Tell me again, how EV's are GOOD for the environment??

I'm not asking for your diploma. I'm just asking what area of geology you were in.

If you weren't that's cool! I don't think you have a degree in geology. There's literally no reason for you not to answer the question unless you were lying and can't.

Just 'fess up.
good old condescending cardinal. Off the OP
Have you ever seen a gasoline fire?
No one like that. They drain oil and gas out of CE cars in the junkyard. Not so easy to remove the huge battery in EVs though. The amperage alone can kill a human being.
Have you ever seen a gasoline fire?
I have never seen gasoline in a car catch on fire. Not without the car being in a crash.

Have Electric Car's batteries caught on fire, without any external help, that is a yes.
I'm not asking for your diploma. I'm just asking what area of geology you were in.

If you weren't that's cool! I don't think you have a degree in geology. There's literally no reason for you not to answer the question unless you were lying and can't.

Just 'fess up.
He has nothing to offer.

He works on the internets to claim his science degree....
I have never seen gasoline in a car catch on fire. Not without the car being in a crash.

Have Electric Car's batteries caught on fire, without any external help, that is a yes.
That is definitely a concern. I noticed in the photo of the burnt out Tesla that firefighters had to actually dig a small pond and drown the batteries to put the fire out or at least make it not spread. Not sure how such a fire on the side of the road could be controlled...
post your patents and your diploma, if you are not a liar

I'm not asking for PERSONAL INFORMATION you fuckin' moron. I'm just asking you to fake your way along and make up an area of geology you specialized in. YOU CLAIMED your area was earth science.

Are you just really even too stupid to lie effectively?
I'm not asking for PERSONAL INFORMATION you fuckin' moron. I'm just asking you to fake your way along and make up an area of geology you specialized in. YOU CLAIMED your area was earth science.

Are you just really even too stupid to lie effectively?
Still off topic
That is definitely a concern. I noticed in the photo of the burnt out Tesla that firefighters had to actually dig a small pond and drown the batteries to put the fire out or at least make it not spread. Not sure how such a fire on the side of the road could be controlled...
Democrats dont care
Unlike you and your associates degree in Janitorial management. Why don't you tell us all about science.
I actually double majored at WI with a BS in Economics & Political Science.

The university taught me to think critically and now I rely on people who dedicate their lives to their field of learning. Which is why I believe in AGW and carbon dating for example.

I don’t think a knee-jerk bullshit interest search replaces actually understanding an issue.
I actually double majored at WI with a BS in Economics & Political Science.

The university taught me to think critically and now I rely on people who dedicate their lives to their field of learning. Which is why I believe in AGW and carbon dating for example.

I don’t think a knee-jerk bullshit interest search replaces actually understanding an issue.

Too bad you didn't do any actual physical science. Might help you with understanding technical topics.
I have never seen gasoline in a car catch on fire. Not without the car being in a crash.

Have Electric Car's batteries caught on fire, without any external help, that is a yes.
The technology is in it's infanthood. Just like there were many airplane crashes during the early days of public air travel, there will be mishaps in the EV world.

But you dig in your heals and hold onto your fossil fuel automobile as long as you can. In a few years, gas stations will be as hard to find as EV chargers are now.
The technology is in it's infanthood. Just like there were many airplane crashes during the early days of public air travel, there will be mishaps in the EV world.

But you dig in your heals and hold onto your fossil fuel automobile as long as you can. In a few years, gas stations will be as hard to find as EV chargers are now.
Infanthood? You mean infancy.

Batteries, Everready and Duracell have made batteries for how many centuries?

Got to wonder why an electric car battery is 1000's of little batteries all soldered together with a nice computer contantly monitoring for that explosion.
what evidence have you seen to believe?
Sure, that post coming from a guy who has "seen" no evidence of 2020 election fraud but believes the Big Lie.

BTW the IPCC and every scientific organization on the subject of AGW.

Can you offer a single scientific organization which doesn't support human caused AGW?
Got to wonder why an electric car battery is 1000's of little batteries all soldered together with a nice computer contantly monitoring for that explosion.

I'm sure it's some nefarious reason and couldn't POSSIBLY be a design consideration for how Li ion batteries operate.

What is it like not knowing ANYTHING technical about ANYTHING? It must be scary finding evil intent behind every single design you disagree with.

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