Teflon Trump

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Damn, I'm liking the way Trump is kicking ass and the Democratic Party media trainers are looking like whiny piss ants.

Sure, he's certainly not a programmed politician and his words can be twisted but I'm finding his style refreshing.

Besides, it's fun to watch the Democrats so desperate and reveling in hypocrisy and lies and their butts being kicked to the curb.
Are you watching some other channel?

It IS fun to watch. But not because of anything you mention....


Are you watching some other channel?

It IS fun to watch. But not because of anything you mention....


When you're controlled by hate and fear as you are, when you parrot your media trainers, when you absolutely can't apply critical thought to your own Democratic Party candidates, why should I take your opinions seriously?

I do watch your MSNBC channel for the laughs and preparation for the lies to be parroted.
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I tend to agree. I like anyone that is anti-establishment. He even makes the establishment Republican candidates worried. You won't get the establishment Republicans telling the truth about common core and immigration like he is. He's definitely not in the corporatocracy's pocket. Thus, he hasn't got a chance.

See, voters are told by the establishment what to think. Partisans on both sides of the aisle have been told that he is not a serious candidate by the establishment, despite the fact that he has been kicked around. squashed and held down, and has always managed to leverage himself and come back.

What we have in popular culture is the MSM making fun of him. (See Pogo's post.) It is, after all, so much easier to make fun of him then to actually address what he is telling us. After all, he isn't a REAL politician.

Was Ross Perot? No. He was silly. But when we look back at it now, Perot would have been better for this nation then either Clinton or Bush. His prophetic warning about NAFTA, the "GIANT SUCKING SOUND" of jobs leaving this nation was absolutely spot on. And now we have a guy that is running for the Republican ticket, who, when it comes down to brass tacks, isn't an establishment man.

He probably doesn't have any interest in playing the Globalist games that any of the traditional Republicans play. Or the Democrats for that matter.

You want someone that won't massage the CBO statistics every time they come out? This is probably your guy. You want someone that will go toe to toe with the FED, the IMF, and the World Bank, save the value of the dollar, and bring real prosperity back to middle class Americans. . . Someone who understands what it means to start up and run businesses. . . . this is probably your guy.

And he will probably be great for the late night talk shows and Comedy Central too. The only thing I trust the establishment Republicans and Democrats to do is play ball with the globalists in their plan to destroy the dollar and complete the Project for a New Middle East. IOW, more War. That includes that Sanders fellow, Ms. Clinton, and that fellow from the Bush dynasty.

In the end though, since the corportocracy owns the minds of Americans, he has about as much chance of getting elected as Ross Perot, Ron Paul, or Ralph Nadar. Americans can never do what is good for this nation and vote for someone who cares more about the nation than the interests of the elites.
If I had to lay odds in one of Trump's casinos as to who Perot likes for president right now, I'd bet he would pick Trump.
Damn, I'm liking the way Trump is kicking ass and the Democratic Party media trainers are looking like whiny piss ants.

Sure, he's certainly not a programmed politician and his words can be twisted but I'm finding his style refreshing.

Besides, it's fun to watch the Democrats so desperate and reveling in hypocrisy and lies and their butts being kicked to the curb.

The Dems are loving it.

Trump is killing the GOP brand.

He's a big steenking pile of shit that the GOP has on their heads.
"Teflon Trump"

Perhaps in the rightwing partisan bubble.

In the real world, however, Trump's ignorance, hate, and bigotry are sticking not just to him but the GOP.

You have no problem with Obama and Hillary's ignorance, hate, bigotry and divisive politics, correct?
Are you watching some other channel?

It IS fun to watch. But not because of anything you mention....


When you're controlled by hate and fear as you are, when you parrot your media trainers, when you absolutely can't apply critical thought to your own Democratic Party candidates, why should I take your opinions seriously?

I do watch your MSNBC channel for the laughs and preparation for the lies to be parroted.

Your post gets only a couple of things wrong, to wit:
  • I'm not "controlled by hate and fear" (that would be this guy's crowd, or as we like to call 'em collectively, "Forest Rump");
  • I don't have any "media trainers" -- I actually train others;
  • I don't have a "Democratic Party" or any other party;
  • I don't have an "MSNBC Channel" -- hell I don't even have a television.

But I do know a good joke when I see one.
Damn, I'm liking the way Trump is kicking ass and the Democratic Party media trainers are looking like whiny piss ants.

Sure, he's certainly not a programmed politician and his words can be twisted but I'm finding his style refreshing.

Besides, it's fun to watch the Democrats so desperate and reveling in hypocrisy and lies and their butts being kicked to the curb.

The Dems are loving it.

Trump is killing the GOP brand.

He's a big steenking pile of shit that the GOP has on their heads.

You seem upset yet hopeful that your hateful misconceptions will stick .....:laugh:
Are you watching some other channel?

It IS fun to watch. But not because of anything you mention....


When you're controlled by hate and fear as you are, when you parrot your media trainers, when you absolutely can't apply critical thought to your own Democratic Party candidates, why should I take your opinions seriously?

I do watch your MSNBC channel for the laughs and preparation for the lies to be parroted.

Your post gets only a couple of things wrong, to wit:
  • I'm not "controlled by hate and fear" (that would be this guy's crowd, or as we like to call 'em collectively, "Forest Rump");
  • I don't have any "media trainers" -- I actually train others;
  • I don't have a "Democratic Party" or any other party;
  • I don't have an "MSNBC Channel" -- hell I don't even have a television.

But I do know a good joke when I see one.

Yes you are, yes you do and your political leanings are obvious to me and everyone else.
I tend to agree. I like anyone that is anti-establishment. He even makes the establishment Republican candidates worried. You won't get the establishment Republicans telling the truth about common core and immigration like he is. He's definitely not in the corporatocracy's pocket. Thus, he hasn't got a chance.

See, voters are told by the establishment what to think. Partisans on both sides of the aisle have been told that he is not a serious candidate by the establishment, despite the fact that he has been kicked around. squashed and held down, and has always managed to leverage himself and come back.

What we have in popular culture is the MSM making fun of him. (See Pogo's post.) It is, after all, so much easier to make fun of him then to actually address what he is telling us. After all, he isn't a REAL politician.

Was Ross Perot? No. He was silly. But when we look back at it now, Perot would have been better for this nation then either Clinton or Bush. His prophetic warning about NAFTA, the "GIANT SUCKING SOUND" of jobs leaving this nation was absolutely spot on. And now we have a guy that is running for the Republican ticket, who, when it comes down to brass tacks, isn't an establishment man.

He probably doesn't have any interest in playing the Globalist games that any of the traditional Republicans play. Or the Democrats for that matter.

You want someone that won't massage the CBO statistics every time they come out? This is probably your guy. You want someone that will go toe to toe with the FED, the IMF, and the World Bank, save the value of the dollar, and bring real prosperity back to middle class Americans. . . Someone who understands what it means to start up and run businesses. . . . this is probably your guy.

And he will probably be great for the late night talk shows and Comedy Central too. The only thing I trust the establishment Republicans and Democrats to do is play ball with the globalists in their plan to destroy the dollar and complete the Project for a New Middle East. IOW, more War. That includes that Sanders fellow, Ms. Clinton, and that fellow from the Bush dynasty.

In the end though, since the corportocracy owns the minds of Americans, he has about as much chance of getting elected as Ross Perot, Ron Paul, or Ralph Nadar. Americans can never do what is good for this nation and vote for someone who cares more about the nation than the interests of the elites.

Worthy points about the political machine Duopoly. But unlike Perot, Nader, Sanders, whoever, this guy is a joke that comes with his own punchlines. He knows how to parrot the emotive language of mob mentality but hasn't the slightest understanding of how the world works. That's abundandtly clear when you hear simplistic shit like "A lot of people up there can't get jobs. They can't get jobs, because there are no jobs, because China has our jobs and Mexico has our jobs. They all have jobs." and "When did we beat Japan at anything? They send their cars over by the millions, and what do we do? When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet in Tokyo? It doesn't exist, folks. They beat us all the time."

Not a clue. Perot was a businessman too but at least he didn't bankrupt everything he touched. Legitimate third party candidates that actually have a vision are one thing but media attention-whore clowns whose only purpose in life is self-aggrandizement are quite another.

The former deserve a hard look, just because the PTB don't want us to look. The latter deserve all the mockery that they bring on themselves. The Naders and the Huntsmans and the Pauls and the Sanderses at least elevate the debate. This clown dumbs it down.
The real problem I see with this election cycle is that, unlike all other election cycles, I see NO anti-establishment candidates. There are no Ron Pauls, Mike Gravels, Cynthia McKinneys, Dennis Kuccinichs, Ralph Naders. . . nothing.

Everyone believes in devaluing the dollar and more war. It is complete insanity.

There is SO MUCH wrong with Trump. OMG, he is batshit insane. But on the MAIN ISSUES, that every other candidate that we are given, every single one of them agree on everything. Every last thing. Is that really a democracy? Is it?
Damn, I'm liking the way Trump is kicking ass and the Democratic Party media trainers are looking like whiny piss ants.

Sure, he's certainly not a programmed politician and his words can be twisted but I'm finding his style refreshing.

Besides, it's fun to watch the Democrats so desperate and reveling in hypocrisy and lies and their butts being kicked to the curb.
Damn, I'm liking the way Trump is kicking ass and the Democratic Party media trainers are looking like whiny piss ants.

Sure, he's certainly not a programmed politician and his words can be twisted but I'm finding his style refreshing.

Besides, it's fun to watch the Democrats so desperate and reveling in hypocrisy and lies and their butts being kicked to the curb.
It figures that my preferred candidate would be third from the bottom, sheesh ...
"Teflon Trump"

Perhaps in the rightwing partisan bubble.

In the real world, however, Trump's ignorance, hate, and bigotry are sticking not just to him but the GOP.
You're starting to realize Trump is becoming the frontrunner for the whole election, to knock Hillary right out of it. You're shitting in your pants. HA HA. I love it. :badgrin:
Damn, I'm liking the way Trump is kicking ass and the Democratic Party media trainers are looking like whiny piss ants.

Sure, he's certainly not a programmed politician and his words can be twisted but I'm finding his style refreshing.

Besides, it's fun to watch the Democrats so desperate and reveling in hypocrisy and lies and their butts being kicked to the curb.

Lets hope his trend continues and Trump seizes the GOP nomination.

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