you're good to someone because it's who you are.

Doesn't seem to be you. So far, anyway.
A kid going through what I went through wouldn't have a cell phone. And need matters.

I'd rather give 100 bucks to a shelter where 20 people can stay and won't freeze to death or to a food bank where families with young children can be given good wholesome food instead of going hungry than some kid who thinks the number of likes he gets on Facebook is all that matters.
So unless they face the same challenges, as you did, they have it easy.

Pretty simplistic and no way you can know.

Look, I'm sorry you had it that bad. But what you are doing now is simply bitterness coming to light.

I hope for nothing but the best for you, as I do all. But you do lose sympathy from me when you demand kids live in the streets or they have an easy life.

Look around the rest of the world and see the actual suffering and need before you try to tell me how hard kids in this country have it.
Great idea, force everyone to live on the streets for a year at the age of 15. I wonder why nobody else ever thought of this before.....


“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”​


“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”​

Oh, maybe instead of just having them live on the streets for a year they could have a contest not unlike the Hunger Games. Bus everyone each year that is 14 years old to some spot in the middle of the woods in Montana and let them fight it out for survival.

Just imagine how strong those that come out alive would be. That would put your tiny bit of pressure you felt to shame
A kid going through what I went through wouldn't have a cell phone. And need matters.

I'd rather give 100 bucks to a shelter where 20 people can stay and won't freeze to death or to a food bank where families with young children can be given good wholesome food instead of going hungry than some kid who thinks the number of likes he gets on Facebook is all that matters.
then do so. its certainly needed and im sure welcomed by those who benefit from your positive actions.

but you only assume the kid is consumed by the number of likes they are getting. you then place a lot of ... anger on top of that basing it off a stereotype. maybe the kid is handicapped and can't get out and this is their only way to be a part of "the real world".

if you were a kid today, are you saying while living on the streets, you'd never do as the rest of your age group was doing? you'd somehow find a way to apply the experience you've gained in your life without ever having to go through it?

that's really what you're doing here. applying your experience and "logic" onto people who've not walked in your shoes or have had to deal with the incredible problems you've had to overcome. but i only know this about you because you chose to tell me. before this, sure i likely made assumptions based purely on the post of the day and moved on.

none of us in here REALLY knows each other; only what we share in here. but we think we know the people we argue with. slap on a stereotype and apply the standard solution and move on.

that never would have worked on me as a child. hell, at 57 it still doesn't. but i can't expect someone in their teens and early years to know what i know - today. and for me to apply my logic TODAY to them and call them stupid for not knowing it dismisses the 40 years it took me to get here and what i learned in how to deal with problems, my own or others, along the way.

the fact you feel people should live in the streets for awhile is quite telling. you're somehow after absolution or justice for your having to do it by making others share in that.

im quite the opposite. whatever pain *i* go through, well thats my own cross to bear, so to speak. i hope no one has to go through this, but they do. we all do.

its simply the way of the world and each are given their own situations to have to cope with. yours was a rough childhood that certainly formed a lot of your views today. understandably so. but i've also seen kids die from cancer who didn't do anything wrong.

in texas, we lost a 7 year old girl to that fed ex driver who kidnapped then killed her. if we adopt your mindset, then all kinds need to go through that same experience. is that what you're really advocating? from the surface, yes it is. but i pray not and you'll see a distinction here. even if you don't fully understand what i am saying.

we're all given our own bullshit to deal with in life. many times we have no choice on it. "here's your bag of shit, move on".

but how we choose to deal with it is 100% under our control.
Oh, maybe instead of just having them live on the streets for a year they could have a contest not unlike the Hunger Games. Bus everyone each year that is 14 years old to some spot in the middle of the woods in Montana and let them fight it out for survival.

Just imagine how strong those that come out alive would be. That would put your tiny bit of pressure you felt to shame
strange how on some topics, we are so much on the same side, huh?
Look around the rest of the world and see the actual suffering and need before you try to tell me how hard kids in this country have it.
i never said they had it hard or soft. i said each are given their own lot in life and much of that outside of their control.

the only thing within our control is how we deal with it.

or do you dispute that?

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