Tell me again why Barack Obama has been such a bad president

Because hes against EVERYTHING they stand for.

Just ask Obama what he stands for and they will take the other side even if it means they have to flip flop.

This has GOT to be his theme song.

[ame=]Stuck in the Middle with you - Stealers Wheel - YouTube[/ame]

And this, his motto.

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't.”

Eleanor Roosevelt
[ame=]Dan Hicks and his Hot licks-How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away - YouTube[/ame]

My dedication to the tea party
wow.. the Obama 2012 ads are literally flying out now...

[ame=]Democrats' Rainbows and Unicorns - YouTube[/ame]
You Think Obama

A Few Rebuttals

From the left: “He should have pushed for a much bigger stimulus in 2009.”

That’s the view of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, now gospel among liberals. It’s true economically but bears no relationship to the political truth of that period. Consider that in December 2008, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, a hardcore liberal Democrat, proposed a $165 billion stimulus and said he would be ecstatic if it went to $300 billion. President- elect Obama wanted to go over $1 trillion but was told by House Democrats that it absolutely wouldn’t pass. In exchange for the votes of three Republicans in the Senate he needed for passage, Obama reduced the stimulus to $787 billion, which was still almost five times Rendell’s number and the largest amount that was politically possible.

From the right: “The stimulus and bailouts failed.”

When Obama took office, the economy was losing about 750,000 jobs a month and heading for another Great Depression. The recession ended (at least for a while) and we now are adding several thousand jobs a month -- anemic growth, but an awful lot better than the alternative. How did that happen? Luck?
The failed stimulus, the gov't. takeover of healthcare, cap and trade, his habitual lying, his inability to lead, his ego, and the fact that he is backed by socialists. Anything else?
You Think Obama

A Few Rebuttals

From the left: “He should have pushed for a much bigger stimulus in 2009.”

That’s the view of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, now gospel among liberals. It’s true economically but bears no relationship to the political truth of that period. Consider that in December 2008, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, a hardcore liberal Democrat, proposed a $165 billion stimulus and said he would be ecstatic if it went to $300 billion. President- elect Obama wanted to go over $1 trillion but was told by House Democrats that it absolutely wouldn’t pass. In exchange for the votes of three Republicans in the Senate he needed for passage, Obama reduced the stimulus to $787 billion, which was still almost five times Rendell’s number and the largest amount that was politically possible.

From the right: “The stimulus and bailouts failed.”

When Obama took office, the economy was losing about 750,000 jobs a month and heading for another Great Depression. The recession ended (at least for a while) and we now are adding several thousand jobs a month -- anemic growth, but an awful lot better than the alternative. How did that happen? Luck?
The failed stimulus, the gov't. takeover of healthcare, cap and trade, his habitual lying, his inability to lead, his ego, and the fact that he is backed by socialists. Anything else?

he's not a neocon/repub/conservative/old pasty white guy
The article repeats the oft-printed falsehood that the gov't will make money on the bailouts. Not true. Its just more Enron-style accounting gimmicks. Fannie and Freddie absorbed several hundred BILLIONS in losses from the PRIVATE banks to help Treasury's accounting.

But that's not all:

ltra-low interest loans provided by the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis turned out to be direct corporate welfare to big banks," Sanders said. "Instead of using the Fed loans to reinvest in the economy, some of the largest financial institutions in this country appear to have lent this money back to the federal government at a higher rate of interest by purchasing U.S. government securities."

The Federal Reserve claimed at the time that the emergency loans were needed so banks could provide credit to small- and medium-sized businesses that desperately needed money to create jobs or to prevent layoffs. "Instead of using this money to reinvest in the productive economy, however, it appears that JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Bank of America used a large portion of these near-zero-interest loans to buy U.S. government securities and earn a higher interest rate at the same time, providing free money to some of the largest financial institutions in this country."

Sanders had to fight tooth and nail to uncover these transactions.

The Obama administration is slimy and corrupt, especially at Treasury.
He's black. For Conservative Confederate Republicans, that's enough.

:eek:So you're saying he's black?? Dang, someone told me that the other day and I didn't believe them. Do you have a link for that?? :lol:
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You Think Obama

A Few Rebuttals

From the left: “He should have pushed for a much bigger stimulus in 2009.”

That’s the view of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, now gospel among liberals. It’s true economically but bears no relationship to the political truth of that period. Consider that in December 2008, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, a hardcore liberal Democrat, proposed a $165 billion stimulus and said he would be ecstatic if it went to $300 billion. President- elect Obama wanted to go over $1 trillion but was told by House Democrats that it absolutely wouldn’t pass. In exchange for the votes of three Republicans in the Senate he needed for passage, Obama reduced the stimulus to $787 billion, which was still almost five times Rendell’s number and the largest amount that was politically possible.

From the right: “The stimulus and bailouts failed.”

When Obama took office, the economy was losing about 750,000 jobs a month and heading for another Great Depression. The recession ended (at least for a while) and we now are adding several thousand jobs a month -- anemic growth, but an awful lot better than the alternative. How did that happen? Luck?

If Federal Government borrowing and spending created private sector JOBS--we would be in JOB HOG HEAVEN right now. Obama's intent as it has always been, is to make Americans more and more dependent on the government--because if left on their own policy making decisions--wouldn't win elections.

$food stamp President.jpg

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill
I will tell you why Obama is such a bad president. Becuase he is a crooked son of a bitch that makes his decisions based on what he can do to further his own ego and get reelected...when he should be focused on getting us out of this hole he has consistently dug for us. Somebody needs to take away his check book! Most people realize that you cannot keep writing checks when you have sunken into debt.
I will tell you why Obama is such a bad president. Becuase he is a crooked son of a bitch that makes his decisions based on what he can do to further his own ego and get reelected...when he should be focused on getting us out of this hole he has consistently dug for us. Somebody needs to take away his check book! Most people realize that you cannot keep writing checks when you have sunken into debt.

and this is different in what manner of other presidents and politicans, and urself also?

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