Teenager Allegedly Rapes Homeowner at Gunpoint Gets Shot and Killed by Neighbor

Can you imagine how many home invasions we would have if homeowners did not possess a lot of guns?

It would be like the UK. Have you ever seen the movie "Millions"? A police supervisor is talking to several families about to move into the neighborhood and tells them "You will probably be burglared" and then tells them how to submit an insurance claim. The UK has a notoriously high rate of home invasions and violent crime, much more so than the U.S. To them it's like a cynical lottery that happens to some people and you just hope it isn't you someday because there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Fewer guns would not create more criminals.

Yet the UK's violent crime rate is higher than ours.


And lots of countries with fewer guns have lower violent crime rates. We have by far the most guns in the world, shouldn't we have the least violent crime? We don't. Fewer guns would not create more criminals.
Can you imagine how many home invasions we would have if homeowners did not possess a lot of guns?

It would be like the UK. Have you ever seen the movie "Millions"? A police supervisor is talking to several families about to move into the neighborhood and tells them "You will probably be burglared" and then tells them how to submit an insurance claim. The UK has a notoriously high rate of home invasions and violent crime, much more so than the U.S. To them it's like a cynical lottery that happens to some people and you just hope it isn't you someday because there's nothing you can do to stop it.

One word: "Machete" !
"If liberals had their way"? Who the hell do you think you're kidding? You're part of that machine.
Shows how much you really know about me. I am 100% pro 2nd amendment and think ANY law that goes AGAINST the 2nd is illegal and unconstitutional. I am merely economically socialist. Not socially.

So you think you can empower government to control people economically and that same government won't take away your guns?

You're one confused pup.
Nothing about control its got EVERYTHING to do with basic human rights. An armed people are a free people I don't think any government is dumb enough to try and disarm us.
Can you imagine how many home invasions we would have if homeowners did not possess a lot of guns?

It would be like the UK. Have you ever seen the movie "Millions"? A police supervisor is talking to several families about to move into the neighborhood and tells them "You will probably be burglared" and then tells them how to submit an insurance claim. The UK has a notoriously high rate of home invasions and violent crime, much more so than the U.S. To them it's like a cynical lottery that happens to some people and you just hope it isn't you someday because there's nothing you can do to stop it.

One word: "Machete" !

And those are all illegal in the UK. Do you know they're so silly over there that even chefs and butchers have to use knives with no point on them? That's right, they have to be rounded off so they can't be used as a stabbing implement.
"If liberals had their way"? Who the hell do you think you're kidding? You're part of that machine.
Shows how much you really know about me. I am 100% pro 2nd amendment and think ANY law that goes AGAINST the 2nd is illegal and unconstitutional. I am merely economically socialist. Not socially.

So you think you can empower government to control people economically and that same government won't take away your guns?

You're one confused pup.
Nothing about control its got EVERYTHING to do with basic human rights. An armed people are a free people I don't think any government is dumb enough to try and disarm us.

Human rights also entails economic self determination. You cannot call for tyranny on some issues and then for liberty on others because a government big enough to control the economy is also big enough to disarm the people, and so it is in every socialist country.

You remain confused. When you finally get your communist revolution and they go door to door to take away your guns, you will be shocked. SHOCKED!
Liberals are probably outraged that the neighbor had a gun...
If only we had tougher gun laws this young perpetrator would have
lived to fulfill his potential.
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Can you imagine how many home invasions we would have if homeowners did not possess a lot of guns?

It would be like the UK. Have you ever seen the movie "Millions"? A police supervisor is talking to several families about to move into the neighborhood and tells them "You will probably be burglared" and then tells them how to submit an insurance claim. The UK has a notoriously high rate of home invasions and violent crime, much more so than the U.S. To them it's like a cynical lottery that happens to some people and you just hope it isn't you someday because there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Fewer guns would not create more criminals.

Yet the UK's violent crime rate is higher than ours.


And lots of countries with fewer guns have lower violent crime rates. We have by far the most guns in the world, shouldn't we have the least violent crime? We don't. Fewer guns would not create more criminals.

But, but, but....your claim was that absent guns there won't be vicious predators like this is proven false yet again...
"If liberals had their way"? Who the hell do you think you're kidding? You're part of that machine.
Shows how much you really know about me. I am 100% pro 2nd amendment and think ANY law that goes AGAINST the 2nd is illegal and unconstitutional. I am merely economically socialist. Not socially.

So you think you can empower government to control people economically and that same government won't take away your guns?

You're one confused pup.
Nothing about control its got EVERYTHING to do with basic human rights. An armed people are a free people I don't think any government is dumb enough to try and disarm us.

Human rights also entails economic self determination. You cannot call for tyranny on some issues and then for liberty on others because a government big enough to control the economy is also big enough to disarm the people, and so it is in every socialist country.

You remain confused. When you finally get your communist revolution and they go door to door to take away your guns, you will be shocked. SHOCKED!
I don't see government ensuring a basic min wage as tyranny. I DO see making people work for low wages and forcing them onto welfare as tyranny.
"If liberals had their way"? Who the hell do you think you're kidding? You're part of that machine.
Shows how much you really know about me. I am 100% pro 2nd amendment and think ANY law that goes AGAINST the 2nd is illegal and unconstitutional. I am merely economically socialist. Not socially.

So you think you can empower government to control people economically and that same government won't take away your guns?

You're one confused pup.
Nothing about control its got EVERYTHING to do with basic human rights. An armed people are a free people I don't think any government is dumb enough to try and disarm us.

Human rights also entails economic self determination. You cannot call for tyranny on some issues and then for liberty on others because a government big enough to control the economy is also big enough to disarm the people, and so it is in every socialist country.

You remain confused. When you finally get your communist revolution and they go door to door to take away your guns, you will be shocked. SHOCKED!
Also I am NOT a communist. I am a Racial Socialist.
"If liberals had their way"? Who the hell do you think you're kidding? You're part of that machine.
Shows how much you really know about me. I am 100% pro 2nd amendment and think ANY law that goes AGAINST the 2nd is illegal and unconstitutional. I am merely economically socialist. Not socially.

So you think you can empower government to control people economically and that same government won't take away your guns?

You're one confused pup.
Nothing about control its got EVERYTHING to do with basic human rights. An armed people are a free people I don't think any government is dumb enough to try and disarm us.

Human rights also entails economic self determination. You cannot call for tyranny on some issues and then for liberty on others because a government big enough to control the economy is also big enough to disarm the people, and so it is in every socialist country.

You remain confused. When you finally get your communist revolution and they go door to door to take away your guns, you will be shocked. SHOCKED!
Also I am NOT a communist. I am a Racial Socialist.
Can you imagine how many home invasions we would have if homeowners did not possess a lot of guns?

It would be like the UK. Have you ever seen the movie "Millions"? A police supervisor is talking to several families about to move into the neighborhood and tells them "You will probably be burglared" and then tells them how to submit an insurance claim. The UK has a notoriously high rate of home invasions and violent crime, much more so than the U.S. To them it's like a cynical lottery that happens to some people and you just hope it isn't you someday because there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Fewer guns would not create more criminals.

Yet the UK's violent crime rate is higher than ours.


And lots of countries with fewer guns have lower violent crime rates. We have by far the most guns in the world, shouldn't we have the least violent crime? We don't. Fewer guns would not create more criminals.

But, but, but....your claim was that absent guns there won't be vicious predators like this is proven false yet again...

Stop making things up you troll. Post where I have ever made that claim.
Am I really the only one who can see there is more to this story? A 17 year old breaks in and rapes a woman. Then drags her to neighbors house to get money? Even fires his gun in the air to scare neighbor. A 17 year old shouldn't be so not worried about getting caught. Something very strange here.
Am I really the only one who can see there is more to this story? A 17 year old breaks in and rapes a woman. Then drags her to neighbors house to get money? Even fires his gun in the air to scare neighbor. A 17 year old shouldn't be so not worried about getting caught. Something very strange here.

What? A criminal rapist shouldn't be worried about getting shot for being a violent criminal? Well. we always knew you were trying to help the bad guys. Thanks for admitting it.
Am I really the only one who can see there is more to this story? A 17 year old breaks in and rapes a woman. Then drags her to neighbors house to get money? Even fires his gun in the air to scare neighbor. A 17 year old shouldn't be so not worried about getting caught. Something very strange here.

What? A criminal rapist shouldn't be worried about getting shot for being a violent criminal? Well. we always knew you were trying to help the bad guys. Thanks for admitting it.

I'm saying it's strange he was not worried about being caught or being shot for that matter. You need some reading comprehension.
Can you imagine how many home invasions we would have if homeowners did not possess a lot of guns?

I don't think it would effect the rate at all.

It does brain...studies show that burglaries while people are home happen far more often in Britain and Canada because no one has guns...while American burglars avoid meeting the homeowner....because of the fear of getting shot.....
Can you imagine how many home invasions we would have if homeowners did not possess a lot of guns?

It would be like the UK. Have you ever seen the movie "Millions"? A police supervisor is talking to several families about to move into the neighborhood and tells them "You will probably be burglared" and then tells them how to submit an insurance claim. The UK has a notoriously high rate of home invasions and violent crime, much more so than the U.S. To them it's like a cynical lottery that happens to some people and you just hope it isn't you someday because there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Fewer guns would not create more criminals.

Yet the UK's violent crime rate is higher than ours.


And lots of countries with fewer guns have lower violent crime rates. We have by far the most guns in the world, shouldn't we have the least violent crime? We don't. Fewer guns would not create more criminals.

Brain...again, those countries had less violent crime that we had to begin with...our guns didn't increase our violence and lack of guns didn't decrease theirs.....different cultures, their people have a more submissive attitude toward authority, and don't kill as much...unless they are in uniform...then they are quite capable of murdering millions...
From Britain...on their crime problem....

An Englishman s home is his dungeon - Telegraph

But the trouble is that this kind of burglary - the kind most likely to go "wrong" - is now the norm in Britain. In America, it's called a "hot" burglary - a burglary that takes place when the homeowners are present - or a "home invasion", which is a much more accurate term. Just over 10 per cent of US burglaries are "hot" burglaries, and in my part of the world it's statistically insignificant: there is virtually zero chance of a New Hampshire home being broken into while the family are present. But in England and Wales it's more than 50 per cent and climbing. Which is hardly surprising given the police's petty, well-publicised pursuit of those citizens who have the impertinence to resist criminals.

These days, even as he or she is being clobbered, the more thoughtful British subject is usually keeping an eye (the one that hasn't been poked out) on potential liability. Four years ago, Shirley Best, proprietor of the Rolander Fashion emporium, whose clients include Zara Phillips, was ironing some clothes when the proverbial two youths showed up. They pressed the hot iron into her flesh, burning her badly, and then stole her watch. "I was frightened to defend myself," said Miss Best. "I thought if I did anything I would be arrested." There speaks the modern British crime victim.

What did the British journalist say....

ust over 10 per cent of US burglaries are "hot" burglaries, and in my part of the world it's statistically insignificant: there is virtually zero chance of a New Hampshire home being broken into while the family are present. But in England and Wales it's more than 50 per cent and climbing.

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