Telemundo poll: 75% of Latinos disapprove of Donald Trump...

75% of Hispanics are also for illegal immigration
His source is bad. What kind of idiot polls ILLEGALS to judge Trump on ILLEGALS? You poll United States CITIZENS about ILLEGALS not ILLEGALS.

Uhm, no.

You are stupid.

Telemundo polls American citizens who are also registered voters.

Gawd, so much stupidity has got to hurt.

Question: can you sleep at night, with your head that empty?
We watch Telemundo and Univision and Galavision, as do many literate bi-lingual Americans.

DF, you are full of nonsense. Telemundo is an excellent source. Trump did not do well in Laredo. This is something he must turn around.
Trump is still winning the hearts and minds of the Tea Party...:dance:

The last time I checked they made up about 1/3rd of this country. It is us moderates that are around 41%!!! So none of the parties can win without us! haha.
anyone who agrees with what dean says about people aint much of a moderate...anyone who says what you have said about blacks aint much of a moderate either...
Trump is still winning the hearts and minds of the Tea Party...:dance:

The last time I checked they made up about 1/3rd of this country. It is us moderates that are around 41%!!! So none of the parties can win without us! haha.
anyone who agrees with what dean says about people aint much of a moderate...anyone who says what you have said about blacks aint much of a moderate either...

The fbi says blacks commit 50% of all murders. So they must not be moderate by your standards! Of course, facts mean nothing to do as you can't accept that blacks have a serious problem that they can't seem to admit to.
Matthew, you have a hatred you can't seem to admit to.

Other than race, you seem like a sane guy.

The latinos will sink Trump before December if he can't address their concerns.
Matthew, you have a hatred you can't seem to admit to.

Other than race, you seem like a sane guy.

The latinos will sink Trump before December if he can't address their concerns.

I agree with Matthew on virtually everything except when it comes to race.

For someone who is rational and sane it doesn't make sense when he posts those comments.
I agree somewhat with statistiks take, but let me put a caveat in there; and it goes something like this...........

1. It is unlikely that Trump will be the nominee, but it is likely that whomever the repub nominee is, is going to run partially on slamming the border closed immediately, which means his/her numbers are going to look the same in the Hispanic community.............that is unless the nominee is Bush, who can't win, because 1/3 of the party will not vote!

2. Hispanic vote (believe it or not) is not the key here. A. Blacks are not going to vote in as huge numbers this time, and the repubs candidate is going to carry a larger % of them because many African Americans want that border slammed shut also. B. Obama carried a HUGE % of the Latino vote; but what if he had carried every Latino vote? Could Romney have won? Yes, if he would have carried 3.7% more of the white vote. Are there 3.7% available to the repub candidate? Oh yes, along with the African Americans who want it shut down, and a bunch of democrats who want it shut down too; and that is without even taking into account the union members who KNOW it is in their best interest to quit flooding the country with cheap labor; even if their union leaders want it because they think they can recruit them to go union.

You see, right now (forget the Hispanic vote) all the uneducated voter knows is what the media tells them. Wait a while, and let the case be made. You would think the way many people post on here, that America is all for just keeping status quo, or making all these people citizens. But oh contrair! Over 65% of the voting populace wants that border shut YESTERDAY, and the case hasn't even really been made yet. Wait till the candidates tell everyone what it is REALLY costing them, and how it is hurting their pocketbooks in wages. Still think it will only push 62-63-64-or 65%? The repubs are going to get 3.7 and much, much, more; just on this one issue!

And off topic, but I have to say this, Matthew is NOT a moderate, lol. If he thinks himself a moderate, that just cements how out of touch he really is.(or he is trying to convince that HE is what a moderate sounds like, meaning you are faaaaaaar right wing, lol. Bullshit) He may not be a far, far, far left liberal, but just his stance on his bogus, phoney-baloney, good time rockn-roll climate change nonsense, puts him squarely on Obamas voter rolls. Add to that all of his thread content on this board, and he may be Al Rodham Biden...........or Joe Hillary Gore, a new democrat for the left!
Trump's candidacy is doomed if he cannot cut that by at least 1/3d by November.
Trump is not a serious candidate, it was never his intent to actually win the nomination.

Meanwhile he continues to ruin the chances for other actual, serious GOP candidates, where Trump is further demonstrating republicans' contempt for Hispanic Americans, illustrated by this and other polls.
Matthew, you have a hatred you can't seem to admit to.

Other than race, you seem like a sane guy.

The latinos will sink Trump before December if he can't address their concerns.

How? Latinos are a teeny-tiny minority in the GOP. The real pain of this will first be felt in the 2016 GE.
1. Bush will carry 90% of the party. Those who can't vote for him because of whatever are powerless, whether Bush wins or not.

2. Hispanic vote is key in this thread.
  • Blacks will always vote in huge numbers for a Clinton, particularly with the first 'black president' wooing them.
  • The GOP is not going to carry that extra 3.7% of the white vote.
  • Thus, the GOP leadership knows the women, black, and Hispanic vote is much more important than the far right vote.
  • Most Americans want a secure border, hiring reform, and immigration resolved.
Since 75% supposedly disapprove, that should mean 25% approve.... any other Republican have a 25% approval rating from Latino's??????
The following was written six months and one day ago, and it seems, unfortunately, not much has changed for the GOP and Republican challengers concerning the Latino vote.

There is no question that Republicans will lose the White House again in 2016 if they repeat the mistakes of Mitt “I would veto the Dream Act” Romney and lose three-quarters of the Latino vote. GOP Chairman Reince Preibus has said future Republican candidates “must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform,” while former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer told the Washington Post: “It was such a clear two-by-four to the head in the 2012 election,” referring to Mitt Romney’s low share of the Hispanic vote and poor positioning on immigration, concluding that “Republicans could never win again if that’s the status.

Latino views on the 2016 GOP field Who can actually win the Latino vote Latino Decisions
Since 75% supposedly disapprove, that should mean 25% approve.... any other Republican have a 25% approval rating from Latino's??????

Come on OP and other brain dead liberals.... who has more than a 25% approval rating with Latino's!
27% of Latinos voted GOP in 2012, and the GOP got gobsmacked in the electoral vote.

The GOP needs to rethink its strategy to get Latino Voters.
Since 75% supposedly disapprove, that should mean 25% approve.... any other Republican have a 25% approval rating from Latino's??????

Come on OP and other brain dead liberals.... who has more than a 25% approval rating with Latino's!

You are stupid. You did not read the OP. Trump is not getting 25% approval, he is only getting 13%.

My bad...I was READING THIS POLL....

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support... Trump Has Commanding Overall Lead of 27.7% in Nevada Poll with 31.4% Support by Hispanics!!!

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support -- WASHINGTON July 16 2015 PRNewswire --
Since 75% supposedly disapprove, that should mean 25% approve.... any other Republican have a 25% approval rating from Latino's??????

Come on OP and other brain dead liberals.... who has more than a 25% approval rating with Latino's!

You are stupid. You did not read the OP. Trump is not getting 25% approval, he is only getting 13%.

My bad...I was READING THIS POLL....

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support... Trump Has Commanding Overall Lead of 27.7% in Nevada Poll with 31.4% Support by Hispanics!!!

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support -- WASHINGTON July 16 2015 PRNewswire --

So, you really ARE that stupid. Thanks for admitting it.

Oh, and that poll you quote is now 19 days old.
Since 75% supposedly disapprove, that should mean 25% approve.... any other Republican have a 25% approval rating from Latino's??????

Come on OP and other brain dead liberals.... who has more than a 25% approval rating with Latino's!

You are stupid. You did not read the OP. Trump is not getting 25% approval, he is only getting 13%.

My bad...I was READING THIS POLL....

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support... Trump Has Commanding Overall Lead of 27.7% in Nevada Poll with 31.4% Support by Hispanics!!!

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support -- WASHINGTON July 16 2015 PRNewswire --

So, you really ARE that stupid. Thanks for admitting it.

Oh, and that poll you quote is now 19 days old.

Yes, and what does that mean...a wild swing into favorable territory as time passes!..... It seems so as you certainly don't have the slightest idea what is really happening, but expected from a low 2 digit IQ subversive!

Monmouth Poll: 52 Percent View Trump Favorably (the Revolution has begun)
‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2015‎ ‎6‎:‎50‎:‎13‎ ‎PM · ^ | Daniel Doherty
Donald Trump is, of course, the GOP frontrunner. This explains why, like other polls before it, a brand new Monmouth University survey shows him in first place, ahead of Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL), Scott Walker (R-WI), and everyone else. (Only these two candidates, by the way, registered double-digit support with Trump in the race). And while many of us expect The Donald’s reign of relevance to end or implode eventually, there’s no denying the fact he's sittin' pretty heading into Thursday night’s primetime debate:

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