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Yes, I do speak Hungarian fluently, Spanish some and used to know French since that was my major in college before I dropped out. :(

That's was a very long time ago, so although sometimes I'll get the gist of a sentence in French...I'm lost if I have to speak it or understand someone speaking it.

Languages were always my favorite subject..maybe because they were easy A's for me.
I was even the runner up in the spelling bee in 7th grade in Pittsburgh but now even with spell check...I make mistakes. :(

I blame my keyboard for those, you can too :D

Me too, languages have always fascinated. I could never understand why other kids in school complained about English class. For me it was just natural, didn't have to study at all. Likely has much to do with one's environment-- I had two very literate parents who could be proofreaders. Or we could call it Asperger's.

When I lived in Paris I liked to hang out at the Centre Pompidou where on the fifth floor was a self-guided language lab. You could study anything -- Finnish, Welsh.... the most challenging in terms of pronunciation was and still is Scottish Gaelic.

I'm also a Brazil nut (afficionado of Brazilian music) so I've gotten pretty good handling Portuguese. One of the nicest compliments I ever got was while I was doing a Brazilian music show on radio and a listener called to say "I just want you to know, I'm from Bahia, and you have no accent". I was on cloud nine all day. :)
I can speak seven languages....English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Italian and Japanese

But I only know how to say Yes

Yes, Si, Oui, Ya, Da, Si and Hai
I can speak seven languages....English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Italian and Japanese

But I only know how to say Yes

Yes, Si, Oui, Ya, Da, Si and Hai

When I was vagabonding in Europe I asked every foreigner I met to teach me the seven basic phrases in their language: "Good moring/evening", "please", "thank you", 'you're crazy", "I love you" and "shit!"

Think I remember Dutch, Norwegian and Arabic out of that.

Arabic was always the most fun. Just because it tickled other Arabs to see a westerner teaching a German girl how to say "khara".
I'm a dog lover, had two and my second one is winding down. They don't live long enough, it just ain't right. I have an allergy to cats and find them interesting. I work in people's homes, some have cats and they are always curious but generally won't let you approach them. Except one guy who said his cat was like a dog. And it was. I was hammering away on a door frame and he was inches away watching. any other cat would have been hiding in the furtherest recesses of the house cursing my very existence.

I'm a conservative and an artist, go figure. Lived in Germany for seven years, am a product of war (like most of us) lived in the deep south and NYC. very different worlds.

I've lived in Fresno since 2003

I'm thinking of downsizing as I live in a 2,000 sq ft home with my 9 year old's getting to be too much for me. Thinking of moving closer to daughter in Monterey.
I lived in Fresburg for 5 years and went to college there. Finished my last semester in Monterey. Monterey is VERY different and expensive, as you probably know. Sell a house in Fresno and you won't have enough to buy a shed there. Maybe in Salinas though.
Iceweasel , I do know that but the plan is in a couple years my daughter and SIL want to downsize and are looking for a smaller home for themselves and one with a casita or mother in law dwelling on the property.

So, it's not going to cost me anything, except maybe the price of a storage unit to hold some stuff that wouldn't fit.
I do have my own room with bathroom already at daughter's and that's always a possibility until they find the right property. My SIL is a major golfer and would like a home that near/backs up to a gold course.
Iceweasel , I do know that but the plan is in a couple years my daughter and SIL want to downsize and are looking for a smaller home for themselves and one with a casita or mother in law dwelling on the property.

So, it's not going to cost me anything, except maybe the price of a storage unit to hold some stuff that wouldn't fit.
I do have my own room with bathroom already at daughter's and that's always a possibility until they find the right property. My SIL is a major golfer and would like a home that near/backs up to a gold course.
I lived in 17 Mile Drive (Pebble Beach golf course). It was just a guest room but beautiful area. I learned that money doesn't make people happy.
Beautiful area, have been many times. I love the whole Monterey peninsula.
The rich retirees of Northern California get to choose between Monterey or Lake Tahoe.

I would like the Lake better. But the Ocean is fine too.
Is stating I pee about 5:15am noteworthy?
You have a thunder mug?

Master bathroom works just fine.
When I was a kid the outhouse was 75 yards from the house. Thus a thunder mug under every bed. Just sayin'.
Also known as a "chamber pot" in England.

Until indoor plumbing came to the world, everyone used chamber pots.

They would put them under a wooden seat which a big hole cut into it in the shape of what we now call a toilet seat.

I guess you can set the chamber pot outside the door after you used it so that the "gall" would not stink up the room.
Is stating I pee about 5:15am noteworthy?
Whenever my cat wakes me in the morning to feed him or take him for a pre-dawn walk before the dog walkers come out, pee-ing is the first thing my body wants to do too.

So if he wakes me at 4 a.m., or 4:30 a.m., or 5:00 a.m. etc. then that's when.

I noticed from field maneuvers with the military that this is true of all males as well.

I also noticed from my platoon (50 or more) of girlfriends in my life that females do the same thing.

So all males and females are alike in this respect. Probably all mammals as well.

Cats, dogs, ponies, and horses are not that different than us people are, in most respects.

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