Teen Suicide Attempt at suicide Ted Cruz's House

Bullying a child who is not gay into believing they are gay is a tragedy. Forcing a child into changing their name, using different pronouns, to comply with a school edict that they be gay or trans should be against the law any school worker who does this should be immediately terminated and prohibited from working with children ever again.
What you are describing is pure right wing nutbaggery fantasy.
Can we get back to the major themes of this thread like:

A) why is this not in zone 3 yet

B) telling BULLDOG they are inhuman filth who should go to hell, literally, go directly to hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
What you are describing is pure right wing nutbaggery fantasy.
Yet it continually happens. That's why children are hustled off to surgery at younger and younger ages. While they can still be manipulated. Cut the breasts off a 13 year old and by 15 she can be badgered into a complete hysterectomy.
so, add up how many times you can count on cruz sniffing girls hair. then categorize those he knows and those he doesn't know personally.

now do the same for biden.

care to guess who will have a ton more sniffing to their credits?
Posted without a hint of self awareness. :thup:
Yet it continually happens. That's why children are hustled off to surgery at younger and younger ages. While they can still be manipulated. Cut the breasts off a 13 year old and by 15 she can be badgered into a complete hysterectomy.
Absolute nonsense. :cuckoo:
Kids today face pressures that we never faced, but being the daughter of Ted Cruz has to be more than anyone should have to face. Police and medical personel were called to his house when she stabbed herself multiple times. Not sure if she is the same daughter who recently said she disagreed with him on virtually point, but if he is such a bad father till he drives his 14 year old daughter to do such a thing, he shouldn't have any say in how our government runs.
Letting your daughter being a brainwashed liberal DemNazi is Child Abuse. Next thing you know she will be confused about what pronouns to use to refer to herself as.

Suicide is almost always the result of liberal indoctrination. Liberalism a mental illness that should be stamped out.
I'll certainly consider your remarks about using disgression as soon as I finish reading all these right wing reports that democrats are passing a bill to allow murder of a child up to 1 week after birth.
Maybe you should join MAID up there in Canada. That's about as Democrat Organization as you can get next to "Planned Parenthood".
Bullying a child who is not gay into believing they are gay is a tragedy. Forcing a child into changing their name, using different pronouns, to comply with a school edict that they be gay or trans should be against the law any school worker who does this should be immediately terminated and prohibited from working with children ever again.
Well since everything you said is made up -- while children being bullied and disowned by their families is a REAL THING -- it is safe to say you are full of shit...so fuck what you talking about

And if learning pronouns made you gay -- you were probably a bitch to begin with
Keep piling up those excuses for attacking family members, Sue.

"family members" are never off limits and never have been. Your attempt to move the goalposts is noted and rejected--you want to compare this to us investigating Hunter Biden. No.

Minor children? ABSOLUTELY off limits.

If you doubt my first paragraph, then please tell me you never, and would never, have never, and will not in the future say anything disparaging about Ivanka, Don, Eric, or any of the Trumps.


Matt Gaetz thinks America shouldn’t go through the suicide trauma with a congressman and that it makes him unable to do his job. Of course that was Dem Representative Raskin not Cruz. Story from June.

Matt Gaetz: Jamie Raskin is 'unable' to serve in Congress because his son died by suicide and it 'clouds his judgement'

Gaetz said of Raskin. "I think that he takes that trauma and he associates it now with his work in the Congress in such an interwoven way that he's unable to do the Congressional experience outside of the dungeon of that personal trauma."

The Florida congressman said he thinks it has made Raskin "look at everything in these very dark and severe ways" and that it "clouds his judgement."

“The country shouldn't have to go through all that with him," Gaetz continued.
One thing I know about Ted Cruz is he isn’t going to do that ever.

He will want to hush up the issue as best as possible and put on a happy family face.

With that written the issue for me is exploiting the child mental issues to attack the father with.

We have no damn clue about his parenting or if the child has mental issues and let me be damn clear every family has issues!

The fact is Ted Cruz is no different from Joe Biden family but we should reframe from using the children as a political weapon to support our hatred for our political enemies!
That's cold. Senator Cruz loves his family and is working hard to ensure the deep state doesn't destroy the Constitution so they can put their Alinsky model control freaks in charge of the treasury. He thinks his children should have human rights guaranteed in the Constitution and its Amendments. He's the best of good men, but the press treats him harshly because he tells the Constitutional truth to any person in higher office who takes a shot at taking the freedom of speech away from one group while belching profanities and wrongful accusations at Republicans. Most of us work for a lifetime to have a home, kids, educations, and educational vacations as in seeing a National Park like Yellowstone.. We were horrified to hear the POTUS Biden calling us "fascists," when our whole life revolves around making other people's lives better than it was.
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And you expect a different result?

You want THEM to back off but your actions play no role in making that happen?

You choose to be an ass, then blame others for making you make those choices.

Heh. Too funny
So you're against hitting back? Trump says that is what should be done.
Yes, but you say you are only paying it back.

Which is your choice

To be triggered by what they say.

Wheeee. This is fun
Odd that I never saw you so concerned when it was only the right using these tactics for so many years. Why do you think you are only concerned now?
Kids today face pressures that we never faced, but being the daughter of Ted Cruz has to be more than anyone should have to face. Police and medical personel were called to his house when she stabbed herself multiple times. Not sure if she is the same daughter who recently said she disagreed with him on virtually point, but if he is such a bad father till he drives his 14 year old daughter to do such a thing, he shouldn't have any say in how our government runs.
Leave it to the Liberal fucks to start an asshole thread...lol

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