Tel me again..


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Tell me again why you would want this person as our president another 4 years when he messed up the first 4 so badly


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Tell me again why you would want this person as our president another 4 years when he messed up the first 4 so badly

Could we interest you in some free government assistance in exchange for your support at the ballot box?
Leave it to Lovebears to try and make a point with a lame/inaccurate political cartoon.

Sorry, I am not a fan of having voucher based private healthcare when I retire. The ruins of the Bush economic "starve the beast" plan still adorn the streets (getting better), not a time to REDUCE food stamps and social services for the people who are affected.

4 years was not enough time for ANY president to make up for what this country endured prior to 2009 (especially with an obstructionist House), so if you are strictly using that metric, believe me, you would be upset with the McCain/Palin white house too..

Next time, TRY to be "witty" and smart. :lol:
Tell me again why you would want this person as our president another 4 years when he messed up the first 4 so badly


- Stopped a Depression
- Saved the banks and auto companies
- Passed Obamacare
- Stock Market has doubled
- Ended the war in Iraq
- Repealed DADT
- Ratified START Treaty
- Financial reform
- Lily Ledbetter Act
-oh yea.........Killed bin Laden

What have Republicans accomplished in the last four years?
Oh yea.......they saved tax breaks for billionaires
Liberal just said she likes her some free gubmint stuff.


What is it with you Neocons?

I am not a woman, I am a man. Although, I understand you have comprehension issues.. :lol:

And yes, since I do pay handsomely into SS/Medicare, I would imagine that it would not be too much to ask for something in return, like reliable and simplified care (AKA: sans-voucher). So, your insinuation of "free" is incorrect.

But, once again you work hard to create a good image for all the Neocons here... Keep it up, your contributions to thread really make you guys look good! Great job!


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