Teen Suspects In Maryland MS-13 Murder Are Unaccompanied Minors From El Salvador

Every population of people everywhere has crazy people that do shit like this. Any group of people can be made to look bad by pointing at the worst among them. It's a dishonest and illogical way to approach the issue. Maybe stick to the fact that we just can't afford to take care of the world and therefore have to have enforced immigration laws. The poor, sick and hungry south of our border need to somehow be helped where they live. First world countries are little bubbles of prosperity in a world of shit and piss. The sad truth is selfishness is the only thing that got us here and it's the only thing that keeps us here. Liberals mean well, but they would sacrifice the comfort of all to sooth their bleeding hearts. I'm not willing to give up my comfort and I suspect you're not either. That's argument enough for me.
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I am for controlling immigration, but every population of people everywhere has crazy people that do shit like this. Any group of people can be made to look bad by pointing at the worst among them. It's a dishonest and illogical way to approach the issue. Maybe stick to the fact that we just can't afford to take care of the world and therefore have to have enforced immigration laws. The poor, sick and hungry south of our border need to somehow be helped where they live. First world countries are little bubbles of prosperity in a world of shit and piss. The sad truth is selfishness is the only thing that got us here and it's the only thing that keeps us here. Liberals mean well, but they would sacrifice the comfort of all to sooth their bleeding hearts. I'm not willing to give up my comfort and I suspect you're not either. That's argument enough for me.
Shithole countries are shithole countries for a reason. THEY need to change, not infect our culture.
I am for controlling immigration, but every population of people everywhere has crazy people that do shit like this. Any group of people can be made to look bad by pointing at the worst among them. It's a dishonest and illogical way to approach the issue. Maybe stick to the fact that we just can't afford to take care of the world and therefore have to have enforced immigration laws. The poor, sick and hungry south of our border need to somehow be helped where they live. First world countries are little bubbles of prosperity in a world of shit and piss. The sad truth is selfishness is the only thing that got us here and it's the only thing that keeps us here. Liberals mean well, but they would sacrifice the comfort of all to sooth their bleeding hearts. I'm not willing to give up my comfort and I suspect you're not either. That's argument enough for me.
The first time I was made aware of an impending migration of refugees from war-torn Syria I was expecting a reasonable number of weary and weakened women, children, and defenseless seniors and I had no objection to the cost of welcoming and comforting these asylum-seekers. But instead of the that helpless and deserving category what I first caught sight of was an endless column of military-age males flowing toward us from every country but Syria, most of them chatting on I-phones and seeming to be on an adventurous outing.

Then I started seeing and hearing about the migrant invasion of England, most of Europe, the New Year's Eve assault on Germany, and the mass-raping of Swedish women and girls. And I learned that these invaders were not war-weary asylum seekers but healthy, hostile, aggressive, economic migrants from Africa, Somalia, Iraq, Pakistan, all looking not for protection but for welfare benefits and whatever else they could be given -- or take by stealth, deception or force.

And what I've learned since that beginning is Europe has been successfully overcome by this passive force of invaders and that we have a President like Trump to thank for preventing the same thing from happening right here in America.
I am for controlling immigration, but every population of people everywhere has crazy people that do shit like this. Any group of people can be made to look bad by pointing at the worst among them. It's a dishonest and illogical way to approach the issue. Maybe stick to the fact that we just can't afford to take care of the world and therefore have to have enforced immigration laws. The poor, sick and hungry south of our border need to somehow be helped where they live. First world countries are little bubbles of prosperity in a world of shit and piss. The sad truth is selfishness is the only thing that got us here and it's the only thing that keeps us here. Liberals mean well, but they would sacrifice the comfort of all to sooth their bleeding hearts. I'm not willing to give up my comfort and I suspect you're not either. That's argument enough for me.
Well stated. I made a similar statement the other day asking just benefits are you willing to give up to extend support to an unending stream of extremely needy people? Yes it sounds selfish but America is not a bottomless pool of wealth and resources.
They're just hard working Dreamers who just happen to like tatooes, and serial killing. Nothing to get excited about, according to Pelosi and La Raza.
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America is not a bottomless pool of wealth and resources.

In fact we are trillions in debt, have crumbling infrastructure and thousands of homeless veterans. It's like somebody on the verge of being bankrupt feeling the need to be extremely charitable. It's fucking retarded.
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They're just hark working Dreamers who just happen to like tatooes, and serial killing. Nothing to get excited about, according to Pelosi and La Raza.
My rule of thumb is if the dude has an MS-13 tattoo across his face, I'm thinking he doesn't belong on our side of the border.
They're just hark working Dreamers who just happen to like tatooes, and serial killing. Nothing to get excited about, according to Pelosi and La Raza.
My rule of thumb is if the dude has an MS-13 tattoo across his face, I'm thinking he doesn't belong on our side of the border.

My rule is not to wait and see what the animals do, just shoot them on sight. they don't seem to want to hang out around here, though; guess they're just scum who don't feel comfortable around people who defende themselves and don't give a rat's ass about those faggot marks on their faces.
If only Trump hadn't separated them from their parents they wouldn't have murdered that boy.....er.....right?
it has all come full circle. and you wonder why Trump won and continues to win?

Teen Suspects In Maryland MS-13 Murder Are Unaccompanied Minors From El Salvador

No where do I read they were unaccompanied alien kids, or not citizens. the Daily Caller is not creditable, as its owned by Tucker Carlson. Gang related.

90% of those kids are unaccompanied, for one, and for two, most aren't actual 'kids', they're gang banging teenage thugs. Carlson has far more cred than you do, and especially the MSM who work for Democrats.
They're just hark working Dreamers who just happen to like tatooes, and serial killing. Nothing to get excited about, according to Pelosi and La Raza.
My rule of thumb is if the dude has an MS-13 tattoo across his face, I'm thinking he doesn't belong on our side of the border.

On this thing we agree. My question is, because MS13 gang members are readily identified by their tattoos, why would the BP let them through in the first place?

And, if they get caught doing a crime here in the US, and it can be proven that they are illegals, after their jail sentence, ship 'em back home.

No, MS13 doesn't have any place in my country.
They're just hark working Dreamers who just happen to like tatooes, and serial killing. Nothing to get excited about, according to Pelosi and La Raza.
My rule of thumb is if the dude has an MS-13 tattoo across his face, I'm thinking he doesn't belong on our side of the border.

My rule of thumb is too seal the fucker border and not take any chances.

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