Tell me the story of Rhodesia?


Gold Member
I really dont know much about that either, but I do know that the Rhodesian Bush War was a couple of whites against an African dictator and his troops and half the world. They lost I think and now it's Zimbabwe. Do you think they are racist? Like I said, I don't really know much about it.

Back in the 1960's, the British Empire was falling apart in southern Africa. The honky population of what was then called Southern Rhodesia declared its independence and proclaimed the Republic of Rhodesia. (Northern Rhodesia became the Republic of Zambia- so they could and did drop the "southern" part of its name)

The whites and blacks fought for control of Rhodesia for many years, with the blacks coming out on top.

Mugabe became the leader of the nation which was relabeled as Zimbabwe which it is known as today. Even though Mugabe was a Liberal, the libs ended up hating him because he didn't pander to homosexuality. Most of the honky population of Zimbabwe ended up leaving.
They used a kick-ass shotgun in the bush.


About 500 were imported. They issued them the point guys.....They used a duplex load of BB and #1 buckshot.


I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Pumpkin ... Because I got her the day before Thanksgiving a few years back.
Her breed is one that was bred to corner lions and protect the family and livestock.

She's a really good dog ... :thup:

Rhodesia used to be the largest food supplier in Africa. They had vast fields and orchards, huge herds of cattle, sheep and Goats. Robert Mugabe seized the farms and ranches that were largely white owned. The seized property was given to his soldiers. The farmers were slaughtered, the black farm workers were killed. Everyone that knew anything about farming was killed. The crops were burned in the fields, the orchards were burned to the ground. Even the roots were left a smoking ruin, the huge herds were all killed and the carcasses left to rot.

Predictably Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe fell into famine. But, since Zimbabwe provided food to most of the continent the famine was widespread. Mugabe took his complaints to the UN and complained that white supremacists had destroyed his country's economy.

I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Pumpkin ... Because I got her the day before Thanksgiving a few years back.
Her breed is one that was bred to corner lions and protect the family and livestock.

She's a really good dog ... :thup:

A family living along the foothills had two Ridgebacks in their yard when a mountain lion attacked them. Mountain lions are known to attack pets. In this case the lion did get away with the two dogs wondering "where did our toy go."
Rhodesia was the champion state of Americans that currently like to fly confederate flags whenever they can

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