Teen Suicide Attempt at suicide Ted Cruz's House

That WAS disturbing.
so, add up how many times you can count on cruz sniffing girls hair. then categorize those he knows and those he doesn't know personally.

now do the same for biden.

care to guess who will have a ton more sniffing to their credits?
cause im sure its not shock value and to piss people like you off.

im sure they will be glad to know their tactic worked on you.
So....your mindset is such that you find it acceptable to wave swastikas, a symbol of one of the most horrific regimes in history because................."to piss people like you off"?

Step back and look at how twisted that sounds.
Yep....doesn't take much for those MAGAt sexual fantasies to come out. VERY telling....every single time.

This was your sexual fantasy, no one said anything even remotely related to sex, you did lie-beral.
This was your sexual fantasy, no one said anything even remotely related to sex, you did lie-beral.
Keep up bringing your MAGAt sexual fantasies into all threads, no matter the topic. It certainly gets noticed. ;)
I didn't drive my daughter to stab herself. Ted did that.
I doubt Ted is home enough to influence his daughter, much less have driven his daughter to stab herself. She is 14, and obviously suffering from a mental illness of some kind. I wonder if her hormones have any impact. And of course her father is a high profile politician, and the children of these people are always under way more mental stress than other children.

But whatever, you see this as a cool opportunity to use a child suffering from mental problems in order to bash Ted.
Oh, maybe instead of just having them live on the streets for a year they could have a contest not unlike the Hunger Games. Bus everyone each year that is 14 years old to some spot in the middle of the woods in Montana and let them fight it out for survival.

Just imagine how strong those that come out alive would be. That would put your tiny bit of pressure you felt to shame
Are so literal because you are incapable on understanding metaphor and hyperbole?
Are so literal because you are incapable on understanding metaphor and hyperbole?

Hey, this is your idea not mine.

You are the one that thinks if kids did not go through what you did they have no pressure on them at all.
then do so. its certainly needed and im sure welcomed by those who benefit from your positive actions.

but you only assume the kid is consumed by the number of likes they are getting. you then place a lot of ... anger on top of that basing it off a stereotype. maybe the kid is handicapped and can't get out and this is their only way to be a part of "the real world".

if you were a kid today, are you saying while living on the streets, you'd never do as the rest of your age group was doing? you'd somehow find a way to apply the experience you've gained in your life without ever having to go through it?

that's really what you're doing here. applying your experience and "logic" onto people who've not walked in your shoes or have had to deal with the incredible problems you've had to overcome. but i only know this about you because you chose to tell me. before this, sure i likely made assumptions based purely on the post of the day and moved on.

none of us in here REALLY knows each other; only what we share in here. but we think we know the people we argue with. slap on a stereotype and apply the standard solution and move on.

that never would have worked on me as a child. hell, at 57 it still doesn't. but i can't expect someone in their teens and early years to know what i know - today. and for me to apply my logic TODAY to them and call them stupid for not knowing it dismisses the 40 years it took me to get here and what i learned in how to deal with problems, my own or others, along the way.

the fact you feel people should live in the streets for awhile is quite telling. you're somehow after absolution or justice for your having to do it by making others share in that.

im quite the opposite. whatever pain *i* go through, well thats my own cross to bear, so to speak. i hope no one has to go through this, but they do. we all do.

its simply the way of the world and each are given their own situations to have to cope with. yours was a rough childhood that certainly formed a lot of your views today. understandably so. but i've also seen kids die from cancer who didn't do anything wrong.

in texas, we lost a 7 year old girl to that fed ex driver who kidnapped then killed her. if we adopt your mindset, then all kinds need to go through that same experience. is that what you're really advocating? from the surface, yes it is. but i pray not and you'll see a distinction here. even if you don't fully understand what i am saying.

we're all given our own bullshit to deal with in life. many times we have no choice on it. "here's your bag of shit, move on".

but how we choose to deal with it is 100% under our control.
How do you know I don't do that already or that I haven't given thousands of dollars over the years to those causes?

And the fact that you my statement literally is your problem.

I guess you people don't get metaphor hyperbole or sarcasm here.

The point is if these kids were faced with real problems like worrying about going hungry or freezing to death at night they would quickly realize that their Facebook drama is less than nothing in the scheme of things.

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”​

Hey, this is your idea not mine.

You are the one that thinks if kids did not go through what you did they have no pressure on them at all.

If they actually had to face real world problems they wouldn't be all broken up over a mean Facebook post
i never said they had it hard or soft. i said each are given their own lot in life and much of that outside of their control.

the only thing within our control is how we deal with it.

or do you dispute that?

I read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations when I was 15 and it saved my life.
If they actually had to face real world problems they wouldn't be all broken up over a mean Facebook post

That you need to minimize and mischaracterize what is happening speaks volumes about you.
I read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations when I was 15 and it saved my life.
great. you found something to save your life. i am honestly glad you did.

let others find their own way w/o demanding they suffer as you did. if you meant that as "sarcasm" - well, i doubt that's all it was. took you took long to "correct" that path.

as for what you've given, no i don't know. i said its great you DO give, i never mentioned how much or anything of the like. maybe you misread things, too; huh?

but regardless of "real" or sarcasm, you diminish the pain others go through and their own coping mechanisms because they were not yours. in my own life, knowing someone else had it worse than me never really did much to make me feel better about my own problems for not more than a fleeting moment. in the end, i still have my own problems to deal with.

whether they were as great / dramatic as yours, well that doesn't matter, does it? if i found people who had it worse than you, and believe i can; will that make you feel better about the problems you faced in your life?

didn't think so.

peace out.
That you want to coddle children to the point they can't deal with life speaks volumes about you.

But I do not do that, I just acknowledge the pressure is pressure even if you are not living on the streets at 14.

Unlike you I do not think that only my experiences count as pressure.

Thus the difference between us.
By the way, having empathy for children who are bullied, children who are dealing with being gay -- that isn't a bad trait to have.....

Trying to make that child believe something is wrong with him or her because they may be gay -- that tends to cause a child to have suicidal thoughts.....no place on Earth should a child feel most comfortable, most accepted than his or her own home....

But according to right-wingers, that child should be mocked and thrust into conversion therapy....
Bullying a child who is not gay into believing they are gay is a tragedy. Forcing a child into changing their name, using different pronouns, to comply with a school edict that they be gay or trans should be against the law any school worker who does this should be immediately terminated and prohibited from working with children ever again.

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